
Promoting entrepreneurship for the cultural and creative sectors: the CreateUp project

Promoting entrepreneurship for the cultural and creative sectors: the CreateUp project.

The creative industries are dynamic and ever-changing, presenting both opportunities and challenges for artists and cultural professionals. In the modern world market, individuals in these fields need more than just talent to thrive—they need a robust set of entrepreneurial skills. This is where the Create Up project, an Erasmus+ EU funded initiative, comes into play. The project’s primary aim is to equip artists and creative professionals with the necessary competencies to navigate and succeed in today’s competitive market, reducing the risk of unemployment and fostering a culture of innovation.

Identifying crucial competencies

To address the gap in entrepreneurial skills within the artistic sector, the Create Up team conducted extensive research to identify key competencies crucial for success. Drawing insights from the European Commission’s EntreComp, which outlines the competencies needed for entrepreneurial success, the project has distilled these into six essential areas:

  1. Financial & economic literacy;
  2. Working with others;
  3. Spotting opportunities;
  4. Planning & management;
  5. Mobilizing resources;
  6. Coping with ambiguity & uncertainty;

Create Up eLearning Course: a tailored approach to learning

After extensive research and development, the Create Up project has launched its eLearning course, designed to cater to learners from the artistic field and educators alike. This innovative online course is structured around the six key competencies, offering a comprehensive and tailored learning experience.

Understanding that learners come with varying levels of experience and knowledge, the course is structured into three levels for each competency:

  • Foundation: for beginners who are new to entrepreneurial concepts.
  • Intermediate: for those with some experience looking to deepen their understanding.
  • Advanced: for experienced individuals aiming to refine their skills and stay ahead in the market.

Before starting the course, learners can take a self-assessment test that evaluates their current knowledge and skills. Based on the results, they are automatically directed to the appropriate level in each module, ensuring a personalised learning journey that meets their specific needs.

Upcoming Conferences and International Collaboration

The outputs of the Create Up project and especially its eLearning course will be tested and disseminated through a series of official conferences in six countries: Slovenia, Türkiye, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Italy and France. These events will bring together artists, educators, policymakers and industry professionals to discuss the project’s findings, share best practices, and explore the future of entrepreneurship in the arts.

The final conference will take place in France in Winter 2024, serving as a culmination of the project’s efforts and a launchpad for its continued impact. This event will showcase the outstanding results of the project, highlight the contributions of the project’s partners and set the stage for future initiatives aimed at supporting entrepreneurship in the creative sector.

Find more about activities of Create up on our website and for more information about the planned conferences follow our social media platforms: LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook

As the project moves into its next and final phase, with the testing of its eLearning course and the upcoming series of conferences, it promises to make a lasting impact on the creative industries, fostering a new generation of empowered, entrepreneurial artists ready to take on the challenges of the future.