The aim of this project is to strengthen the capacities for internal management of ALDA Skopje in accordance with the democratic principles of good governance, transparency and accountability. The way to accomplish this goal is through the development of the strategic practices of ALDA Skopje in cooperation with ALDA Europe and by adopting of ALDA Europe’s documents and systems for internal management and adjust them for the needs of ALDA Skopje.
Also, one of the benefits of this project is strengthening the capacities of local civil society organisations through the transfer of knowledge, practices and mentorship on behalf of ALDA Skopje towards two smaller organisations.
- Improving the structures for good internal management of ALDA Skopje through the adoption of ALDA Europe’s documents and systems for internal management and adapting them to the needs of ALDA Skopje;
- Strengthening the capacities of ALDA Skopje through the development of the strategic practices of ALDA Skopje in cooperation with ALDA Europe;
- Strengthening the capacities of local civil society organisations through the transfer of knowledge, practices and mentorship on behalf of ALDA Skopje towards two smaller CSOs.
This project consists of five types of activities: Management and coordination, communication and visibility, improvement and adaption of the existing documents for internal management, strengthening the capacities of the ALDA Skopje office for internal management and mentorship and strengthening capacities of other CSOs.
The first activity consists of coordination of the activities for administrative and financial management as well as implementation, monitoring, visibility and communication of the overall activities. This activity will be implemented by ALDA Skopje in coordination with ALDA Europe and in consultation with MCIC.
Afterwards, a communication strategy will be elaborated in order to provide through visibility and efficient communication on the implementation of the activities and results of the project also through website and social networks.
For the needs of the forth activity, a study visit in ALDA Europe office in Vicenza, Italy will be organised; as well as a training for strategic planning in the framework of the study visit in ALDA Europe office and a training for accounting and administrative management in the ALDA Skopje office.
In the end, during the fifth activity ALDA Skopje will share the expertise gained during this project with two smaller organisations in North Macedonia.