
STAR Project first international event in Arcugnano

Since November 2019, in collaboration with ALDA, the Municipality of Arcugnano is leading the European project “STreet ARt project”, co-funded by Europe for Citizen Programme of the European Union. Aimed at building a network of European cities to promote street art as a tool for increasing citizens’ participation, the project is intended to – among others – to connect people of different cultures; regenerate depressed and abandoned areas, while reducing marginalisation.

Since November 2019, in collaboration with ALDA, the Municipality of Arcugnano is leading the European project “STreet ARt project”, co-funded by Europe for Citizen Programme of the European Union. Aimed at building a network of European cities to promote street art as a tool for increasing citizens’ participation, the project is intended to – among others – to connect people of different cultures; regenerate depressed and abandoned areas, while reducing marginalisation.

From a general perspective, it involves participants from 14 European countries, such as: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Germany, The Netherlands. More specifically, from 21st to 23rd July the Municipality of Arcugnano is pleased to announce and host the first international event organized within the project: two days of exchanging experiences and thoughts regarding the role of street art in building more inclusive and creative European communities.

 Two days of exchanging experiences and thoughts regarding the role of street art in building more inclusive and creative European communities

The event takes an hybrid form, which see the onsite participation of nine European delegations partner of the project coming from Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and The Netherlands. The remaining five European delegations from Albania, Germany, Serbia, Czech Republic and Poland, will attend the international event online due to national covid related restrictions, preventing them from travelling abroad. 

Concerning the event, on the first day on 21st July, the Municipality of Arcugnano and its community will welcome the European “STreet ARt project” partners and the project will be officially presented to the community. During the second day, at 11.30, a public conference will be held in the Council hall of the Municipality. The conference will investigate the importance and impact of street art for regenerating depressed areas and promoting social inclusion. 

Relevant speakers will take part into the discussion:

  • Antonio Ceccagno – Italian street art expert and 
  • Luis Gomez – international street artists

Finally,it will be organized to exchange ideas and reflect on how street art can contribute to the regeneration of a territory and stimulate civic engagement. The conference is targeted to artistic and cultural civil society organizations, students and young generations. Participants will join a tour of city murales, after the conference. Along the 2 days event, the Municipality will additionally host an artistic residency in which the international street artist Luis Gomez will create a mural on the local school walls.

The participation to the conference is free (subject to availability)

Please register by filling the following form:

For more information, please contact Nadia Di Iulio, Project Manager of the project STAR: