ALDA e Vicenza: Una collaborazione Strategica dalle radici sempre più profonde
12 veljače, 2024È con grande entusiasmo che annunciamo il consolidamento della collaborazione tra ALDA – l’Associazione Europea per la Democrazia Locale – e il territorio vicentino. Il 9 febbraio 2024, il Consiglio Direttivo di ALDA ha ufficialmente accolto il Comune di Vicenza e il Centro Servizi al Volontariato della Provincia di Vicenza (CSV) nella sua rete di soci.

The Eye of The Voter
9 veljače, 2024AT A GLANCE Within the project “The eye of the voter”, 30 volunteer election observers …

RESPOND LOCALLY TO GLOBAL ISSUES: Implemented Strategies and Funded Projects
9 veljače, 2024To ensure sustainability and promote good governance and citizen participation at the local level in Europe and beyond, in February 2023 ALDA launched the call “Respond locally to Global Issues”, supporting members in achieving their goals in several fields, including European integration, decentralisation, human rights, social inclusion, sustainable development and civic initiatives.

ALDA expands to Kyiv: Empowering Local Democracy in Ukraine
8 veljače, 2024We are thrilled to announce that ALDA has officially begun operating from Kyiv (Ukraine)!

Cultivating inclusivity: The impact of the ‘SPORTS 4 ALL’ initiative
7 veljače, 2024Recognised across various sectors, the “SPORTS 4 ALL” initiative emerges as a source of innovation and inspiration.

7 veljače, 2024Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs): Instrument for Cooperation, Community Cohesion, and Development in Ukraine

6 veljače, 2024EnLIGHTening future Schools to deliver BLUE Sustainability in Europe

Empowering young people with disabilities through democratic participation
5 veljače, 2024In a significant stride towards inclusivity and empowerment, the consortium of partners of the project EXTRA-C convened for a pivotal Training of Trainers event from January 23 to 26 in Porto, Portugal.

Trento European Volunteering Capital 2024: creating an active community in favour of solidarity, participation and civic engagement
5 veljače, 2024We are delighted to announce that the city of Trento (Italy), #ALDAmember, is this year’s …

Strengthening democracy by the #EUCivilDialogueNow initiative: a call for a better civil space and dialogue
24 siječnja, 2024We are proud to announce that ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy – signed the open letter #EUCivilDialogueNow from the EESC’s Civil Society Group and Civil Society Europe, calling on the European Institutions to take concrete measures to implement the provisions of the Treaty on European Union for an open, transparent and regular dialogue with civil society in all policy areas.

ALDA’s commitment to Ukraine: Securing grants for local initiatives and recovery
23 siječnja, 2024ALDA is delighted to announce its recent success in securing two grants, furthering its commitment to community development and resilience in Ukraine. These grants mark a significant step in ALDA’s mission to address pressing social needs and support new Ukrainian members.

23 siječnja, 2024Extraordinary Citizens aims at encouraging and facilitating the inclusive participation of young people with intellectual and physical disabilities in the society, especially in the democratic processes that affect them directly, that means in the socioeconomic, cultural and political factor.

23 siječnja, 2024Empower young women to drive change in their communities, by providing them with a supportive intercultural, inclusive, and sustainable learning environment.

CCRI Knowledge Hub
23 siječnja, 2024Knowledge hub to leverage existing initiatives and projects to foster the adoption for Circular economy in Cities and Regions in Europe.