On the occasion of the opening event of the 2021 edition of the BUK Festival, held on Saturday 19th June at “Laboratorio Aperto – Ex AEM” in Modena; ALDA – together with the European Federalist Movement and the European Planning Office of the Municipality of Modena – tackled the issue of culture in the European context. Culture as an added value, as a transversal value that unites, that creates future. Precisely the latter was a key aspect of the debate: considering the Conference on the Future of Europe as an opportunity to write together the Europe of tomorrow.

Panelist of the conference, moderated by Francesco Zarzana – Artistic Director of BUK festival and Vice-President ALDA, were:

  • Antonella Valmorbida – Secretary General of ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy;
  • Giorgio Anselmi – President of the European Federalist Movement and the Institute of Federalist Studies “Altiero Spinelli”;
  • Antonella Buja – Head of the European Projects Office, International Relations and Coordination of Complex Projects of the Municipality of Modena; and
  • Giuseppe Caruso – Senior Project Manager Office for European Projects, International Relations and Coordination of Complex Projects of the Municipality of Modena.

Culture as an added value, as a transversal value that unites, that creates future

The four speakers shared the vision according to which culture, be it the common past or the shared present, representS for Italy and for Europe itself a source of rebirth and a stimulus to create a unitary European future.

Thus culture, brilliantly expressed by the many small and medium-sized publishers active at the local level and participating at BUK Festival, opens up to the European context.

Moreover, on the occasion of the opening event, ALDA welcomed the Municipality of Modena as its new member, and thanked Andrea Bortolamasi – Councillor for Culture, Municipality of Modena, for the valuable contribution given to the opening conference of the BUK Festival.

The latter, finally, marked the start of the 2021 ALDA General Assembly. The next events on the calendar, live-streamed from the different ALDA venues, such as Strasbourg and Brussels, will focus on the European context, the Conference on the Future of Europe, and its many facets: from digital to migration.


BUK Festival – Programme

Municipality of Modena

On June 11ͭ ͪ 2021, a local activity “Coffee with the President” was realized in Niksic, in which the President of the Municipal Assembly, Mr Nemanja Vukovic, participated. The event was attended by representatives of the Municipality of Niksic, as well as the of state institutions, the NGO sector, entrepreneurs, representatives of the academic community and media and interested citizens. More in details, among the citizens and participants there were:

  • 5 representatives of the Municipality of Niksic,
  • 2 representatives of state institutions,
  • 15 representatives of the NGO sector,
  • 8 representatives of the media and
  • 1 representative of entrepreneurs.

Promoting a culture of dialogue and solidarity in the Municipality of Niksic

The event was of an interactive type and all participants have joined in the discussion. The topics discussed were related to the resolution of the issue of unemployment in the Municipality of Niksic and proposals for solving this problem and improving the transparency of the work of the Municipality, while promoting a culture of dialogue and solidarity. In addition to the topics envisaged by the agenda, participants initiated a conversation on topics related to environmental protection, out of the politic in local communities, the position of the Roma and Egyptians populations, cultural creativity and the like.

Over 50 questions were asked and more than 20 initiatives and 10 proposals to solve current problems, which are burdening the citizens of Niksic were sent. The President of the Municipal Assembly answered all the questions; while promising that he would consider all initiatives and proposals to work together. A model of future cooperation between the city and the civil sector and citizens has been agreed, preconditions have been created for good cooperation between representatives of the NGO sector, citizens and decision-makers.

This initiative was part of the VALID Project

Over the course of the 15th and the 16th of June of 2021, the VALID project organized their second intercultural event: the Intercultural City Exchange, hosted in Novo Mesto, Slovenia, though held online over zoom. The focus is on a local level, specifically with the purpose of finding connections between groups and creating an exchange of culture, such as through cities, cultural ideas, etc.

As well as this, ideas were shared around during the runtime of the conference and suggestions were given in terms of what can be done for cultural minorities, migrants, etc. to promote inclusiveness, cultural dialogue, and building a network of towns. The zoom meeting was also divided into breakout sessions that discussed local ways of participating and suggestions, and polls were done in order to gauge the opinions and knowledge of participants.

The event in Novo Mesto was productive and helped to share interesting ideas for cultural promotion

Possible expectations and suggestions given further increase participation, inclusion, motivation, etc. for recipients and prove to be beneficial. General things encouraged include creating things such as NGOs and consultative bodies for cultural minorities/migrants, encourage those who have the right to vote, promoting art and creativity, flexibility, approaches such as personal and “here and now” approaches, among other things.

Among the discussion topics covered was also things that are already done for promotion of inclusion, such as daily centers (mostly for children,) activities and classes for kids and adults (such as language, IT, work help, etc.), workshops, year-wide cultural events, and more. It was also made clear that there will be future international events held across other countries.

Overall, it can be said that this event was productive and helped to share interesting ideas for cultural promotion. Of course, more events like this will be held.

The VALID project is a bottom-up approach for promoting inclusion and cultural dialogue among people, and the purpose of this meeting was to facilitate that, with several speakers giving presentations with examples of local development, including people from various cultural projects, NGOs and other associations.

ALDA is very pleased to share updated information on the implementation of the project within the programme “Platform for Good Governance and Environmental Protection”, financed by UNDP Ukraine.

Froom a broad perspective, the overall aim of the project is to develop and strengthen the institutional capacity of:

  • Local authorities;
  • Representatives of civil society organisations of pilot communities in community governance, public influence on decision-making, and
  • Implementation of good governance policy using the principles of participatory democracy.

More into depth, the project envisages the delivery of 12 trainings and 12 round tables. Starting with the topic of the first training, the latter took place on June 14th -16th and it was entitled “Introduction of e-democracy in local governance and receiving feedback from the community”.

The overall aim of the project is to develop and strengthen the institutional capacity

The training was attended by 22 representatives from the Local Public Authorities of Luhansk and Donetsk Oblast of Ukraine and by representatives of Civil Society Organisations. Representatives from:

  • UNDP Ukraine;
  • Luhansk and Donetsk Oblast Administrations and
  • ALDA

were among keynote speakers. As far as the second topic concerns, be it “Good governance: clear and transparent reporting by local authorities”, the training was attended by 21 representatives from the same territorial communities.

Overall, training sessions are based on relevant examples from international and national practice, focused on the development of professional competencies of local authorities’ leaders such as: leadership and effective team management skills; the ability to identify problems and set tasks for their solution using tools of time and crisis management. Moreover, throughout the project, each participant has to work on one idea or project (success story) s/he is willing to implement in his/her communities. In order to develop this tasks, participants will be assisted by trainers during the Coaching Sessions, providing also practical advice.

Antonella Valmorbida – Secretary General – and ALDA will also support participants by providing valuable knowledge and tools, while leading several trainings, happening at the beginning of July. This is just the beginning of a great project, more updates in the upcoming months.

Join ALDA for being involved in the Conference on the Future of Europe 

This year, on May 9th we celebrated the “Europe Day”, but that day also marked the beginning of one of the most remarkable happenings of our democratic history: the launch of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE), with an opening session held – in hybrid format – at the European Parliament, in Strasbourg.

Yet, what is the Conference on the Future of Europe?

The Conference (CoFoE) represents the opportunity for all European citizens to discuss and debate on both challenges and priorities, and discuss on the future path that Europe should follow. Thus, the idea behind it is that all three institutions – be they European Parliament; Council and Commission – will listen to European citizens, their ideas and proposals as far as the future of Europe concerns.

Still one question remains: “How can people actively join the Conference?”

Based on a bottom-up and citizens-oriented approach, citizens can both take part in several conferences and events, divided into topics. Starting from the multilingual digital platform citizens will have the possibility to share their ideas; organise events while joining some of them already available at the participatory space online.

More, the European citizens’ panels, organised by the European Commission, will bring together representatives in terms of citizens’ age, socioeconomic background, gender and origins; they will gather regularly and provide inputs to the Conference Plenary.

Till the end of the Conference, we have the possibility to propose the EUROPE THAT WE WANT !

ALDA will give you the opportunity to be part of the Conference, by raising your voice and the voices of citizens to make Europe the one we want.

The key topics to be addressed are :

  • Climate change and environment
  • Health
  • A stronger economy, social justice and jobs
  • The European Union stronger in the world
  • Values, rights, rule of law and security
  • Digital transformation
  • European democracy
  • Migration
  • Education, culture, youth and sport
  • Other ideas

 If you are a local authority:

  •  You can join ALDA and participate to our projects and be part of our Working groups, which are officially registered as consultations in the official website of the European Commission
  • You can get in touch with ALDA for assistance with the registration to the official CoFoE Platform, organise an event, elaborate recommendations. We will help you to raise your voice. Tell us what you are interested in by filling-out this FORM or writing an email to alda@alda-europe.eu

 If you are an association or a civil society group:

  • You can join ALDA and participate to our projects and be part of our Working groups, which are officially registered as consultations in the official website of the European Commission
  • You can get in touch with ALDA for assistance with the registration to the official CoFoE Platform, organise an event, elaborate recommendations. We will help you to raise your voice. Tell us what you are interested in by filling-out this FORM or writing an email to alda@alda-europe.eu

 If you are a citizen:

  • You can be part of a consultation, present your proposal and engage in discussions on one or more of the key issues mentioned above. If you are interested in playing an active part in the consultation process set up by ALDA please fill-out this FORM and indicate your field(s) of interest.

For more information, write an email to alda@alda-europe.eu

ALDA, beside the Working Groups involving the members, is planning, in cooperation with the programme of the Committee of the Regions and the Bertelsmann Foundation, a series of consultations that will take place in the upcoming months and will be officially registered in the CoFoE Platform.

Moreover, ALDA is one of the Steering Committee members of the Civil Society Convention for the future of Europe which is represented with 5 seats at the Plenary of the Conference and which is gathering several times to collect ideas and suggestions of European Citizens, including your idea, as well!

ALDA is also organising series of events and consultations thanks to its networks and in particular with the European Movement International, the European Movement Italy, the European Movement France and the European Federalist Movement of Italy.

ALDA looks forward to the Conference on the Future of Europe, as a concrete occasion to restart, to improve and to strengthen Europe together with its citizens!

On June 11th 2021, the group of young people engaged in youth CSOs from Knjazevac had a meeting with the representative of the local governance, the Deputy Mayor Mr. Branislav Josifovic. The topic of the activity was participation of youth in the decision-making on the local level, as well as the presentation of the recommendations for the improving the quality of life of young people in Knjaževac.

Prior to this meeting, a street action was organized, where young activists asked the citizens to vote on their recommendations and to add their suggestions. In the document presented to the local authorities, there were four recommendations for improving the quality of life for young people in municipality of Knjazevac that had the most votes:

  1. to establish a youth centre,
  2. to create more opportunities for recreational sports,
  3. to have a counselling program for young people and
  4. to have more cultural and entertaining activities for youth, organized according to their interests.

Four recommendations for improving the quality of life for young people in municipality of Knjazevac

The conclusion of the meeting is that the recommendations largely concur with the activities planned by the local government for the coming period. A space that would be intended for young people is also planned, and which should be established at the beginning of next year. The deputy mayor stated that the local government will consult with young people when planning the next activities, and invited them to address him directly with questions and suggestions concerning young people.

The activity was a part of the project VALID – European Cities – Strengthening Common Values of Solidarity and Intercultural Dialogue funded by the Europe for Citizens program.

The Valid story continues with great success. The second international event will be held on the 15th and 16th of June 2021 on the Zoom platform, organised by the Volunteer center Novo Mesto.

Dedicated to tools and mechanisms the second international event has one main aim: sharing. Thus, the project partners will create a safe spot for sharing as far as the role of intercultural dialogue concerns, especially in facilitating social inclusion, as well as implementation and monitoring of local development policies.

The second international event has one main aim: sharing

More specifically, it also deals  with methods, tools and good practices to promote social inclusion, civic engagement and intercultural dialogue at local level.

The event is open for experts, facilitators, social workers, volunteers and interested locals. If you interested please register on the following LINK.

You can follow the event on the Zoom Platform.

Within the “Local Democracy Network Development”project, delegates from LDA Dnipropetrovsk, LDA Mariupol, LDA Georgia, LDA Armenia and LDA Moldova will join a workshop, organised in Chisinau from 8th to 10th of June 2021. Focusing on the particularities of each LDA’s work; the main idea of the workshop is to discuss and finalise the strategy for the network in accordance with the Black Sea (BS) NGO Forum’s revised Strategic Framework for CSO Cooperation.

More into depth, the strategy will be developed taking into accounts the following principles:

  •   Good local governance;
  •   Active citizenship;
  •   Youth;
  •   Environment;
  •   Coordination of activities and

·   Network extension and communication.

The idea behind this project is to turn LDAs into “bridges” between citizens and local governments, thus improving the citizen’s participation in their communities

Yet, an initial draft of the strategy has been already prepared, in May during a 3-day online workshop,  with the support of an external facilitator. The latter was in charge to both elaborate and draft the strategy, while ensuring that the entire process would be implemented.

On a general perspective, aiming at establishing a network of LDAs from Eastern Partnership countries working in the Black Sea region, the idea behind this project is to turn LDAs into “bridges” between citizens and local governments, thus improving the citizen’s participation in their communities.

As far as the objectives of this initiative, one can identify:

  •   Increasing the resilience and sustainability of the Local Democracy Agencies Network (LDAs) working in the Black Sea Region;
  •   Boosting the fundraising skills, institutional capacities of the Black Sea LDAs with specific focus on resilience and sustainability and
  •   Elaborating, based on a participatory process, of a regional mid-term strategy of LDAs’ network development in the region.

Thus, the project is intended to formalise the network of the LDAs in four countries – be they Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine –  while extending the network in other BS countries, and  spreading the concept of local democracy to a larger area.

Finally, the project aims at training and supporting LDAs in strengthening their own organisational skills and capacity, such as internal governance, resilience and fundraising. At the same time it is also designed to  build a stronger and sustainable network, able to act for a long-term period of time.

In March 2021 a new project has kicked off in Ukraine, more specifically in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Platform on Good Governance and Environmental Protection”, this is the project’s title led by ALDA, foresees the implementation of a series of trainings addressed to local authority representatives , civil society organisations of pilot communities in the Donetsk and Luhansk areas for the development of professional competencies and the implementation of short term professional development programmes for local authorities’ officials and public officers as required by the law in force to facilitate the adaptation of official activities to the European standards.

A project to upgrade local communities’ right to influence decision-making processes

Moreover, within the framework of the project twelve round-table discussions (6 in Donetsk and 6 in Luhansk) will be organised on the implementation of reforms and their influence on the sustainability of community development through the exchange of best practices on local governance.

All in all, the project in Ukraine, which will conclude by the end of the current year, aims at developing human resources of representatives of local authorities, civil society organisations of pilot communities in Donetsk and Luhansk region, as well as gaining an active competent community within its development including the right to influence on decision-making.

Together for the Conference on the Future of Europe

ALDA has co-signed, with other organisations, the Joint Civil Society Declaration so that to create a platform serving not only as a counterpart for the EU institutions, but also to represent citizens and people living in EU.

The Conference on the Future of Europe, officially launched in Strasbourg on May 9th, and planning to last till spring 2022, involves a great number of Civil Society Organisations, whose expectations are to get further details about what the EU does for them and for all EU citizens as well discussing ad hoc solutions to face future challenges. In addition, the role of the Civil Society Organisations is fundamental in bringing people together, enabling them to become active players, while designing common goals. Thus, one aspect to be discussed during the Conference should be, as stated in the Declaration, “how to reconnect people with the European Union and its institutions”.

The Conference sets itself the goal of giving citizens a greater role in shaping EU policies and ambitions, improving the Union’s resilience to crises, be it economic or health-related. It will create a new public forum for an open, inclusive, transparent and structured debate with Europeans around the issues that matter to them and affect their everyday lives.

Register now to ALDA General Assembly

and related events

The General Assembly week will also host the official launch of the new ALDA Working Groups, an opportunity for our members to share knowledge and develop ideas and projects based on the. main thematic areas ALDA works in. To get more information and sign up to one or more working group, follow this link.

See the comprehensive agenda of the week.

Find below the agenda of the week and sign-up to one or more events:

19 June 2021

The Role of Culture in the European Union

9.30am – 11am, Modena (Italy)

At the BUK Festival opening event, keynote speakers, among whom Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Secretary General, will address the topic of culture, which will be the fil rouge will guide the conversation. The panel will be followed by a questions and answers session.

Roles and responsibilities of migrants’ inclusion in the labour market

11.30am – 12.30pm, Modena (Italy)

The fil rouge of migration will guide the conversation through questions addressed to the speakers, creating a more dynamic environment. At the end of the presentation a Q&A session will be opened and all attendees will havve the chance to iintract with the panelists.

19-20 June 2021

Visit us at the BUK Festival!

All day long, Modena (Italy)

ALDA will be present with a stand during the whole BUK Festival presenting its work, projects and activities. Come and visit us!

21 June 2021

Final Conference – LIME project

10am – 12pm, Online

LIME – Labour Integration For Migrants Employment – is a 2-year project which aims at promoting the swift integration of young Third Country Nationals – TCNs – (aged 18-29) in the labour market, by implementing the Migrants Economic Integration Cluster – MEIC model all over Europe.

Cooperation between CSOs and the private sector – 1st Working Group meeting

2pm – 4pm, Online

A first meeting of ALDA members subscribed to the ALDA Working Groups with a structure that will be aligned with the CoFoE platform criteria.

Democracy and local development – 1st Working Group meeting

4pm – 6pm, Online

A first meeting of ALDA members subscribed to the ALDA WG with a structure that will be aligned with the CoFoE platform criteria

22 June 2021

The future is Digital – DIGITAL project, 5th International event

10am – 12.30pm, Online

The project promotes collaboration among policy-makers and citizens from 15 countries, to stimulate democratic and civic participation across Europe, and to support democratic Union in the digital era.

Environment – 1st Working Group meeting

2pm – 4pm, Online

A first meeting of ALDA members subscribed to the ALDA Working Groups with a structure that will be aligned with the CoFoE platform criteria.

Digitalisation – 1st Working Group meeting

4pm – 6pm, Online

A first meeting of ALDA members subscribed to the ALDA Working Groups with a structure that will be aligned with the CoFoE platform criteria.

23 June 2021

DIGITAL project – Webinars

10am – 3.15pm, Online

The project promotes collaboration among policy-makers and citizens from 15 countries, to stimulate democratic and civic participation across Europe, and to support democratic Union in the digital era.

The event will be made of 3 panels: (1) A youth digital future; (2)Digital for citizens; (3) Digital food: a more sustainable future on our plates?

1st panel – A youth digital future

10am – 11.30am, Online

Often the future is represented by the youth: this is the opportunity to have a panel discussion with youth organisations and listen to their point of view.

2nd panel – Digital for citizens

11.30am – 12.45pm, Online

Focusing on the local level, this session will explore how digitalisation is an opportunity and a challenge for local authorities.

3rd panel – Digital food: a more sustainable food on our plates?

2pm – 3.15pm, Online

Our production and consumption patterns leave a negative environmental footprint, but digital technologies can play a key role in finding solutions.

Eastern P’Ship/Russia and Central Asia Cooperation – 1st Working Group meeting

2pm – 4pm, Online

A first meeting of ALDA members subscribed to the ALDA Working Groups with a structure that will be aligned with the CoFoE platform criteria.

South Eastern Europe Cooperation – 1st Working Group meeting

2pm – 4pm, Online

A first meeting of ALDA members subscribed to the ALDA Working Groups with a structure that will be aligned with the CoFoE platform criteria.

24 June 2021

Governing Board meeting

3.30pm – 7pm, Online & Vicenza (Italy)

ALDA Governing Board members will gather to discuss about key issues and next activities.

25 june 2021

ALDA Ordinary Annual General Assembly

10am – 1pm, Online

The Annual General Assembly of ALDA, to update and ask for members’ contribution about the present situation of the Association and future plans

The related documents will be sent via email to the ALDA Members only

The Organised Civil Society role in the Conference on the Future of Europe

2pm – 4pm, Online

Public conference organised by ALDA on the role of Civil Society Organization and the organised civil society world towards the Conference on the Future of Europe. Panelist form the European Institutions and the European Organised Civil Society will discussing the added value and fundamental role of an active civil society participation, and tackling the key issues of citizens participation for the future of Europe.

Next Wednesday July 7th 2021, save the date for the Open Day of the Project MYSEA: a unique occasion for all Italian stakeholders interested in the labour inclusion of young people, NEETs and women in the blue and green economy sectors.

The event, organised by CIES Onlus and the University of Palermo – Department of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Sciences, is meant to be the launch of the MYSEA project – Mediterranean Youth, NEETs and Women advancing Skills, Employment and Awareness in the blue and green economy in Italy, with a special focus for the Lazio and Sicily Regions.

Let’s understand and address the issue of skill mismatch that hinders labour inclusion and gender equity

The project is co-funded by the European Union in the framework of the ENI CBC MED Programme 2014-2020 and aims at promoting the socio-occupational inclusion in the Mediterranean area of people disadvantaged in entering the labour market such as young people, women and NEETs (Not in Emplyment, Education and Training), who could take advantage of new opportunities and new professional profiles that may arise from the emerging sectors of the blue and green economy.

The Open Day will be organised online and will be animated by different speakers and stakeholders, thus being a space for reflection on the objectives, priorities, methodologies and strategies to be implemented within the MYSEA project. Research activities will be promoted focusing on the centrality of training in order to promote the labour inclusion of young people, NEETs and women in the blue and green economy sectors.

A key feature of the discussion will be the need to understand and address the issue of skill mismatch that hinders the process of labour inclusion and gender equity.


Useful links:

Event’s agenda

Register to the event

Learn more on MYSEA project

A great moment of share within ALDA project Regional Youth Compact for Europe (RYCE) in Western Balkans, which ended in May 2021.

The roads ahead of us are going to be difficult, but fundamentally speaking, we are optimistic for the future of Europe and the youth, and in the last conference under the Regional Youth Compact for Europe(RYCE) project, this was very clearly expressed by everyone, who has participated.

The RYCE Final Project Conference was held on July 1, 2021, in the city of Belgrade, Serbia, at the Metropol Hotel. The conference conducted with a hybrid format, with 36 participants viewing from the Zoom platform. Together with ALDA, there was a great number of participants – be they networks and organisations, including 13 partners.

The Regional Youth Compact for Europe project lasted for 3 years, with the aim of empowering youth organisations and other civil society groups in the Western Balkans as well as Europe. More into details, the project took into account policy design, mobilisation of participation and better decision-making among the younger generations, and EU integration monitoring.

The conference showed great optimism for the future of Europe and of youth

The topic  of the first panel concerned the relationship between the Western Balkans and Europe, the second one was about youth expectations for outlooks of European integration alongside with a research presented on the matter, while the third and last panel had representatives from Local Democracy Agencies to discuss local democracy and civic initiatives.

Overall, the conference showed great optimism for the future of Europe and of youth, but also stressed the importance of investing in younger generations; by monitoring the function of democracy and by building trust. The approaches envisaged are largely bottom-up and pan-European, in order to achieve these kind of goals. Thus, youths effectively need to be mobilised for greater participation, they need to be provided with information about policy matters that concern them, while boosting on digital tools to enable them to get valuable news and knowledge within this realm.

Talking about digitalisation, it was also highlighted that as of July 1, roaming agreements were put into place in the Balkans with the help of the European Union. 18 million people among Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia will know have the possibility to “roam like at home”, meaning that no extra money to spend when using their phones when travelling within the region. Regional integration a key to make steps forward. The latter, in fact, continues to be a topic of great importance.

Going back to the overall Final Conference, time was also given to present results of surveys for the youth done at this time of the year in 2020. From a general perspective, it can be said that this meeting proved to be a productive dialogue, showing the accomplishments of the last 3 years of the Regional Youth Compact for Europe project. Nonetheless, youth mobilisation, as well as European integration benchmarks are still very much something that needs to be further sustained.

This Final Conference is in the framework of the project “Regional youth compact for Europe” implemented by the Centar for Democracy Foundation (lead partner), Balkan Network for Local Democracy, CRTA, Youth Act and Sodem. This project is funded by the European Union.

On the 9th of June 2021 from 09h30 to 12h30 CEST, ALDA will host the 4th online International Capacity Building Workshop “Migrants’ Labour Inclusion: Networks and Cluster Activation and Consolidation” of the LIME project. Save the date and register here!

Only one month left until the end of the LIME project, but we still have a lot to share and to learn! This 4th International Capacity Building workshop will be a great opportunity to discuss migrants’ labour inclusion with participants from all over Europe, to discover the existing networks of multi- stakeholders in the field of labour inclusion and to share knowledge and experiences.

After three successful workshops dealing with the inclusion of migrants into the labour market in France, Spain and Italy respectively, the project is now organising an international workshop aiming to tackle this topic at the European level.

Save the date and register here

Thereby, this event will be a great opportunity to discuss how the MEIC model and toolkit can be applied by participants in their own local contexts, taking as examples the two successful pilot projects in Rome and in Madrid.

Valuable experts, known at international level, will share their expertise about two main topics:

  • Vocational Training & Migrants labour insertion into the labour market
  • Self-entrepreneurship & setting up a business

This will be the opportunity to listen to:

  • Dolinda Cavallo, Project Manager of the LIME project, ALDA
  • Loredana Gionne, Head of Cooperation and Co-development Department, CIES Onlus
  • Folco Cimagalli, Full professor of Sociology of Migrations, LUMSA University
  • Rossana Cerbone, Coofcooperative
  • David Taquin, MicroStart
  • Ivan Toscano, Cnosfap
  • Margherita Valori, CIES Onlus
  • Berta Sanchez, Pinardi
  • Chloé Schmitt, Kodiko
  • Roberta Petrillo, Sr Migration expert, CIES Onlus

The stakeholders involved will be from all over Europe, as the aim of the workshop is to spread the MEIC methodology at a wider scale in order to keep on fostering the inclusion of third country nationals and creating cluster networks in other cities and regions.

The event will be held on Zoom in ENGLISH, but translation in ITALIAN and SPANISH will be available.

If you would like to have further information, check our Facebook event here.

ALDA provides valuable and professional courses, benefitting from competences and knowledge gained throughout its 20 year experience. After a long period of time, ALDA is back in presence, launching a new course, in Italian, on “Project Cycle Management”.

This course will provide participants with tools and skills useful to better understand how to design a project from start to finish! Thus, during this intensive course, attendees will broaden their knowledge in the following topics:

  • Logical Framework Approach;
  • Drafting proposals;
  • Analysis of  EU application forms; 
  • Budget and 
  • Best practices

Register at the following link

Besides, ALDA well experienced trainers – Marco Boaria, Programme & Development Dept.  Director  & ALDA+ CEO; together with Anna Ditta, Senior Trainer and will guide participants throughout the whole training.

Lessons are organised in presence, at our headquarters in Vicenza – Viale Milano 36 – on July 2nd, 9th and 16th from 2 to 6 PM CET. Those willing to participate have to register at the following link 

As far as costs concerns, please find specifics below:

  • 300 € standard price per one person
  • 270 € standard price per one ALDA Member or student under 26

Benefit from the “Early Bird” 20% OFF! If you apply by June 11th  (6 PM CET) these will be the costs:

  • 240€ price per one person
  • 210€ price per one ALDA Member or student under 26 (20% + 10%)

Remember: costs include all teaching materials used during the course!

Check the detailed agenda here


Please note: the course will be in Italian

The conference “Fostering Local Development through Tourism” took place on 26th of May in the frames of the project “Citizens’ voice and actions in consolidated communities of Armenia” with hybrid format supported by European Union. The conference aimed to conclude the 3 years’ project that was implemented in Lori, Shirak and Tavush regions of Armenia and share best practices in local development at community and regional levels executed by the consortium of Communities Finance Officers Association, European Association for Local Democracy and Union of communities of Armenia.

Mrs. Silja Kasmann, Deputy Head of Cooperation Section from Delegation of the European Union to Armenia officially opened the conference, welcomed the participants emphasising the importance of the project for the communities and how the tourism potential can promote development of Armenia.

The importance of community and economic development through tourism in Armenia

Consortium member organisation leaders Mr. Vahan Movsisyan, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida and Mr. Emin Yeritsyan shared with the experience, difficulties and challenges during the project implementation. Tourism sphere experts from Armenia, Georgia and Moldova presented the realities in each country during and after covid, possibilities to recover tourism industry, promotion of digital tools and innovations, development of internal tourism.

Projects implemented within inter-community and demonstrative re-granting scheme once again approved the importance of community and economic development through tourism in Armenia.

ALDA is very much glad to have been part of this great project, contributing to the lives of local communities  by spurring the implementation and development of tourism in Armenia.


Visit Community Finance Officers Association page

Watch the conference

Mind Inclusion project has come to an end, after two years of full implementation and commitment. Take a look at the press release to know more. When it comes to the project, together with partners, ALDA designed it so that to encourage the competences of educators of Intellectual Disabled People (IDP).

Take a look at the press release to know more

In so doing, the project contributed to achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially those targeting the reduction of inequalities (SDG 10) and the promotion of an inclusive society (SDG 16).

Among the outcomes of the project, one can find the Mind Inclusion APP

From May 31st to June 13th the EU Green Week will take place! Two weeks to raise awareness and knowledge of how pollution affects us all: it is in the air we breathe, in the water we drink, in the land where we grow food. It is the main environmental cause of several mental and physical illnesses and premature deaths, especially among children, people with certain diseases and the elderly. However, pollution does not affect everyone equally. People living in poorer areas often live near contaminated sites or areas with high traffic density. Pollution is also a major cause of biodiversity loss. It reduces the ability of ecosystems to perform functions such as carbon capture and decontamination.

Participants will also look at other relevant European Green Deal initiatives, such as climate projects, the upcoming chemicals strategy, and other programs in energy, industry, mobility, agriculture, fisheries, health and biodiversity. EU Green Week 2021 will be an opportunity to discuss with all interested parties and citizens how to work together to make the goal of a zero-pollution, toxic-free environment a reality.

European Green Week 2021 will be an opportunity to discuss with all interested parties and citizens how to work together to make the goal of a zero-pollution, toxic-free environment a reality

ALDA, partner of the event, will join the #EUGreenWeek on the 4th of June 2021 with two online webinar, organized within the following projects: Camelot, LIFE Metro Adapt and LIFE BEWARE through 2 online workshops:

  1. 4th of June from 10:30 to 12:00Zero pollution challenge and Nature-Based Solutions: The leading role of metropolitan areas and EU financial instruments. The workshop will tackle the issue of urban pollution through an interactive reflection around two main questions: i) Among the different mitigation measures, which are the benefits and challenges of NBS? ii) Which is the strategic role of metropolitan areas as leaders of territorial environmental governance? Key-note interventions will set the ground for a common reflection. Afterwards, participants will be engaged in a participatory session to exchange thoughts and common solutions. Register to the webinar here.
  2. 4th of June from 12:15 to 13:40 – Natural Resources Management and Pollution Reduction: Sharing best practices at the local, national and international level. The webinar is built to share experiences about the sustainable management of natural resources in order to reduce pollution and to increase territorial resilience to climate change. The topics covered by the webinar include best practices for preventing water, soil and air contamination such as Nature-Based Solutions, Water Safety Plans, policies for the conservation and restoration of soils and to reduce air pollution. Register to the webinar here. 

We look forward to seeing you there!

Based on competences and knowledge gained throughout its 20 year experience, ALDA is able to provide valuable and professional courses on several topics, mostly related to European funding, Policy Analysis and Project Development.

Hence, we are now launching the online course, in Italian, on: European funding: new programmes and opportunities. 

ALDA well experienced trainers – Marco Boaria, Programmes & Development Dept.  Director  & ALDA+ CEO; Anna Ditta, Senior Trainer and Lavinia Traina, Trainer  – will guide participants in better understanding EU programmes – be they CERV, HORIZON, ERASMUS + and many others.

During the course attendees will be provided with experience-based and good tips and insights useful to know when approaching this topic. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to

  • learn about EU programmes;
  • find the necessary information;
  • identify possible calls of interest and
  • learn about successful projects / best practices.

 Register to the course at the following link

Lessons are organised online on July 1st-8th-15th-22nd from 5 to 7 PM CET. Those willing to participate have to register at the following link

As far as costs concerns, please find specifics below:

  • 200 € standard price per one person
  • 180€ standard price per one ALDA Member or student under 26

Benefit from the “Early Bird” 10% OFF! If you apply by June 23rd (6 PM CET) these will be the costs:

  • 180€ price per one person
  • 160€ price per one ALDA Member or student under 26 (10% + 10%)

Remember: costs include teaching materials used during the course!

Check the detailed agenda here

By joining this ALDA course, one will gain tools and skills useful to better understand the world of “EU funding”, while expanding one’s own personal working knowledge.

Please note: the course will in Italian