
Inclusion of youth in the post-pandemic period: the E-VOICE partners met in Romania

svi 15, 2023

Youth empowerment & Education Linked project:

The “E–VOICE: A Voice for Europe”,  project partners and a delegation of Italian youngsters, met in Mioveni (Romania) from 19 to 21 April, where it was discussed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lifestyle and education of young people.

During the three days, the representatives of 6 countries discussed with students and teachers of the two high schools in Mioveni (Liceul Teoretic “Iulia Zamfirescu” and Liceul Tecnologic Construcții de Mașini Mioveni), as well as the director of Mioveni’s social assistance department, the aftermath of COVID-19 on education, mental health and social dynamics.

The youngsters had the chance to find out, beyond figures, institutional and scientific analyses, public policies and crisis measures, what was the human, emotional, cultural and social reaction of their peers to the pandemic both in their local community and in other countries. The discussions were focused on education and the unpredictable impact of the pandemic on young minds, on the way children and adolescents perceive themselves in a society where everyday certainties have been suddenly relativised.

The three-day event gave to the project consortium the opportunity to discuss youth inclusion in the post-pandemic period

The consortium had the chance to visit Mioveni City Hospital, where they discussed the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the healthcare system, how doctors had to adapt day by day to the challenges brought by COVID-19 in order to help those suffering from the disease as efficiently as possible, and how they successfully treated more than 2000 patients.

The next sites visited were the Orthodox Cathedral “Saints Peter and Paul”, the Mioveni Technological High School for Machine Building and the Golești Museum of Viticulture and Pomiculture.

The project, under the “Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV)” programme, is carried out by a partnership of 7 countries – Italy (Gazzo), Romania (Mioveni), Croatia (Sibenik), Bulgaria (Union Of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities – UBBSLA), Spain (Fondo Andaluz de Municipios para la Solidariadad Internacional- FAMSI), Belgium (Association of Cities and Regions for Sustainable Resource Management- ACR+) and France (ALDA – The European Association for Local Democracy).

The next phase of the project will take place in Sibenik (Croatia) in September. Stay tuned for further updates!