
Communication Department’s Retreat: Learning, Bonding and Innovating in Villa Fabris

Team members from the Communication Department from ALDA’s Vicenza, Strasbourg and Brussels offices came together for two days of learning, collaboration and creative brainstorming.

On the 19th and 20th of August 2024, ALDA’s Communication Department gathered for its annual retreat in Villa Fabris, Thiene (Italy). Team members from the Communication Department from ALDA’s Vicenza, Strasbourg and Brussels offices came together for two days of learning, collaboration and creative brainstorming.

The retreat began with a welcoming breakfast, setting a relaxed tone for the days ahead. The morning kicked off with an ice-breaking session and internal assessment, offering everyone an opportunity to reflect on the department’s strategies, celebrate successes, and identify areas for growth. This session encouraged open dialogue and helped strengthen the bond between team members.

A major focus of the first day was on creativity and visual communication. The team engaged in a Graphic Design class, which provided them with the tools to create compelling visuals. From foundational design principles to advanced techniques, the training was essential in helping the team elevate ALDA’s outreach materials, ensuring they remain engaging and aligned with the orgàanisation’s mission.

In the afternoon, a brainstorming session opened the floor for new ideas, allowing everyone to contribute to upcoming campaigns and projects. This exchange of ideas was a dynamic moment, filled with creativity and forward-thinking strategies that will inform the department’s work in the future.

Team members from the Communication Department from ALDA’s Vicenza, Strasbourg and Brussels offices came together for two days of learning, collaboration and creative brainstorming

The second day turned to the growing importance of video in communication. The team participated in a Video Making class, where they gained hands-on experience in video production. The workshop covered everything from storyboarding and shooting to editing, ensuring that the team is well-prepared to create content that not only informs but inspires action-critical in supporting ALDA’s ongoing projects.

After lunch, a wrap-up session allowed the team to reflect on the skills and knowledge gained over the past two days. The session reinforced the shared commitment to enhancing ALDA’s communication efforts and promoting local democracy and citizen engagement across Europe.

To close the retreat, participants enjoyed some well-deserved relaxation with outdoor activities. This leisure time provided the perfect balance after two days of intense learning and collaboration.

The retreat was an outstanding success. It brought together team members from three offices, not only strengthening their creative and technical abilities but also deepening their collaboration. With new ideas, enhanced skills, and a renewed sense of purpose, the Communication Department is now even better equipped to amplify ALDA’s message and advance its mission throughout Europe.