On March 12, 2024, the General Assembly of the French network of the Anna Lindh Foundation took place, marking an important moment in the ongoing commitment to fostering Euro-Mediterranean intercultural dialogue. Among the significant outcomes of this assembly was the reaffirmation of ALDA as co-head of the network, alongside Les Têtes de l’Art, a vibrant youth and cultural association based in Marseille (France).

The Anna Lindh Foundation is an organisation based in Alexandria (Egypt) created in 2004 in a follow-up initiated by the Barcelona process of 1995. At its core, the Foundation champions the noble mission of fostering Euro-Mediterranean intercultural dialogue, transcending borders and barriers to nurture understanding and cooperation across diverse communities. 

Within this expansive network, the Anna Lindh Foundation focuses on innovation and collaboration, boasting a unique co-leadership governance model shared by only a few others. ALDA, alongside Les Têtes de l’Art, has been entrusted with the responsibility of guiding and animating approximately 80 member associations spread across France

This mandate represents a call to action, and a promise to the dedication and vision of those entrusted with the task

As ALDA continues with another mandate, we will do so with a profound sense of purpose and commitment. Building upon the groundwork laid during the preceding years, ALDA is motivated to continue the work generated by past initiatives and lead the network towards new heights of collaboration and impact. 

The significance of this continued leadership role cannot be overstated. In an era marked by division and discord, the work of organisations like the Anna Lindh Foundation takes on added importance. By fostering dialogue and cooperation across cultures and communities, they serve as a base for positive change, laying the groundwork for a more inclusive and harmonious future.

As the French network of the Anna Lindh Foundation charts its course for the years ahead, it does so with a sense of optimism and determination. With ALDA and Les Têtes de l’Art at the helm, it is poised to navigate the complexities of our interconnected world by fostering inter and intra-networks synergies through the constant development of regionalised national actions of members and solidifying their main transversal work thematics: Youth and Education, Art and Culture and Environment. 

On 8 March 2024, ALDA took part in the Conference “Building Sustainable Municipalities – What Does it Take?”, organised by U-LEAD with Europe, a multi-donor action of the European Union and its member states Germany, Poland, Denmark and Slovenia to support multi-level governance which is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of the Ukrainian population.

This practical exchange aimed at stimulating forward-looking, visionary and unconventional perspectives on the recovery of Ukrainian local communities.

Hosted in the U-LEAD with Europe office in Kyiv (Ukraine), the one-day workshop was attended by international speakers, public officials, civil society and private sector actors who exchanged ideas and fruitful insights on the development and implementation of local projects for the recovery of social infrastructure and assistance to citizenship.

The Conference was a brighter occasion to emphasise the different aspects of sustainability reconstruction, decentralisation process and regional development, sharing successful strategies and positive dialogues with central authorities for an improving quality of life in local communities.

The support and commitment of ALDA to Ukrainian municipalities is growing day by day, with the official beginning of our operational programme in Kyiv and the involvement of our national representative in Ukraine, Khrystyna Kvartsiana, which amplifies our collaborative prospective.  

We will continue to assist Ukrainian municipalities and local communities in their reconstruction, supporting peace, democracy and sustainable development and cooperating all together for a prosperous future

ALDA Secretary General, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, participated in the event with an intervention within the third Panel “Preserving Cohesion at the Local level in Times of War” dedicated to the efforts and preventions on social cohesion between different stakeholders, how to assimilate citizens participation and which involvement for municipalities.  

Mrs. Valmorbida emphasised the multi-stakeholder approach implemented by the Association with local authorities and civil society and its promotion for advocacy work, action coordination, fundraising and cooperation projects. Moreover, she underscored the key role of Local Democracy Agencies as a crucial tool for peace and cohesion, focusing on the opening of new LDAs in Ukraine, as set out in our Flagship Initiative in Ukraine

ALDA is actively engaged in promoting democratic values and good governance for a more inclusive and equal society worldwide. 

We will continue to assist Ukrainian municipalities and local communities in their reconstruction, supporting peace, democracy and sustainable development and cooperating all together for a prosperous future.

ALDA+ è lieta di annunciare l’avvio del suo percorso informativo nel Comune di Dueville, in preparazione alle Elezioni Europee del 2024, programmate dal 6 al 9 giugno. Ci impegniamo con entusiasmo nell’organizzazione di un percorso di informazione e apprendimento mirato a guidare i cittadini di Dueville verso una partecipazione consapevole e informata alle prossime elezioni europee.

Questo percorso di approfondimento si concentrerà su vari ambiti decisionali del Parlamento Europeo, rappresentando una risorsa fondamentale per i cittadini desiderosi di contribuire alla definizione del futuro dell’Unione Europea.

Questo percorso approfondirà diversi settori decisionali del Parlamento Europeo, offrendo un’importante risorsa per i cittadini interessati a plasmare il futuro dell’Unione Europea

Gli incontri si terranno presso il comune di Dueville, grazie alla collaborazione con gli assessori comunali, suddivisi in 6 serate tematiche e condotti con metodi partecipativi. Esperti provenienti dagli hub tematici di ALDA saranno coinvolti nella presentazione degli incontri, che tratteranno argomenti chiave come le elezioni europee, le migrazioni, i diritti, il digitale, il verde e la partecipazione attiva.

La prima serata introduttiva si è svolta con successo mercoledì 28 febbraio, con la partecipazione generosa dei cittadini interessati a conoscere meglio l’Europa e le prossime elezioni europee del 2024. Il secondo incontro, dedicato al tema delle migrazioni in Europa, è programmato per giovedì 14 marzo. Date l’entusiasmo generato dal primo incontro e l’importanza del tema nelle comunità locali, ci aspettiamo una partecipazione ancora più ampia e coinvolgente.

ALDA+ si impegna a fornire informazioni dettagliate, stimolanti e accessibili, contribuendo così a creare una cittadinanza europea consapevole e attiva nel Comune di Dueville. Siamo convinti che la partecipazione informata dei cittadini sia fondamentale per il futuro dell’Unione Europea e auspichiamo che questo percorso di informazione possa ispirare un coinvolgimento sempre più profondo e consapevole da parte di tutti i residenti.

Per registrarsi, cliccare qui

Per il programma completo, cliccare qui

ALDA+ è lieta di annunciare l’avvio del suo percorso informativo nel Comune di Dueville, in preparazione alle Elezioni Europee del 2024, programmate dal 6 al 9 giugno. Ci impegniamo con entusiasmo nell’organizzazione di un percorso di informazione e apprendimento mirato a guidare i cittadini di Dueville verso una partecipazione consapevole e informata alle prossime elezioni europee.

Questo percorso di approfondimento si concentrerà su vari ambiti decisionali del Parlamento Europeo, rappresentando una risorsa fondamentale per i cittadini desiderosi di contribuire alla definizione del futuro dell’Unione Europea.

Questo percorso approfondirà diversi settori decisionali del Parlamento Europeo, offrendo un’importante risorsa per i cittadini interessati a plasmare il futuro dell’Unione Europea

Gli incontri si terranno presso il comune di Dueville, grazie alla collaborazione con gli assessori comunali, suddivisi in 6 serate tematiche e condotti con metodi partecipativi. Esperti provenienti dagli hub tematici di ALDA saranno coinvolti nella presentazione degli incontri, che tratteranno argomenti chiave come le elezioni europee, le migrazioni, i diritti, il digitale, il verde e la partecipazione attiva.

La prima serata introduttiva si è svolta con successo mercoledì 28 febbraio, con la partecipazione generosa dei cittadini interessati a conoscere meglio l’Europa e le prossime elezioni europee del 2024. Il secondo incontro, dedicato al tema delle migrazioni in Europa, è programmato per giovedì 14 marzo. Date l’entusiasmo generato dal primo incontro e l’importanza del tema nelle comunità locali, ci aspettiamo una partecipazione ancora più ampia e coinvolgente.

ALDA+ si impegna a fornire informazioni dettagliate, stimolanti e accessibili, contribuendo così a creare una cittadinanza europea consapevole e attiva nel Comune di Dueville. Siamo convinti che la partecipazione informata dei cittadini sia fondamentale per il futuro dell’Unione Europea e auspichiamo che questo percorso di informazione possa ispirare un coinvolgimento sempre più profondo e consapevole da parte di tutti i residenti.

Per registrarsi, cliccare qui.

Per il programma completo, cliccare qui.

On Tuesday 5th March, ALDA had the pleasure to participate at the “National Conference on European Integration and Citizen Engagement in Local Democracy”, in Tirana, Albania. The conference was convened by the Juxtaposing Political Offers Network (POP), which served as a gathering opportunity for stakeholders in the advancement of democratic principles and European integration at the local level. The conference provided a platform for discussions and exchanging ideas to foster transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in governance.

The conference started with warm welcomes from Mrs. Mirela Arqimandriti, Executive Director of the Gender Alliance for Development Center, and distinguished guests including Mr. Arbjan Mazniku, Minister of State for Local Government, H.E. Mr. Niklas Ström, Ambassador of Sweden to Albania, and Mrs. Katherine Vorderbruggen from the National Endowment for Democracy.

Insightful sessions structured the agenda, starting with “Strengthening Local Democracy through Ensuring an Inclusive Approach to Good Governance at the Local Level“, where speakers underscored the importance of initiatives aimed at promoting good governance and citizen participation, emphasising the intersectoral strategy for decentralisation and local governance 2020-2030. The discussions also focused on enhancing transparency, citizen engagement, integrity, and European integration.

The National Conference on European Integration and Civic Engagement for Local Democracy reaffirmed the commitment to democratic principles and European integration

In the second session, “Promoting the European Integration Agenda at the Local Level – Perspectives from Albania and the Region“, the panel started with a speech by Mrs. Katica Janeva, Director of ALDA Skopje & Western Balkans Coordinator. Katica shared ALDA’s experiences and initiatives aimed at advancing public administration reform. She illustrated ALDA’s focus on local administration and integrity in the European Union, emphasising citizen engagement as essential for addressing societal complexities, highlighting the Association’s initiatives in youth empowerment, combating brain drain in Western Balkan countries, and supporting local governance reforms. Finally, representatives from Albania and the region discussed the need for specialised, non-bureaucratic, and transparent public administration to address European integration challenges effectively.

In the last session, “The Impact of Municipal Councils on Achieving the Intersectoral Strategy for Decentralization and Local Governance 2023-2030“, the discussions centred on the role of Municipal Councils in implementing strategies that reflect the needs of local communities. Speakers emphasised collaboration with central and local authorities to promote transparent and inclusive governance.

Throughout the conference, open discussions fostered meaningful exchanges, allowing participants to address challenges and opportunities related to local democracy and European integration. The event concluded with a summary, highlighting the importance of continued collaboration and efforts to drive positive change.

The National Conference on European Integration and Civic Engagement for Local Democracy reaffirmed the commitment to democratic principles and European integration.

In anticipation of the European elections scheduled from June 6th to 9th, 2024, we are excited to finally unveil ALDA’s latest initiative aimed at promoting active citizen participation and fostering democratic engagement across Europe. ALDA’s newly launched campaign, entitled “Better Europe Together: Local Ideas, European Results”, along with the accompanying webpage, serves as a vital resource hub for citizens eager to participate in shaping the future of the European Union.

🇮🇹 Guarda il video in italiano qui 🇮🇹

🇫🇷 Voir la vidéo en français ici 🇫🇷

European elections are not merely routine events but serve as crucial moments in the trajectory of European democracy. Each vote cast by citizens of the EU member states holds the power to influence the composition of the European Parliament, thereby shaping legislative agendas and policies that directly impact the lives and communities of European citizens. Against the backdrop of increasingly complex global challenges and evolving socio-political dynamics, the importance of active participation in these elections cannot be overstated.

Discover ALDA’s campaign ‘Better Europe Together’ here!

Better Europe Together: Local Ideas, European Results” is an informative campaign aimed at encouraging the engagement of European citizens and promoting democracy and civic participation in European policymaking. Additionally, it aims to raise awareness concerning the activities of ALDA members and close partners, with the goal of establishing a robust network and amplifying our voice to reach a wider audience of European citizens.

At ALDA, we firmly believe in the strength of community. Therefore, we are confident that together, we can make a significant impact and bring about real change. Through a bottom-up approach, we can collectively shape the future and work towards building a Better Europe Together.

Among the many things, with this campaign ALDA is committed to provide citizens with reliable and qualitative information necessary for making conscious and judicious decisions. This commitment to promoting access to accurate information is not only a matter of individual empowerment but also a fundamental precondition for the integrity and efficacy of democratic processes. This is why ALDA’s campaign is designed to empower citizens by providing them with essential information about candidates, electoral processes, and opportunities for involvement. By facilitating access to reliable information, ALDA aims to promote transparency, accountability, and trust in democratic institutions while ensuring that citizens’ voices are heard and respected on the European stage.

Additionally, our objective is to underscore the significance of these elections and emphasise the crucial role citizens play in shaping the future of Europe. As a European citizen, you have a unique opportunity to express your preferences for the Europe you wish to inhabit, thereby shaping your own future.

#BetterEuropeTogether serves as a platform designed to aid citizens in discovering nearby events, accessing resources to actively participate in the campaign, and accessing credible information about the European Union and its institutions. This platform is geared towards empowering citizenry to make informed decisions.

As the countdown to the European Parliament elections 2024 begins, ALDA invites citizens across Europe to join hands in shaping a Better Europe Together. Through active engagement and informed decision-making, we can collectively contribute to building a more inclusive, responsive, and resilient European Union that reflects the diverse perspectives and interests of its citizens.

Discover ALDA’s Campaign here: https://www.alda-europe.eu/eu-elections-2024/


A call for proposal for Organisations to develop their own projects on EU key policies at the local level. A call for ALDA members to fund local actions up to 20.000 Euro!

ALDA, in the context of the Operating Grant of the CERV programme –  will support projects and activities of EU-based ALDA Members regarding the 2024 EU elections, EU rights and values  and focus on the themes of ALDA’s thematic hubs.

The call for proposals will fund different organisations developing their own projects at the local level, widening public knowledge, awareness and interest about the EU key policies, values  and strategies.

Don’t miss this opportunity to participate – 10/11 projects will be funded!

🔸Who can be a beneficiary?

The call is open to the members of ALDA established in a Member State of the EU, that are a legal entity, private non-profit organisation (private body).

🔸What is the main objective of the call of proposal?

This call seeks to support impactful initiatives that promote a sense of belonging to the European Union in the year of the EU elections. Additionally, the aim is to cultivate a profound sense of “local ownership” and engagement within communities. In particular the thematic focus of the regranted actions should have a clear link to the 2024 EU elections and/or the ALDA’s Thematic Hubs.

Fund your local actions up to 20.000 Euro!

🔸Which is the thematic focus of the Actions?
The thematic focus of the re-granted actions should focus on the key elements listed below:

  • EU elections: the EU Elections are one of the key strands of this year. Proposals should focus on initiatives that cultivate a sense of belonging to the EU and a willingness to participate, and that build awareness and understanding for the EU’s role and impact within local communities. The actions funded should aim first to encourage people to be informed and participate in the elections and then also follow up with specific actions after the vote. 
  • Strengthening Capacity for EU Rights and Values: projects should aim to enhance the capacity of communities and citizens to know and promote EU rights and values. Values of non-discrimination and equality (including gender equality)must be mainstreamed in all funded actions, independently of their specific objective. 
  • Aligning with ALDA Thematic Hubs: projects must align their actions within the scope of the priorities set by ALDA’s thematic hubs. Proposals should specify the thematic hub(s) under which their action falls and how it contributes to the overarching goals within that theme.

🔸How much is the grant?

The contribution from the sub granting scheme will cover 100% of the total eligible costs of the total budget for the activity. The overall budget amount for this activity sums up to 153.500 Euro.

The grants awarded will be:

  • Group 1 – 10.000 – between 2 and 5 projects 
  • Group 2 – 15.000 – between 2 and 5 projects  
  • Group 3 – 20.000 –  between 2 and 5 projects  

🔸Where can the project be implemented?

Activities must take place in the EU.

🔸How to apply?

Read the full call for proposals to have all the  information about the call and how to apply! The call will be open until May 5th 2024 at 23:59 CET. Here is the link to send your application.

On March 25th at 9:30 CET ALDA will host a webinar to present the call and to answer some questions related to it. Please make sure to attend, by registering here.

The applicants will receive support by the ALDA team during the proposal writing process. Any questions can be sent to this email address: regranting@aldaintranet.org

📌 Useful material and links:

[Call published on 5th March 2024]

Find the slides of the webinar here. The recording of the webinar can be found below.

Zero Discrimination Day holds a special place in ALDA’s calendar, observed annually on March 1. It draws attention to the importance of raising awareness and fostering inclusion, empathy, peace, and most importantly, creates a drive for transformative change. This day serves as an incitation for building a worldwide coalition committed to eradicating all manifestations of discrimination.

This year, ALDA took a significant step forward by introducing a comprehensive Gender Equality and Anti-discrimination Policy. This policy underscores our unwavering dedication to fostering diversity, equality, and inclusivity both within ALDA’s workplace and in our external engagements. To ensure the effective implementation of this policy, ALDA also established a dedicated Gender Equality & Anti-Discrimination Committee. This committee is entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing our initiatives towards equality while providing invaluable insights on pertinent issues.

Zero Discrimination Day serves as a significant moment for ALDA to contemplate the persistent obstacles faced by various communities, particularly individuals with disabilities, in their pursuit of justice and equality 

Central to this struggle is the often overlooked reality of systemic discriminations that obstruct the fundamental democratic rights of persons with disabilities. In any democracy, political engagement stands as a basis, be it through active participation in elections, involvement in political parties, or staying informed through various media channels. The imperative to uphold these political rights resonates deeply as it questions the inclusivity and effectiveness of democratic systems, a concern that demands universal attention.

Individuals with disabilities represent just one of the many underrepresented groups who encounter structural and systematic discrimination, often relegated to the margins of society as passive recipients, deemed less valuable or even as “second-class citizens.” The impact of disability on political engagement is widely acknowledged as the “disability gap.” 

In this context, the findings from the Extraordinary Citizens (EXTRA-C) project highlight a glaring disparity between theoretical democratic rights and their practical realisation across EU nations. EXTRA-C, an EU-funded initiative, aims to empower youths with disabilities to actively participate in democracy. By promoting inclusive participation and raising awareness, EXTRA-C is transforming communities into vibrant, diverse spaces where everyone has a voice.

Women with disabilities: Confronting intersectional discrimination in politics

According to the European Parliamentary Research Service in all EU countries, women with disabilities outnumber men with disabilities, comprising 26.1% and 21.8% respectively. Women with disabilities hail from diverse backgrounds and exhibit various types of impairments, including physical, psychosocial, and intellectual challenges. This diversity is further accentuated by intersecting identities such as ethnicity, religion, race, migration background, sexual orientation, gender identity, and age. Consequently, women with disabilities often contend with heightened levels of discrimination, particularly in the realm of politics, where they face an intersectional amalgamation of gender and disability discrimination, further complicating their full participation in political life.

Recognising the multifaceted challenges encountered by individuals with disabilities, the EXTRA-C, with ALDA as one of the project partners, has initiated a concerted effort to champion the political participation rights of persons with disabilities across five EU countries: France, Greece, Lithuania, Portugal, and Spain. The project is on a mission to promote inclusive participation and raise awareness at local, regional, national, and EU levels. Through a series of dynamic activities, the project aims to empower citizens and organisations, fostering inclusive participation at all levels of governance. 

As we strive towards a more equitable and inclusive society, let us reaffirm our commitment to promoting equality and combating discrimination, not just on Zero Discrimination Day, but every day. Together, we can build a future where every individual is valued and empowered to realise their full potential.

If you would like to know more about the EXTRA-C project and its results, feel free to visit the project website.

In the heart of Mons, Belgium, on March 19, 2024, during the 10th European Summit of Regions and Cities, the ADL Zavidovići Association will be honoured with the esteemed Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award. This recognition, pays homage to outstanding contributions in local and regional governance and commemorates the legacy of the former Mayor of the City of Gdańsk, Paweł Adamowicz.

The  “Ambasciata della democrazia locale a Zavidovići” Association, a proud member of ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy- since 1999, was proclaimed as the laureate of the Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award 2023 on January 13, 2024, at the European Solidarity Center in Gdańsk, Poland. The award recognises the association’s exceptional efforts in providing assistance to refugees and promoting local democracy, non-discrimination, integration, and non-violent discourse.

Founded in 1996 during the Bosnian War, the ADL Zavidovići Association emerged as a symbol of resilience and dedication to human rights. Originating from the tragic kidnapping and killing of three pacifists from Brescia, Italy, in 1993, the association has evolved into a dynamic force, extending its impact to support local communities in need.

The Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award Ceremony will be a highlight of the European Summit of Regions and Cities, organised by CoR and hosted within the summit’s framework in Mons, Belgium

The Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award Ceremony will be a highlight of the European Summit of Regions and Cities, organised by CoR and hosted within the summit’s framework in Mons, Belgium. This ceremony, scheduled on the fifth anniversary of Mayor Paweł Adamowicz’s tragic assassination, transcends mere acknowledgment. It serves as a solemn remembrance of his enduring legacy—his unwavering commitment to engaging marginalised voices, offering solidarity, and advocating for diversity in local governance.

The Association was founded in 1996 by initiatives of a group of volunteers during the Bosnian War to honour and enhance the legacy of three pacifists from Brescia (Italy), who were kidnapped and killed in 1993 while bringing humanitarian aid to Zavidovici (Bosnia and Herzegovina).

Since then, the ADL Zavidovići Association continued to support local communities also by strengthening its relationship with ALDA in shaping the local context and promoting social cohesion and inclusion. The Association began its journey in the Balkans and expanded its reach day after day, always remaining in the front line to help communities in need. Today, given the tremendous situation that is taking place in Ukraine, the ADL Zavidovići Association, together with ALDA and other partners, started to work closely with the Local Democracy Agency in Mariupol to ensure a peaceful and democratic future for the people of Ukraine.

ALDA Secretary General, Antonella Valmorbida emphasises the importance of the ADL Zavidovići Association’s recognition. She highlighted the association’s relentless efforts in promoting democracy, integration, and collaboration at both local and international levels.

“We are deeply proud of the extraordinary result achieved by ADL Zavidovići Association, an achievement that reflects their unwavering and daily commitment to promoting and strengthening local communities. It is a success that fills us with pride and encourages us to persevere in our work together. We will continue with determination and passion because we firmly believe that supporting local democracy is fundamental to preserving and defending democracy itself,” states Mrs. Valmorbida.

During the summit, on Monday afternoon, March the 18th, the Italian Delegation of the European Committee of the Regions, coordinated by Mr. Marco Fusaro, will visit ALDA’s stand. The institutional moment will see the presence of Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Secretary General, Mrs. Maddalena Alberti, President of ADL Zavidovići Association, Mr. Michele Orlando, Mayor of Roncadelle Municipality (who also applied for the Award), Mr. Oriano Otočan, President of ALDA, and Mrs. Nataša Vučković, Vice-President of ALDA.

The award ceremony on March 19, 2024, promises to be a momentous occasion during the European Summit of Regions and Cities, reaffirming the enduring principles that underpin local governance and inspiring communities to strive for excellence.

About the Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award: 

The Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award is an annual tribute to outstanding contributions in local and regional governance, created in honour of the former Mayor of the City of Gdańsk, Paweł Adamowicz. The award underscores the values of freedom, solidarity, and equality, reflecting Mayor Adamowicz’s legacy of public service and advocacy for diversity in local governance.

Within the Erasmus+ project Createup, we had the pleasure of interviewing Maxime Antony, a photographer and entrepreneur-artist. This research aligns with the goal of gathering valuable insights on the topic of artists’ employment and their ability to go solo. The project addresses the broader issue of unemployment among young artists and how the labour market is evolving towards a more multitasking environment.

The very concept of multitasking pertains to the skills necessary or sufficient for a young artist to sustain themselves without losing sight of their dreams, goals, or projects. It seeks to answer the question: How can I pursue my passion while having all the necessary tools to avoid compromising my career?

ALDA’s mission, among others, acknowledges the significance of the world of young Europeans and the challenges of today’s job market. Within the systemic issue of competition among peers, the study promoted by the European Commission Entrecomp identifies a set of essential skills that can facilitate an artist in understanding and embracing the role of an entrepreneur. This role, once emerging, now dominates certain sectors of the European labour market and is a prevalent status even within the artistic realm.

Maxime Antony kindly participated in our interview to share his insights on what he believes are the key competencies needed to embark on an artistic career, drawing from his personal professional journey

The Interview

  1. Tell us about yourself, describe in more detail what you do and why you started, what was it like for you to work in this particular artistic field?

After I passed my A-levels, I did an audiovisual BTS and a Multi-technique licence on a sandwich course.

Then I was immediately hired on a permanent contract as an assistant and afterwards video technician in a leading European audiovisual service provider specialising in sports and events (Tour de France, Roland Garros, Olympic Games, etc.).

I resigned in 2017 to try out a rival company. Then I resigned again in 2018 to set up my own business this time, as an auto-entreprise. In the end, that’s what I’d been looking for all along: to be my own boss, manage my own time and, above all, expand my activities.

But having said that, I needed to get a feel for what it was like to work as an employee before I set off on my own.

I wouldn’t have had the same relationship with life and my business without those years of experience as an employee. It shaped me and taught me the concept of work.

  1. How did you work in your field and become an entrepreneur in France? Have you worked in another country and found differences?

Becoming an auto-entrepreneur in France is quick and easy. Then you have to approach new customers and know how to manage the accounts and everything else. I’ve learnt to do that bit by bit.  

I’ve never worked abroad before, but I’d like to try it soon.

  1. What skills do you need to succeed in your field?

It’s a balancing act to succeed with so much information. You have to be diligent, orderly, curious, look around, make the right calculations, have foresight, but above all you must never forget your motivations, your ambitions, your goals and your dreams, and you must constantly challenge yourself to move forward. The most important thing is to listen to yourself, to believe in yourself and in your creative and entrepreneurial abilities.

  1. What have been the main challenges you have faced as an artist in your field? And who or what has helped you?

I’ve always done photography to a greater or lesser extent, I had the ideas but not the technique. So I

had to find the time and the funding to do a fast-track course at the Gobelins photography school in Paris, from November 2021 to February 2022.

Since then, I’ve felt that my technical shortcomings have disappeared and that I can finally develop my creative ideas around this medium.

What’s more, this course has enabled me to meet some fabulous people (teachers, lecturers and students),

Following the course, a collective of five photographers called ‘L’Inconnu(e)’ was formed.We’ve been joining forces for a year now, and it’s great to be able to support each other as photographers.  It’s a fairly solitary profession, so it’s good to have a group of people working together and helping each other through the process.

  1. How did you acquire the necessary skills? Where did you learn them?

As far as these skills are concerned, my experience as an employee helped me. I was very observant of how the company operated internally, despite its large international scope.

As for the rest, I learnt everything on my own, bit by bit. The customers came in crescendo, which allowed me to take the time to understand everything. Then it was out in the field hands in the soil and in the heat of the action, that I learnt and acquired these skills.

  1. Would you like to have learning opportunities at the start of your career? Would you consider taking an online course like the one we’re going to develop?  If so, what skills do you think would be most useful for you or other young people in similar situations?

Indeed, taking online courses when I started my business would have been a great help to me

if only to reassure me that I was going in the right direction. Courses on administration, finance and resource mobilisation seem relevant to me. Secondly, exchanging and/or working with other people to ask questions, improve and then create new ideas. Never remain alone in your projects. A teacher once said to me when I was 19/20 years old: “On your own you go faster, with two you go further”

I was proud to be a loner and to be part of the first part of his sentence, and therefore to go fast. Until one day when I realised that it was much more interesting to go further, so I surrounded myself well to live in this second part of the sentence and to live more solidly in what I now undertake. That’s what sharing is all about, it’s useful, and also very beautiful in my opinion.

  1. Where do you think such a course or platform should be promoted to reach the young people who need it?

On the Internet, on your website, seems to me to be a good option at the moment. In addition to the courses, perhaps offer opportunities for discussion, testimonials, round tables, meetings and workshops. Classes are good, but practice, movement and sharing are even better. Sharing is even better for learning and moving forward.

The interview with Maxime Antony sheds light on the essential competencies required for success in the artistic domain, particularly when pursuing an entrepreneurial path. Maxime’s journey, transitioning from an employee to an entrepreneur-artist, emphasises self-belief and constant self-challenge as crucial elements in navigating the challenges of an artistic career. Maxime’s personal experience also highlights the significance of practical learning. 

As the interview suggests, CreateUp’s proposed online courses and platforms for discussion, testimonials, and workshops can play a vital role in providing learning opportunities and fostering collaboration among young artists seeking to navigate the multifaceted landscape of the artistic labour market.

For more information about the Create Up project, click here.

CID – Innovation Alliance for circular design is a project carried out by 12 partners from eight different countries (Italy, Spain, Lithuania, Belgium, France, Estonia, UK Germany) with the aim of integrating design across various sectors of circularity. The project is co-financed by the European Union and has a duration of three years.

As part of the project, a workshop will take place in Barcelona (Spain) from 20 to 22 March. During these three days, the consortium will organise  and participate in various activities aimed at designing the curricula for the Academic programme, Accelerator, and Continuous Education Programme foreseen by the project. 

The initiative is centred around Circular Design towards climate-neutral cities

Design plays a pivotal role in achieving climate-neutral cities across Europe, emphasising a green and resilient transition of urban areas as both living spaces and central platforms for change. Circular economy principles offer innovative pathways to drive creative sectors of design involved in this transition, which are essential for fostering cultural change and social inclusion. Through a multidisciplinary approach, the Circular Design Innovation Alliance aims to bridge the gap in skills and knowledge within architecture, urban design, and product/service design sectors. It introduces a fresh paradigm for integrating design with circularity and urban transformation, aligning with the objectives of the New European Bauhaus to merge creativity, arts, and technology in support of the Green Deal.

The Alliance is dedicated to promoting innovation in Circular Design education by fostering entrepreneurship in academia, providing accelerator programs, and implementing continuous education initiatives to develop skills that align with emerging labour market needs. As part of  the sustainability and dissemination of the Alliance’s outcomes beyond the project duration, several organisations at both local and European level will be involved through six different observatories.

The workshop in Barcelona will not only focus on the curricula design, but also on the definition of gaps and resources, to create the best path for the project implementation. Greater emphasis will be put into the definition of the skills gaps (green, resilience, digital, and entrepreneurship) in circular design across the themes of the European observatories (urban transformation, bio-based innovation and circular economy) and the inputs of the local observatories (Hannover, Barcelona, Genova). This event builds upon the Knowledge Exchange Workshop held in Hannover (Germany) from the 13 to the 15 of November. The primary goal of this event was to develop transdisciplinary methodologies with the in-depth check of existing training materials among the consortium.

ALDA leads the European observatory in Urban Transformation which aims to bring together experts in Circular design within Urban Transformation to support the outcomes of the project in the short and long-term. The goal is to create a strong collaboration which will shape the next steps of the project and its perspective. 

If you would like to know more about the CID project and its results, feel free to visit the project website, or social media pages Linkedin or Instagram.

[News in Italian]

Il 19 febbraio 2024, presso il Palazzo Trissino, sede del Comune di Vicenza (Italia), si è tenuta la conferenza stampa – “Due anni di conflitto in Ucraina, Vicenza sostiene le popolazioni colpite”, sottolineando gli sforzi e gli impegni a favore della popolazione ucraina e della promozione della pace, ribadendo il sostegno alle comunità colpite.

Organizzata dal Centro Servizi per il Volontariato della Provincia di Vicenza (CSV Vicenza), dal Comune di Vicenza e da ALDA – Associazione Europea per la Democrazia Locale, la conferenza ha sottolineato gli sforzi congiunti di questi enti a livello locale, nazionale e internazionale, e l’assistenza fornita alle centinaia di profughi ucraini accolti dalla comunità vicentina dall’inizio dell’atroce aggressione russa.

Tra i relatori, Sergiy Sukhomlyn (online), sindaco di Zhytomyr, città impegnata in un percorso di gemellaggio con il Comune di Vicenza e prossima sede di una delle Agenzie della Democrazia Locale (ADL), Isabella Sala, vicesindaco di Vicenza, Elia Pizzolato, consigliere delegato ai gemellaggi, Maria Rita Dal Molin, direttore del CSV e Antonella Valmorbida, Segretario generale di ALDA.

Nel suo intervento, Antonella Valmorbida ha illustrato l’importanza di garantire un ulteriore sostegno alla comunità ucraina e al suo popolo, nonché la necessità di intraprendere azioni volte alla ricostruzione della nazione e al rafforzamento della democrazia a livello locale, tra cui l’Iniziativa faro di ALDA in Ucraina e il suo continuo sviluppo della rete delle ADL nella nazione.

La comunità di ALDA è impegnata a costruire una società resiliente, inclusiva e sostenibile per un futuro più pacifico in tutto il mondo, in cui la democrazia e la partecipazione dei cittadini sono valori fondamentali.

La stretta collaborazione con le entità locali non si è fermata qui. In particolare, ALDA ha avuto l’opportunità di essere ospitata dal CSV di Vicenza (socio dell’Associazione dal febbraio 2024) presso la sede di quest’ultimo, dal 20 al 27 febbraio 2024, in occasione del meeting annuale dell’Associazione. Durante questi giorni, il personale di ALDA ha partecipato ad attività e sessioni volte a rafforzare i legami reciproci, promuovere la collaborazione e beneficiare l’intera comunità ALDA.

All’evento ha partecipato il personale di ALDA della sede di Vicenza e degli altri cinque uffici in Europa e oltre, che lavorano fianco a fianco per perseguire la missione dell’Associazione e consolidarne la struttura.

Durante l’incontro sono state organizzate diverse attività come iniziative di team building, workshop e sessioni di formazione, attività energizzanti e tavole rotonde, presentazioni, discussioni e molto altro. 

Insieme, la comunità di ALDA è impegnata a costruire una società resiliente, inclusiva e sostenibile per un futuro più pacifico in tutto il mondo, dove la democrazia e la partecipazione dei cittadini sono valori fondamentali.

La crescita costante della nostra comunità non si fermerà qui e attraverso un ambiente consolidato e multiculturale incoraggerà ampie collaborazioni con le autorità locali, i cittadini e le Organizzazioni di Società Civile per un futuro migliore.

ALDA sottolinea l’importanza della collaborazione con il CSV di Vicenza, con le amministrazioni pubbliche e con altri attori chiave nel promuovere la resilienza delle comunità locali, la democrazia e gli sforzi di pace in Ucraina e nel mondo.

In the framework of the WE ACT Project (funded by the European Union Delegation to Türkiye under the Thematic Programme on Human Rights and Democracy) and in a bid to foster positive change and strengthen community initiatives, ALDA and Daktilo 1984 Association are launching a Subgranting scheme, targeting CSOs legally registered in Türkiye.

The call aims at financially supporting initiatives related to gender equality, LGBTI+ rights, anti-discrimination (gender, religious, or ethnic), as well as civic and fundamental rights. A maximum of 21 project proposals will be selected and funded, and each project can receive a maximum budget of 4,000€.

The call aims at financially supporting initiatives related to gender equality, LGBTI+ rights, anti-discrimination, and civic and fundamental rights

Find below the key information about the call for proposals, and at the end the full Guidelines to apply, as well as the application form and budget annex template.

Eligible activities 

Focus area: The project proposals have to include any type of action contributing to the promotion of gender equality, LGBTI+ rights, women’s rights, anti-discrimination, civic, and fundamental rights.

Example of eligible activities (non-exhaustive list):

  • Advocacy campaigns, awareness initiatives, and empowerment activities
  • Trainings and capacity building on gender equality
  • Networking events for women politicians or gender-based CSOs
  • Collaboration with local authorities/media actors to improve gender-oriented content & policies

Target Groups and Beneficiaries of the actions

The project proposals’ activities must directly involve and be addressed in priority to one or more of the following target groups: 

  • Women
  • LGBTI+ people 

Eligible Applicant Entities

The project proposals must be submitted by CSOs legally registered in Türkiye (as Associations, Foundations, Non-profit cooperatives, Civil society networks and platforms or Civil initiatives), ideally with a focus on gender equality, women’s and/or LGBTIQ+ rights, non-discrimination, and civic rights.

About the Grants available

  • 21 Project proposals will be selected and receive funding
  • Funding is limited to 4.000€ (VAT included) maximum per project
  • Projects duration should not be longer than 10 months (from June 2024 to March 2025)

Application Timeline

  • 14 & 20 March 2024: Online training/info session on the call: strongly recommended for applicants
  • 7 April 2024: Deadline to submit project applications
  • May 2024: Results on the applications 

How to apply?

Türkiye-registered CSOs can apply to the call in Turkish or in English.


We advise you to register to the Online training/info session on the call (information and Q&A will be provided, and applicant CSOs who have attended one of the sessions will receive additional score on their proposal):


For any question about the call for proposals, please contact us: weact@aldaintranet.org


The project SIMPLE will focus on tackling two sport-specific priorities in the field of ERASMUS + Programmes:

-on the one hand, encouraging healthy lifestyles for all, promoting participation in sports as a tool for health, as well as physical and mental well-being;

-on the other hand, promoting equality and European values in and through sport, creating spaces for social inclusion.

In addition, SIMPLE will aim at tackling the horizontal priorities of:

-inclusion and diversity, by supporting activities that promote social inclusion and that aim at improving the outreach to people with fewer opportunities, in particular people with disabilities;

– environmental sustainability, by ensuring environmentally sustainable and responsible behaviour through its activities, and promoting awareness among its participants about the importance of reducing their environmental footprint.

It will prioritise the integration of sustainable practices throughout the preparation and implementation of all its activities.


The overall objective of the SIMPLE project is to achieve is aimed at building a nexus between sport, social inclusion and environmental protection through physical activity, sustainable practices and a connection with local nature. In particular, the project aims to achieve the following specific objectives:

SO1. To promote equal access to sport and recreational activities for people with disabilities as a tool to prevent discrimination and enhance equal opportunities and well-being, tackling specific barriers based on lack of accessibility and inclusion in sport for people with disabilities.
SO2. To promote the involvement of young people in sports from an early age to create life-long habits that positively impact their health and well-being.
SO3. To raise the awareness of citizens about their impact on the environment, engaging them with sustainable sports activities.
SO4. To increase the capacity of the grassroots sport sector, social organizations and public authorities to promote inclusion through sport and increase equal participation in sport for youth and people with disabilities.

The activities of the project will focus on the inclusion of people with disabilities through sport.


The ReCAP consortium has finalised the third and last result of the project, the “Roadmap for youth social inclusion through art and culture in a post-pandemic context”. Coordinated by CESIE, the roadmap is the result of a 2-year journey with 10 European partner organisations, involved in a cultural challenge to support youth social inclusion and participation through arts and culture in a post-pandemic context.

Following the validation of the Toolbox (Project Result 2) during the Training of Trainers in Vicenza (Italy), the partners and their youth workers have been actively involved in the implementation of artistic workshops with young participants in their respective countries, carrying out tailor-made local paths. Workshop activities were mainly addressed to young people living in vulnerable conditions, such as refugees, asylum seekers, youngsters coming from different social and economic backgrounds, with disabilities, learning difficulties, living in rural areas, or students living in urban areas but with a strong need for socialisation.

Based on their own experiences and needs at the local level, each partner, together with the youth workers, has developed its own roadmap.

The Roadmap is an innovative and important source of inspiration for youth work, particularly in addressing the socio-cultural and emotional consequences of the pandemic

Each Roadmap uses different artistic languages and different types of activities, but they lead to the same goals, such as promoting interpersonal relationships and self-confidence, encouraging peer socialisation, facilitating the mind-body connection and emotional expression, reducing stress, and encouraging critical thinking and creativity.

This compendium of local roadmaps shows how arts and culture are transversal tools capable of facilitating the inclusion of young people, in line with the purpose of the ReCAP project. By following and adapting all the recommendations and guidelines provided by the youth workers in their respective local experiences, it is possible to implement a successful and enriching training path in any other context!

After the publication in English, the Roadmap will soon be available in Bulgarian, French, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish.

You can access the roadmap here.

It has been two years since the tremendous and brutal Russian aggression fell upon Ukraine, leaving scars etched into the hearts and lands of its resilient people. As we commemorate this solemn anniversary, we are reminded not only of the unspeakable pain and suffering endured by countless innocent lives, but also of the unwavering spirit of resilience that emerged from the depths of adversity. The echoes of anguish still resonate in the war-torn streets, where houses, once a symbol of hope, are now mere remains of a shattered reality. Yet amidst the rubble and ruins, there is a flame of resilience, burning brightly in the eyes of those who refuse to surrender to tyranny. As we pause to reflect on the tumultuous journey of the past two years, we stand, today more than ever, in solidarity with the brave country and its people in order to continue to fight for their freedom, their dignity and their right to a future free from the chains of oppression.

As the conflict in Ukraine persists, organisations like the ALDA are stepping up efforts to support peace, resilience, and reconstruction in the country. Especially during these two years, ALDA’s presence and initiatives in Ukraine have been crucial in addressing the multifaceted challenges arising from the ongoing conflict.

In a significant development, ALDA has expanded its operations to Kyiv, Ukraine, reflecting the growing interest and dedication of Ukrainian municipalities and organisations to promote democratic values and collaborate with the European Union. With Khrystyna Kvartsiana leading the team as ALDA Country Representative, the organisation aims to engage Ukrainian members in various projects, including the establishment of new Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs) across the country, next to the ones already existing:  LDA Mariupol, LDA Dnipro and LDA Odesa.

ALDA’s collaboration with programmes like U-LEAD with Europe has been instrumental in advancing its mission and initiatives in Ukraine. Through projects such as the “Local Democracy Agencies: An Instrument for Cooperation, Community Cohesion, and Development in Ukraine,” ALDA is working towards fostering collaboration and development in Ukrainian communities.
Furthermore, ALDA has secured significant grants to support community development and resilience in Ukraine.

ALDA’s Flagship Initiative in Ukraine underscores its commitment to expanding the network of LDAs as efficient instruments of peace and social cohesion

Through initiatives like the “International Conference on Decentralised Support to Ukrainian Communities,” ALDA brings together local authorities and civil society actors from Italy, Europe, and Ukraine to discuss concrete proposals for reconstruction and solidarity efforts.

The ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine has not only devastated critical infrastructure but also undermined fundamental structures of governance and society. ALDA’s efforts in this situation align with the Lugano Declaration, seeking to support the inclusive recovery of Ukraine and its communities through multilateral decentralised cooperation.

As ALDA continues its work in Ukraine, it remains committed to fostering positive change and addressing the diverse needs of communities affected by the conflict. Through collaboration, innovation, and resilience-building initiatives, ALDA strives to contribute to Ukraine’s journey towards a peaceful and democratic future.

Over the past two years ALDA’s initiatives in Ukraine have been pivotal in supporting peace, resilience, and reconstruction amidst the ongoing conflict. By engaging local authorities, civil society, and international partners, ALDA remains dedicated to promoting democracy and fostering sustainable development in Ukraine.

ALDA continues, today more than ever, to #StandWithUkraine.

Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/cKznwJu2OQM

On February 14 and 15, the ReCAP project partners and both local and international associations gathered together in Strasbourg (France) for the last Transnational Project Meeting and event of the project. 

ALDA hosted the 10 consortium partners at its headquarters for the last project meeting on 14 February to discuss the final details and the sustainability and follow-up of the project. Another milestone has been reached during the meeting: the finalisation of the Roadmap, Project Result 3. This document contains all the information about the workshops carried out by the youth workers of each partner in their respective countries, selecting activities from the previous Project Result, the toolbox. The English version of the Roadmap will soon be available on the project page of ALDA’s website.

The following day, the final event of the ReCAP project “Art and culture for inclusion: empowering youngsters through creativity in a post-pandemic era” took place in the splendid setting of the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg.

The aim of the event was to show the results of the project and to allow participants to talk about the impact of the ReCAP project

Participants were welcomed by wonderful Mrs. Anca-Ruxandra Pandea, Senior Project Officer at the European Youth Centre. After the welcoming session, ALDA, together with the coordinating partners of the different project results (such as SSF, La Piccionaia, CESIE), presented an overview of the project, the main and most significant phases and the project outcomes. 

During the second part of the event, participants were divided into groups to test first-hand some of the activities contained in the toolbox. To create a moment of sharing and inclusion, the participants, including children from a local middle school, engaged in debates, theatre and artistic activities. 

This was the final step in a wonderful journey to develop and disseminate cultural and artistic tools and guidelines that are suitable and adaptable for all, in order to boost the inclusion and participation of young people.

If you would like to know more about the ReCAP project and its results, fell free to visit the project page.

Alda+ took centre stage in the promotional efforts of the Alta Via della Grande Guerra project, showcasing its splendours at the BIT – BORSA INTERNAZIONALE DEL TURISMO (International Tourism Exchange) in Milan on Tuesday, February 6. The project, spearheaded by the Province of Vicenza, was unveiled during a joint press conference with UNPLI Veneto, featuring the presence of Dr. Marco Boaria.

During the conference, Councilor Valter Orsi passionately presented the meticulously crafted Alta Via della Grande Guerra, a captivating itinerary winding through the historically significant landscapes of the First World War.
Describing it as a “path of historical-naturalistic regeneration of the Vicenza Pre-Alps,” Councilor Orsi highlighted the unspoiled beauty of the route, offering breathtaking mountain views. He emphasised that the Alta Via della Grande Guerra provides a unique tourist experience for those eager to immerse themselves in the mountains. The route is designed for both hiking and cycling enthusiasts, accommodating families and providing a journey through an open-air ecomuseum showcasing World War I trenches, emplacements, forts, and fortifications.

The Alta Via della Grande Guerra provides a unique tourist experience for those eager to immerse themselves in the mountain

A project of cohesion and promotion of the Vicenza mountains with the aim of recounting and divulging the dramatic events that occurred on these heights during the First World War.

As a consequence, the international fair was a unique opportunity to promote the AVGG initiative and its territorial area, spreading the project purposes and the wide collaboration between municipalities and associations that cooperate all together.

Stretching across the north of the Province of Vicenza, the Alta Via della Grande Guerra unfolds from west to east, inviting explorers to discover the enchanting corners of the Vicenza Pre-Alps. Comprising approximately 20 stages, the trail boasts picturesque locations, rich history, flourishing nature, cultural landmarks, traditional shepherd’s huts known as malghe, and convenient refreshment points. Certain segments of the route are even suitable for cycling excursions.

The Alta Via della Grande Guerra delle Prealpi Vicentine spans about 200 kilometres, delving into landscapes that a century ago witnessed pivotal events shaping not only the local territories but also modern history. Linking the four symbolic military shrines of the Province of Vicenza – Pasubio, Cimone, Asiago, and Grappa – the itinerary seamlessly integrates multiple CAI paths, traversing key First World War memory sites.

With a focus on the Pasubio, Novegno, and Cimone mountains, the Altopiano dei Sette Comuni, and the Grappa massif, the project endeavours to promote the Vicenza mountains. The ultimate goal is to bring historical sites to light, inviting visitors to rediscover and appreciate the enduring significance of these locations in the present day.

For more detailed information, please visit the website page


Esplorare Storia e Natura: Presentazione dell’Alta Via della Grande Guerra alla BIT – BORSA INTERNAZIONALE DEL TURISMO”

Alda+ ha assunto un ruolo di primo piano nella promozione del progetto Alta Via della Grande Guerra, mostrandone le meraviglie alla BIT – BORSA INTERNAZIONALE DEL TURISMO di Milano il martedì 6 febbraio. Il progetto, guidato dalla Provincia di Vicenza, è stato svelato durante una conferenza stampa congiunta con UNPLI Veneto, alla quale ha partecipato il dott. Marco Boaria.

Durante la conferenza, il Consigliere Valter Orsi ha presentato con passione l’Alta Via della Grande Guerra, un itinerario affascinante che si snoda attraverso paesaggi storicamente significativi della Prima Guerra Mondiale.

Descrivendolo come un “percorso di rigenerazione storico-naturalistica delle Prealpi vicentine“, il Consigliere Orsi ha evidenziato la bellezza incontaminata del percorso, offrendo panorami mozzafiato sulle montagne. Ha sottolineato che l’Alta Via della Grande Guerra offre un’esperienza turistica unica per coloro che desiderano immergersi nella montagna. Il percorso è adatto sia agli appassionati di escursionismo che a chi ama la bicicletta, accogliendo le famiglie e offrendo un viaggio attraverso un ecomuseo a cielo aperto che presenta trincee, postazioni, forti e fortificazioni della Prima Guerra Mondiale.

L’Alta Via della Grande Guerra offre un’esperienza turistica unica per coloro che desiderano immergersi nella montagna

Steso lungo il nord della Provincia di Vicenza, l’Alta Via della Grande Guerra si snoda da ovest a est, invitando gli esploratori a scoprire gli angoli incantevoli delle Prealpi Vicentine. Comprendente circa 20 tappe, il percorso vanta località pittoresche, una ricca storia, una natura rigogliosa, punti culturali, tradizionali malghe e comodi punti di ristoro. Alcuni tratti del percorso sono adatti anche per escursioni in bicicletta.

L’Alta Via della Grande Guerra delle Prealpi Vicentine si estende per circa 200 chilometri, immergendosi in paesaggi che cento anni fa furono teatro di eventi cruciali che hanno segnato non solo i territori locali ma l’intera storia moderna. Collegando i quattro sacrari militari simbolici della Provincia di Vicenza – Pasubio, Cimone, Asiago e Grappa – l’itinerario integra senza soluzione di continuità diversi sentieri CAI, attraversando i principali luoghi di memoria della Prima Guerra Mondiale.

Con un focus sui monti Pasubio, Novegno e Cimone, sull’Altopiano dei Sette Comuni e sul massiccio del Grappa, il progetto mira a promuovere le montagne vicentine. L’obiettivo finale è portare alla luce luoghi storici, invitando i visitatori a riscoprire e apprezzare la significativa importanza di questi luoghi anche ai giorni nostri.
Per ulteriori informazioni dettagliate, si prega di visitare la pagina web.