The project’s roots come from reviving the legacy of Rossini’s opera by conjugating it with modern forms of arts, such as theatre, music, design, cooking.
Co-designing and co-development processes between young artists coming from different European countries will cooperate for the co-creation of an opera theatre piece based on Rossini’s opera, and with the active involvement of citizens. Indeed, audience engagement workshops and activities will be organised in 4 European countries (Italy, North Macedonia, Greece and Portugal) to inspire people with different forms of art.
Bravo Bravissimo aims at promoting social inclusion and the wellbeing of society through the promotion of culture and through the valorisation of young emerging artists.
In addition, the project aims at raising awareness on common history and values, reinforcing the sense of belonging to a common European space. The project takes into account the dual nature of culture, recognising, on the one hand, its intrinsic and artistic value, and, on the other hand, its economic value, including its important contribution to social inclusion.

Within this framework, the project focuses its attention on important aspects to strengthen the promotion of culture:
- Encouraging people to explore Europe’s rich heritage and the world of opera;
- Encouraging young artists to improve and exchange their skills
- Making citizens reflect on the impact that culture can have in all our lives.