Contribution of the EaP Civil Society Forum and ALDA to the first CORLEAP meeting
9 rujna, 2011Speech of Mrs Antonella Valmorbida, Co- Chair of the Steering Committee of Civil Society Forum for Eastern Partnership and Director of the Association of the Local Democracy Agencies at the first session of the CORLEAP conference in Poznan.

Steering Committee in Ohrid
6 rujna, 2011Macedonian and French stakeholders will meet in Ohrid from 12 to 15 September in order to discuss the programme for decentralised cooperation between the Region Lower Normandy and Republic of North Macedonia.

European priorities and local youth needs: a seminar held in Strumica (MK)
5 rujna, 2011The Coalition of Youth Organizations SEGA in cooperation with House of Europe of Caen (France), in Strumica organised a seminar on “European priorities and local youth needs in the youth field” on August 19 and 20.

A regional conference on management of architectural, urban and landscape heritage
5 rujna, 2011The National Association of Towns and Regions of Art and History and tows with protected areas in cooperation with the Regional Council of Lower-Normandy, will organise a regional conference in order to discuss the tools for protection and development of the heritage.

Public administration reform in EaP countries: position paper of the Civil Society Forum for the first session of CORLEAP
25 kolovoza, 2011Coalition of Youth Organisations – SEGA in cooperation with Europe House of Caen (France) organise a seminar on “European priorities and local youth needs in the youth field.” in the hotel Sirius – Strumica

Seminar: “European priorities and local youth needs in the youth field”
18 kolovoza, 2011Coalition of Youth Organisations – SEGA in cooperation with Europe House of Caen (France) organise a seminar on “European priorities and local youth needs in the youth field.” in the hotel Sirius – Strumica

Naples 2.0, an international social innovation competition. ALDA invites the LDAs and its members to participate
3 kolovoza, 2011UniCredit Foundation, in collaboration with the European Network of Civil Society Leaders Euclid Network and Project Ahead has launched an international competition entitled “Social Innovation for Naples”, targeting social innovators from across the world.

Intact project: new knowledge, new motivation
26 srpnja, 2011Young participants from Croatia, France, Italy, Malta, the Republic of North Macedonia and Romania took part in the summer school “Get involved. Participate for Europe and your Town”.

Local Democracy Agency Armenia to open in Gyumri, Armenia in October 2011
20 srpnja, 2011On July 13 and 14 a preparatory partner meeting for LDA Armenia took place in Yerevan to discuss the establishment of an LDA in Armenia.

Intact Project Summer School
20 srpnja, 2011“Get involved. Participate for Europe and your Town” is the claim of INTACT Project Summer School that will take place in Strasbourg from Wednesday 20th to Saturday 23rd, 2011.

Civil Society Forum for Eastern Partnerhip’s Meeting
16 srpnja, 2011The Steering Committee of the Civil Society Forum for Eastern Partnership met in Brussels on the 14th and 15th of July 2011 and had also a meeting with Commissioner Stefan Fuele to decide about further steps for cooperation.

Municipality of Medijana and LDA Nis: Together Toward EU
13 srpnja, 2011Municipality of Medijana, central and biggest municipality in the City of Nis, started the process of developing a ten-year Local Sustainable Development Strategy, 2011 – 2021.

Civil society in action for partnership and dialogue – First steering meeting of IPA2009 Bosnia project
12 srpnja, 2011The first Steering Group Meeting of the Project Civil Society in Action for Partnership and Dialogue was held in Mostar on 5th July and hosted by the partner organisation Local Democracy Agency Mostar.

ALDA Workshop and LDA Armenia partner meeting in Yerevan, Armenia
12 srpnja, 2011On July 12 ALDA together with the Union of Communities of Armenia will organise a workshop on Local Self-government and citizen participation in Armenia.

Business Forum – “Doing Business Together”
12 srpnja, 2011Within the framework of the project “Georgian Diaspora for Development in Kutaisi”, in order to support local entrepreneurship and promote locally produced goods, Business Forum “Doing Business Together” has been held in Kutaisi on 28 May, 2011.

The Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (IT), New Vicepresident of ALDA
11 srpnja, 2011President of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, is the new Vicepresident of ALDA.
The long lasting member of ALDA was elected by the Assembly of ALDA members, that took place in Bydgoszcz (9th of July).