
ALDA at the CSOCoFoE Final Event: Presenting final recommendations

ožu 17, 2022

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After a year of consultations, the Conference on the Future of Europe is coming to its end, alongside with the Civil Society Convention for the Conference on the Future of Europe (CSOCoFoE).

Since the beginning of 2021, the latter has brought together over 82 European networks and platforms with constituencies all over Europe, connecting millions of people involved in different aspects of European life, from education to culture, social inclusion, care for the environment, governance, and transparency. 

As its closure, the Civil Society Convention for the Conference on the Future of Europe is organising a Final Event, which will take place on March 21st-22nd, 2022. The event will have a hybrid format, hosting participants both in Brussels and online. 

As leader of the European Democracy thematic cluster, Antonella Valmorbida – Secretary General of ALDA – will join the event and take the floor during the Democracy Panel on March 21st.

During this event, the recommendation papers from the five thematic clusters from the Conference on the Future of Europe – namely, Digital Transformation, Social Europe, Our European Life, Climate Change and European Democracy– will be presented. 

These recommendations have been drafted through a bottom-up approach, including crowdsourcing of national and civil society organisations.

As leader of the European Democracy thematic cluster, Antonella Valmorbida – Secretary General of ALDA – will join the event and take the floor during the Democracy Panel on March 21st, from 14:00 to 15:15.  

The event will involve MEPs, network organisations, professionals, citizens and other key stakeholders. To consult the detailed agenda of the CSOCoFoE Final Event click here.

If you are a representative of a civil society organisation and you wish to join the event, register here by March 17th, 2022. 


Useful links

Read the article on ALDA’s role in the Civil Society Convention on the CoFoE

Civil Society Convention for the Conference on the Future of Europe

Civil Society Europe

Conference on the Future of Europe