
A key Governing Board meeting on the eve of ALDA General Assembly

lip 26, 2021

Good governance

The 15 members of ALDA Governing Board, including our President, Mr Oriano Otočan, gathered for their annual meeting on the eve of the ALDA General Assembly, in the afternoon of Thursday June 24th.

As often, this period of the year is the occasion to make the point on ALDA’s activities and to disclose and discuss key documents for the democratic life of the Association, passing towards the review and approval of the Governing Board.

The members of the Governing Board had then the opportunity and duty to discuss about core documents such as ALDA and ALDA+ accounts for 2020 and budget and program for 2021, which have been approved unanimously by all participants. Indeed, despite the challenging year that we leave behind us, the Association’s balance sheet showed an overall positive and promising situation.

Following all the Governing Board members started planning the preparation of the ALDA General Assembly

Following all the Governing Board members started planning the preparation of the ALDA General Assembly with a series of crucial decisions for the smooth progress of the Assembly, being the core event of the whole week.

All of them, along with the ALDA secretariat went through the documents and decisions to be discussed with our members on the following day, assuring a clear and detailed presentation of ALDA’s activities, going also through the internal reports drafted by the President, the Treasurer, and the Auditor of ALDA. Thereafter, the Governing Board members had the chance to enjoy the preview of both ALDA’s and the LDA’s Activity Reports.

The third and last part of the meeting was more centred on strategical and political issues, with the approval of the revised strategies for ALDA Going Global, general updates on the Local Democracy Agencies, on the members and on the upcoming events involving the Association.

Key decisions and discussion which paved the way to the awaited ALDA Ordinary General Assembly!