The SMELT project – Skilling Marginalised people to Enter Labour Market – is aiming to face the paradox of business sectors experiencing workforce shortage and the high number of vulnerable people unemployed, by supporting marginalised people in acquiring and developing key competences strategical for the labour market.
Marginalisation, is often due to a lack of adequate education and/or specific technical skills, which contribute to cut off those people from the labour market and, as a consequence, exacerbates their social isolation and marginalisation. This vicious cycle perpetuates inequality, marginalisation, poverty and isolation.

Create a tailor-made training model in order to facilitate vulnerable people’s access into the labour market and, more in general, into social tissue, providing them both with technical and specific skills, and soft and digital ones.
Specific courses will be carried out to explain how to create a CV, where to send it, how to find job offers and to reach the job center. The idea at the basis is to foster their inclusion and participation in the society.