
KAS Tunisia

Empowering local authorities and civil society to deliver solutions with Participative Democracy


The project will, build capacities and solve problems, by consolidating the approach of Decentralisation in the years to come. By sharing the processes of Bottom-up Decision Making with international partners.

The impact of the work will emphasise the decentralised cooperation approach as a means to promote local development on a solid and sustainable and fair basis, thanks to a multi-stakeholder approach and aiming at implementing the global Sustainable Development Goals at the local level.


  • Providing local authorities and civil society groups with Capacities to address local problems using participatory approaches and therefore identifying more sustainable, fair and inclusive solutions
  • Co-designing action plans aimed at solving local problems
  • Creating permanent and solid links between local and regional authorities and civil society in the communities/cities targeted by the project;
  • Creating long-lasting links between communities and cities in Tunisia and European partners, following the lines of decentralised cooperation