ALDA celebrates the Earth Day in Peja/Pec (Kosovo) within the “Youth wears green” project
Aprile 23, 2012More than 30 young people coming from 4 different European countries celebrated the “Earth Day” in Peja/Pec (Kosovo) with interactive actions in the main square of the City.

Volunteerism as a factor for social cohesion
Aprile 23, 2012In the period of 25 and 26 April 2012, in Caen, the capital of the French Region Lower Normandy, the Coalition of youth organisations – SEGA and the House of Europe in Caen, will organise Study visit on the topic “Volunteerism as a factor for social cohesion”.

Meeting of Lower Normandy ‘s municipalities involved in cooperation with Macedonian’s local authorities
Aprile 21, 2012A meeting of municipalities and communities from the Region of Lower Normandy who cooperate with the Macedonian municipalities will take place on April 25 in Caen.

TIC-TAC project: infoday Europe for Citizens in Bratislava
Aprile 20, 2012The Union of Towns and Cities of Slovakia, in co-operation with ALDA and City Bratislava, organises InfoDay Europe for Citizens that take place in Bratislava, on the 21th of April, 2012, within the ALDA Project TIC-TAC

Youth wears green – youth exchange in Peja/Pec
Aprile 19, 2012ALDA is now implementing in the city of Peja/Pec the project Youth wears Green, in the framework of the Youth in Action Programme and in collaboration with TcK “Tavolo Trentino con il Kosovo”. The topic of the exchange is the environmental protection.

Volunteers – EU promoters in community – The youth training started by the lecture of Croatian MP on the European Union
Aprile 18, 2012On Saturday 14th April 2012 the first training session for young volunteers who want to become EU promoters in their community took place in the premises of the Local Democracy Agency in Osijek.

LDA Georgia partner meeting in Strasbourg
Aprile 17, 2012The partner meeting of LDA Georgia will take place in Strasbourg on 19th of April 2012. The meeting will be held by the Municipality of Strasbourg, lead partner of the LDA.

Kosovo customs police send back five young Georgians participants of a youth exchange programme promoted by ALDA
Aprile 17, 2012A group of five young people from Georgia, was not allowed to enter Kosovo for a Youth Exchange promoted by ALDA and Tavolo Trentino per il Kosovo, for unjustified reasons.

Call for candidatures for the upcoming election of the ALDA Governing Board
Aprile 11, 2012The elections for the new Governing Board of ALDA will take place on 7th of June during the morning session of the ALDA General Assembly in Udine (I).

Decentralised cooperation Lower Normandy – North Macedonia: Macedonian partners steering committee
Aprile 11, 2012On April 2, 2012 in the municipality of Veles (MK) the Macedonian partners of the Decentralised cooperation between Lower Normandy and Macedonia, met during Intermediate Steering Committee.

Exchange of best practices between Thiene and Ijevan
Aprile 10, 2012Within the cooperation project between the Municipalities of Thiene (I) and Ijevan (AM), a study visit of a delegation of the Armenian City will be held in Thiene (10-13 April 2012).

Partner meeting of the LDA Armenia in Lyon
Aprile 6, 2012On April 4-5 the partners of LDA Armenia held meeting at the Region of Rhone Alpes in Lyon. They met to discuss how to organise the future work of the LDA and its strategic and action plan.

First training session of the TIC-TAC project: a fruitful exchange between the partners
Aprile 4, 2012The international training session of the project TIC-TAC was a success since it allowed a fruitful exchange between the partners of the project, who were mostly represented.

ALDA at the workshop for upgrading Algerian Rural Heritage
Aprile 3, 2012The workshop took place from 28 to 29 March 2012 in BouSaâda (Algeria).
Vice president of ALDA, Mr. Alessandro Perelli, attended to the workshop.

ALDA launched the WTD Alliance, a partnership for development
Aprile 3, 2012ALDA launches the activities and information campaign on the European Citizens Initiative, which represents a new and innovative tool for citizens’ participation in Europe.