15 travnja, 2024Balkans for Optimising Opportunities, Sustainability and Transformation of Civil Society

13 veljače, 2024Environmental monitoRIng through Civic engAgement

CCRI Knowledge Hub
23 siječnja, 2024Knowledge hub to leverage existing initiatives and projects to foster the adoption for Circular economy in Cities and Regions in Europe.

23 siječnja, 2024Scaling up the energy poverty approach

18 siječnja, 2024Empowering the future of energy transition, POWERYOUTH engages young minds in sustainable practices. Our participatory approach fosters dialogue between youth and stakeholders, supported by innovative tools.

CID – Circular Design for bio-based innovation towards climate-neutral cities
4 siječnja, 2024A new vision of urban design, architecture, bio-innovation and climate neutrality.

13 rujna, 2023Urban planning and sustainable mobility

CreateUp – Promoting Entrepreneurship For The Cultural And Creative Sectors
6 rujna, 2023Increasing education and fighting unemployment