Wild Talks: A Citizens deliberation on Nature and Biodiversity
Aprile 23, 2024The partners of the REAL DEAL project invite you to participate and share your experiences in a citizen decision-making space focused on shaping the future of Europe’s environmental landscape.

Assessing European Political Groups Manifestos for a Sustainable Future
Aprile 21, 2024On 26 March at the seventh edition of REAL DEAL’s Civil Society Forum for Sustainability, representatives from Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) assessed the promises of political manifestos.

YOUTH Taking the lead: a TALE World Cafè in Rome
Aprile 19, 2024In the framework of the European Youth Week, on April 19, 2024, a successful local event of the TALE – TAke the Lead in the European Elections action took place at Re-Work in Rome, Italy.

1st Youth Forum Exchange and 3rd transnational partner meeting in Novo Mesto, 1-5 April 2024
Aprile 18, 20242030 Youth Vision partners and young people met at First Youth Forum in Novo Mesto, Slovenia.

Empowering Civil Society: A Roadmap for Socio-Ecological Transition within the European Green Deal
Aprile 16, 2024The Real Deal is a community of people living in Europe who are taking action to build a new model of environmental citizenship for Europe

The “Speak up” project launches with kick-off meeting in Bucharest
Aprile 16, 2024Speak up is an Erasmus+ project, which aims at fostering youth engagement and participation through the creation of a resilient network of youth debate clubs across Romania, Cyprus and Hungary

Citizens Participation: The Heart of the Green Transition
Aprile 15, 2024On April 11, the event “What’s new for Green Living Areas?” organised in the framework of the Green Living Areas Thematic Community Kick-off, took place in Turin, Italy.

Unlocking the potential of immersive technologies and participatory democracy: the MEDIUM Training of Trainers in Lousada
Aprile 15, 2024The recent Training of Trainers of the Erasmus+ MEDIUM project allowed us to discover the possibilities that innovation and technologies may bring to citizen engagement.

Introducing BOOST project – Capacity building for CSOs in the Western Balkan
Aprile 15, 2024ALDA is launching the BOOST project – Balkans for Optimising Opportunities, Sustainability, and Transformation of Civil Society, officially commencing on 1 April, 2024.

Aprile 15, 2024Balkans for Optimising Opportunities, Sustainability and Transformation of Civil Society

Building Resilient Communities: Insights from the International Mayors’ Summit in Moldova
Aprile 15, 2024In the heart of Mons, Belgium, amidst the 10th European Summit of Regions and Cities on March 19, 2024, the ADL Zavidovići Association, a member of ALDA, received the prestigious Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award.

Celebrating Resilience: ADL Zavidovići honoured with Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award in Mons, Commemorates in Brescia
Aprile 15, 2024In the heart of Mons, Belgium, amidst the 10th European Summit of Regions and Cities on March 19, 2024, the ADL Zavidovići Association, a member of ALDA, received the prestigious Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award.

Inaugurating the “Bench of Europe” in Vicenza
Aprile 15, 2024On 13 April, on the occasion of the inauguration of the “Bench of Europe” in Vicenza on 13 April, Antonella Valmorbida, Secretary-General of ALDA, presented the Better Europe Together campaign.

The Alta Via Della Grande Guerra at the European Parliament: nature, history and the promotion of European values
Aprile 15, 2024On Thursday, 11 April 2024, in Brussels (Belgium), at the European Parliament took place the presentation of the Alta Via della Grande Guerra (AVGG) project, an initiative of cohesion and promotion of the Vicenza mountains that retraces some emblematic places of the First World War that today represent a real “open-air museum” of the Great War.

The Alta Via Della Grande Guerra arrives at the European Parliament: among nature, history and the promotion of European values
Aprile 12, 2024The Alta Via della Grande Guerra represents a significant example of collective participation and collaboration to create a stronger, more inclusive and unified Europe.

Speak Up for the European elections
Aprile 12, 2024ALDA gave a presentation on the European elections to the Partners of the Speak Up project, looking for synergies two months ahead of the elections. We also presented ALDA’s own campaign for the European elections, Better Europe Together, in which the partners were invited to participate.