
“Participate in Europe: new tools and opportunities”. ALDA conference on European Citizens Initiative

A conference on European Citizens Initiative will take place in Vicenza (Italy), promoted by ALDA, with the SMEs Association Confartigianato Vicenza and the European Federalist Movement.

A conference on European Citizens Initiative will take place in Vicenza (Italy), promoted by ALDA, with the SMEs Association Confartigianato Vicenza and the European Federalist Movement.
The event is organised in the framework of the activities and information campaign launched by ALDA on the European Citizens Initiative .

ECI represents a new and innovative tool for citizens’ participation in Europe. Entered in force the 1st of April 2012, it will allow 1 million citizens from at least seven EU countries to invite the European Commission to bring forward proposals for legal acts in areas where the Commission has the power to do so.
“This is a challenging proposal, which needs to be fully understood by citizens. It does not represent a final step towards direct democracy but it is to be conceived as an important instrument for mobilisation of interest in Europe”. says Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA.
A guide published by the European Union explains what the citizens’ initiative is about, how to sign up to initiatives and how to organise an initiative.