Supporting Democracy worldwide: ALDA in Mexico for the 2023 Global Forum
Febbraio 21, 2023The “2023 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy” will take place in Mexico City from February 27, until March 4, 2023. This year’s Global Forum represents a great opportunity for Mexico and Latin America, not only for the importance and weight of the topics discussed, but also because it will be the first one held in the Western Hemisphere after more than 10 years.

Reconnecting with members and partners in Ukraine: Bucha and Mariupol State University are ready to become ALDA Members
Febbraio 20, 2023No one should be left behind, especially under war circumstances. ALDA is working exactly to achieve this aim: bridging institutions and CSOs together to create a network of stakeholders that will reconstruct Ukraine, day by day.

Scintilla / Spark Group
Febbraio 17, 2023Better Living Now!

Febbraio 17, 2023Participation Inclusion and Engagement of Communities in Europe

Febbraio 17, 2023Cities And Metropolis in Europe Labouring Onward Together

Febbraio 17, 2023Small Alliance Representing Territories (ITAT2049)

The Grey4Green Consortium in Aarhus: nature conservation and fighting climate change
Febbraio 16, 2023From the 1st to the 4th of February 2023 the 6 partners of the Grey4Green project met in Aarhus, the second biggest city of Denmark at the Fo-Aarhus premises.

LDA Mostar and LDA Edremit: job shadowing activities on work and cooperation with local government
Febbraio 15, 2023Representatives of the Turkish Municipality of Edremit visited the Local Democracy Agency Mostar today in order to learn more about its work.

Respond Locally to Global Issues – Call for proposal for local actions on Sustainability
Febbraio 15, 2023ALDA, in the context of the Operating Grant of the CERV programme – will support participatory actions in the field of sustainability. Don’t miss your chance to participate, as at least 16 EU BASED ALDA MEMBERS will be funded!

Welcome ALDA Italia: the locally registered branch of ALDA in Italy!
Febbraio 14, 20232023 kicks off with a great news, being the official registration of ALDA in Italy, in Vicenza: this event marks the establishment of ALDA Italia Aps (ALDA Italy Association of Social Promotion), as a locally registered branch of ALDA.

Join the LDA Mariupol Partners Meeting: activities go on, paving the way for a stronger and free LDA
Febbraio 13, 2023On 24 February 2023, ALDA, in cooperation with the Municipality of Gdansk and the LDA Mariupol itself, organises ameeting among the partners of the LDA Mariupol.

In Marseille to promote intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean area with the Anna Lindh Foundation network
Febbraio 13, 2023From 30 January until 3 February, 2023, ALDA was in Marseille for the Heads of Networks meeting and the French network General Assembly of the Anna Lindh Foundation.

Earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria and aftermath: let’s stand together
Febbraio 13, 2023The entire ALDA team and Governing Board express their deepest condolences and support to all states and communities affected by the terrible earthquakes that have impacted many countries and have had deadly consequences in Türkiye and Syria.

“HEY! What is Happening?” a guide towards more equal and inclusive communities
Febbraio 13, 2023LDA, as partner of the H.E.Y! project – Heightening the Engagement of Youth – is pleased to present you the 1st Project Result “HEY! What is Happening?”, an innovative guide developed by the project consortium, composed of partner organisations from Cyprus, Italy, France, Ireland, Spain and Portugal.