The city of Izmir, in Türkiye, hosted the annual meeting of the Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly (ARLEM) on 7-8 November 2022. Happening at the same time as the COP27, this year’s Plenary focused on climate action in the Mediterranean area, while emphasising the role of Local Authorities as key actors involved in the process. Hence, in order to achieve the target and meet the ambitious goal, every stakeholder needs to be taken into account.
From a general perspective, ARLEM fosters decentralised cooperation and local democracy; while promoting regional cohesion among the countries joining the Assembly. Considering the expertise on democracy promotion, as well as the strategic position played by ALDA both in Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Türkiye; Bartek Ostrowski – Vice President of ALDA together with Giulia Sostero – Middle East & Africa Coordinator, and Apolline Bonfils – Project Manager & Head of Strasbourg Office were invited to join the meeting.
At ARLEM in Türkiye, to strengthening and improving the Mediterranean region
More in detail, inclusiveness and resilience of Mediterranean cities, sustainable urbanism were among the main topics discussed. Similarly, entrepreneurship represented one of the key issues tackled at the meeting.
As demonstrated by the successful project “THE:PLACE” – Programme for Local Authorities and Civil Society Exchange – , for example, the Association laid the foundation for further collaboration with both several CSOs also attending the meeting; and the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality.
Overall, by joining the annual ARLEM meeting in Türkiye, ALDA further exchanged and interacted with other stakeholders, for the strengthening and improvement of the region.