ALDA is continuously supporting activities in the field of active European citizenship and international solidarity.

In this perspective, ALDA has been granted a special fund called FONJEP ECSI – Education for Citizenship and International Solidarity – for the triennium 2021-2023.

Behind this acronym lies the Cooperation Fund for Youth and Popular Education, funded by the French Ministry of Europe and International Affairs and the French Development Agency (AFD). The aim is to encourage individual and collective contribution to the construction of a just, united and sustainable world.

The grant will serve to encourage individual and collective contribution to the construction of a just, united and sustainable world

Thus, the programme of FONJEP ECSI co-finances a job in international solidarity or popular education associations in order to develop awareness-raising, information and training activities for the general public on issues of citizenship, international solidarity and development.

This recognition is of crucial importance for ALDA, which works hard for local democracy, international solidarity and citizens’ participation. This fund will enable ALDA to create networks with new partners at local level but also throughout France, but also to implement several innovative actions over the next three years.

As we have all experienced,  2020 has been a year of great challenges, which has – to some extent – put to test our cornerstone habits, methods and ways of life. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted, and still does, in moments of grief and sadness. Yet, it may also serve an opportunity to stop and reflect on how to reconstruct our society, so that no-one will be left behind.

Having that in mind, the virtual 2021 EESC Civil Society Days gain a significant importance in gathering European citizens, civil society organisations and the European institutions together to discuss our future.

In order to reach a Sustainable Recovery for the Future of Europe’s citizens, ecological and digital transitions have to be guaranteed, without losing our key values – be they solidarity, human rights respect, social justice, equality and democracy.

How to reconstruct our society, so that no-one will be left behind

In the occasion of the EESC Civil Society Days, which will take place on the first week of March – from 1st to 5th – different workshops have been organised, on key topics: from youth activism, to Green Deal, and from social economy to multilateral sustainable democracy.

During the first online workshop, ALDA General Secretary, Antonella Valmorbida, will join the event entitled  “Promoting democracy at different levels and in the digital era”, together with other experts and professionals, as Ken Godfrey, EPD Executive Director; Esther Nass, Director EU Affairs, Civocracy; and Cristian Pîrvulescu, President of the FRRL Group, European Economic and Social Committee

To know more please check the Civil Society Days webpage and the workshop programme or watch the teaser video

To register fill in the form

On February 1st 2021, the kick-off meeting of the project DEVOTE – Developing the Competencies of Teachers to Integrate Students from Migrant Background into European Schools took place online and was hosted by ALDA, project’s leader.

Funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme, the project will run for 24 months and include 5 partners from Italy, Turkey, Slovenia, Greece and Belgium.

The project DEVOTE aims to strengthen the integration of students with migrant backgrounds in schools and improve their success in education by providing training, coaching and guidance to teachers.

Starting the meeting with a small game, the partners were able to learn a foreign word, which reflects a term or theme related to the school environment. This great exercise enabled participants to put themselves both in the position of a student who does not know the language of a country but who wishes to understand it and in the position of a teacher who tries to teach students a new language. This simulation allowed the participants to better understand the issues at stake in the project.

DEVOTE will strengthen the integration of students with migrant backgrounds in schools and improve their success in education

The partners involved also had the opportunity to share their experiences related to the situation in their country in terms of school management in times of health crisis. But despite the constraints of this situation, they all showed motivation and commitment to the success of the project.

But what are the next steps? The project partners are about to launch a needs analysis directed to teachers and students of the 6 target countries. This will serve to better understand their needs and eventually develop Educational Content which will be at disposal of teachers working with students with migrant backgrounds.

Let’s catch up during the next months to discover the first phase of the project!

Following the great start of last December, on Thursday, 11t-h of February, the Governing Board of ALDA met online for the first time in 2021.

As the last time, the agenda was full of important and stimulating issues. Members of the governing board especially focused on the division of delegations to the Governing Board members, adopted the action plan for the selection of the Advisory Board members and for setting the Working Groups among our members.

As every year, the Governing Board also started the year evaluating and assessing the work of the LDAs for the label approval and took decision on the support and assessment processes to be followed for the year ahead, and also planning the steps for the opening of new LDAs in our enlarged vision.

Resilience, Accountability, Sustainability and Inclusion were among the key words

The implementation of the newly adapted ALDA strategy (here) also was among the main topics discussed and Resilience, Accountability, Sustainability and Inclusion were among the key words!

Once again, this meeting was the occasion for the Governing Board not only to take relevant and meaningful decisions, but also it allowed the members to share their opinions and ideas, always working for the best of ALDA.

After several postponements linked to the health crisis, the first conference of the AUTREMENT project (Urban Territorial Development to Reinvent Mobility and Engage Tunisians) finally took place in Kairouan (Tunisia) and live from Strasbourg and several other cities in Tunisia and Europe!

This project, co-financed by the European Union (95%), aims to promote sustainable urban development in the Tunisian cities of Kairouan and Mahdia and thus improve the quality of life of their inhabitants and the economic and tourist attractiveness of the area. The development of active mobility, mainly cycling, through the implementation of dedicated facilities, and the strengthening of citizen participation in local governance are the cornerstones around which the project, which started in June 2020 for a period of 30 months, is structured.

AUTREMENT is one of the two Tunisian winners of the “Local Authorities: Partnership for Sustainable Cities” call for projects launched by the EU in 2018.

The first AUTREMENT conference was held on 27 January in Kairouan in compliance with the health regulations in force, in the presence of the municipalities of Kairouan and Mahdia. The other stakeholders were able to contribute remotely to this major event, mainly the members of the consortium based in France: the City and Eurometropolis of Strasbourg – lead partner of the project -, the European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA), the CODATU network and the CEREMA study centre.

This conference was marked by the presence – physical or virtual – of the representatives of the three local authorities partners of the project who inaugurated the day: the Mayor of Kairouan, M. The Mayor of Kairouan, Mr Radhouen Bouden, the Mayor of Mahdia, Mrs Feiza Belkhir, and two women elected representatives from Strasbourg representing the Mayor of Strasbourg, Mrs Jeanne Barseghian: Mrs Sophie Dupressoir, Deputy City Councillor in charge of cycling and walking, and Mrs Carole Zielinski, Deputy Mayor in charge of local democracy, initiatives and citizen participation.

The representatives of the three technical partners of the project also spoke: Ms Antonella Valmorbida, Secretary General of ALDA and Mr Didier Duboisset, member of the ALDA Board of Directors; Mr Yannick Prebay, Technical Director for Town and Country Planning at CEREMA; and Mr Thibault de Lambert, Deputy Secretary General of CODATU.

Mr. Quentin Peignaux, Programme Officer for Environment, Energy and Climate Change at the Delegation of the European Union in Tunisia underlined the singularity of AUTREMENT, a unique project embodying EU efforts and actions in favour of decentralisation and sustainable development in Tunisia.

Mrs Sandrine Millet, Coordinator of the Solidarity and International Partnerships Unit at the City and Eurometropolis of Strasbourg and Mrs Refka Kharbouchi, Deputy Mayor of Kairouan, went back over the content of the partnership between Strasbourg and Kairouan since 2015 and the fruitful exchanges that led to the birth of the AUTREMENT project. Mr. Mohamed Bossoffara, Head of International Partnerships at the city of Mahdia spoke about the role and place of his city in the partnership.
Mr. Younes Aggoun, Head of Mission presented the project and its stakes, surrounded by the project office team.

Through the development of active mobility, AUTREMENT will improve quality of life, economic and tourist attractiveness of the area

Two multi-stakeholder workshops on the theme of sustainable mobility brought together experts from CODATU, CEREMA and the City and Eurometropole of Strasbourg’s Transport Department, and no less relevant actors from outside the project, such as representatives from the University and the Alliance Française of Kairouan.

The first workshop was the beginning of a reflection on the project to create a Maison du vélo in Kairouan, enriched by the experiences of the Strasbourg association CADR 67 and Vélorution Tunisie. The second workshop offered a broad overview of existing methodologies in terms of cycle facilities, enabling concrete progress to be made on the projects underway in Mahdia and Kairouan, two cities that intend to become models and pilots on these issues.
The AUTREMENT project is launched and it starts with the best conditions!

Curious to know more about the AUTREMENT project and its latest news? Then, come and visit (and enjoy!) the Facebook page of the @projetAUTREMENT!

How can we talk about the Schuman Declaration? How to foster the civic engagement of younger generations? How art can help talking about solidarity, diversity and citizenship? This is the goal of the European project: DESIRE – DEclaration of Schuman: Initiative for Revitalizing Europe, a project funded by Europe for Citizens programme.

The beginning of the year is often a great opportunity to start new activities and actions. In this light, the DESIRE project’s project partners met on the 26th of January.  The consortium,  gathering municipalities, NGOs, and cultural centres from different parts of Europe, is leaded by Comune di Lavarone (Italy) and composed by Fondazione Belvedere-Gschwent (Italy), Union of Bulgarian black sea local authorities (Bulgaria), Municipio de Valongo (Portugal), Danube 1245 (Serbia), Zdruzenie Institut za razvoj na zaednicata (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), Administration Communale de Grez-Doiceau (Belgium), Fundacio de la Comunitat Valencia de Patrimoni Insdustrial i (Spain), Kulturni centar Osijek (Croatia), ALDA (France).

“This project aims at involving youth about solidarity, diversity, citizenship”

This project wants to involve the younger generation on the topics of solidarity, diversity, citizenship, and in particular on the construction of the European Union and the Schuman Declaration.

The main objective is to actively involve youth in approaching history in a proactive way. Through the co-creation of artistic tools, as videos, theatre, games, audio narratives, partners will accompany groups of youth citizens in re-discovering history and in debating on EU values as intercultural dialogue, peace and solidarity. Each partner will create, imagine and implement art activities with each group of young people.

Let’s catch up during the next months to discover the stunning work they are doing!


On January 28th 2021, our Secretary General, Antonella Valmorbida, took part in the annual EACEA meeting “New Year Event”.

The European Executive Agency  for Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA) kicked its year off with an online meeting, setting the guidelines for the new projects in the 7 upcoming years.  From a general standpoint, EACEA is focused on developing citizens’ participation as well as developing projects and activities within the cultural sector.

“ALDA and EACEA: a strong partnership to strengthen citizens’ participation at the local level”

Themis Christophidou, the Director General of the DG EAC, started the conference, followed by other speakers, such as Roberto Carlini – EACEA Director; Dr Marinos Ioannides, Director of the Digital Heritage Lab of the Cyprus University of Technology; and of course ALDA General Secretary Antonella Valmorbida.  During her speech, Mrs. Valmorbida explained how ALDA was able to cope with the challenges arisen throughout 2020, as well as how to set the 2021. Around 400 people joined the online event, having also the opportunity to actively contribute during the two “live interaction” sessions.

Participating at this event was the occasion, once again, not only to underline the importance of the collaboration between ALDA and EACEA, but also to share ALDA ideas and experiences in this area and to reaffirm our long-standing partnership.

Five countries join forces to increase employability opportunities of 1000 youth, women and NEETs in the agri-food and waste management industries

The “Mediterranean Youth, NEETs and women advancing Skills, Employment and Awareness in the Blue and Green Economy – MYSEA” project is co-funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC MED Programme 2014-2020 and will be officially launched on February 15th 2021, 11h00 – 12h45 (Rome time) during a virtual press conference.

The kick-off event will see the participation of keynote speakers, among them, Joumana Sweiss, Representative of the Branch office for the Western Mediterranean – Valencia, ENI CBC MED Programme; Paolo Orneli, Councillor of the Executive Board for Economic Development – Commerce and Crafts, Research, Start-Up and Innovation, Lazio Region (Italy); Mohamed Madhkour, Expert (Tunisia); Silvio Bologna, Researcher at University of Palermo (Italy); Yannis Lyeros, Training expert (Greece); Laury Haytayan and Dominique Salameh – Experts (Lebanon); Penelope Shihab – Private sector (Jordan).

The discussion will address the interrelated links that hinder social inclusion and gender equality

The discussion will focus on the need to understand and address the interrelated links that hinder social inclusion and gender equality. Hence the necessity to analyse the agrifood and waste management sectors within the green and blue economy, their modifying factors including the economic, social and environmental ones in order to exploit opportunities for economic growth and job creation, mitigate risks and steer attention and political interest.


The MYSEA project, led by its Italian partner CIES, involves 5 different countries: Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Jordan and Tunisia. These selected countries register the highest number of unemployed youths, young women and NEETs across the Mediterranean and share similar demographic changes, skill mismatches, rigid regulations and gender gaps. To learn more about the project’s partners and objectives, read the news “An innovation wave in the Mediterranean area with MYSEA

Useful links:

MYSEA official webpage

Discover the  ENI CBC Med program

ALDA Skopje has successfully finished the realization of the project “Shared or contested heritage” in cooperation with ForumZFD. The project aimed at opening a dialogue on peaceful and tolerant interpretation of cultural resources among heritage practitioners and cultural workers from Greece, Bulgaria and North Macedonia. The project objective was to raise awareness of the role of contested histories and shared cultural heritage for the EU integration processes.

The first outcome of the project were 11 conducted interviews with relevant people from these three countries from different fields and backgrounds dealing with cultural heritage. “Dystopian or problematic points of history should continue to be the subject of peaceful debates and discussions, by historians from the disputed entities, carried out with calm emotions and without passions” concludes from these interviews Ana Frangovska, collaborator on the project.

Moreover, 3 articles have been published from researchers and practitioners on cases of shared cultural heritage highlighting the importance of EU integration processes for preservation of cultural heritage. Our cultural heritage and the way we preserve and valorise it is a major factor in defining Europe’s place in the world and its attractiveness as a place to live, work, and visit. All articles could be found: here

“Dystopian or problematic points of history should continue to be the subject of peaceful debates and discussions, by historians from the disputed entities, carried out with calm emotions and without passions”

Should history be an obstacle to the future of a modern entity or state? What does history represent to each of us? A virtual panel discussion “The power of heritage and culture” discussing these questions  took place in November with four high-level speakers, professors and practitioners. They talked about struggles and delight of working on this topic offering insight on their individual approaches as well as their experience with international and cross-border cooperation. To watch the video of the panel discussion: here
It has been proven that heritage can be used to establish and strengthen hegemonic history, reactivate imagined histories, or serve different political agendas. Interpretation of the past and understanding of cultural heritage has been determined to be one of the central and most problematic aspects of the recent political disputes between North Macedonia and its neighboring countries, Bulgaria and Greece” says Biljana Volchevska, Project manager from Forum ZFD.

It has been a significant project for ALDA Skopje and Forum ZFD to work on the question of intercultural dialogue in this difficult year 2020 in a particular context in the country and the region.

Ivana Petrovska, the Director of ALDA Skopje adds: “Despite the complexity of the context, the implementation of this project was crucial for us on many levels. In these days of uncertainty and isolation, it was a clear reminder of how important it is to tackle the question of intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding. Trying to understand the other is the key towards solidarity that is much needed nowadays”.

These outcomes has resulted with a final publication available for download here.

The European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA Skopje) closed the 2020 with an important event: the Regional Forum on “Remembrance and Intercultural Dialogue” which took place on ZOOM, on 21st and 22nd December, 2020.

The event was successfully completed thanks to its features: efficient speakers, rich contents, and international dimension. Its Live transmission on Facebook contributed to the enlargement of the audience. During such moment of knowledge sharing, different topics were covered by the moderators and speakers with a focus on the Balkan region regarding its past, present, and future. Other important themes were also the EU integration, local development, human rights, peace, reconciliation, immigration, multicultural dialogue, cultural heritage, linguistic diversity, disinformation, etc.

EU integration, local development, human rights, peace, reconciliation, immigration,  cultural heritage were just some of the topics addressed during the Forum

A focus was dedicated to the global pandemic and its impacts. ALDA has always been an actor for local, national, and international development. Despite the global pandemic, it has addressed efforts to the reconciliation of Balkans and their developments. The combination of history and future made the event even more interesting under different points of view; citizen participation, democracy and human rights could be the most powerful weapons for a Future.

The speakers have emphasized the importance of dialogue as a tool to overcome to any differences. If it is used the regional cooperation will be strengthening and cultural acceptance will be shaped and promoted. The EU integration is only the final step of a fully regional integration, and many initiatives are needed to be advanced in order to give an example to all countries and regions dominated by cultural division and disintegration. The Balkans are also very concerned about question of migrations. The fact that some countries of the region are chosen by the “people on the move” as a transit point has raised many doubts about the credibility of the authorities and institutions. It has consequently made the dialogue more difficult, but the situation is now eased by storytelling initiatives.

Come upon all our conclusion in English and French below.

The event is financially supported by the Central European Initiative (CEI), the Program Normandy for Peace of the Region Normandy, the Western Balkans Fund and the EU Commission.

On February, 2 2021 the one-hour online conference “Doing Development Democratically: a Conversation with Jutta Urpilainen” was live-streamed. The occasion served to launch the European Democracy Hub—a new platform for research-based discussion on European democracy support, programming, and policy, aiming at engaging stakeholders and offering solutions to democratic challenges. The online conference was moderated by Mr Richard Youngs, from Carnegie Europe, which together with one of the ALDA’s members, the European Partnership for Democracy, co-organized the event.

Mr Ken Godfrey, European Partnership for Democracy Executive Director, introduced the discussion by highlighting how the European Democracy Hub is the result of the cooperation between the two parties, and provides an in-depth analysis and research about democracy. Then, he stressed out the importance of considering how the COVID-19 pandemic will affect democracies, parliaments and freedom of expression on worldwide scale. Therefore, the essential role of the hub in this realm.

Mr. Godfrey enhanced the role of this working-group, set up by prominent academics, practitioners and policy makers to support countries which have some weaknesses in their democracy systems. He recalled, for example, the military coup in Myanmar, driving the attention on the full commitment of the working-group to jointly boost democracy around the world.

A key moment was the European Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen’s speech. She addressed all her encouragement in the launch of the European Democracy Hub, underlining the importance of being resilient in crisis-period such as the one caused by the pandemic. She also remarked how we have been all witnesses, in certain parts of the World, of human rights violations, and of governments using their powers to silent the oppositions, making the pandemic as an excuse. Furthermore, she highlighted how women and children are now paying the highest price of this pandemic. As a Commissioner, she assured that the EU will continue to ensure inclusivity, sustainability, fairness and fundamental values during our global recovery.

“We want to deliver a real voice to those who need it more than ever”

Moreover, Jutta Urpilainen remained us “that we can never take democracy for granted, but instead we have to promote it together!”, underlying that democracy is not only about elections but also about the participation and empowerment initiatives. She further highlighted the importance of the new EU Action Plan on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in the framework of a global post-COVID recovery.

Finally, she talked about the fundamental links between geopolitics and democracy, considering also the huge competition existing in Africa among different models of society and governance. On the relations between the EU and the US, Commissioner Urpilainen welcomed Mr Biden’s election as well as his plan for a Global Democracy Summit.

The conversation was followed by a panel debate with two prominent academics: Prof. Staffan I. Lindberg, Director of the Varieties of Democracy Institute and Julia Leininger, Chair of the research programme Transformation of Political peace order at the German Development Institute.

Prof. Lindberg then outlined that 2019 was particularly negative for democracy at a global level: as data show, nearly 2.6 billion people live in countries governed by autocracy and not in democratic ones, including Poland and Hungary in the European Union. As it has for long being studied, life quality is proportioned to democracy: higher the democracy level – better life quality. Prof. Lindberg will work to enhance democracy and human rights in order to reach sustainable development goals in a wide range of areas.

As to Julia Leininger, during her speech she underlined the switch we have been witnessing from a bipolar to a multipolar democratic system. She urged the need for transparency in all democratic systems but she also claimed that democracy can be effective even with some not-total-transparency although academics could argue that this would be against the “pure” idea of democracy.

Referring to Prof. Lindberg’s point about autocracy, she suggested how, benefitting from our knowledge on democracy, we could help civil society organisations in their missions. Moreover, she outlined positive linkage between democratic quality and development outcomes.

Prof. Staffan I. Lindberg further argue that working to protect democracy nowadays means to work strategically in order not to undermine human rights systematically: in a sentence, “We have to get used that we need democracy protection both at a global and at a local level” and that there is no inclusive governance without democratic principles.

The end of the conference was marked by Julia Leininger’s reflections about big changes in multilateralism and multidirectional approach. She drew the attention on the hypothesis of an Action Plan for Democracy, by communicating and being on a dialogue with others. In her opinion, being accountable means being responsible for European citizens and to be open to policy shifts. “What the pandemic showed is that society, democracy and politics have to be integrated: it’s about democracy and social protection to mitigate social cohesion and making political change.”

Keep following Carnegie Europe and the European Partnership for Democracy on their Facebook pages to get to know the latest news and events around the #EuropeanDemocracyHub

In December 2020, North Macedonia didn’t get the long expected date for the start of the negotiation process for EU accession due to blockage from its neighbour country, Bulgaria. This is due to the fact that “Bulgaria is offended by the interpretation of certain historical moments and personalities in North Macedonia and considers as an issue the historical heritage and the nature of the Macedonian identity and Macedonian language.”

“We will not stop encouraging cooperation, democracy and dialogue to foster EU integration”

ALDA Governing Board expresses concern about the “decision of the EU not to start yet the negotiation talks with North Macedonia and not adopting the proposed negotiating framework” and all its “openness and willingness to contribute at the establishment of decentralized dialogue between communities and people to people actions that will increase tolerance and intercultural dialogue in the region.”

That’s why ALDA continues working with our members and partners both in North Macedonia and in Bulgaria to foster cooperation between people and enhancing European values.

Read the full Governing Board statement here.

On Wednesday 27 January 2021, the conference on the AUTREMENT Project (Urban Territorial Development to Reinvent Mobility and Engage Tunisians) took place in Kairouan (Tunisia), live-streamed on the Autrement Facebook Page – Sustainable Mobility and Citizen Participation in Tunisia.  One member of ALDA’s Board of Directors, Mr Didier Duboisset, who works for the local authority Pays Vichy-Auvergne, joined the event welcoming the implementation of this project and encouraging all members and stakeholders for the successful completion of the project itself.

During his speech, Mr Didier Duboisset highlighted an example of a concrete project implemented in his municipality. In this case, European funds were used to mobilise the young section of the population, from teenagers to young parents, as far as soft and sustainable mobility projects concern. the aim was yo change the habits of these people around the use of cars and to raise their awareness on the use of more ecological and sustainable means of transport.

Going towards sustainable urban development with the AUTREMENT project

Mr Duboisset’s commitment is fully in line with the spirit of the AUTREMENT project, launched on 1st June 2020 in the continuation of the decentralised cooperation between the Strasbourg Municipality and the municipalities of Kairouan and Mahdia in Tunisia. The project focuses on promoting sustainable urban development; while improving inhabitants’ quality of life, as well as their economic and tourist attractiveness. The development of active mobility, such as cycling; the implementation of dedicated urban developments, and the strengthening of citizen participation in local governance are some key aspects designed to reach the above-mentioned aims.

Finally, this project aims at creating synergies in the region of Kairouan and Mahdia and even beyond the Tunisian borders.

ALDA has co-signed, with other organisations, the Joint Civil Society Declaration so that to create a platform serving not only as a counterpart for the EU institutions, but also to represent citizens and people living in EU; while the public event the Civil Society Convention on the Future of Europe, will be held online on February 3rd. The occasion will serve as a space to discuss the role of the Civil Society Organisations, for example, as well as the role of the  Conference on the Future of Europe. ALDA General Secretary, Antonella Valmorbida, will also join the event, together with other representatives.

The Conference will focus on how to reconnect people with the European Union and its institutions

The conference on the future of Europe, which should to take place in the near future, involves a great number of Civil Society Organisations, whose expectations are to get further details about what the EU does for them and for all EU citizens as well discussing ad hoc solutions to face future challenges.

In addition, the role of the Civil Society Organisations is fundamental in bringing people together, enabling them to become active players, while designing common goals. Thus, one aspect to be discussed during the Conference should be, as stated in the Declaration, “how to reconnect people with the European Union and its institutions”.

For those who are interested, the Wednesday vent will be held online from 5.00 to 6.30 P.M. CET.
For further information please visit the Civil Society Europe website.

The whole Sisak County was shaken that Tuesday morning, December 29th, 2020, few minutes past midday. While the epicentre was only 5 Km from Petrinja, the earthquake hit the whole area, namely the towns of Glina and Sisak.

In a different way, also ALDA itself was shaken that day: this shocking news left all of us astonished and helpless in front of the catastrophe which was taking place in one of the very cities where ALDA was born: in Sisak.

Sisak actually hosts the third ever-established Local Democracy Agency, opened in 1996, even before the creation of ALDA. The LDA Sisak was initially led by Antonella Valmorbida, now ALDA Secretary General, who then passed the lead to Paula Rauzan, the actual delegate.

The LDA Sisak, since its beginnings, has been a valuable resource for the local population thanks to its constant activities carried out in partnership with the Municipality of Sisak, member of ALDA since 2009 and other civil society organisations of the territory.

Today, the LDA is a renowned institution in the city and in the County, as well as a key stakeholder for the development of the region, whose premises host (or better say hosted) the Sisak Volunteer Centre.

Walking through the city, I realise that almost no building has “survived” the earthquake

Paula, despite all the news on the mass and local media, how is the situation in the city, how would you describe it?

Here in Sisak, things are slowly, but constantly, moving ahead. Nevertheless, there is a general feeling of confusionand chaos. What happened was totally unpredictable and caught us in the middle of the Christmas holidays, a period of the year when people who live and work abroad are coming back home and the city is very crowded.

What keeps me shocking every day when I walk through the city, is to realise that almost no building has “survived” the earthquake. At this very moment, Sisak is a city completely deprived of any institutions and services, physically speaking, the majority of constructions, from the Municipality to supermarkets, shops, houses and even schools underwent major structural damages and are not safe to be used.

Today, Sisak is a city where just a few public institutions still have their premises, and the daily life routine of ordinary people is extremely challenged considering basic services. We live in a place where nothing can be given for granted anymore. Yesterday, I found myself wondering if in Sisak there are any dry cleaner left.

Moreover, in some part of the town buildings seem to be in good conditions, at a first sight; instead, the more you get closer, the more structural damages are visible.

But the biggest loss of all is, surely, the loss of human lives. Until now, the earthquake caused the death of 7 people.

How is the crisis management working? How is the aid being managed?

I must say that the solidarity demonstrated by individuals, associations, companies is huge. Institutions are doing their part as well, but it is really astonishing the number of organisations and non-formal initiatives which took the field to help us.

Among all the problems, the biggest one is probably the large number of people left without a house, and a place to sleep. Adding up to that, this winter has been particularly cold, and the snow started falling just the day after the earthquake occurred. Most of the efforts now focus both on mapping people in distress, many of which are in remote places of the county, and on finding temporary solutions to help those people survive the season.

Which are the conditions of the LDA Sisak?

Unfortunately, the LDA Sisak does not have its premises anymore. The building is stills standing but has major damages in all its parts and it is not recommended for usage.

However, the situation is the same for large number of CSOs: I can recall just few associations which still has its premises. Despite this, all organisations keep working. People are actually having business meeting outside, in the snow.

Back to the LDA Sisak, in line with our mission which is the support of local democratic processes, we are reorienting our work and the volunteers’ to be as helpful as possible to the citizens.

Our staff is now active on two fronts: we are trying to finish all the ongoing activities and to finish all projects’ reports (a classic task during this time of the year). We are then mapping the needs of the community to bring specific help: the LDA Sisak has a strong volunteering component, thus we are channelling energies and forces according to the situation.

In turn, I must really thank the Croatian Volunteer Development Center which is giving us great support. In fact, all our networks are very supportive, ALDA and South East European Youth Network.

Paula, being the Delegate of the LDA Sisak, how your daily routine has changed?

My new daily routine…  actually, I am almost the whole day on the phone!

Making plans for the day is impossible and the situation and priorities are changing every hour. For this reason, I am always trying to be in contact with colleagues, volunteers and with other organisations. As CSOs, we are trying to cooperate and help each other as much as possible.

What is going to happen next?

The situation is highly unpredictable, firstly because the Earth hasn’t stopped shaking yet. Everyday there are new, minor, tremors which keep worsening the situation and the buildings’ conditions.

The only certain thing is that this area will need help for a long time, from an economic and social points of view. Indeed, considering the situation from a broader perspective, all this adds up to the already existing covid-19 pandemic and the growing risk and uncertainty is worsening people’s mental conditions.

To conclude, there is another threat to the city and its population: the exodus of people and commercial activities. Many are the people who left the area after the earthquake: regular citizens and businesspeople, considering that several hundred companies lost their premises.

This situation represents a threat for the whole region, which may find itself empty and drained of an important part of its social and economic component in the period to come.

See more pictures from Sisak

Are you a youth-led small Civil Society Organization promoting sustainable production and consumption patterns to fight climate change?

We are looking for you!

Lead the change and participate to our call for proposals with your project idea!

The first call for proposals of the Food Wave Project has been launched and it is directed to youth-led small Civil Society Organizations promoting sustainable production and consumption patterns to fight climate change.

What is the objective of the call for proposals?

The Food Wave Project – co-funded by the EU under the Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme (DEAR) and promoted by the Municipality of Milan together with ActionAid Italia, ACRA, Mani Tese and 25 project partners in 17 countries, including ALDA – will support grass-root initiatives in the field of climate-friendly food consumption behaviors and involve smaller youth organizations interested in joining the action but lacking the necessary means to do so.

How much is the grant for the projects?

More than 20 project ideas will receive a contribution of up to 3000 € each to support the fight against climate change and create a fair and sustainable global food system!

“Lead the change: participate to the Food Wave call for proposals”

Which is the thematic focus?

The proposed projects must address at least one of the following thematic axes:

  • Sustainable diets to reduce the impact on the planet and protect human rights.
  • Local alternative food systems, local producers and territorial markets.
  • Fight against food waste.
  • Sustainable food education and knowledge sharing dissemination.
  • Fight against climate change and equal access to healthy, sustainable and fair food.

Where can the project be implemented?

Activities must take place in one of the following EU Member States: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK.

The activities which will take place in the territories directly involved in the FOOD WAVE project will be privileged.

Please note that the cities directly concerned are: Almere, Brasov, Bruges, Frankfurt, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Malmö, Manchester, Maribor, Molenbeek, Milan, Murcia, NeaSmyrni, Pest, Sofia, Strasbourg, Turin, Warsaw and Zagreb.

How to apply?

Read the full call for proposals, upload your budget, and fill in the full text of the application form to be completed online by the 28th February 2021.

In case you need further information please contact us at this email address:

#CatchTheWave and Lead the Change!



SAVE THE DATE: In order to learn more about the call requirements and hear some tips to improve your application, an online informative session will take place on February 10th at 18.00 on the Food Wave’s Facebook page!

Since the beginning of the COVID19 crisis, a lot of sacrifices were made to ensure and guarantee the health of the population. Unfortunately, education was one of the fields to make sacrifices. The closure of schools, universities and other learning institutions, as well as the interruption of many literacy and lifelong learning programmes, has affected the lives of 1.6 billion students in over 190 countries, as highlighted by the United Nation report “Recover and revitalize education for the COVID-19 generation” . Nevertheless, there is hope, as emphasized by Sun Tzu in The Art of War, active 6th century B.C. “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” The Art of War from Sun Tzu is still relevant in our current time. By seeing opportunities, innovation can emerge and be developed. This crisis is also the opportunity to rebuild a better world where inclusive and equitable quality education is accessible to everyone.

If the future of education is digital and especially if video games can be used to be in the service of education. Instead of learning by doing, we go to learning by playing video games. It’s the bet of 2 European projects, The Rude Awakening and P-CUBE, started during the health crisis. They put digital tools at the heart of their strategy to highlight and make the topics closer to the younger generation. How can video games support the education of the younger generation?

Teaching a common history by playing or how to speak about WW1

War is not an easy topic to talk about and the consequences of it are not easy to explain. Nevertheless, there is a need to speak about it, to teach it and to raise awareness of it. The European project The Rude Awakening made the choice to use digital tools to teach the younger generation war and peace. A video game enables to recreate the atmosphere of WW1, to teach the common cultural and European history the countries are sharing and most of all, it enables to play a game and to put you in the shoes of a WW1 soldier. Learning via playing a game needs to make sure that the information and content are accurate. The project makes it a point of honour to make sure that players learn true and accurate information. That is why the narration is based on accurate documentation, real testimonials, memories, letters, pictures,… But the identification with fictional character(s) is the innovative frame through which the player discovers the everyday life of a soldier at war, everyday struggles for food, water, fights against the cold, the hot, the tiredness, the death. By developing this video game, the project wants to make the players, especially the younger generation more connected to European historical and cultural heritage.

Learning by playing. Learning by feeling and experiencing. Learning solidarity and citizenship!

Teaching public policy making or how to foster civic engagement

Citizenship is at the heart of our society and the youth need to understand how it works. They will be the ones leading and taking the key decision in the near future and they need to have the knowledge to understand how such decisions should be taken: What is a public policy? How are the decisions taken? How can these decisions have an impact on our society and our life? The European project P-CUBE wants to develop an educational game for teaching public policy theory. The project aims to go from a game board to a video game, from offline to online. The purpose is to contribute towards dispelling misconceptions around the way innovations in public policies are taken by presenting the process through an interesting and realistic model, through a video game. The game will help players to become more familiar with the complexities of public policy making, and show that there are several different ways to overcome the obstacles that prevent current governance systems from tackling collective problems.

Learning by doing. Learning by playing public policy. Learning to grow up as a citizen. Learning and be sure that the next generation is ready to lead!

Education & Digital

Digital can be a real pillar to help in the fight against inequalities and increase inclusion. Digital tools can provide wider access to education for everyone. But the education system needs to be ready for this change and implicate that the internet, phone, computer and other digital tools have to be accessible to every citizen. Being equal in the face of digital access. The pandemic is providing us a unique opportunity to have a new vision on the education system, on the use of digital tools to learn and teach and to find new innovative ways to make have an inclusive and accessible education.

This crisis is pushing every citizen, government, and international institutions to make sacrifices and is changing our way of living. Nevertheless and on the occasion of the International Day of Education, we should remember how education is the key to the development of a country and to build and rebuild our societies. As video games, any form of educational methodology should be considered to rebuild and redefine our world and especially make sure to not forget this statement: Education is a human right.

On 21 January ALDA and the Balkan Network for Local Democracy (BNLD) held a meeting with representatives from the European Commission. The staff of the Commission’s Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) working on Western Balkans had the chance to get to know better the Projects ALDA and the Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs) are implementing in the Region as well as the feedbacks from the activities we have been carrying on at the local level.

Mrs. Stanka Parac, the President of the Balkan Network for Local Democracy, introduced the BNLD and our approach to support regional cooperation while emphasising the efforts BNLD and the LDAs are doing to promote EU integration processes. The creation of the BNLD itself was the result of EC support for networking and partnership building. When comes to EU accession, our main focus is the Public Administration Reform, economic and democratic governance, social questions and the rule of law. We are known in the Region for our work on peace and reconciliation in the last 20 years, especially with young people.

Mr. Colin Wolfe, Head of Unit for Regional cooperation and Programmes confirmed the importance for the local level to be part of the EU integration process. The local authorities are significant stakeholders responsible for the implementation of many EU policies in the respective countries. Democratic processes start from the local level and should be nurtured there. The European Commission is supporting the cooperation of civil society and local authorities with the regional programme RELOAD whose second phase has just started.

Moreover, during the meeting, the LDAs delegates had the chance to take the floor and share their views on the main issue of each Country, from the situation of democratic processes, to the status of democracy in the post-election period in Montenegro, the results from thelong-awaited local elections in Mostar, to bilateral issues and key reforms in North Macedonia…

Democratic processes start from the local level and should be nurtured there

The DG NEAR staff working on the different Western Balkan countries confirmed that the European Union is doing significant efforts in making EU accession processes more visible on local level, in every community. Indeed, in the next programming period the EU will put more emphasis on projects with local authorities.

The European Commissions, DG NEAR and the Delegations in all countries are making significant efforts to include civil society in policy making and programming. In that respect, ALDA and the BNLD took active part in the consultations for planning of the Instruments of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III) and the drafting of Guidelines for civil society in Enlargement Region 2021-2027.

This meeting, attended by more than 30 representatives from European Commission and ALDA, the BNLD and the LDAs delegates has proven how inclusive policy making should be and how important dialogue is. ALDA and the BNLD continue following attentively the European Commission policies in the Western Balkans and support the EU accession processes in the Region.