REACTION project started from the core topic of the WELCOME project, which was focused on the resource WATER, and opened the horizon to other resources that local authorities should base their action on, particularly in times of crisis. Thus, the project aims to reinforce the networks between municipalities by strengthening their cooperation on thematic axes, all linked by the key word “resource”.

The project focuses on specific elements which the municipalities should consider as resources and appropriately activate, in order to promote the citizens wellbeing and the good development of the community.
It is structured on three different thematic events, each of them developing and debating around one specific resource deemed essential for the good development of the European citizenship:
- event 1: “The local resources” – Spittal an der Drau (Austria)
It will be aimed to reflect and promote the cooperation and synergy among the relevant stakeholders at local level, such as LAs, CSOs, the business community and so on, in the perspective that the multisectoral and multiactors strategy can be a winning solution to overcome the crisis - event 2: “Citizens as a reasurce for the development of local communities” – Marghita (Romania)
Citizens should represent the main resources for the well-being and the development of the local communities. This event will reflect on the core role of the citizens in EU and will promote those participatory mechanisms that help citizens to be real protagonists in building up of Europe (i.e volunteering) - event 3: “Europe as a resource” – Sacile, Brugnera, and Porcia (Italy)
Nowadays nobody in Europe can live without Europe. The idea of this event is to reflect on and promote the positive impact that the EU has at the local level, as well as on the promotion of the quality of the life of all the citizens of the EU. In order to ensure a wide impact of the action, beside the international events each partner will activate in its territory an awareness and networking path, aimed to mobilise local citizenship on the topics of the project.