On the 30th of November in Warsaw, Poland, the final event of the “EUScepticOBS: analyzing Euroscepticism, informing citizens and encouraging debates” project took place. The partners from 7 European countries (Poland, France, Belgium, Italy, Sweden, and Hungary) met to discuss the topics tackled during the national workshops and to prepare the final manifesto.
The project objective was to examine the evolution of the Eurosceptic parties’ position by comparing their attitudes towards different issues, from ecology to immigration.
The aim of EUScepticOBS is to avoid further political polarization within EU societies, engage soft Eurosceptic citizens in dialogue and try to regain their support for the EU’s projects.
During the project, several events were carried out across Europe, mainly held away from the capitals to attract local citizens who are less aware of European outcomes.
The workshops followed the same structure:
- The first part consisted of a citizen’s workshop in which several groups had solution-oriented debates to provide practical recommendations, each supervised by an “eminent personality”.
- The second part was a round-table between the “eminent personalities” based on the issues raised during the workshop.
The last event, recently concluded in Warsaw, was dedicated to the cross-examination of the national workshops and group discussions and the preparation of the final manifesto, which constitutes the outcome of debates.
The event was divided into two parts. During the first one the participants were divided into two groups and discussed the main issues addressed during the national workshops such as migration, the role of the European institutions, the institutional education and so on. The second part was a group discussion among all participants in which were selected the most considerable arguments and thematics for the final manifesto.
The EUScepticOBS manifesto will be soon available on the project website.