Life Beware
Settembre 14, 2023Climate adaptation and local engagement

Settembre 14, 2023Preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of local communities in the Alpine area

Food Wave
Settembre 13, 2023Sustainable food production and consumption
Turin Municipality
Settembre 13, 2023ESN Italy
Settembre 13, 2023
Settembre 13, 2023European Platform of Integrating Cities

DAFLS – Developing Applied Foreign Language Skills
Settembre 13, 2023Educational developpement and employment growth

Settembre 13, 2023Social inclusion and engagement

Green Skills for Cities
Settembre 12, 2023Development of sustainable skills and NBS implementation in cities

Settembre 12, 2023Inclusion of people with fewer opportunities in democratic processes
Promimpresa srl
Settembre 12, 2023
Settembre 12, 2023Migrant participation and local integration

Water’s Experts
Settembre 12, 2023Water issues and climate change adaptation