Normandy for Peace: 5 years of activities between North Macedonia and Normandy
Settembre 5, 2022Starting in 2006, the Norman and North Macedonian territories have developed their cooperation through different projects, partnerships, initiatives and activities.

Discover the CAP-PERI project videos and learn more about the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and its implications!
Settembre 2, 2022Before the CAP-PERI project came to its end, five videos for each of the cities involved in the project were developed. The videos accurately describe the main activities of CAP-PERI in an interesting and engaging way.

Five creative outputs for the CAP-PERI project!
Agosto 30, 2022One of the achievements of the CAP-PERI project consisted in the creation of five different, innovative and creative outputs.

The Festival Théâtres Nomades to stress the importance of climate and environment
Agosto 25, 2022On August 19 and 20, 2022 in Brussels at Bois de la Cambre, ALDA took part in the Festival Théâtres Nomades and it was a big success!

#BeInclusive EU sport Awards 2022: Erasmus+ Prize calls
Agosto 23, 2022On August 19 and 20, 2022 in Brussels at Bois de la Cambre, ALDA took part in the Festival Théâtres Nomades and it was a big success!

Democracy needs you: join the citizens’ jury of the “European Capital of Democracy”
Agosto 22, 2022On 19-20 August 2022, Vienna, the capital of Austria, welcomed for the second time the Experts’ Jury of the “European Capital of Democracy” (ECoD).

“Milan Sport United” call for the participation in the training workshop “sport, inclusion and volunteering”
Agosto 17, 2022Aiming to encourage integration and social inclusion of refugees in the Metropolitan City of Milan through different activities, the project focuses on sport as a medium through which communication avenues can be opened between people, no matter their social status and background.

ALDA for citizens’ participation: a growing engagement
Agosto 16, 2022Awarded with the European Union’s Operating Grant of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV), ALDA promotes the participation of citizens and local communities to the Union Values.

ALDA keeps demonstrating its solidarity and commitment to Ukraine
Agosto 16, 2022In a tweet, Antonella Valmorbida, Secretary-General of ALDA, re-stated ALDA’s position towards the war against Ukraine, underlining ALDA’s continuous support to the Ukrainian population and reiterating the willingness to establish a new Local Democracy Agency in Vinnytsia.

Participative deliberative democracy at the core of the training in Tunisia
Agosto 10, 2022Earlier this summer, at the end of July, the Secretary General of ALDA – Antonella Valmorbida – delivered the second module of training on “participative deliberative democracy” in Sousse for participants from the cities of Kairouan and Mahdia in Tunisia.

Book your free training on citizens participation and EU funds!
Agosto 9, 2022ALDA, with the support of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme of the European Union, has just launched a one-of-its-kind training opportunity for ALDA members only, to get to know more about European projects promoting citizens participation and engagement, and to learn how to get the right information about European fundings.

Festival Theatre Nomades: Join ALDA and its team
Agosto 5, 2022ALDA has been invited to take part in the Festival Théâtres Nomades and we could not be more excited! The event will take place from August 18 to 21, 2022 in Brussels at Bois de la Cambre and it is dedicated to street arts and theatre.

Il Giardino di Alice, the family theatre review is back in Vicenza!
Agosto 2, 2022The family theatre review Il Giardino di Alice, organised by the Vicenza-based company “exvUoto teatro” with the support of the Municipality of Vicenza, returns to Vicenza.

Food Wave supports 16 project ideas led by Municipalities and targets Young People, all over Europe!
Luglio 30, 2022The Food Wave – Empowering Urban Youth for Climate Action is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme and promoted by the Municipality of Milan together with 29 partners across 17 countries. 16 Projects were selected for the Food Wave Call for proposals directed to Municipalities and Cities!

3rd ALDATalk to exchange ideas on Urban Migration
Luglio 27, 2022On 22nd of August ALDA held the 3rd #ALDATalk dedicated to exchange ideas on Urban Migration.

How to talk about the Schuman declaration? Discover the DESIRE project!
Luglio 25, 2022Discover the various and innovative activities on “Schuman Declaration” done by the DESIRE project partners in Italy, Bulgaria, Portugal, Serbia, North Macedonia, Belgium, Slovenia and Croatia!