SMELT project: free workshops by Center for Democracy Foundation
15 siječnja, 2022As part of the SMELT project, the Center for Democracy Foundation organized free workshops in order to strengthen the capacity and increase the knowledge of participants as far as their labor rights concern, while encouraging them to actively participate in the labor market.

ALDA and its Members: a strong priority and new initiatives for 2022
14 siječnja, 2022Despite the big challenge the whole world is still facing, 2021 marked a great year for ALDA: spreading democracy, supporting local initiatives are at the heart of the Association’s activities. Yet, much of this has turned into real thanks to, and in collaboration with, members and friends of ALDA.

ALDA welcomes the French EU Council Presidency
13 siječnja, 2022This newly started 2022 has also marked the inauguration of a new Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Following Slovenia, from the 1st of January 2022, France has taken over the Presidency for the next six months, until June 30th, 2022.

ALDA mournes the loss of David Sassoli, European Parliament President
11 siječnja, 2022It’s with great sadness that we acknowledge the loss of David Sassoli, European Parliament President and former journalist.

Winter Greetings & Happy New Year from ALDA
22 prosinca, 2021Winter Greeting and Happy New Year from ALDA President, Mr. Oriano Otočan, ALDA Secretary General Mrs Valmorbida and all the ALDA team!

Back to the future! PART-Y steps in 2022
21 prosinca, 20212022 will bring great new steps and activities for PART-Y Project! Let’s have a look at them together.

Online fake news and local democracy: The final international event of the DIGITAL project
21 prosinca, 2021From 17 to 19 November 2021, the 5th and final event of the DIGITAL project- Supporting Democratic Union and Active Citizenship in Digital Era – took place in Madrid, Spain.

Towards the creation of an online course for professors teaching students from migrant backgrounds!
20 prosinca, 2021This month, ALDA welcomed the partners of the DEVOTE project (Developing the Competencies of Teachers to Integrate Students from Migrant Background into European Schools) in Strasbourg in order to work together on the development of the online course foreseen by the project.

New accreditation for ALDA bringing the ELoGE to Kosovo
20 prosinca, 2021After the first steps of the programme in Croatia and North Macedonia, ALDA was awarded with the accreditation to implement the European Label of Governance Excellence (ELoGE) in Kosovo*.

“Post-catastrophic cities in a comparative perspective”: interpretation in Europe and abroad
17 prosinca, 2021The event “Post-catastrophic cities in a comparative perspective” supported by the program Normandy for peace, was held on a hybrid format the 13th of December 2021 in Skopje, North Macedonia.

Earth Guardians: call for the 2022 edition of /e.mò.ti.con/ illustrate emotion
17 prosinca, 2021The call for the 2022 edition of /e.mò.ti.con/ illustrate emotion entitled Earth Guardians and dedicated to human being’s role as guardian of the planet is online!

A new promising partnership between ALDA and IRDP
14 prosinca, 2021On Monday, December 13th, 2021, a very special event took place, sealing a new valuable partnership between ALDA – the European Association for Local Democracy and IRDP – Institute of Research and Dialogue for Peace.

ACHIEVE Project: international meeting to reflect and dialogue on European values
13 prosinca, 2021The ACHIEVE – Awareness of Common History for Identifying and Extending the Values of Europe – project had its 3rd International event from 5 to 7 December in Peja, Kosovo*.

ALDA in Western Balkans: a strategy for a renewed commitment
10 prosinca, 2021During the last meeting of the Governing Board of ALDA, held on Thursday December 2nd2021, all members agreed upon a strategic document concerning a more reasoned and effective action to be implemented by the Association and its network in the Balkan Region.

Third and final international event of the ‘Recruit’ project in Madrid
6 prosinca, 2021The Community of Madrid hosted, on 24th and 25th of November 2021, the third international event of the RECRUIT Project.

Ukraine Working Group: 2021 annual meeting
3 prosinca, 2021Since 2015, when the Ukraine Working Group was firstly created by the European Committee of the Regions (COR), leaders of local-government associations and city mayors gather to reflect and share perspectives and concrete knowledge on Ukraine state of art in terms of politics and reform.