Febbraio 20, 2025YOU-DARE is an interdisciplinary project funded by the European Commission that examines and challenges far-right gender narratives, aiming to protect democratic values and promote local solutions.

The Eye of The Voter
Febbraio 9, 2024AT A GLANCE Within the project “The eye of the voter”, 30 volunteer election observers …

Gennaio 23, 2024Empower young women to drive change in their communities, by providing them with a supportive intercultural, inclusive, and sustainable learning environment.

Food Wave
Settembre 13, 2023Sustainable food production and consumption

EU24- Engage for the Planet
Settembre 11, 2023Gender balance and participation of young citizens
Changemaker AB
Settembre 11, 2023
Face UP
Settembre 8, 2023European past and industrial history

CIRAN – CrItical RAw materials extraction in enviroNmentally protected areas
Settembre 6, 2023Increasing socio-economic resilience through a sustainable approach
Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning
Settembre 6, 2023
Febbraio 26, 2023New Enabling Visions and tools for End-useRs and stakeholders thanks to a common MOdelling appRoach towards a climatE neutral and resilient society