Sisak after the earthquake: portrait of a new reality
Gennaio 29, 2021The whole Sisak County was shaken that Tuesday morning, December 29th, 2020, few minutes past midday. While the epicentre was only 5 Km from Petrinja, the earthquake hit the whole area, namely the towns of Glina and Sisak.

Food Wave call launch: let’s lead the change!
Gennaio 26, 2021Lead the change and participate to our call for proposals with your project idea!

International day of education: learning by playing video games or how video game can be at the service of education?
Gennaio 25, 2021If the future of education is digital and especially if video games can be used to be in the service of education. Instead of learning by doing, we go to learning by playing video games.

EU goes local in Western Balkans: meeting with DG NEAR
Gennaio 22, 2021On 21 January ALDA and the Balkan Network for Local Democracy (BNLD) held a meeting with representatives from the European Commission.

PCPA training in Hammamet: three days of hard work
Gennaio 18, 2021Within the framework of the coordination of the Local and Participative Democracy Pole of the PCPA project, set up with the Tunisian scouts, ALDA organised a training course taking place from 11 to 13 December 2020 in Hammamet, Tunisia.