ESSPIN project will re-examine the nexus of social, economic, and spatial inequalities in the EU as well as the various typologies, arrangements and mixes of policies to address them in the light of emerging and highly interacting mega-trends and challenges that threaten to increase pressures and make policy choices even more difficult.

As new and older drivers of change are projected to create a rather unfavourable environment for balanced growth and socio-spatial resilience, this research will focus on the analysis of policy responses, aiming to make them more proactive, inclusive, and effective.


The objectives of the ESSPIN project may be divided into four main spheres:


  • Develop a new knowledge frontier and substantially improve the understanding by the scientific community of the evolution and drivers of inequality.
  • Provide a novel methodological framework integrating different strands of literature and different types and scales of inequality that will have a lasting impact on scientific research.


  • Provide a better understanding of the economic costs of inequality.
  • Contribute to higher well-being at the workplace, higher firm productivity, and more inclusive managerial practices.


  • Successfully deal with the challenges faced by left-behind people and places.
  • Enhance public awareness of the causes and effects of inequality.
  • Single out critical areas for social actors and NGOs to intervene, accompanied by effective tools of analysis and policy instruments to reduce inequality and bring about inclusive growth.
  • Raised awareness in society as a whole on the importance of inequalities for social cohesion, economic growth, and well-being.


  • Improved efficiency of economic, social and cohesion policies in achieving inclusive growth at the European level.
  • Improve policymakers’ capacity in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • A more equal and inclusive European society.



The project aims to strengthen the socio-ecological awareness and capacity building of its young beneficiaries. Through the environmental issue, the young beneficiaries will develop skills in campaigning, project management, communication, advocacy etc.

They will follow capacity building sessions and will be invited to take initiatives to create and disseminate activities in the framework of the project in their local contexts and online, particularly with a blog that they will all co-manage and that will be intended at sharing their actions with the other beneficiaries abroad.


The project intends to:

  • Increase the evidence-base on main obstacles and opportunities that youths face in deprived suburban areas
  • Improve the transnational cooperation between youth workers
  • Raise the environmental awareness
  • Increase the green skills and empower the disadvantaged youth to commit for the preservation of the environment in their own communities
  • Ensure the sustainability of environmental awareness through peer learning
  • Enlarge employment opportunities of young residents from deprived areas by capacity building activities aiming at growing green entrepreneurship skills.

The first result of the ReCAP project has been successfully completed!

In the framework of the Project Result 1, the final report elaborated by the project partner, Solidaridad Sin Fronteras, with the contribution of all partners, aims to draw a picture of the post pandemic local contexts addressed, collecting the specific needs of young people from the point of view of professionals working with youth. The report is now available in English and it will soon be accessible in other 7 languages. 

Through desk research and a detailed questionnaire, the ten project partners have investigated the social issues that the pandemic caused or worsened on young people. After having finalised it, the questionnaire was distributed among professionals working with youth and other relevant stakeholders from November 2022 to January 2023. 

The research involved 124 professionals working with vulnerable young people, with the following distribution: Bulgaria (25), France (22), Italy (21), Romania (19), Portugal (18), Spain (10) and Greece (9). Most of them are women (69%) between 25 and 34 years old. In a previous phase, partners identified the stakeholders to address the questionnaire, in order to cover the main areas where stakeholders working with vulnerable youngsters can be found: municipal youth centres, educational centres, social work services, labour orientation services, security office, health centre, and others. According to data, the sector where the survey has been implemented the most is the educational sector, so it is over-represented and this has to be taken into account when looking at the overall results. The young population groups with whom these professionals work most often are: girls (39,67%), youth not in employment, education or training “NEET” (38,02%), youth with migrant background (33,88%), minorities (29,75%), youth from the LGBTIAQ+ community, youth with disabilities (3,30%) and minors in the penal system (1,65%). 

Despite the disparities among the countries, some similarities can be found. The research shows that professionals working with youth are concerned about the negative effects of COVID-19 pandemic on psychological health and emotional well-being, and they pointed out the effects on socialisation, cultural life, studies and training. Results show that young people’s relationships within all the spheres of their lives have worsened, especially with the educational environment, with themselves and with the local community. 

The Local Context and Needs Analysis Report draws a picture of the specific needs of young people in the post-pandemic period

Overall, the national results highlight that the services provision is now higher than before the pandemic, especially in Bulgaria and Greece, but with the exception of Italy. It is a general optimistic result that shows that the local services have probably adapted to the urgency of needs, and that highlights the resilience of the educational and social sector professionals. Young people seem to visit the services more often than before the pandemic, and they mostly need psychological and emotional health support and educational support. According to professionals, the use of psychological support is the most relevant tool to work with youngsters nowadays. 

Moreover, the study reveals that most professionals consider artistic and cultural tools useful and motivating for youngsters, which is certainly an optimistic outcome that will ensure a positive uptake of the ReCAP project future tools.

Read the Report in English k fatt. 👈

🇫🇷 Read the Report in French

🇧🇬 Read the Report in Bulgarian

🇬🇷 Read the Report in Greek

🇪🇸 Read the Report in Spanish

🇵🇹 Read the Report in Portuguese

🇷🇴 Read the Report in Romanian

🇮🇹 Read the Report in Italian

The civil society and the cooperation with institutions are fundamental to reconstruct Ukraine. On the first anniversary of the Russian invasion, ALDA organised a dedicated event in Gdansk (Poland), entitled “LDA Mariupol partners meeting”, to present the work of the Local Democracy Agency Mariupol, while discussing activities and future collaboration with new partners from EU countries.

“ALDA is working to create new LDAs in Ukraine; advanced discussions are underway regarding the establishment of LDAs in Vinnitsa, Kharkiv, Odessa, Mykolaiv”- stated Antonella ValmorbidaSecretary General of the Association.

The same commitment to support the initiatives of the LDA was also echoed by Monika ChabiorDeputy Mayor of Gdansk. Besides, Ms. Chabior expressed both the will of the city to be engaged within youth projects – be they exchange programme, and Erasmus plus; and the newly implemented initiatives targeting the integration of Ukrainian inhabitants. Moreover, the city of Etterbeek (Belgium) and Distric 11 in Barcelona, invited to the meeting, were of like mind in engaging with LDA Mariupol.

Stakeholders and partners met in Gdansk to provide ad hoc aid and support to LDA Mariupol

The urgency to support the local community, previously mentioned by the LDA partners, was further stressed by Vadym Boychenko, Mayor of Mariupol, who not only shared the suffer and pain of the people of Mariupol, but also the importance of international support in the rebuilding and returning processes. Hence, the coordinated actions of international CSOs and networks around the above-mentioned phases is vital and crucial. This is also why the Vice-Rector of Mariupol University, Tetyana Marena, is in favour of further cooperation for the development of the LDA Mariupol project, thus further strengthening the bond between the Agency and the University, the latter hosting itself the premises of the LDA.

What emerged quite clearly during the meeting, was the necessity of providing ad hoc humanitarian aid to Ukraine, as emphasised by the speech of Olga Pikula – Member of Mariupol City Council, introducing the “Ya Mariupol” project, which has currently 17 offices across the country and carries out activities to support Mariupol residents on issues such as humanitarian aid, job search, psychological and medical support. Similarly, Oleksandra Kulichenko, representing LDA Mariupol, provided an overview on the initiatives implemented in support to city residents.

Overall, the meeting in Gdansk marked a fruitful moment for the further collaboration of different stakeholders with the LDA Mariupol, while stressing the importance of local communities in being resilient in war time. There is a need to restart locally for the reconstruction of the Country.

Local Democracy Agency Mariupol was established in December 2017 and focuses on dialogue between local authorities and civil society, public participation in decision-making on local development issues, participatory budgeting, support for the decentralization process and the creation of united territorial communities. Partners: NGO “Mariupol Development Fund” (Lead Partner); Mariupol City Council (Ukraine); City of Gdansk (Poland); Akmene District Municipality (Lithuania).


The ageing of population is a worldwide phenomenon with critical implications for all sectors of society. Due to low birth rates, high life expectancy and migration flow dynamics, the worldwide population is “turning grey”, and Europe is not an exception. An ageing population brings social, health, economic, and other issues.

Grey 4 Green responds to the urgency of developing competences in various sustainability-relevant sectors, developing green and sectorial (3rd age) skills strategies and methodologies, as well as future-oriented training schemes that meet the needs of individuals and organisations. We will also test innovative practices to prepare seniors and 3rd age personnel to become true agents of change.


Grey 4 Green aims at:

  • Promoting active ageing and contribute to climate action through the involvement of senior citizens in nature conservation volunteering programmes and through the capacitation of personnel working in the third age sector to develop and implement such programmes;
  • Valorising the elderly and all their potential as productive citizens and as agents of change;
  • Support adult learners (seniors + 3rd age personnel) by providing high-quality training and international exchanges, fostering key competences and skills; -Generating environmental awareness, and promote European citizenship values such as inclusion and fight of discrimination;
  • Promoting environmental, social, language, literacy, intercultural and interpersonal skills in senior citizens and in the third age personnel;
  • Producing high quality outputs to encourage the implementation of senior volunteering programmes across the EU. These outputs are multi- media and inclusive to relevant audiences, including paper deliverables, handbooks, an online platform and videos;
  • Promoting and advocating for social inclusion, active ageing and environmental policies;
  • Support the partners’ work and missions, boosting their international dimension and their staff’s competencies.



Sports 4 All is designed to give the right of free access to sports activities to young people in situations of social disadvantage.
Indeed, educational poverty should be understood not just as economic poverty (from which it may derive) or as a violation of the right to education, but must be perceived as a lack of opportunities in diverse complementary and linked fields.

Ensuring everyone’s possibility to participate in sports activities has become an established principle nationally and internationally. Already in the European Sports Charter for All, issued in 1976 by the Council of Europe, governments were called upon to guarantee their citizens that they would practice appropriate sports.

Therefore, this project aims to foster the competencies of trainers and coaches to work with this category of young people, namely children and youngsters who live in contexts of educational poverty. The project plans to work towards its objectives through creating and implementing a new methodology targeting coaches, trainers, and educators to foster diversity and inclusion and respond to the needs of the marginalised segment of youth suffering from educational poverty.


The project’s main objective is to foster and reinforce diversity and inclusion by providing equal opportunity access to sports for youth, particularly disadvantaged youth suffering from educational poverty.
Moreover, the project’s specific priority is to promote education through sports and to elevate the capacities of sports clubs and associations.

Sports for All project aims to encourage social inclusion and diversity in sports by enabling trainers and educators to target youth with educational poverty. The plan is to develop and adopt a new methodology for trainers, coaches, and sports clubs and associations to limit the marginalisation of youth suffering from educational poverty and allow them to integrate into the community in a safe space with healthy competition.

The methodology will incorporate formal and non-formal methods and approaches to education to provide youth to develop beyond the athletic aspect of sports and acquire skills beneficial to their development. Another key aspect is training and workshop implementations for educators and coaches. They will be focused on child development and the different aspects of educational poverty to equip them with the necessary knowledge related to youth and sports and shed light on the significant role that they can play in their inclusion and development.



STAND-UP strives to create a comprehensive and holistic counter-hate crime framework that covers all components of the counter-hate process (reporting-investigating-prosecution-prevention (RIPP), embedded within a framework of victim support. In this way, the project ensures the complementarity of the work of different actors, leading to a streamlined and more efficient RIPP cycle, better victim support, and higher levels of trust between CSOs, law enforcement, judiciary, and victims.

Open Source INTelligence (OSINT) is used to understand hateful sentiments and speech in localised contacts, helping public authorities and CSOs to identify areas of intervention, at-risk groups, and the weight of hateful sentiments expressed online as an indicator of physical acts of hate offline, all multi-factorally disaggregated. A platform is developed for interagency data exchange. Activities to raise awareness of STAND-UP and its outcomes, as well as to heighten awareness of hate crime and its impact on victims, are carried out throughout the project.


Among the objectives

  • Enhance multi-agency cooperation in countering hate crime by establishing harmonised definitions of hate crime, embedded within a blueprint framework for cooperation.
  • Standardise reporting procedures through the co-design and validation of a reporting forms for (1) law enforcement agencies and (2) CSOs/NGOs.
  • Deepen relevant actors’ understanding of the phenomena of hate speech and hate crime, including the sentiments behind them on a local level through enhanced monitoring tools and skills. STAND-UP employs open-source intelligence-led monitoring mechanisms, piloted in two separate Italian municipalities.
  • Strengthen victim support through awareness and skills on “sensitive investigation” and prosecution through which “victims are recognised and treated in a respectful, sensitive, tailored, professional and non-discriminatory manner” (Art 1.1 of the Victims’ Rights Directive), focusing on unbiased reporting and investigation procedures and LEA-CSO support networks, strengthening Art 8. of the same.
  • Design and implement training for CSOs, LEAs, and prosecutors and judges on reporting, investigating, prosecuting, and preventing (RIPP) hate crimes and discrimination, with parallel victim support.


The PACIFY-D project will be working towards providing innovative training opportunities to young people and establishing Country Info Points as local learning centres for youth education, developing guidance on the organisation and support of the operation of such environments.

The purpose is primarily to strengthen democratic attitudes through civic engagement and civic participation.
Young Local Ambassadors will engage in non-formal learning activities around public diplomacy, also using cultural diplomacy tools.


Among the main objectives of the project:

• Strengthen young people’s sense of initiative,
• Educate young people on issues of diversity, cultural differences, political representation
• Confront interpersonal and intergroup/national stereotypes and enhance intercultural understanding
• Promote better knowledge about the situation of young people and inform youth policies in Europe and beyond
• Enhance transfer of knowledge between young people, Civil Society/Youth organisations, young ambassadors/ex-pats and policymakers



HEY project addresses the challenges of young people, especially those with fewer opportunities. With the COVID-19 crisis, the current situation may lead to social exclusion in the fields of education, labour market, living, health and participation in the society.

Thus, the HEY project, through the collaboration of 7 partner organisations, proposes a positive youth development approach focused on making young individuals stronger and more resourceful, as reflected in their behaviour and mind-set.


Among the main objectives of the project:

  • Presenting data on how the pandemic is amplifying existing vulnerabilities among youth, and how youth work responds to the needs,
  • Fostering the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, returnees and others to become active citizens;
  • Empowering youth workers to build synergies and equip them with digital tools to address youth challenges
  • Up-skilling through the provision of an open-access source of e-learning training and
  • Supporting young people through mentoring and peer-to-peer consultation



The NEVERMORE project is determined to support excellence in research on climate science and climate policy. Focus is on the modelling theory to take a significant step forward to overcome the current silo approach in favour of an integrated assessment one for evaluating impacts, risks and interactions of climate change across sectors and adaptation and mitigation strategies towards a climate neutral and resilience society, relying on the multiple feedbacks that occur between the variables involved in climate change.


The NEVERMORE project aims to develop an integrated common assessment framework (for modelling, simulating and evaluating impacts of both climate change and policy measures) tailored to the needs of different stakeholders and end-users (public and private actors, decision-makers and citizens).

It will include information on climate, Earth Systems, human and impacts models in a robust, reliable, detailed and transparent way, for delivering multi-sectoral climate impact assessments under consistent and integrated socio-economic and climate scenarios.

The NEVERMORE approach integrates the information from physical modelling of impacts and risk analysis methodologies and aligns them across different scales: from national, EU and global scales to local and regional scales via five representative case studies that represent various socio-ecological systems.

NEVERMORE helps to better understand the interactions between climate change impacts and mitigation and adaptation options to deliver sound technical and policy recommendations towards a climate neutral and resilient society.



PEACE Education aims to create an inclusive learning environment and to reduce violence by providing the necessary skills and knowledge to teachers and other educators to integrate Peace Education into their respective teaching experiences, providing students with the appropriate vocabulary, opportunities for practice and peaceful problem solving-skills.


Among the main objectives of the project:

  • Provide teachers and students with a conceptual understanding of peace education.
  • Acquire a holistic and critical understanding of the theory and practice of peace
  • education.
  • Search for and identify the best ways to teach peace.
  • Review evaluation studies on the impact and effectiveness of peace education.
  • Model, experience and practice peaceful classrooms and healthy group dynamics.
  • Become critical learners and reflective peace practitioners.
  • Gain an appreciation of the foundations of just and peaceful societies.
  • Encourage positive action and non-violent conflict resolution in society.
  • Enhance students’ intellectual flexibility, creativity and problem-solving capacities.


The 2019 EU parliamentary elections confirmed a further rise of support for Eurosceptic parties in Europe as well as a general loss of confidence in politics both at national and at EU level. By stimulating democratic discussions between Eurosceptic and pro-EU political forces, the project attempts to promote the idea that the political polarisation within EU societies is threatening the internal stability and should be avoided.

Therefore, in line with the Europe for Citizens’ programme, the project aims both at increasing political involvement of the European citizens and providing them with tools and knowledge to better understand the political debates around the future of Europe.


The general objective of the project is to foster European citizenship and to improve the conditions for civic and democratic participation at Union level.

These goals will be achieved by putting forward three main activities:

Creation of a website “Observatory tool”:
The website will provide users with an in-depth analysis of the state of play of the Eurosceptic political parties in Europe and their positions. The “Observatory tool” not only will make use of an intuitive graphic to allow an immediate comparison between the different Eurosceptic forces but it will also include an interactive map of Europe and a short summary of each political parties (history, main ideas of the party, etc.).

Events across Europe:
Several cities across Europe have been carefully selected on the basis of specific challenges to tackle (es: a Mediterranea city and migration, Lens and deinstitutionalization, etc.) . The event will be divided in two parts:

  • A citizens’ workshop in which several groups will have a solution-oriented debate to provide practical recommendations that will be collected in a political manifesto;
  • A round-table between local practitioners, academic experts, civil society members representing different political opinions (both pro-EU and Eurosceptic).

A massive dissemination activity will be put forward by all the partners. Academic articles, papers on the most recent trends on the European political scene, the citizens’ manifesto, will be available on the project website.

The 2030 Youth Vision project has officially started!

On January 12 & 13, 2023, the Kick-Off Meeting of the project took place in Lousada (Portugal), where the consortium was kindly hosted by the Municipality of Lousada.

The first transnational partner meeting represented a great opportunity for the six partners to get to know each other and work on the next steps of the project.

Different challenges are faced by young people in the context of globalisation (demographic and climate changes, artificial intelligence, democratic disaffection or pandemics etc.) and very often they are left out from participatory processes at all levels.

2030 Youth Vision project, based on the wide experience of project partners on youth participation in civic and democratic life, aims to increase the active participation of young people, with a focus on those belonging to disadvantaged groups, in the co-production of local policies for the achievement of SDGs.

It is of great importance that the voice of youth is effectively considered in the process and that young people are protagonists in the achievement of these goals.

2030 Youth Vision project aims to increase the active participation of young people, with a focus on those belonging to disadvantaged groups

During this two-days meeting, the consortium discussed the organisational, management and financial aspects of the 2030 Youth Vision project, as well as the communication and dissemination strategy to be implemented.

This Kick-Off meeting has been a great opportunity to lay the foundation of the project and build a strong partnership.


SHARED GREEN DEAL brings together 22 leading organisations from across the EU that cover core elements of the European Green Deal cross cutting priorities such as civil society, democracy, gender, energy, environment, circular economy, and innovation.
SHARED GREEN DEAL will span all EU Green Deal policy areas in:

  • Undertaking 6 streams of social experiments (each in 4 different EU or H2020-Associated countries
  • Conducting socio-cultural comparisons of collective practices and individual behaviours (and influences),across different European contexts
  • Developing an ambitious multi-stakeholder Shared Green Deal Network
  • Providing both reactive policy insights for the short-term and proactive policy insights for the longer-term. (e.g. findings will be used to develop a Green Deal – Policy Tracker, to monitor Member State implementation of EU Green Deal policies


SHARED GREEN DEAL’s core goal is to stimulate shared actions on Green Deal initiatives across Europe, by providing Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) tools to support the implementation of 8 EU Green Deal policy areas, at the local and regional level.

Through the Project’s broad membership-based network partners, social experiments in 24 European locations will be aligned with current strategic priorities of on-the-ground policy, NGO, business and citizen groups.

The resulting SHARED GREEN DEAL Network will build capacity, maximise impacts, and enable longer term system change throughout the 2020s and beyond.


SHARED GREEN DEAL is structured around lessons from a set of 24 social experiments that target six specific priority Green Deal topics all of which contribute to the climate action and zero pollution ambitions of the Green Deal. They are:

  • Clean Energy
  • Circular Economy
  • Efficient Renovations
  • Sustainable Mobility
  • Sustainable Food
  • Preserving Biodiversity


The project aims to improve awareness about the importance of developing multi-disciplinary skills in the policy making field, primarily addressing students, but also decision-makers, urban planners, NGOs, CSOs, social workers and scientists.

The goal of P-CUBE is to build an educational strategy game (the Policy Game) designed to teach the theory and practice of public policy making to different groups of people, principally students. The prototype of the game will be developed during the project, and it will be presented to different audiences in various national and international settings. The game will then be modified to incorporate their comments and suggestions.

Besides the project partners, P-CUBE benefits from the support and contribution of the following associated partners:

  • University of Teramo (Italy)
  • University of Padova (Italy)
  • Institute for Social Research (Italy)


The basic assumption, supported by the literature on Public Policy studies, is that the dynamics for policy making processes are similar within different policy fields, yet the set of actors varies from one policy to another. The Policy Game, therefore, has two objectives:

  • Show how decisions in the public sphere are taken and what kinds of decisional strategies can be employed by the promoters of policy innovation.
  • Help players/students/trainees become familiar with the specificities of the policy fields in which they are involved.


THE:PLACE – Türkiye Hand in hand with Europe: Programme for Local Authorities and Civil society Exchange aims to build up lasting Turkey – European Union networks of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) that work on local issues, promoting an exchange aimed to increase their capacity to create meaningful impact in their respective areas of work.


THE:PLACE programme aims to favour the empowerment of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Local Authorities (LAs) as actors of local development, through specific capacity building, peer learning and joint cooperation on co-designed common projects.

The programme seeks to create quadrilateral partnerships composed of 1 CSO based in Türkiye associated with 1 LA + 1 CSO based in the EU associated with 1 LA.



The project wants to encourage women in joining participation mechanisms while mainstreaming gender equality at the local level. The project foresees the active involvement of 14 pilot provinces or district municipalities from every regions of Türkiye, which will work to strengthen gender equality during the 12-month project period, under the guidance of the CEMR’s “European Charter of Equality in Local Life”.


The project aims at promoting municipalities for the establishment of Local Equality Action Plans, implementing the necessary strategies for including women into urban life and local decision-making processes.

It also aims at establishing Gender Equality offices in the pilot Municipalities, transferring the Turkish law od 6284 “Protect family and prevent violence against women” and the Istanbul Convention to the citizens, implementing gender-based budgeting techniques and designing permanent monitoring and evaluation mechanisms based on these results.


The project AVATAR has been created to foster the development of digital culture and the adoption of new digital services for citizens, enterprises, CSOs and public administration. It has five areas of intervention: training, socio-medical, business, third sector and public administration.
Overall there are eleven municipalities of the Alto Vicentino (Isola Vicentina, Malo, Marano Vicentino, Monte di Malo, San Vito di Leguzzano, Santorso, Thiene, Torrebelvicino, Valdagno, Villaverla and Zugliano); 4 technical partners: Pasubio Tecnologia, Wikimedia Italia, MegaHub, Alda+ and 48 supporters


The objectives of the project are to:

  • create in the Northern Vicenza area Open Innovation Laboratories as places of active meeting and participation (Innovation LAb).
  • foster a participatory approach to the creation and modernisation of digital public services, through the Digital Gyms
  • Disseminate the culture of open data of public bodies among citizens and enterprises
  • Increase the number of citizens using Internet and their awareness about the potential of digital technology.