In a world grappling with the urgent challenges of climate change, the EU24 Engage for the Planet project emerges as a sign of empowerment. Spanning five European countries – Sweden, Poland, Germany, Netherlands, and France – this ambitious initiative will bring together domestic and mobile union citizens to foster dialogue and action in the realms of climate justice, climate change, and sustainability.
Over the course of 20 months, gender long as balanced blended exchange events will serve as catalysts for democratic engagement and bridge the participation gap among young citizens, individuals from diverse backgrounds, and mobile union citizens.
Within this initiative, ALDA is organising a poster competition to link all the events together through climate-related themes. This competition is a key dissemination and inclusion element throughout the project: an unique opportunity for artists, designers and passionate individuals from all backgrounds to showcase their creative talent while raising awareness about challenges and issues of the climate crisis.
Let your creativity flow and create a visual masterpiece that inspires change and engages our communities
As a result, this initiative will enable participants to link local issues of climate change, climate justice and sustainability to larger debating events. It will also stimulate a gender-balanced & diversity-oriented participation of citizens from diverse backgrounds through a participative and creative format.
Moreover, by participating in the EU24 Poster Competition, candidates will have the chance to make a meaningful impact while friendly competing to win exciting prizes. Indeed, winners will be invited to the EU24 Engage for the Planet final event in Brussels (), on June 2024. Imagine showcasing your artwork and contributing to the collective effort to tackle climate change!
The first deadline for the mobility art poster submission is on September 1, 2023. Don’t miss the opportunity to have your artwork seen by everyone: best posters will be selected and displayed at the Mobility Event in Strasbourg () on September 28, 2023, to reward winners’ talent and commitment towards sustainability.
Please complete the form to ensure your participation: let your artistic voice be heard!