The one-year project “For a sustainable and shared mobility in Kairouan”, launched in October 2016 in Kairouan, proposes the setting up and sharing of technical and methodological tools allowing to develop a global and coherent vision of mobility in the city. The citizens of Kairouan are key in the successful development and implementation of the project, which counts on the involvement and participation of the city’s population.
The project is a response to Kairouan’s major traffic congestion problems, which have repercussions in terms of road safety, pollution and economic activity, in a city considered by the UNESCO as a World Heritage site.
The principal outcome of the project will be the improvement of urban mobility and the quality of life of the citizens of Kairouan.

The global objective of the project is to propose a multimodal strategy related to urban mobility and implemented taking into account other aspects or urban life such as urban planning, economy and the improvement of the living conditions.
In particular it envisages to achieve the following:
- Contribution to the development of the City of Kairouan through a global, transversal and coherent mobility policy.
- Promotion of the tools and methods of citizen participation within the framework of the local approach to mobility management in Kairouan.
- Participation of the population of Kairouan, especially young people, during the elaboration and implementation phase of the project through consultation.