European Treasure Hunt in Strasbourg
Aprile 30, 2024On 9 April, five young candidates to the European elections met and exchanged with young citizens in Brussels in an event organised by Stand Up for Europe.

Empowering inclusive communities: Insights from the INCLUDATE training in Gdynia, Poland
Aprile 30, 2024From April 15 to 19, ALDA’s project managers, alongside members from Sos Malta, We Youth, and the Street Art Museum of Amsterdam (SAMA) from Amsterdam (Netherlands), were part of a transformative 5-day training journey on migration inclusion in Gdynia, Poland.

Shaping the future of ALDA: Meet the Candidates for the 2024-2028 Governing Board Mandate!
Aprile 29, 2024On Monday, April 22, 2024, the ALDA Governing Board convened virtually to deliberate on the Association’s future strategy and to approve the roster of candidates contending for the new Governing Board term spanning 2024 to 2028. These candidates will undergo election during the forthcoming ALDA General Assembly 2024, slated from May 13 to 15 in Barcelona, Spain.

BOOST Kick-off Event to Drive Transformation in the Balkans
Aprile 26, 2024On the April 30 in Tirana (Albania), there will be a kick-off event for BOOST: Balkans for Optimising Opportunities, Sustainability and Transformation of Civil Society

Building partnerships and progress: highlights from the ALDA Odesa meeting
Aprile 23, 2024The recent ALDA Odesa meeting brought together key stakeholders to review achievements and plan for the future.

Young citizens and European elections candidates debate in Brussels
Aprile 23, 2024On 9 April, five young candidates to the European elections met and exchanged with young citizens in Brussels in an event organised by Stand Up for Europe.

Students and young professional meet at TALE’s World Cafè in Rome
Aprile 23, 2024On 19 April 2024, in the framework of the European Youth Week, students, young professionals, and local associations met in Rome, Italy to discuss the upcoming European elections as well as youth participation beyond the voting process.

Combating hate speech, discrimination and religious intolerance through cooperation and civil society engagement
Aprile 23, 2024Together with the partners, we develop strategies and activities to counter intolerance and hate narratives, involving local entities and young people to disseminate positive messages and improve democratic construction.

Wild Talks: A Citizens deliberation on Nature and Biodiversity
Aprile 23, 2024The partners of the REAL DEAL project invite you to participate and share your experiences in a citizen decision-making space focused on shaping the future of Europe’s environmental landscape.

Assessing European Political Groups Manifestos for a Sustainable Future
Aprile 21, 2024On 26 March at the seventh edition of REAL DEAL’s Civil Society Forum for Sustainability, representatives from Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) assessed the promises of political manifestos.

YOUTH Taking the lead: a TALE World Cafè in Rome
Aprile 19, 2024In the framework of the European Youth Week, on April 19, 2024, a successful local event of the TALE – TAke the Lead in the European Elections action took place at Re-Work in Rome, Italy.

1st Youth Forum Exchange and 3rd transnational partner meeting in Novo Mesto, 1-5 April 2024
Aprile 18, 20242030 Youth Vision partners and young people met at First Youth Forum in Novo Mesto, Slovenia.

Empowering Civil Society: A Roadmap for Socio-Ecological Transition within the European Green Deal
Aprile 16, 2024The Real Deal is a community of people living in Europe who are taking action to build a new model of environmental citizenship for Europe

The “Speak up” project launches with kick-off meeting in Bucharest
Aprile 16, 2024Speak up is an Erasmus+ project, which aims at fostering youth engagement and participation through the creation of a resilient network of youth debate clubs across Romania, Cyprus and Hungary

Citizens Participation: The Heart of the Green Transition
Aprile 15, 2024On April 11, the event “What’s new for Green Living Areas?” organised in the framework of the Green Living Areas Thematic Community Kick-off, took place in Turin, Italy.

Unlocking the potential of immersive technologies and participatory democracy: the MEDIUM Training of Trainers in Lousada
Aprile 15, 2024The recent Training of Trainers of the Erasmus+ MEDIUM project allowed us to discover the possibilities that innovation and technologies may bring to citizen engagement.