From the 24th to the 26th of September 2021, the municipality of Lavarone will welcome European partners of the project DESIRE and the Rude Awakening. These 2 projects have similarities and differences that make them interesting. The first one is focusing on raising youth awareness on what the EU means and around the Schuman Declaration. This is done through a co-creative methodology by using art to speak about the EU.  The second one aims to make the museums more attractive for the younger generation. With this aim, a video game on the topic of WW1 has been created. The trailer has been released. (Find it out here)

It will be the first meeting in person for both projects which have started during the COVID19 pandemia. This meeting is a great opportunity to network, exchange best practices and create links between the partners. Lavarone and its peaceful nature is the right place for that. The ambition of the event is above all to start a strong-enlarged network of active and committed realities, linked together by past, present and future projects.

This meeting is a great opportunity to network, exchange best practices and create links between the partners

It will be a pleasure to share what we have done. So, stay tuned to discover what’s happened during the meeting!

About the DESIRE project

DEclaration of Schuman: Initiative for Revitalizing Europe (DESIRE) is a Europe for Citizens funded project. The project aims to raise people and especially youth’s awareness on the historical importance and the meaning of the Declaration of Schuman for the EU. The objective is to actively involve youth in approaching history in a proactive way. Through the co-creation of artistic tools, as videos, theatre, games, audio narratives, partners will accompany groups of youth citizens in re-discovering history and in debating on EU values as intercultural dialogue, peace and solidarity. The consortium is leading by Comune di Lavarone (Italy) and composed by Fondazione Belvedere-Gschwent (Italy), Union of bulgarian black sea local authorities (Bulgaria), Municipio de Valongo (Portugal), Danube 1245 (Serbia), Zdruzenie Institut za razvoj na zaednicata (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), Administration Communale de Grez-Doiceau (Belgium), Fundacio de la Comunitat Valencia de Patrimoni Insdustrial i (Spain), Kulturni centar Osijek (Croatia), ALDA (France).

About “The Rude Awakening” project

“The Rude Awakening – a multimedia journey in the footsteps of frontline soldiers’ everyday life”, is a European project that aims to raise the awareness and interest of younger generations (between 13 to 20 years old) on the topic of war and peace. With the support of digital and audiovisual contents based on the stories of WWI soldiers, “The Rude Awakening” wants to lead a new educational and emotional perspective on war and peace, whereby visitors will learn by doing as they fill the shoes of a soldier all along the museum visit, thus better understanding war memories and soldier life thanks to technology. It’s a co-funded project by the European Union MEDIA programme, a sub-programme of Creative Europe, which gathered Fondazione Belvedere-Gschwent as the lead partner, and as project partners: Comune di Lavarone, ALDA, 101 Percento, Mémoire pour la vie, Gornjesavski Muzej Jesenice, Danube Connect, World of NGOs and the Macedonian Center of Photography. 

For more information on the project and how to join it, please contact the artistic Director, Mr Renzo Carbonera:

ALDA looks forward to this great event, which serves as a great occasion to discuss together about our common past and history.

The steering committee meeting (COPIL) of the project AUTREMENT (Urban Planning of the Territory to REinvent Mobility and ENgage Tunisians), held on Tuesday, July 13, 2021, marked the end of the first year of the project.

The AUTREMENT project aims to promote sustainable urban development in the Tunisian cities of Kairouan and Mahdia in order to improve the quality of life of their inhabitants and the attractiveness of the region’s economy and tourism.

The second meeting of the COPIL was an opportunity to review the first year of the project. Ms. Lysiane Humbert, Administrative, logistical and financial manager of the project, and Mr. Younes Aggoun, AUTREMENT head of mission, presented the progress of activities and discussed the project’s prospects at a time when the pandemic is severely hampering the implementation of the action plan.

This conference was marked by the virtual presence of representatives of the three local authorities’ partners of the project: Mr. Radhouen Bouden, Mayor of Kairouan, Ms. Julia Dumay, Deputy Mayor of Strasbourg in charge of international relations, Ms. Loubna Zouari, Deputy Mayor of Mahdia in charge of international partnerships.

One of the flagship events of the AUTREMENT project, “the bicycle parade, has demonstrated the dynamism of this network by gathering several dozen participants

Although disrupted by an unstable health context, this period allowed the coordination office in Kairouan to consolidate its presence on the ground, to launch its collaboration with the local and regional CSOs and to develop a cooperation with local authorities. One of the flagship events of the project, “the bicycle parade”, organized last May, has rightly demonstrated the dynamism of this network by gathering several dozen participants. The video of the parade, viewed more than 600 times on social networks, also reflects the enthusiasm of Tunisians for this type of event.

However, the pandemic has not been without impact on the conduct of activities. The postponement of field missions, workshops and citizen consultations, as well as events in Kairouan and Mahdia, limited the action of the AUTREMENT project. The teams had to be creative in adapting to the health situation while carrying out as many of the planned activities as possible. For example, a training on cycling policies for agents and elected officials, scheduled for July 12 and 13, 2021 in face-to-face, took place instead in virtual format due to the deterioration of the health situation in Tunisia.

During the COPIL, the Mayor of Kairouan, Mr. Bouden, praised the resilience of the project teams in the face of the pandemic. Enthusiastic about the year to come, he recalled his commitment to the energy transition and announced the creation of a department of urban mobility in collaboration with the Tunisian Ministry of Transport. He expressed his wish to see AUTREMENT follow this dynamic through concrete actions.

Ms. Zouari, Deputy Mayor of Mahdia, was pleased with the success of the project among the citizens of her city. “The project is beginning to gain visibility in Mahdia and raises expectations,” she said.

Ms. Dumay, Deputy Mayor of Strasbourg, praised the adaptability of the teams and recalled that the project is fully in line with the priorities of ecological, social and democratic transition of the current mandate of Strasbourg and in the logic of sharing experiences and cooperation between municipalities.

For the coming months, capacity building and public space development are the guidelines of the course of action.

The project “AUTREMENT” involves the realization of 7 micro-projects in Kairouan and 3 soft circuits in Mahdia, in addition to the creation of a bike house in Kairouan.

In connection with the developments, awareness-raising activities and citizen consultations are scheduled, responding in particular to the wishes expressed by the elected officials of Kairouan and Mahdia.

Summer 2021 marked a great moment as far as regional cooperation in the Balkan Region concerns., especially in regard to “Open Balkan” initiative. Thus, Prime Ministers, Rama and Zaev –  from Albania and North Macedonia respectively – and Serbian President Vučić agreed on abolishing border control among the three countries by 2023.

“Open Balkan”, this is the name of the regional cooperation initiative, is considered by Prime Minister Zaev as a key and fundamental action in order to develop both the economy and the everyday life of citizens living in this area. Zaev’s position is backed by the Albanian PM, who believed that “ all countries should be part of this process, because it is a benefit for them and their citizens”.

“Open Balkan” is intended to serve as a way to boost economic growth, foster free movement of people among the countries while supporting and promoting the tourist sector

Similarly, underlined the importance of having all countries involved in the process “because it is a benefit for them and their citizens”. From a general perspective, “Open Balkan” is intended to serve as a way to boost economic growth, foster free movement of people among the countries while supporting and promoting the tourist sector. 

Finally, this initiative was firstly discussed already in 2019, when the three representatives of Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia met in Novi Sad, setting the base for the “Mini-Schengen” agreement. The latter took inspiration from the European “Schengen Agreement” – both as far as the name concerts, and – more importantly – in regard to the overall aim of this regional project.

This article has been written based on information found at the following link

Let’s close the JOURNEY project with the final conference of the project and gather online to celebrate the work done by the consortium on 8th of September 2021.

After 3 years of implementation of various activities we can say that this initiative was worthy; having a huge impact on delivering an innovative approach in the field of entrepreneurial potential development in rural youth of the Eastern partnership (EaP) countries.

During the online final conference, the JOURNEY project will present the results of its work . At the same time, project partners will share their experiences while illustrating the main output of the project, be they: the launch of the project website, the deliver of trainings and online courses for youth entrepreneurs. In addition, activities targeted the preparation of mentors, the definition of  capacity building workshops for mentors and young people, as well as the creation of Clubs of Young Entrepreneurs, Youth Exchange.

This day will be also the occasion to gather experts: The latter will share their knowledge and experience in the field of entrepreneurship, while dialoguing with mentors, youth from Georgia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan who have been involved in the project.

The JOURNEY project is to reduce youth unemployment in the countries of the Eastern Partnership and promote the development of entrepreneurial potential of rural youth

If you are interested in joining this event, please register here. The conference will take place on September 8th 2021 at 10h30 (CEST time).

Follow JOURNEY project on Facebook to stay up to date!

About the “JOURNEY” project

The project “Joint Organization to Unite Rural Networks of Entrepreneurial Youth – JOURNEY” is a 36-month project, which was launched in May 2018 and it proposes an innovative approach in the field of entrepreneurial potential development in rural youth of the EaP countries – Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Georgia.

Rural youth employment in the countries of the Eastern Partnership is one of today’s most discussed topics. These countries need innovative solutions to reduce the level of youth unemployment in rural areas and develop entrepreneurial potential in the green economy for a sustainable development.

Rural youth have few opportunities for self-realization and employment in rural areas, therefore the project is intended to raise the level of knowledge of young people, adopting experience from the countries of the European Union.

It is implemented by 8 partners from 6 countries: Foundation PUBLICA FIDES from Poland, Ganja European Youth Capital 2016 from Azerbaijan, Vinnitsa Regional Development Agency from Ukraine, ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy from France, Kutaisi City Hall from Georgia, FORMA.Azione Srl from Italy, LDA Georgia, Vinnitsa Regional Association of Local Self Government Bodies from Ukraine.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission and co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

→ For more information about the Journey project, contact Viorica Bulat at:

On the night of July 25, 2021, the Tunisian citizens spontaneously took to the streets celebrating the president’s exceptional decisions of freezing the parliament for 30 days- and voicing their wide support.

Before the president held an emergency meeting and announced his decisions, riots took place on 25 July despite the strict measures to prevent demonstrations and the fears of the rampant spread of COVID19.

The Tunisians wanted to express their deep dissatisfaction with the status quo. There was a shared feeling that representatives did not live up to the expectations and that they let down their electors.
The deteriorating purchase power, degenerated public facilities, widened inequality gap between the haves and the have nots, and the unprecedented levels of the budget deficit and public debt stirred social unrest.

Local Democracy Agency Tunisia is committed in its turn to reinforce democratic principles and values at local level

Hence, the revolutionary decisions reflect people’s will and demonstrations against both the government and parliament members. The Tunisians are now hopeful that the newly taken measures would lead to vital reforms. They consider it auspicious to reinforce accountability for those who misused their positions and contributed to the economic breakdown.

What about the democratic process?

10 Years ago, Tunisia ousted dictatorship and embarked on a promising yet challenging ongoing process to democratic transition. Today, civil society organizations and media outlets need to play a significant role to raise people’s awareness to actively participate, observe, and evaluate what is happening to ensure transparency, promotion of good governance, rights, and freedoms, especially freedom of expression.

Local Democracy Agency Tunisia is committed in its turn to reinforce democratic principles and values at local level through encouraging dialogue and civic engagement, and also through creating a synergy among all elements of the society.

During this fragile period of transition, it is crucial to create a clear roadmap to maintain democracy and guarantee justice and separation of powers.

Article written by Afaf Zaddem from Local Democracy Agency Tunisia.
The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the author’s employer, organization, committee or other group or individual.

Statement by ALDA Vice President Mr Alessandro Perelli

All4Climate – Italy 2021 brings together all the events dedicated to the fight against climate change that will take place in Italy this year. The aim is to make 2021 a fundamental year for climate ambition. Launched by the Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition in collaboration with the World Bank Group’s Connect4Climate and with the participation of the Lombardy Region and the Municipality of Milan, All4Climate aims to promote an active and constructive dialogue on the challenges of the climate crisis and encourage the achievement of the objectives of the Paris Agreement. All4Climate represents an opportunity for all those involved in the fight against climate change to make a concrete contribution to the debate ahead of the Pre-COP26 hosted in Milan in September and the COP26 hosted by the UK in November.

The LIFE METRO ADAPT project will participate in the debate from the 21st to the 28th of September 2021 with the multi-days event entitled:

 “Climate change adaptation strategies and measures in the Metropolitan City of Milan”.

The event is the result of the project Metro Adapt – Strategies and Measures for Climate Change Adaptation in the Metropolitan City of Milan, which aims to promote the creation of a solid governance on climate change that is common to all local authorities and to produce the tools that allow them to implement efficient adaptation measures. It will alternate knowledge exchange initiatives with national and international experts with moments of entertainment and guided visits around the territory of the project implementation, with the final objective of bringing the topic of climate change and climate change adaptation strategies closer to public decision makers, technicians, municipalities, citizens, young people and students.

All4Climate – Italy 2021 brings together all the events dedicated to the fight against climate change

Below are the main scheduled meetings:

21st SEPTEMBER 2021:

  • 9.00-10.45 (CEST): International workshop (online): “Climate change adaptation strategies in European metropolitan areas”(EN): The workshop is addressed to national and international local and regional authorities and, specifically, to European metropolitan areas, with the aim of creating a space of dialogue and exchange of good practices of urban climate change adaptation. Furthermore, starting from the climate change adaptation strategy designed by LIFE Metro Adapt, it will boost a co-creation process leading to the co-design of a sustainability plan and to the creation of synergies and future collaboration opportunities among the participants. The meeting will be held online in English.
  • 11:00-13:00: Exchange meeting with the Climate Knowledge Network (IT). The objective of this interesting meeting is to share the Nature-Based Solutions monitoring tool created by the LIFE Metro Adapt Project and to stimulate the creation of synergies among the participants. The event will be held at Cascina Cuccagna, Via Cuccagna 2/4 ang. Via Muratori, Milan, in compliance with the health regulations and the Covid-19 social distancing and individual protection measures in force.
  • 14.30-18.30: Nature Based Solution Walking tour (IT). Participants will be guided through some of the most significant Nature Based Solutions in the Milan metropolitan area. Live guided tours will take place with a limited number of participants and upon registration, in compliance with the Covid-19 health and social distancing and individual protection measures in force.

24th SEPTEMBER 2021:

  • 20:30: Theatre show PALE BLUE DOT – PALLIDO PALLINO BLU (IT): A Jet Propulsion Theatre show by the Arditodesio Theatre Company. An incredible story of hope, wonder, and beauty, by and with Andrea Brunello, directed by Christian Di Domenico, music by Enrico Merlin. The evening will be introduced by the Metropolitan City of Milan and Legambiente Lombardia. After the show, participants will have the opportunity to dialogue with Andrea Brunello and the Project Team. The location is yet to be defined (Milan).

28 SEPTEMBER 2021:

  • 9:30-16:30: Final Conference of the Life Metro Adapt project (IT): The project partners will present the achieved results and the sustainability plan of the project, in order to give continuity to the process started, through the adoption of climate change adaptation measures and strategies in the metropolitan area of Milan. Afterwards, participants will be invited to share their knowledge and experience in three focus groups: i) Knowing the climate; ii) Climate change adaptation; iii) Communicating the climate. The focus groups will be followed by a moment of restitution of the results of the work in plenary session. The event will be held at Cascina Cuccagna, Via Cuccagna 2/4 ang. Via Muratori, Milan. It will be possible to follow the plenary sessions online, through the Go To Meeting platform.
  • 17:00: Photo contest awarding event (IT). Award ceremony for the winners of the photo contest PhotoAdapt – The impacts of climate change in the Metropolitan City of Milan.  The contest participants and their companions (maximum 2 per person) will be invited to an aperitif at Cascina Cuccagna, Via Cuccagna 2/4 ang. Via Muratori, Milan. The event will be streamed on the Metro Adapt Facebook Page.

We look forward to seeing you there!

On July 31st, “Gruppo Scintilla – Vivere meglio adesso” family and kids from Vicenza gathered at “Pampas – Il giardino inclusivo” for an afternoon dedicated to sharing and playing.

Following the successful event, entitled “Pigafetta’s Mandala”, which took place earlier in July, children were involved in several games, and activities. The aim: stimulating inclusiveness through interactions and reciprocity.

By building a network of local citizens, Gruppo Scintilla is intended to re-generate the urban spaces

From “Pampas – Il giardino inclusivo” terrace, kids’ giggles and laughs flooded the streets of Vicenza, nearby Viale Milano (Milano Street), urban heart of the project itself. ALDA Project Manager, Nadia di Iulio, together with Francesca Manfron – school teacher, lead the event. Children were divided into teams, each of which had a specific symbol, identifying the group. Games and activities were meant to stimulate young participants to know each other better to communicate, and to share. Thus, social inclusiveness is among the aims of projects.

At the same time, this event was the perfect opportunity to encourage dialogue among kids’ parents. By building a network of local citizens, Gruppo Scintilla is intended to re-generate the urban spaces around the railway station and Viale Milano. Having that in mind, it comes with itself that exactly these types of events are essential to encourage citizens’ participation within the life of the city and its neighbourhood. 

As many parents said, afternoons like the one organised within the project  are very much needed. ALDA is glad to be actively part of this group, and invites you to join the upcoming events!

To know more about the “Gruppo Scintilla” project, please visit the website
Follow “Gruppo Scintilla – vivere meglio adesso
Take a look at “Pampas – Il giardino inclusivo

2021 marked the conclusion of EGAL II (Egalité de Genre dans l’Action Locale /Gender Equality in Local Action), a successful project that targeted participatory gender inclusive activities in Morocco.

 Benefitting from several activities, the Local Democracy Agency Norther Morocco (LDA Norther Morocco) leader of the project, was able to promote and support the capacity of actors to launch pro-gender initiatives in their communities while conveying strong messages on the importance of including rural women in public affairs. More in depth, activities targeted the activation of the role of equity, equal opportunities and gender bodies.

EGAL II: a new journey towards inclusive and sustainable municipalities in Morocco! (LDA Norther Morocco team)

Furthermore, the learning cycle focused on the mechanisms of citizen participation, public policy instruments, leadership, providing actors with mechanisms to enrich local public life. From a general perspective, EGAL actors – be they elected officials, municipal managers, associations –  all expressed their wish to boost their synergies, so that to enhance their inter-municipal dynamics. Among their strong recommendations, one can recall the creation of a collective project with ecological, sustainable tourism.

Finally, actors involved within the project expressed their willingness to deepen their knowledge on the subjects tackled by EGAL II. As mentioned by the ADL NM team: “Today we are proud to have contributed to build a positive dynamic for social change, which has given rise to new collective and inter-communal project ideas. The latter aim to improve the socio-economic and environmental rights of the local population. This is only the beginning of a new journey towards inclusive and sustainable municipalities!” (ADL Northern Morocco team)

ALDA is very much glad to have collaborated once again with local realties in Morocco, by promoting citizens’ participation, engaging with administrative bodies, while stimulating positive and democratic change.

“EU Regions Week”: join the debate and save the date for the online workshop “Boosting territorial recovery through innovative citizens’ participation” taking place on the 12th of October from 14:30 to 16:00. 

Registrations open on the 30th of August 2021!

The 19th edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities (#EURegionsWeek) – the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy – will take place from the 11th to the 14th of October under the slogan “Together for recovery”. The event, organized by the European Commission’s  Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) and the European Committee of the  Regions (CoR), will bring together politicians, decision-makers, experts and practitioners of cohesion policy,  as well as stakeholders from business, banking, civil society organisations, academia, the EU institutions and the media to discuss common challenges for Europe’s regions and cities and examine possible solutions. 

As same as last year, we are thrilled to announce that the ALDA will have an active role in this unique communication and networking platform, joining as an official partner together with the European Partnership for Democracy with the workshop “Boosting territorial recovery through innovative citizens’ participation” which will take place on the 12th of October 2021 from 14:30 to 16:00.

Building on virtuous good practices the workshop will provide concrete examples of participatory processes

Citizens’ engagement in local governance has been proved to be crucial to pursue multidimensional goals, thus achieving sustainable and long-term results within a recovery process. The workshop will be a space of dialogue about the key role played by participatory processes in addressing people’s needs, boosting sustainable development processes at the territorial level. 

Involving citizens, local and regional authorities, civil society organizations and international networks, the session will address the most urgent challenges related to:

  • Environment;
  • Digitalisation;
  • Social inclusion and economy;

reflecting on how participatory approaches can boost the post pandemic relaunch of EU cities. 

Building on the rich experience of ALDA and European Partnership for Democracy, the workshop will stimulate an inspiring multi-stakeholder debate to commonly identify the societal needs that represent the main starting point to boost an effective and sustainable recovery-plan. Building on virtuous good practices in the fields of environment, digitalisation, social inclusion and economy, the workshop will provide concrete examples of participatory processes that – through the active involvement of local communities – have contributed to improve local governance.

In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, and taking into account the restrictions related to health and security (social social security) the #EURegionsWeek 2021 will take place in a digital format. 

We invite you to give a look to the EU Regions Week Programme and to register to this and many other events!! The registration process will open on August 30th, 2021 and is completely free of charge, available exclusively through the event website!

To know more about DG REGIO please visit the website

Read more about  European Committee of the  Regions here 

More information on EPD at this link

On August 3rd, the President of ALDA Oriano Otočan and Vice President Alessandro Perelli visited the Municipality of Brtonigla-Verteneglio, in Croatia.

There, they met with the delegate of the Local Democracy Agency based in the city, Umberto Ademollo and had a reception with the Mayor of Brtonigla-Verteneglio, Neš Sinožić.

Established in 1996, the LDA Brtonigla-Verteneglio is one among the very first LDA, which has always distinguished itself for being very active in the field of youth volunteering, among others.

Moreover, this visit also represented the occasion to further consolidate the already strong and long-lasting cooperation with the Municipality of Brtonigla-Verteneglio, whose Mayor expressed the wish to get more and more involved in ALDA projects that promote local development. Indeed, specifies Sinožić, the administration is deeply committed to strengthen the quality of services linked to local tourism and thus participating in projects and actions favouring the internationalisation and the promotion of the Municipality and stimulating the creation of partnerships and the exchange of best practices with municipalities having similar characteristics and goals.

On July 27 2021, the final conference of the AGREED project – Activating Governance Reform for Enhancing Development, was organised.

The event was attended by Tsvetomir SVILENOV, Project Manager from the European Union Delegation, Larisa VOLOH Deputy, Mayor of Palanca village, Alexandru COICA, Coordinator of Eastern Partnership and Central Asia Countries (ALDA), Victor COTRUȚĂ, Coordinator of Eastern Partnership Countries (ALDA), Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) representatives beneficiaries of grant projects, mayors, district councillors, secretaries.

The conference agenda focused not only on the results achieved by the AGREED project, but also on addressing the issues of improving local governance, sustainable development of localities, involvement of citizens at local level. Besides, during the three discussion panel, speakers focused on:

  • Issues of territorial administrative reform and decentralisation;
  • Models of training of natives in local development;
  • Current challenges of sustainable development at the local level and
  • Cooperation between civil society and Local Public Administration (LPA).

  This initiative succeeded in increasing the capacity of local LPAs and CSOs to consistently participate in the processes of ensuring good local governance and local development through joint actions

Mayors, local councillors but also by a deputy elected to the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, experts in the field and representatives of CSOs joined the event as well.

More into depth, participants mentioned that the project has achieved its planned results and most of its objectives with a few slight exceptions. Hence, this initiative succeeded in increasing the capacity of local LPAs and CSOs to consistently participate in the processes of ensuring good local governance and local development through joint actions, while involving citizens in local decision-making process, and mobilising communities and to implement projects.

The main activities and results of the project included:

  • Capacity building workshops for public authorities and representatives of the local associative sector. As a result, 1091 trained people, of which 742 participated in physical format and 349 online;
  • Supporting local development initiatives through the implementation of the LPA-CSO-citizens-business environment partnership. As a result, 19 local projects were supported, with a total budget of over 150 thousand Euros, which ensured the implementation of 26 community initiatives, including Transnistrian region and ATU Gagauzia;
  • Elaboration of the voluntary amalgamation methodology;
  • Development, publication and distribution of the brochures “Participatory Democracy” and “Community Development: Cooperation between Local Authorities and Civil Society”;
  • Creation of a training platform for capacity building of public authorities with interactive modules (E-Learning platform) and
  • Elaboration and dissemination of a video / audio spot, audio version – over 3000 broadcasts, video version – over 300 broadcasts.

Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 restrictions, the event was organised in hybrid format, about 75 participants attended the event. Yet, the event was a great succeeded, enjoying both the online and presence of the participants. As also said by participants: “We thank all those involved in this event and hope that the governance reform will come as soon as possible to improve the local development and strengthen the potential of LPA in the Republic of Moldova”.

ALDA is very much glad to the great achievements of this project, and the positive outcomes it has reached.

The project is implemented by the European Association for Local Democracy – ALDA, LDA Moldova, the University Legal Clinic and funded by the European Union

For more information, please visit

The event registration can be found on the project’s Facebook page

From 21 to 23 July the 1st “STAR Project” international meeting took place – in an hybrid form – in Arcugnano, having the onsite participation of 8 European delegations partner of the project coming from Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, The Netherlands. The remaining 6 European delegations from Albania, Germany, Serbia, Czech Republic, Kosovo and Poland attended the international event online.

On the first day, project’s parties and local authorities met to present both STAR initiative, and the consortium to Arcugnano citizens. The latter, which joined the presentation in a great number, were interested about the work carried out by the Municipality and welcomed the European delegations with enthusiasm.

More into details, the event took place in the main council hall, where the city Mayor Paolo Pellizzari welcomed the participants with an opening speech. Afterwards, Nadia Di Iulio, Project Manager of ALDA, presented the project to the public. Then, each STAR partner briefly presented its association as well as street art initiatives implemented at local level, aimed at the regeneration of a territory; while stimulating civic engagement. In addition, partners took this chance as a fruitful moment of sharing experiences, and getting to know each other better.

 Partners took this chance as a fruitful moment of sharing experiences, and getting to know each other better

During the second day, a technical meeting was held, where the parties discussed the participatory process carried out at the local level within the STAR project, the objectives achieved and the next future steps. 

After the meeting, a public press conference took place in the Council hall of the Municipality, on the importance and impact of street art in regenerating depressed areas and promoting social inclusion and targeted artistic and cultural associations. Based on the day 1 format, Mr Paolo Pellizzari opened the meeting; followed by Project Manager Nadia Di Iulio.

Among keynote speakers, who joined this second day of events:

  • Mr Antonio Ceccagno from Jeos Association talked about how street art contributes to urban regeneration of a territory, while involving different stakeholders;
  • Luis Gomez de Teran – artist – discussed the challenges of street art as an instrument of social cohesion. 

Finally, guided by the Mayor, together with Antonio Ceccagno and Nadia Di Iulio participants joined a guided tour of the murals. The tour of the artworks and the explanation was useful to understand the concrete importance of the project for the Municipality and its engagement.  Then, the STARproject partners moved to Città di Vicenza, where they were warmly welcomed by Caterina Soprana, Vicenza Municipality Councillor of civil and human rights and peace culture. Mrs Soprana congratulated the STAR partnership on this initiative and wished for future collaborations with the city of Vicenza.

On the third and last day of the meeting the associations and parties involved met to discuss the administrative aspects and last greetings. 

Despite the difficulties and although some partners had to participate online, due to covid-19 safety measures, the meeting was a positive experience for all parties involved and they worked together discussing various important for good practices and active citizenship  to build more inclusive and creative European communities

Useful information on: Municipality of Arcugnano

To inaugurate this new series of in-presence events, we are glad to announce that this year ALDA is taking part into the General Assembly of the “International Association of French-speaking Mayors – AIMF”.

The Assembly takes place in Kigali, Rwanda, from July 18th to 22nd and follows an intense and stimulating agenda, animated by special guests and experts from all over the World.
While the Assembly itself is foreseen on Wednesday, the first day of conference is dedicated to the issue of gender equality in relation to family management: a sensitive topic, also related to health care management for young people in the Country and in general to the services offered by the Municipalities.

On Tuesday July 20th, the focus is more linked to ALDA’s core action, with a series of panel discussions on the relation between mayors and citizens and how this dynamic reflects on the urban management of French-speaking cities. In this vein, ALDA Secretary General, Ms Antonella Valmorbida, is taking the floor during the first panel, titled “Local government policies in phase with civil society: models of partnership between the municipality and civil society“.

A fruitful occasion of learning and sharing, for the advancement of good local governance all around the World

After listening to the Rwandans experience through the voices of local experts, Ms Valmorbida is giving an overview of participatory democracy and the dynamics of citizens participation in Europe and its Neighborhood, drawing from the experience and the best practices of the myriad of projects ALDA has been leading on these topics for the past 20 years.

In light of the recent, yet extremely promising, collaboration with AIMF, it is important for ALDA and its network to be involved in such an event, and getting to know better the mechanisms that regulate the functioning of communities in different places
This is crucial for the advancement of the work of ALDA and the elaboration of even more complete models for the support of local democracy all around the World, according to changing contexts and needs.

Starting in 2008, and based on a bottom-up approach, the idea behind the Covenant of Majors is to gather together thousands of local realities committed to turn European legislation on climate and energy into concrete actions, such as EU 40% greenhouse gas-reduction target by 2030

With more than 10.000 signatories, and spread among 53 countries, the “Covenant of Mayors” is the world’s largest initiatives focusing on climate and energy actions.

The call ‘City in the Spotlight Awards’ is a great opportunity to showcase the progress made and become a reference example for the whole Covenant Community and beyond!

More in depth, the call is open until August 16th 2021, allowing cities and majors to share their experiences, progress and strategies as far as climate and energy legislation concerns.

Apply and let your city be a reference example for the whole Covenant Community

Specifically, requirements – such as only signatories that have committed to the 2030 mitigation and adaptation targets are eligible – applied. Nonetheless, this is a great occasion to participate, or to join the initiative and get ready for the next call. Concerning the winners, here is the ratio behind:

  • 1 small-sized signatory (<10,000 inhabitants)
  • 1 medium-sized signatory (10,000- 250,000 inhabitants)
  • 1 large-sized signatory (>250,000 inhabitants)

If you are interested in applying, please visit the website

Since November 2019, in collaboration with ALDA, the Municipality of Arcugnano is leading the European project “STreet ARt project”, co-funded by Europe for Citizen Programme of the European Union. Aimed at building a network of European cities to promote street art as a tool for increasing citizens’ participation, the project is intended to – among others – to connect people of different cultures; regenerate depressed and abandoned areas, while reducing marginalisation.

From a general perspective, it involves participants from 14 European countries, such as: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Germany, The Netherlands. More specifically, from 21st to 23rd July the Municipality of Arcugnano is pleased to announce and host the first international event organized within the project: two days of exchanging experiences and thoughts regarding the role of street art in building more inclusive and creative European communities.

 Two days of exchanging experiences and thoughts regarding the role of street art in building more inclusive and creative European communities

The event takes an hybrid form, which see the onsite participation of nine European delegations partner of the project coming from Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and The Netherlands. The remaining five European delegations from Albania, Germany, Serbia, Czech Republic and Poland, will attend the international event online due to national covid related restrictions, preventing them from travelling abroad. 

Concerning the event, on the first day on 21st July, the Municipality of Arcugnano and its community will welcome the European “STreet ARt project” partners and the project will be officially presented to the community. During the second day, at 11.30, a public conference will be held in the Council hall of the Municipality. The conference will investigate the importance and impact of street art for regenerating depressed areas and promoting social inclusion. 

Relevant speakers will take part into the discussion:

  • Antonio Ceccagno – Italian street art expert and 
  • Luis Gomez – international street artists

Finally,it will be organized to exchange ideas and reflect on how street art can contribute to the regeneration of a territory and stimulate civic engagement. The conference is targeted to artistic and cultural civil society organizations, students and young generations. Participants will join a tour of city murales, after the conference. Along the 2 days event, the Municipality will additionally host an artistic residency in which the international street artist Luis Gomez will create a mural on the local school walls.

The participation to the conference is free (subject to availability)

Please register by filling the following form:

For more information, please contact Nadia Di Iulio, Project Manager of the project STAR:

When it comes to support and assistance, ALDA+ is among the well-experienced and skilled partner, with which carry out relevant projects. Thus, a great example is the collaboration with an outstanding international stakeholder. In fact, ALDA+ is currently supporting UNDP Turkey in developing a comparative assessment within the framework of the project LAR III, Local Administration Reform Project (Phase III).

The overall objective of the latter is to ensure effective, inclusive, accountable, and participatory local governance in Turkey, through support to further implementation of the local administration reform process undertaken between 2003-2013, in line with international standards

Strengthen the administrative capacity ensuring the effective implementation of the new local administration model

More in details, going deeper into the specific aims, the ad-hoc objective is to strengthen the administrative capacity ensuring the effective implementation of the new local administration model according to principles of democratic governance.

Concretely on the role of ALDA+, the latter is overseeing the organisation of online interviews on different services provided by some relevant European Municipalities, cities and towns in an exchange of best practices aiming at producing a comparative assessment for each service. On the agenda, the following topics will be at the core of this comparative exercise:

  • Water & Sewerage
  • Municipality Led – Enterprises

European towns and cities, Local Authorities interested in this great initiative are invited to contact us!

ALDA + has always been able to provide valuable and professional courses on several topics, and this time is glad to present a new course!

Developed in collaboration with Progetto Sud – Trade Union Institute for International Cooperation promoted by UIL – the labour trade union –   this training will have a strong focus on “Development cooperation: design and management techniques and methodologies”, and it is planned to star in October 2021.

New course starting in October!

Experts and professional will be at your disposal during the course, which will last 80-hour and it will be divided into 5 modules:

  • module 1 – International development cooperation: actors, actions, themes
  • module 2 – Techniques, methodologies and tools for drafting development cooperation projects: a path to generate change
  • module 3 – EU Project management techniques: the management of a development cooperation project for lasting, sustainable and measurable change
  • module 4 – Financial reporting of projects: aspects, criteria and tools
  • module 5 – Working on a project proposal: reflection, analysis, processing and evaluation of the project idea

Do not miss this great occasion, and stay tuned: more information on the way!

Migration and integration of non-European Union citizens (third country nationals) is a crucial issue of the European Union, but it is also a great resource, especially for the labour market. However, in 2019, the employment rate of Third Country Nationals (TCN) declined to 60%, some 13,8 points below the average for national citizens, with women and refuges struggling more. And even when they have a job, TCNs often work below their qualification and skills. Yet, the labour market integration of TCNs is a key element for their effective integration in European societies.

This idea is the spirit of the LIME project – a project ran by ALDA and several partners from France, Italy and Spain, which aims to promote and foster the swift integration of third country nationals into the labour market.

In order to do so, the project designed and developed a new approach: the Migrants Economic Integration Cluster (MEIC) approach. It aims to strengthen the cooperation and mobilisation of employers and social and economic partners through the activation of “cluster networks” at the local level, meaning a local multi-stakeholders network enabling to manage the multidimensional process of migrants’ integration.

Promote and foster the swift integration of third country nationals into the labour market

Recently, the project has released two useful papers to make this approach and the project’s results accessible and replicable in other local contexts:

– “A toolkit for designing cluster interventions”. This instructive document, and more especially the section 3 “How to activate and consolidate the MEIC Approach: some operational suggestions”, will give you the basics of this new methodology: how to engage institutional and private stakeholders, how to manage the cluster to respond to specific needs, how to ensure the long term sustainability in the context, and much more!

– An advocacy paper: “Implement in cluster: a new form of governance to empower social capital of local networks for Third Country Nationals’ labour inclusion.” This second document addresses several recommendations from the LIME project in order to foster the migrants’ labour inclusion, such as promoting the involvement of beneficiaries in the co-design of labour inclusion programs at the local level, recognizing the qualification recognition procedures for third country nationals, etc. You can read it in English, Italian and Spanish

Would you like to know more about the LIME project? Check the website