The Balkan Network for Local Democracy is proud to present its new profile video animation! The video presents the BNLD values and engagement through the eyes of its members and those it works with in the Balkans, and gives a brief idea of what the Network does.

Cooperation, Solidarity, Innovative, Equality, Partnership, Multigenerational, Regional are among the core concepts mentioned in the video: it’s through these words that the BNLD showcases its contribution to the regional development and cooperation!

–> Have a look at the video on Youtube <–

The clip was filmed within the Regional Youth Compact for Europe project, implemented by ALDA together with the Center for Democracy Foundation, the Balkan Network for Local Democracy, CRTA, Youth Act and Sodem. The project is funded by the European Union and the Balkan Trust for Democracy, a project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

In May 2020, the Balkan Network for Local Democracy (BNLD) was proudly awarded a grant by the prestigious Western Balkan Fund (WBF) for the implementation of the CulTours: Western Balkan Cultural Tours project, starting from the month of June.

CulTours is a 12-month project that involves 5 countries from the Western Balkans (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia and North Macedonia) with the aim to promote regional cooperation in the field of culture and sustainable growth. It is a follow-up of the Monumental 9 project, currently implemented by the same project partners, and proposes touristic routes of 9 cultural heritage sites from World War 2 in the Western Balkans.

Its activities will include research and work with local stakeholders; the development of a tool for the promotion of cultural heritage; a series of webinars for the exchange of ideas on tourism and local economic development; and one of its planned outcomes is the creation of a phone app that showcases touristic routes linking 9 cultural heritage sites in the Western Balkans.

The Western Balkan countries have common cultural heritage from World War 2 and the post-war period that is highly interesting from architectural, cultural and ideological points of view“, stated Ivana Petrovska, Director of the Balkan Network for Local Democracy. “Making a link between these sites and providing a shared touristic offer is going to be crucially beneficial for the local communities in all involved countries”.

The award of a grant by the WBF is of great encouragement to the CulTours project, as well as a great honour. The BNLD will work hard to achieve the maximum benefit for all its target communities!

The Balkan Network for Local Democracy is a network created by ALDA and the Local Democracy Agencies in the Western Balkans to support regional cooperation in the region.


Une subvention du Western Balkan Fund pour le projet CulTours du BNLD!

En mai 2020, le Balkan Network for Local Democracy (BNLD) a été fier d’obtenir une subvention du prestigieux Western Balkan Fund (WBF) pour la mise en place du projet CulTours: Western Balkan Cultural Tours, qui a débuté au mois de juin.

CulTours est un projet sur 12 mois qui implique 5 pays des Balkans occidentaux (Bosnie-Herzégovine, Kosovo, Monténégro, Serbie et Macédoine du Nord) avec l’objectif de promouvoir la coopération régionale dans le domaine de la culture et de la croissance durable. Il s’agit du prolongement du projet Monumental 9, qui est actuellement mis en œuvre par les mêmes partenaires du projet, qui propose des routes touristiques dans les Balkans occidentaux autour de 9 sites relevant du patrimoine culturel de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

Ces activité comprendront des recherches et des actions avec les parties prenantes locales ; le développement d’un outil pour promouvoir le patrimoine culturel ; une série de webinaires pour le partage d’idées autour du tourisme et du développement de l’économie locale et l’un des objectifs attendus est la création d’une application pour smartphone qui met en valeur les routes touristiques qui relient ces 9 sites liés au patrimoine culturel des Balkans occidentaux.

« Les pays des Balkans occidentaux partagent un patrimoine culturel commun provenant de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et de la période d’après-guerre qui est particulièrement intéressant d’un point de vue architectural, culturel et idéologique » a déclaré Ivana Petrovska, Directrice du Balkan Network for Local Democracy. « Créer un lien entre ces sites et fournir une proposition touristique commune sera absolument bénéfique pour les communautés locales de tous les pays concernés ».

L’octroi de la subvention du WBF est un formidable signe d’encouragement pour le projet CulTours ainsi qu’un grand honneur. Le BNLD travaillera d’arrache-pied pour permettre à toutes les communautés en question d’en dégager un maximum de bénéfices!

Le Balkan Network for Local Democracy est un réseau créé par l’ALDA et par les Agences de Démocratie Locale des Balkans occidentaux pour soutenir la coopération régionale dans la région.


Una sovvenzione dal Fondo per i Balcani occidentali per il progetto CulTours del BNLD!

Nel maggio 2020 la Rete dei Balcani per la Democrazia Locale (BNLD) ha orgogliosamente ricevuto una sovvenzione dal prestigioso Fondo per i Balcani Occidentali (WBF) per l’attuazione del progetto CulTours: Western Balkan Cultural Tours, che comincerà a breve.

CulTours è un progetto della durata di 12 mesi che coinvolge 5 paesi dei Balcani Occidentali (Bosnia ed Erzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia e Macedonia del Nord) e ha l’obiettivo di promuovere la cooperazione regionale nel campo della cultura e della crescita sostenibile. È un seguito del progetto Monumental 9, attualmente implementato dagli stessi partner del progetto, e propone percorsi turistici di 9 siti del patrimonio culturale della Seconda Guerra Mondiale nei Balcani Occidentali.

Le attività includeranno la ricerca e il lavoro con le parti interessate locali; lo sviluppo di uno strumento per la promozione del patrimonio culturale; una serie di webinar per lo scambio di idee sul turismo e lo sviluppo economico locale; e uno dei risultati previsti è la creazione di un’app che mostra i percorsi turistici che collegano i 9 siti del patrimonio culturale nei Balcani Occidentali.

I paesi dei Balcani Occidentali hanno un patrimonio culturale riguardanti laSeconda Guerra Mondiale e il dopoguerra in comune, il quale è molto interessante dal punto di vista architettonico, culturale e ideologico“, ha dichiarato Ivana Petrovska, direttrice della Rete Balcanica per la Democrazia Locale. “Creare un collegamento tra questi siti e fornire un’offerta turistica condivisa sarà di fondamentale utilità per le comunità locali in tutti i paesi coinvolti“.

L’assegnazione di una sovvenzione da parte del WBF è un grande incoraggiamento per il progetto CulTours, nonché un grande onore. Il BNLD lavorerà sodo per ottenere il massimo beneficio per tutte le comunità di interesse!

La Rete dei Balcani per la Democrazia Locale è una rete creata da ALDA e dalle Agenzie per la Democrazia Locale nei Balcani Occidentali per sostenere la cooperazione regionale in quest’area.


Грант Фонда Западных Балкан для БСМД CulTours!

В мае 2020 года Балканская сеть местной демократии (БСМД) была награждена грантом престижного Западно-Балканского фонда ЗБФ на реализацию проекта CulTours: Western Balkan Cultural Tours, начиная с июня месяца.

CulTours – это 12-месячный проект, в котором участвуют 5 стран Западных Балкан (Босния и Герцеговина, Косово, Черногория, Сербия и Северная Македония) с целью содействия региональному сотрудничеству в области культуры и устойчивого роста. Он является продолжением проекта Monumental 9, который в настоящее время осуществляется теми же партнерами по проекту, и предлагает туристические маршруты из 9 объектов культурного наследия времен Второй мировой войны на Западных Балканах.

Его деятельность будет включать исследования и работу с местными заинтересованными сторонами; разработка инструмента для пропаганды культурного наследия; серия вебинаров для обмена идеями о туризме и местном экономическом развитии; и одним из запланированных результатов является создание приложения для телефона, которое демонстрирует туристические маршруты, связывающие 9 объектов культурного наследия на Западных Балканах.

Страны Западных Балкан имеют общее культурное наследие Второй мировой войны и послевоенного периода, что очень интересно с архитектурной, культурной и идеологической точек зрения”, – заявила Ивана Петровская, директор Балканской сети местной демократии. ”Создание связи между этими сайтами и предоставление общего туристического предложения будет чрезвычайно полезным для местных сообществ во всех вовлеченных странах”.

Присуждение гранта WBF является большой поддержкой для проекта CulTours, а также большой честью. BNLD будет усердно работать, чтобы добиться максимальной выгоды для всех своих целевых сообществ!

Балканская Сеть Местной Демократии – это сеть, созданная ALDA и Агентствами местной демократии на Западных Балканах для поддержки регионального сотрудничества в регионе.


Grant Fonda za Zapadni Balkan za BNLD projekat “CulTours”!

U maju 2020. Balkanska mreža za lokalnu demokratiju (BNLD) dobila je grant Fonda za Zapadni Balkanestern Balkan (Western Balkans Fund – WBF) za realizaciju projekta “CulTours”: Western Balkan Cultural Tours”, sa početkom u junu mesecu.

“CulTours” je 12-mesečni projekat koji uklјučuje 5 zemalјa sa Zapadnog Balkana (Bosna i Hercegovina, Kosovo*, Crna Gora, Srbija i Severna Makedonija) sa cilјem da promoviše regionalnu saradnju u oblasti kulture i održivog razvoja. Ovaj projekat predstavljaće u izvesnom smislu nastavak projekta Monumental 9, koji trenutno sprovode isti partneri, i predlaže turističke rute koje prate 9 značajnih mesta kulturne baštine iz Drugog svetskog rata na Zapadnom Balkanu.

Aktivnosti projekta će uklјučivati istraživanje i rad sa lokalnim akterima; razvoj alata za promociju kulturne baštine; niz vebinara za razmenu ideja o turizmu i lokalnom ekonomskom razvoju; a jedan od njegovih planiranih rezultata je stvaranje mobilne aplikacije koja prikazuje turističke rute koje povezuju 9 lokacija kulturne baštine na Zapadnom Balkanu.

“Zemlјe Zapadnog Balkana imaju zajedničko kulturno nasleđe iz Drugog svetskog rata i posleratnog perioda, što je veoma interesantno sa arhitektonskog, kulturnog i ideološkog stanovišta”, izjavila je Ivana Petrovska, direktorka Balkanske mreže za lokalnu demokratiju. „Uspostavlјanje veze između ovih lokacija i pružanje zajedničke turističke ponude biće od presudne koristi za lokalne zajednice u svim uklјučenim zemlјama “.

Dodela grantova od strane WBF-a predstavlja veliko ohrabrenje za projekat “CulTours”, kao i veliku čast. BNLD će naporno raditi na postizanju maksimalne koristi za sve svoje cilјne zajednice!

Balkanska mreža za lokalnu demokratiju je mreža stvorena od strane ALDA-e i agencija lokalne demokratije iz zemalja Zapadnog Balkana za podršku regionalnoj saradnji u regionu.


(BNLD CulTours)  منحةمقدمةمنقبلصندوقغربالبلقانلفائدةمشروعالجولاتالثقافيةلشبكةالبلقانللديمقراطيةالمحلية

في شهر مايو (آيار) من سنة 2020, عبرت شبكة البلقان للديمقراطية المحلية عن فخرها واعتزازها بالحصول على منحة من قبل صندوق غرب البلقان الشهير لتنفيذ مشروع جولاتثقافيةلغربالبلقان, انطلاقا من شهر جوان (حزيران).

يضم مشروع جولات ثقافية لغرب البلقان, الذي يمتد على مدى 12 شهر, عدد 5 بلدان من منطقة غرب البلقان (البوسنة والهرسك, كوسوفو, الجبل الأسود, صربيا وشمال مقدونيا), يهدف هذا المشروع إلىتعزيزالتعاونالإقليميفيمجالالثقافةوالتنميةالمستدامة. كمايمثلهذاالمشروعمتابعةلمشروعآخريعرفباسممشروع 9 الضخم (Monumental 9 projet ), الذي يتم تنفيذه حاليا من قبل نفس الشركاء في المشروع, ويقترحعدد 9 مسالكثقافيةسياحيةتركزعلىمواقعالتراثالتييعود تاريخها إلى الحرب العالمية الثانية وتتواجد بمنطقة غرب البلقان.

تشمل أنشطة هذا المشروع عددا من البحوث والأشغال تنجز بالتعاون مع أصحاب المصلحة المحليين, إضافة إلى امكانية تنمية أداة للنهوض بالتراث الثقافي وسلسلة من حلقات الوابنار يتسم استغلالها للتفاعلوتبادلالأفكارحولالقطاعالسياحيومجالالتنميةالاقتصاديةالمحلية, مع الإشارة إلى إحدى المخرجات الهامة في إطار هذا المشروع والتي تتمثل فيبعثتطبيقةهاتفيةتوضح المسالك السياحية التي تربط مواقع التراث الثقافي في منطقة غرب البلقان.

بلدانمنطقةغربالبلقانلهاقاسممشتركيتمثلفيتراثثقافيمشتركيعودتاريخهإلىحقبةالحربالعالميةالثانيةوإلىفترةمابعدالحرب, حيثيكتسيهذاالتراثأهميةبالغةمنالناحيةالهندسيةوالثقافيةوالإيديولوجية. الربطبينمختلفهذهالمواقعوتوفيرعروضسياحيةمشتركةيمثلفرصةسانحةويخدممصلحةكافةالمجتمعاتالمحليةفيكلالبلدانالمساهمةفيهذاالمشروع“, كماجاءعلىلسانإيفانابيتروفسكا, مديرةشبكةالبلقانللديمقراطيةالمحلية.

المنحة التي قدمها صندوق غرب البلقان تمثل بادرة طيبة ومشجعة لمشروع جولات ثقافية (CulTours), إضافة إلى انها تعتبر مصدر شرف كبير. ستبذل شبكة البلقان للديمقراطية المحلية قصارى جهدها لتمكين كافة مجتمعاتها المحلية منالاستفادةالقصوىمنهذاالمشروع!

شبكة البلقان للديمقراطية المحلية هي شبكة تم بعثها من قبل ألدا ووكالات الديمقراطية المحلية في منطقة غرب البلقان لدعم التعاون الاقليمي في المنطقة

WeWorld GVC, active in 29 world countries, has received a grant from the European Commission and it intends to launch an INTERNATIONAL TENDER PROCEDURE in the framework of the project entitled “End Climate Change, Start Climate of Change #ClimateOfChange. A Pan-European Campaign to build a better future for climate induced migrants, the human face of climate change – Grant Contract CSO – LA/2019/410-153” (DEAR Programme).

Service to be provided

The subject of this tender procedure is the execution of the following service: a tailored survey on perception and knowledge of the nexus between migration, climate change and the current economic model of young citizens (aged 16-35) in 23 EU countries (Italy, France, Greece, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Belgium plus Slovenia, Malta, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ireland, The Netherlands and Romania).

Instructions to bid and the full procedure is comprehensively explained in the Tender Dossier.

The Tender Dossier will be available only via email and on request to the following email address: and from Wednesday 17th June 2020 to Thursday 9th July 2020.

The deadline for tender submissions is Thursday 16th of July 2020, at 18:00 (CEST). Additional information or clarifications will be published on WeWorld GVC website.

Eligible bidders must submit the Tender Dossier by required deadline, Tender Dossiers sent after the deadline will not be considered.

ALDA is project partner of the Climate of Change project, of which WeWorld is the lead partner. Please find the original article HERE.

Big news from the Eastern Partnership area, as both the AGREED and Media Dialogue projects are deep in the works with very exciting initiatives!

Under ALDA management and thanks to the co-financing of the European Union, the sub-grants scheme of the “Activating Governance Reform for Enhancing Development” (AGREED) project was launched on April 12th this year with the deadline for proposal submissions of May 15th.

ALDA received 123 project proposals from all districts of Moldova, a number the ALDA team was extremely positively surprised by, especially considering the high quality of the applications. This month, the Evaluation Committee completed its selection according to the criteria that were published together with the call for proposals and, consequently, the projects proposed by the following 17 organisations were approved for up to 6000 euros each in funding:

1. Public Association “Regional Centre for Sustainable Development”, Ungheni
2. Public Association “Destin”, Schineni, Soroca 
3. Public Association “Development and Involvement”, Cimislia
4. Public Association “Ilenuța”, Cotova, Drochia
5. Public Association “Floresti District Coulcil of Youth”, Floresti
6. Public Association “DOR DE CASA”, Criva, Briceni
7. Public Association “Mugurasii de la Bic”, Gura Bacului, Anenii Noi
8. Public Association “Ecological Movememt Stefan Voda”, Stefan Voda
9. Public Association “PRO  Community Assistance and Develpment”, Ciolacu Nou, Falesti
10. Public Association “Pro-Europa”, Comrat
11. Public Association “PROSPECT”, Cimislia
12. Public Association “Silent Generation”, Balti
13. Public Association “For SURUCENENI”, Suruceni, Ialoveni
14. Public Association “We – The bright future”, Falesti
15. Public Association “MALURILE NISTRULUI”, Cosnita, Dubasari
16. The Association of Natives of Telenesti “Brotherhood of Telenesti Everywhere”, Telenesti
17. The Association of Natives “CIUCIULEA-VATRA DE DOR”, Ciuciulea, Glodeni.

Project implementation is now scheduled to start on June 25th and last for a maximum of 6 months. ALDA and the AGREED consortium are highly pleased with the enthusiasm shown by Moldovan civil society; and a similarly successful grant competition is in progress in Kyrgyzstan, too, in the framework the Media Dialogue project!

As of December 2019, in fact, ALDA and 4 other partners kicked off the Media Dialogue project in Kyrgyzstan and, after a series of preparatory activities, officially launched it in March 2020 in Bishkek with a large presence of stakeholders. Project activities aim to improve the policy and legal environment affecting the media sector and to assist media houses, journalists and editors in upholding professional journalistic standards and acting as democratic watchdogs during the 2020 electoral cycle.

With this in mind, back in April a grant competition was launched to (1) strengthen the media environment in Kyrgyzstan, (2) support the provision of public high-quality journalism and (3) promote media policy reform. More specifically, the call for proposals looked for ways to support media institutions in delivering advocacy campaigns to raise public awareness of the need to maintain and promote freedom of expression, high-quality journalism, contents of public service, access to information and other constituents of a free and democratic media environment.

By the given deadline of May 10th, the Media Dialogue team had received 27 applications from Kyrgyz media outlets and media organisations, out of which 4 proposals were pre-selected for support by the selection committee and are currently in the negotiation and preparation phase for grants agreements. Each organisation will receive up to 30,000 euro, thus meaning that, as of July 2020, ALDA will be supporting 4 media organisations from Kyrgyzstan to increase public access to information, transparency of state institutions and better access to diversified information for vulnerable groups.

We are extremely proud of how far both projects have already come and are looking forward to seeing what’s next!

AGREED is a 2-year project which aims at strengthening the capacity of Moldovan local authorities to perform a transparent and participatory governance in their communities, with a specific reference to the policy-making process related to the local decentralisation reform.

Media Dialogue is an 18-month EU-funded project based in Kyrgyzstan which wishes to strengthen the capacity and responsibility of media actors to operate as drivers of democracy and to prevent potential conflicts during the October 2020 parliamentary elections.

In the framework of the third annual event of the EMEN (European Migrants Entrepreneurship Network) project, the EMEN Consortium has been hosting a series of webinars with the common theme of “Unlocking diversity” on each Monday of June.

With a focus on the noteworthy added value that diversity brings to our societies, each webinar in the series analyses the way that diversity specifically contributes to the development of new businesses and to the better inclusion and integration of vulnerable groups into society and cities – in line with the engagement of the EMEN Consortium in creating an effective ecosystem at the EU level in support of migrant entrepreneurs through the setting up of three Communities of Practice, i.e. coaching and mentoring; access to finance; and professionalisation of migrant entrepreneurs’ associations.

On Monday, June 15th, in particular, the second webinar was held with ALDA’s participation on the topic of “Resilience of diverse cities and communities in times of crisis“.

The session produced an insightful discussion on the crucial role of local authorities in facing the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on their territories, as well as in keeping up with related challenges like the reduction of inequalities, or the need for digitization: in a context of crisis and swift changes, it was argued, cities and communities are – more than ever – the pivotal stakeholders in sustaining and promoting diversity and integration at the local level.

Panelists included

  • Professor Maurice Crul, who presented the “Becoming a minority” project on the lives of people without a migration background in ethnically diverse neighborhoods in six pilot cities in Europe, and pointed out that diversity benefits community life both economically and socially;
  • Irena Guidikova, Head of the Inclusion and Anti Discrimination Programme at the Council of Europe, who discussed how the Intercultural Cities Programme of the CoE reveals that “unlocking diversity” is most definitely the way to reduce inequalities, develop cities’ potentiality and positively contribute to everyone’s living;
  • and ALDA Secretary-General Antonella Valmorbida, who detailed the many lessons that should be learned from the ongoing health emergency, and presented both EMEN and other ALDA projects with the aim to foster diversity and promote inclusion at the local level – namely WEMIN, Integration and Empowerment of Migrant and Refugee Women; EPIC, European Platform of integrating Cities; and LIME, Labour Integration for Migrant Employment.

It is in fact ALDA’s strong belief that local communities are without doubt the first place of action for positive changes, and Antonella Valmorbida also highlighted how the synergies between local authorities and civil society should be more and more enhanced in this Covid-19 outbreak as they have proved to be most effective for effective reaction. This reflects the very core of ALDA’s mission, too: the strengthening of the resilience of local communities and the promotion of diversity.

This episode of the EMEN webinar series can now be watched HERE, on the Youtube channel of EMEN lead partners AEIDL, the European Association for Information on Local Development.

EMEN – European Migrants Entrepreneurship Network: crossing borders for financial and business development services is a 3-year project within the COSME programme with a 12-partner Consortium which works on developing, sharing and promoting support schemes for individual migrant entrepreneurs and for social and inclusive enterprises benefitting migrants.

Visit the dedicated project website:

Why should I care?” is the title of two short but intense film clips produced within the Regional Youth Compact for Europe project.

The young people involved in the videos draw attention to key issues that matter to them. The campaign puts together a selection of great awareness messages in order to inspire people to take action, as youngsters take a stance against corruption, pollution, hate speech, abuse of power and the need to leave their countries forever. At the same time, they fight for better education, easier mobility, more opportunities for employment, more freedom and genuine democracy.

You can watch the videos on the project’s YouTube channel: first video | second video.

The Regional Youth Compact for Europe project is implemented by ALDA together with the Center for Democracy Foundation, the Balkan Network for Local Democracy, CRTA, Youth Act and Sodem Turkey; and funded by the European Union and the Balkan Trust for Democracy, a project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

Melting point for innovative ideas and creative digital tools, the 2020 edition of the PiXii Festival will be the occasion for many to discover the European project The Rude Awakening which ALDA is partner of. From June 22nd to 25th the Festival, initially planned to be in La Rochelle (France), will go online for the first time. In collaboration with the 31st edition of the Sunny side of the Doc, it will be the meeting of innovative stories, digital installations, creative documentaries and immersive technologies. 

PiXii is, in fact, an international festival for digital cultures giving a business and creative view of the power of virtual reality, 3D imaging, Apps and so on, to enhance museums, heritage institutions and cultural centres experiences. One of the focuses of the festival is storytelling, and the festival has become well renowned on the digital and creative scene.

Fondazione Belvedere-Gschwent and 101 Percento are invited to participate in this international and online event and, during the History and Heritage session, the participants will hence be able to discover the ALDA European project The Rude Awakening led by the Foundation, and learn about the use of digital tools to tell History.

The Rude Awakening – a multimedia journey in the footsteps of frontline soldiers’ everyday life” aims to raise the awareness and interest of younger generations (between 13 to 20 years old) on the topic of war and peace. With the support of digital and audiovisual contents based on the stories of WWI soldiers, “The Rude Awakening” wants to lead a new educational and emotional perspective on war and peace, whereby visitors will learn by doing as they fill the shoes of a soldier all along the museum visit, thus better understanding war memories and soldier life thanks to technology. It’s a co-funded project by the European Union MEDIA programme, a sub-programme of Creative Europe.

For more information on the project and how to join it, please contact artistic Director, Mr Renzo Carbonera:

If we only consider its aesthetics, street art becomes irrelevant. Street art is important and beautiful because of the empowerment and the inspiration it gives to people”.

It was with this motivation that over a hundred people got together on June 4th, 2020 to attend the international webinar on “Street art against urban and social marginalization” organized within the STreet ARt project, co-funded by the EU Europe for Citizens programme with the aim to build a network of European cities and promote the power of street art as a tool for increasing citizen participation, connecting people of different cultures, regenerating depressed and abandoned areas and reducing marginalisation.

ALDA, as project partner responsible for communication, supported the organisation and moderation of the webinar, which saw a warm welcome by Paolo Pellizzari, Mayor of the Arcugnano Municipality which is proudly leading the project. The Mayor highlighted the importance of the webinar to stress the role of street art in processes of urban and social inclusion, as well as to share considerations and new perspectives on its potential and impact.

The discussion was then lit by Anna Stolyarova, founder of the Street Art Museum Amsterdam, who introduced the history of the street art movement starting from its definition and going through its perception, acceptance and resistance. The expert explained how street art is an empowering grass-roots participatory movement, “breaking a definition of what could be a place to enjoy art and redefining what can be an art object, throwing the ephemeral into the mix”.

Next in line was Mattia Campo Dall’Orto, urban artist who runs workshops with disabled people and refugees while also researching contemporary subcultures, graffiti and street art at the University of Trieste. Through a selection of his projects based on social commitment and local community involvement, Mattia shed the light on the value of street art for reducing social exclusion of minority and vulnerable groups, and promoting social inclusion and multicultural engagement.

Multifaceted, world-renowned Italian artist 2501, in turn, travelled the world with his socially committed work consisting mainly in murals, but also experimented with sculpture, photography and a documentary project called Nomadic Experiment. He shared a number of documentary shots on a reflection on urban regeneration and gentrification processes, rising interesting contradictions and provocations in relation to how street art is wrongly perceived and sometimes exploited for marketing and political purposes.

Last but not least, Stefan Cisti and Claudiu Dutulescu from project partner City of Mioveni discussed participatory methods and approaches to involve citizens in street art initiatives, and underlined how street art promotes civic and multicultural participation at community level; and the entire STAR consortium took participants on a journey into the colourful world of street art through all the initiatives and festivals they implemented locally since the beginning of the project.

All along the webinar Q&A sessions were also encouraged where participants were invited to share their opinions and questions on a virtual mural, which will be kept open for the entire duration of the project with the aim to keep the international debate alive around street art and its role in urban and social regeneration processes. The mural is available here.

The STreet ARt project is conducted by the Arcugnano Municipality (Italy) in collaboration with European municipalities and organisations from 14 European countries, including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, and the Netherlands.

The recording of this international webinar is now available on the ALDA YouTube channel!

Contact: Nadia Di Iulio, ALDA project manager –


Le webinaire international de STAR sur le street art: réussites et enseignements 

« Si nous prenons uniquement en compte ses esthétiques, le street art devient peu pertinent. Le street art est beau et pertinent par l’émancipation et l’inspiration qu’il apporte aux gens ».

C’est avec cette motivation que plus d’une centaine de personnes se sont réunies le 4 juin 2020 pour participer au webinaire international dont le sujet était : « Le street art contre la marginalisation urbaine et sociale ». Il était organisé dans le cadre du projet STreet ARt, cofinancé par le programme Europe pour les citoyens de l’UE, qui a pour objectif de bâtir un réseau de villes européennes et de promouvoir la puissance du street art comme un outil pour accroître la participation citoyenne, connecter les peuples de différentes cultures, régénérer les espaces abandonnés et moroses mais aussi réduire la marginalisation.

L’ALDA, en tant que partenaire du projet et responsable et de la communication, a soutenu l’organisation et la modération du webinaire, qui a été chaleureusement accueilli par Paolo Pellizzari, maire de la municipalité d’Arcugnano, qui est fière d’être à la tête du projet. Le maire a souligné l’importance du webinaire pour mettre en évidence le rôle du street art dans le processus d’inclusion urbaine et sociale mais aussi pour partager des considérations et de nouvelles perspectives sur son potentiel et son influence.

L’échange a ensuite été animé par Anna Stolyarova, fondatrice du Musée du street art d’Amsterdam, qui a procédé à une introduction de l’histoire du mouvement du street art, depuis sa définition en passant ensuite par sa perception, son acceptation et sa résistance. L’expert a expliqué en quoi le street art est un mouvement participatif d’émancipation populaire. « Créer une rupture dans la définition de ce que peut être un endroit où apprécier l’art et redéfinir ce que peut être un objet d’art, jetant l’éphémère dans la composition ».

La prochaine intervenante était Mattia Campo Dall’Orto, une artiste urbaine qui gère des ateliers pour personnes handicapés et refugiés tout en menant des recherches sur les sous-cultures contemporaines, le graffiti et le street art à l’Université de Trieste. A travers une sélection de ses projets basés sur l’engagement social et la participation de la communauté locale. Mattia a fait la lumière sur l’importance du street art pour réduire l’exclusion sociale des minorités et des groupes vulnérables ainsi que pour promouvoir l’inclusion sociale et l’implication multiculturelle.

L’artiste italien de renommée mondiale aux multiples facettes 2501a voyagé autour du monde avec son travail socialement engagé qui consiste en des fresques murales mais il a aussi expérimenté à travers la sculpture, la photographie et un projet documentaire nommé Nomadic Experiment. Il a partagé un certain nombre de plans du documentaire sur une réflexion sur la régénération urbaine et sur le processus de gentrification, relevant d’intéressantes contradictions et provocations en relation avec le fait que le street art est faussement perçu et parfois instrumentalisé à des desseins politique ou marketing.

Pour conclure, Stefan Cisti and Claudiu Dutulescu de la ville de Mioveni, partenaire du projet, ont traité des méthodes et approches participatives pour inclure les citoyens dans les initiatives du street art et ont souligné comment le street art promeut la participation civile et multiculturelle à l’échelle de la communauté. L’ensemble du consortium de STAR a emmené les participants dans un voyage autour du monde coloré du street art à travers toutes les initiatives et festivals qu’ils ont mis en œuvre localement depuis le début du projet.

Durant tout le webinaire des sessions de questions-réponses étaient également encouragées, durant lesquelles les participants étaient invités à partager leurs avis et questions sur une peinture murale virtuelle. Cette dernière restera ouverte pendant toute la durée du projet dans l’objectif de maintenir actif ce débat international autour du street art et de son rôle dans le processus de régénération urbaine et sociale. La peinture murale est accessible ici.

Le projet STreet ARt est mené par la municipalité d’Arcugnano (Italie) en coopération avec les municipalités et organisations européennes de 14 pays européens : l’Albanie, la Bosnie-Herzégovine, la République tchèque, la France, l’Allemagne, l’Italie, le Kosovo, la Lettonie, la Pologne, le Portugal, la Roumanie, la Serbie, la Slovénie et les Pays-Bas.

L’enregistrement de ce webinaire international est désormais disponible sur la chaîne Youtube de l’ALDA!

Contact: Nadia Di Iulio, responsable de projet à l’ALDA –


Il webinar internazionale di STAR sulla street art: successi e temi chiave

“Se ne consideriamo solo l’estetica, la street art diventa irrilevante. La street art è importante e bella grazie al potenziamento e all’ispirazione che dà alle persone”.

È con questa motivazione che più di cento persone si sono riunite il 4 giugno 2020 per partecipare al webinar internazionale “Street art contro l’emarginazione urbana e sociale” organizzato nell’ambito del progetto STreet ARt, cofinanziato dal programma Europe for Citizens dell’UE con l’obiettivo di costruire una rete di città europee e promuovere il potere della street art come strumento per migliorare la partecipazione dei cittadini, unire persone di culture diverse, rigenerare aree depresse e abbandonate e ridurre l’emarginazione.

ALDA, in qualità di partner del progetto responsabile della comunicazione, ha supportato l’organizzazione e la moderazione del webinar, che ha visto un caloroso benvenuto da parte di Paolo Pellizzari, sindaco del Comune di Arcugnano, il quale è orgoglioso di dirigere il progetto. Il sindaco ha sottolineato l’importanza del webinar per sottolineare il ruolo della street art nei processi di inclusione urbana e sociale, nonché per condividere considerazioni e nuove prospettive sul suo potenziale e impatto.

La discussione è stata quindi accesa da Anna Stolyarova, fondatrice dello Street Art Museum di Amsterdam, la quale ha introdotto la storia del movimento della street art a partire dalla sua definizione e attraversando la sua percezione, accettazione e resistenza. L’esperta ha spiegato come la street art sia un movimento partecipativo che abilita le radici, “rompendo una definizione di ciò che potrebbe essere un luogo per godersi l’arte e ridefinendo ciò che può essere un oggetto d’arte, gettando l’effimero nel mix”.

Successivamente è intervenuto Mattia Campo Dall’Orto, artista urbano che organizza laboratori con persone disabili e rifugiati e allo stesso tempo è un ricercatore di sottoculture contemporanee, graffiti e street art all’Università di Trieste. Attraverso una selezione dei suoi progetti basati sull’impegno sociale e il coinvolgimento della comunità locale, Mattia ha fatto luce sul valore della street art per ridurre l’esclusione sociale delle minoranze e dei gruppi vulnerabili e promuovere l’inclusione sociale e l’impegno multiculturale.

L’artista italiano poliedrico di fama mondiale 2501ha girato il mondo con il suo lavoro, socialmente impegnato principalmente in murales, ma ha anche sperimentato in scultura, fotografia e un documentario chiamato Nomadic Experiment. Ha condiviso una serie di riprese documentarie riguardanti la riflessione sulla rigenerazione urbana e sui processi di gentrificazione, sollevando interessanti contraddizioni e provocazioni in relazione a come la street art viene erroneamente percepita e talvolta sfruttata per scopi politici e di marketing.

Ultimi ma non meno importanti, Stefan Cisti e Claudiu Dutulescu, del partner del progetto City of Mioveni, hanno discusso dei metodi e degli approcci partecipativi per coinvolgere i cittadini nelle iniziative di street art e hanno sottolineato come la street art promuova la partecipazione civica e multiculturale a livello di comunità; e l’intero consorzio STAR ha portato i partecipanti in un viaggio nel colorato mondo della street art attraverso tutte le iniziative e i festival che ha implementato localmente dall’inizio del progetto.

Durante tutto il webinar sono state inoltre incoraggiate sessioni di domande e risposte in cui i partecipanti sono stati invitati a condividere le loro opinioni e domande su un murales virtuale, che sarà attivo per l’intera durata del progetto, con l’obiettivo di mantenere vivo il dibattito internazionale sulla street art e sui suoi ruoli nei processi di rigenerazione urbana e sociale. Il murales è disponibile QUI.

Il progetto STreet ARt è diretto dal Comune di Arcugnano (Italia) in collaborazione con i comuni e le organizzazioni europee di 14 paesi europei, tra cui Albania, Bosnia ed Erzegovina, Repubblica Ceca, Francia, Germania, Italia, Kosovo, Lettonia, Polonia, Portogallo, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia e Paesi Bassi.

La registrazione di questo webinar internazionale è ora disponibile sul canale YouTube di ALDA!

Contatti: Nadia Di Iulio, project manager ALDA –


Международный вебинар STAR по уличному искусству: успехи и понимание

”Если рассматривать только эстетику, уличное искусство становится неактуальным. Уличное искусство важно и красиво из-за расширения прав и возможностей и вдохновения, которое оно дает людям”.

Именно с этой мотивацией 4 июня 2020 года более ста человек собрались для участия в международном вебинаре ”Уличное искусство против городской и социальной маргинализации”, организованном в рамках проекта STreet ARt, финансируемого совместно с программой ЕС ”Европа для граждан”с целью построить сеть европейских городов и продвигать силу уличного искусства в качестве инструмента для расширения участия граждан, объединения людей разных культур, восстановления депрессивных и заброшенных районов и сокращения маргинализации.

ALDA, как партнер проекта, ответственный за коммуникацию, поддержал организацию и модерацию вебинара, который был тепло встречен Паоло Пеллиццари, мэром муниципалитета Аркуньяно, который с гордостью возглавляет проект. Мэр отметил важность вебинара, чтобы подчеркнуть роль уличного искусства в процессах интеграции городов и общества, а также поделиться соображениями и новыми взглядами на его потенциал и влияние.

Затем дискуссия была освещена Анной Столяровой, основательницей Музея уличного искусства в Амстердаме, которая представила историю движения уличного искусства, начиная с его определения и заканчивая его восприятием, принятием и сопротивлением. Эксперт объяснил, что уличное искусство – это широкие возможности для участия широких масс, ”ломая определение того, что может быть местом для наслаждения искусством, и переосмысливая то, что может быть художественным объектом, бросая эфемерное в смесь”.

Следующим в очереди был Маттиа Кампо Далл’Орто, городской художник, который проводит мастер-классы с инвалидами и беженцами, а также исследует современные субкультуры, граффити и уличное искусство в университете Триеста. Благодаря выбору своих проектов, основанных на социальной приверженности и участии местного сообщества, Маттиа пролил свет на ценность уличного искусства для уменьшения социальной изоляции меньшинств и уязвимых групп, а также для содействия социальной интеграции и мультикультурного участия.

Многогранный, всемирно известный итальянский художник 2501, в свою очередь, путешествовал по миру со своей социально преданной работой, состоящей в основном из фресок, но также экспериментировал со скульптурой, фотографией и документальным проектом под названием ”Кочевой эксперимент”. Он поделился рядом документальных снимков, посвященных размышлениям о процессах возрождения и облагораживания городов, вызывающих интересные противоречия и провокации в отношении того, как уличное искусство неправильно воспринимается и иногда используется в маркетинговых и политических целях.

И последнее, но не менее важное: Стефан Систи и Клаудиу Дутулеску из города-партнера по проекту, город Миовени, обсудили методы участия и подходы к вовлечению граждан в инициативы уличного искусства, а также подчеркнули, как уличное искусство способствует гражданскому и мультикультурному участию на уровне сообщества; и весь консорциум STAR отправил участников в путешествие в красочный мир уличного искусства через все инициативы и фестивали, которые они проводили на местах с самого начала проекта.

На протяжении всего вебинара также поощрялись сессии вопросов и ответов, на которых участникам предлагалось поделиться своими мнениями и вопросами по виртуальной фреске, которая будет открыта на протяжении всего проекта с целью поддержания международных дебатов об уличном искусстве и его роли в городских и социальных процессах возрождения. Фреска доступна здесь.

Проект STreet ARt осуществляется муниципалитетом Аркуньяно (Италия) в сотрудничестве с европейскими муниципалитетами и организациями из 14 европейских стран, включая Албанию, Боснию и Герцеговину, Чехию, Францию, Германию, Италию, Косово, Латвию, Польшу, Португалию, Румыния, Сербия, Словения и Нидерланды.

Запись этого международного вебинара теперь доступна на канале ALDA YouTube!

Контактное лицо: Надя Ди Юлио, руководитель проекта ALDA – 


STAR-ov međunarodni vebinar o uličnoj umetnosti: uspesi i uvidi

“Ako isključivo uzimamo u obzir njenu estetiku, ulična umetnost postaje nebitna. Ulična umetnost je važna i lepa zbog osnaživanja i inspiracije koju daje lјudima “.

Ovo je bila motivaciona poruka koja je 4. juna 2020. Godine okupila preko 100 ljudi da prisustvuju međunarodnom seminaru o „Uličnoj umetnosti protiv urbane i društvene marginalizacije“, organizovanom u okviru projekta STreet ARt, koji je sufinansiran iz EU programa Evropa za građane i građanke sa cilјem da se izgradi mreža evropskih gradova i promoviše snaga ulične umetnosti kao oruđa za povećanje učešća građana, povezivanje lјudi različitih kultura, obnavlјanje depresivnih i napuštenih područja i smanjenje marginalizacije.

ALDA je kao projektni partner koji je odgovoran za komunikaciju, podržao organizaciju i moderaciju vebinara, što je Paolo Pellizzari, načelnik opštine Arcugnano, koja ponosno vodi projekat, pozdravio. Gradonačelnik je istakao važnost vebinara da se istakne uloga ulične umetnosti u procesima urbane i društvene inkluzije, kao i da se razmotre nove perspektive o njenom potencijalu i uticaju.

Diskusiju je zatim pokrenula Anna Stolyarova, osnivačica Street Art Muzeja Amsterdam, koja je upoznala učesnike sa istorijom uličnog umetničkog pokreta počevši od njegove definicije i prolazeći kroz percepciju, prihvatanje i otpor ovom pokretu. Ekspertkinja je objasnila kako ulična umetnost predstavlja pokret koji osnažuje grass-roots participaciju, “razbijanje definicije o tome šta jeste i šta bi moglo biti mesto za konzumiranje umetnosti i redefinisanje šta umetnost može biti kao objekat, ubacivši concept kratkotrajnosti u miks”.

Sledeća na redu bila je Mattia Campo Dall’Orto, urbana umetnica koja vodi radionice sa osobama sa invaliditetom i sa migrantima, a istovremeno istražuje savremene subkulture, grafite i uličnu umetnost u Trstu. Odabirom svojih projekata zasnovanih na društvenoj posvećenosti i uklјučivanju lokalne zajednice, Mattia je stavila akcenat na vrednost ulične umetnosti za smanjenje socijalne isklјučenosti manjinskih i ranjivih grupa i promovisanje socijalne uklјučenosti i multikulturalnog angažmana.

Višestruki, svetski poznati italijanski umetnik 2501, proputovao je svet svojim društveno angažovanim radom koji se sastojao uglavnom od murala, ali je eksperimentisao i sa skulpturom, fotografijom i dokumentarnim projektom pod nazivom Nomadski eksperiment. On je podelio niz dokumentarnih snimaka o razmišlјanjima na temu procesa regeneracije i džentrifikacije gradova, ističući zanimlјive kontradikcije i provokacije u vezi sa tim kako se ulična umetnost pogrešno doživlјava, a ponekad i iskorištava u marketinške i političke svrhe.

Na kraju, ali ne najmanje bitno, Stefan Cisti i Claudiu Dutulescu iz partnerskog projekta Grad Mioveni govorili su o participativnim metodama i pristupima uklјučivanja građana u inicijative za uličnu umetnost i podvukli kako ulična umetnost promoviše građansko i multikulturalno učešće na nivou zajednice; a ceo konzorcijum projekta “STAR” sproveo je učesnike u živopisni svet ulične umetnosti kroz sve inicijative i festivale koje su lokalno sprovodili od početka projekta.

Tokom vebinara svi učesnici bili su ohrabreni da iznesu svoja mišljenja i postave pitanja o virtuelnom muralu, koji će biti otvoren tokom čitavog trajanja projekta, sa cilјem da se međunarodna rasprava na temu ulične umetnosti održi, kao i njena uloga u procesima urbane i društvene regeneracije. Mural je dostupan ovde.

Projekat “STreet Art” sprovodi opština Arcugnano (Italija) u saradnji sa opštinama i organizacijama iz 14 evropskih zemalјa, uklјučujući Albaniju, Bosnu i Hercegovinu, Češku, Francusku, Nemačku, Italiju, Kosovo*, Letoniju, Polјsku, Portugaliju, Rumunija, Srbiju, Sloveniju i Holandiju.

Snimak ovog međunarodnog vebinara sada je dostupan na ALDA YouTube kanalu!

Kontakt: Nadia Di Iulio, ALDA projektna menadžerka –


وابنارستارالدوليحولفنالشارع: نجاحوإلهام

إذامااكتفينابالنظرإلىجانبهالجماليفقط, سيفقدفنالشارعكلجدواهويصبحبدونمعنى. فنالشارعمهموجميلبفضلالتمكينومصدرالالهامالذييوفرهللناس.”

 بروح الحماس والتحفيز هذه التقى أكثر من مائة شخص, بتاريخ 4 من شهر جوان (حزيران) 2020, دعوة لحضور الوابنار الدولي الذي انتظم تحت عنوان “فن الشارع مقابل التهميش الحضري والاجتماعي”, وذلك في إطار مشروع ستريت آرت, الذي يحظى بتمويل مشترك من قبل برنامج أوروبا لفائدة المواطنين ويهدف إلى بناء شبكة تجمع المدن الأوروبية وتعزز من طاقة فن الشارع كوسيلة  لمضاعفة مشاركة المواطن وربط الشعوب, التي تنتمي لمختلف الثقافات, فيما بينها, مع إعادة الروح إلى المناطق التي تشكو من الاحباط والعزلة والتشجيع على التقليص من التهميش.

بصفتها منظمة مسؤولة عن التواصل, تولت ألدا دعم عملية التنظيم ووالتسيير لحلقة الوابنار التي لاقت ترحيبا حارا من قبل باولوبليزاري, عمدة بلدية أرنونيانو التي أعربت عنفخرهابقيادةالمشروع. اغتنم العمدة فرصة تنظيم حلقة الوابنار هذه ليشير إلى أهمية حلقات الوابنار كوسيلة تمكن من التأكيد على دور فن الشارع في قبول مسار الدمج الحضاري والاجتماعي, وكذلك للتفاعل وتقاسم الاعتبارات والآفاق الجديدة حول الامكانات والتأثيرات التي يخلفها هذا الصنف من الفن.

ثم جاء دور آنا ستوليروفا, مؤسسة متحف فن الشارع بأمستاردام, لتثري النقاشات وتقدم نبذة عن تاريخ حركة فن الشارع, حيث انطلقت من التعريف بهذا الفن, مرورا بتصوره وقبوله ورفضه. كما تولت الخبيرة توضيح مفهوم فن الشارع بصفته حركة تشاركية تسمح بتمكين الجمهور العريض ” تجزئةالتعريفحولمايمكنأنيمثلفضاءلتذوقالفنوإعادةتعريفمايمكنأنيمثلشيئافنيا, أيالرميبماهوزائلفيخضمهذاالمزيج“.

ثم أحيلت الكلمة إلى ماتياكامبودالأورتو (Mattia Campo Dall’Orto), الفنانة الحضرية التي تدير ورشة عمل تضم الأشخاص من ذوي الحاجيات الخصوصية واللاجئين, مع القيام, في نفس الوقت, بالبحوث في الثقافات الفرعية المعاصرة والرسومات على الجدران وفن الشارع بجامعة ترياستي. من خلال مجموعة من المشاريع التي تركز على المشاركة الاجتماعية ومساهمة المجتمعات المحلية, تولت ماتيا تسليط الضوء على قيمة فن الشارع للتقليص من حدة الاقصاء الاجتماعي الذي يستهدف الأقليات والفئات المستضعفة, إضافة إلى  بذل مزيد من الجهود لتأمين الاندماج الاجتماعي ومساهمة المجموعات المتعددة الثقافات.

ثم جاء دور الفنان الإيطالي2501, المتعدد الجوانب والمشهور في كافة أنحاء العالم, لكي يجوب العالم رفقة عمله الملتزم اجتماعيا والذي يتمثل أساسا في الجداريات, بالإضافة إلى أعمال النحت والتصوير ومشروع وثائقي يعرف باسم تجربة الرحل. تقاسم الفنان عددا من الصور الوثائقية حول فكرة تدعو إلىإعادةإحياءالمنظومةالحضريةومساراتإعادةإحياءالمعمارالقديم, والتي أثارت العديد من التضاربات والاستفزازات المهمة وفي علاقة بالتصور الخاطئ الذي يحيط بفن الشارع والذي يتم استغلاله أحيانا لأسباب تسويقية وسياسية.

أخيرا وليس آخرا, جاءدورستيفانسيستيوكلاوديودوتولشكو, لإي إطار شريك في المشروع مدينة ميوفيني ليناقشا الطرق والمقاربات التشاركية المعتمدة لاستقطابالمواطنينودمجهمفيمبادراتفنالشارع, وكذلك التوضيح كيف أن فن الشارع يساعد على دعم المشاركة المدنية والمتعددة الثقافات على مستوى المجتمع المحلي. ثم دعا كافة أعضاء مجمع ستار المشاركين إلى المشاركة في جولة في العالم الملون لفن الشارع وذلك من خلال سلسلة منالمبادراتوالمهرجانات التي توصلوا إلى تنفيذها محليا منذ انطلاقة المشروع.

طوال جلسات الأسئلة والأجوبة, التي تلت حلقة الوابنار, منحت الاولوية للمشاركين للإدلاء بآرائهم وطرح الأسئلة حول الجداريةالافتراضية والتي ستبقى معروضة طوال المشروع الذي يهدف إلى الابقاءعلىالنقاشالدوليمتواصلا حول فن الشارع ودوره الفاعل في مسارات إعادة الاحياء الحضرية والاجتماعية, مع التذكير أن الجدارية متوفرة هنا.

مشروع ستريت آرت تقوده بلدية أركونيانو (إيطاليا) بالتعاون مع البلديات الأوروبية ومنظمات تنتمي إلى 14 بلد أوروبي, على غرار ألبانيا والبوسنة والهرسك وجمهورية التشيك وفرنسا وألمانيا وإيطاليا وكوسوفو ولتفيا وبولندا ورومانيا وصربيا وسلوفينيا وهولندا.

تسجيلاتجلساتحلقةالوابنارهذهمتوفرةالآن على قناة يوتيوب لألدا!

الرجاء الاتصال ب: نادية دي لوليو, مديرة مشروع بألدا –

Last February we welcomed six Civil Service volunteers to our team in the ALDA offices of Brussels, Skopje and Strasbourg. After four months since their arrival, Alessandro, Arianna, Elisa, Francesca, Giorgia and Virginia share their thoughts about their experience in ALDA so far.

Virginia: “I had the chance to start my journey with the ALDA’s Project Management Unit in the stimulating and dynamic office of Strasbourg, and I feel grateful for the support shown to me by the ALDA staff. Thanks to the trust they placed in me, I really feel part of a big team who shares the same values. Among all the things I learned so far, I guess the most unexpected was having to quickly rearrange project activities -while preserving their value- based on the new safety rules enforced by the pandemic. In the forthcoming months, I look forward to devoting myself to the tasks I still have not had the occasion to experience, such as delivering in-person trainings, travelling to meet a partner or attending international meetings and conferences”.

Giorgia: “The entire Brussels team is young, kind, and active! I’m working with the Programmes & Development unit and it has been a learning, exciting, and challenging experience. In the past few weeks, besides, I’ve started to collaborate more with ALDA+ and I’ve found this part of the job very exciting, too! ALDA is an association with many different sectors of expertise and it’s good to have the opportunity to try new tasks and diversify your work. I look forward to working on the development of the projects, because I’m really interested in this aspect of the job! I also look forward to returning to the Brussels office full time very soon, and to a more normal life outdoors!”.

Elisa: “The global pandemic made my first months in Skopje more solitary than expected. I started working remotely only two weeks after my arrival, and the city rapidly shut down in the following days. It’s not hard to practice social distancing in a city you barely know: what is harder is to focus on adapting to a new workplace and lifestyle even when the usual coping strategies are not accessible. The biggest lesson I have learned is the importance of cultivating soft skills: especially when working remotely, they turned out to be paramount to maintain a good communication and team cohesion. As the global lockdown loosens up, I am really looking forward to opportunities to explore the neighboring countries and meet the different LDAs to gain a deeper understanding of the Region”.

Francesca: “Considering the uncertain times in which we are all living, I believe that having the chance to work during this pandemic has definitely been a privilege. My first months at ALDA have been quite enriching: every day has been full of opportunities and stimuli to develop a new fundraising strategy or find an innovative idea to present along with a project. I can’t wait to go back to the Council of Europe and feel again part of its dynamic life. This will bring me the same buzzing feeling I now experience when I walk around Strasbourg and I see all the flowers in full blossom. There are thousands of other projects I am eager to start writing and I’m sure that ALDA is the right place to keep furthering my personal and professional development“.

Arianna: “My civil service started in Skopje, but global events that ran over our everyday life led me to decide to return to Italy. So, what I have learned so far is to be ready to take significant decisions by responding fully to any inconvenience. Too bad, for lack of time I could not (yet) discover Macedonian culture and Skopje’s heritage. Despite everything, I however attended a few events that showed me a little slice of Balkan traditions and customs. And our international team certainly demonstrated how to respond efficiently and work productively in a hard moment: the ALDA team is working creatively to re-aim our old goals with a new method. I look forward to being able to return to my office with even more interest and motivation”.

Alessandro: “It has only been 4 months since my Belgian adventure began and yet I already have the feeling that the person who left his beloved Roman home is no longer the same as he was before he left. Perhaps this is due to all the changes I’ve embraced: new city, new habits, new responsibilities and new friends or more simply because I finally stepped out of my comfort zone. As I read somewhere, stepping out of your comfort zone means you’re moving into uncharted territory. You’re trying things that you’ve never tried before and learning things you’ve never learned before. In other words, I basically went from being a fairly big fish in my pond to being a tiny little scared fish. But I guess that it’s perfectly normal and I think it’s all part of the same process. As long as I have an open mind and I can count on my incredible new colleagues nothing is going to hold me back from enjoying this amazing experience. Here, thanks to ALDA, more than technical aspects I am learning how to be a more multitasking and flexible person, capable of adopting a resilient approach in difficult times. Looking to the future, I do believe that things are going to get better and better”.

Together, we will make it! We heartily thank all six Civil Service volunteers and can’t but wish them an even better (and more mobile!) second quarter of their year-long experience!

The bicycle as an ecological and practical means of transport is starting to gain ground in several cities around the world of the likes of New York, Bogota, Seville or Wuhan. The integration and taking into account of this practice in regional development plans is, likewise, becoming a major urban necessity.

Transposing this practice to the Tunisian context is subject to debate, and for this purpose the Local Democracy Agency of Tunisia, in partnership with the association Vélorution, organized a seminar on this matter as part of the annual programming of Ramadan evenings that the LDA organizes.

AUTREMENT will encourage citizens and young people especially to make cycling a fully-fledged practice

Several representatives of civil society took part in the event, together with citizens, experts and locally elected representatives. The purpose of the meeting was to encourage citizens and young people especially to make cycling a fully-fledged practice, that they could adopt and integrate into their activities on a daily basis.
The various speakers promoted the idea of the bike as a means of transport that is conducive to soft mobility, which could generate both economic and environmental benefits – hence the need to advocate its cause with local authorities is a key point in order to organize the practice of cycling and protect bikers, especially in the city de Kairouan which recently inaugurated its very first cycling lane of 200m long.

The current situation of confinement could, besides, be the catalyst for a rapid development of the adoption of the bicycle, given the health risk posed by public transport.
Other initiatives to democratize the bicycle are also already flourishing in Tunisia, amongst which the AUTREMENT project, whose official launch is planned for the month of June with the supervision of a consortium composed of the city of Strasbourg, the Municipalities of Kairouan and Mahdia, and the Associations ALDA, CODATU, CEREMA, LDA Tunisia and Vélorution.
The project is part of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11, promoting sustainable communities and cities; it includes 7 micro-projects in Kairouan and 3 in Mahdia based on a participatory approach and on citizen consultation; and allows for the importation of the successful experience of Strasbourg to the local Tunisian context.

More on the AUTREMENT project

Like the rest of the world, Morocco is going through an unprecedented health crisis, with repercussions on all sectors of life, including the associative sector. The effects of this crisis are more profound for vulnerable groups, for whom inequalities and disparities are even more acute.

Today, civil society must indeed mobilize more than ever to reflect on local solutions and act to take part in building an egalitarian, inclusive and sustainable society. Although the confinement imposed is a constraint to action on the ground, there are alternatives to connect with the citizens of the world and conduct collective actions that are useful for the society.

With this in mind, LDA Northern Morocco organised an online debate on April 2nd on the role of citizen participation during the health crisis: if on one hand the current economic situation limits the social mobilisation of associations in the field, on the other hand it allows us to come up with new forms of civic and citizen participation.

The event was attended by partners of the EGAL project (Gender Equality in Local Action), while a second debate was organized on April 14th with ALDA’s involvement on the central topic of Citizen participation during the Covid-19 crisis and how we can organize our future together.  

LDA NM also conducted a survey on the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis on youth organisations around the world and on their initiatives to mitigate the impact of the crisis. Following the dissemination of the survey’s results, the LDA then represented Morocco during a regional conference on the Youth and COVID-19: Response, Resilience and Recovery held on May 7th .

Throughout the period of confinement, more generally, LDA NM held online debates to encourage the expression of young people by giving them a voice to share their insights on the effects of this crisis. This weekly bilingual Talk “Young people and smart confinement” led to the creation of a bond of solidarity, relief from the isolation and growth of young people’s interest in debate and reflection on economic issues.

On May 27th, moreover, ALDA and LDA NM co-hosted a collective brainstorming workshop with a preparatory stage for the Young Voices in the Mediterranean forum, which will be held on June 8th.

In this occasion, young people were able to co-design a shared vision of what gender is, understand its major obstacles, issues and challenges to the progress of the companies in the Mediterranean region. At the end of this session, they were invited to write 15 recommendations for an egalitarian, innovative and inclusive Euro-Mediterranean area!

ALDA is happy to share with all interested stakeholders the opportunity to take part in the Community of Interest of GATE, a European-funded project (ERDF and Interreg Italy-Austria) aiming at collaborating on a cross-border level to make sure that inclusive tourism is no longer just the “highlight” of certain alpine and pre-alpine areas, but expands all overbecoming a true strength.

Please find HERE the full description of the opportunities that joining the Community of Interest would give to your organisation, municipality, or personal enterprise. Among them, we point out the possibility to attend or organise a workshop on the topics of the project, and to access the Inclusive Tourism Help Desk that will be developed by the project’s consortium.

If interested, you are invited to fill in and sign the Memorandum of Understanding and send it to, CoI Coordinator of the GATE project.

Feel free to spread the word! Your support in the development of the GATE project is essential to create an environment conducive to accessible tourism for everyone.

Useful contacts:

Community of Interest Coordinator Irene Negri – ALDA | +39 334 249 1923

Project Manager Fabiana Polli – Dolomiti Unesco | +39 0436 867395

One of the main strategies that a metropolitan area can implement to improve the effectiveness of climate change adaptation measures is the design and development of the so-called Nature-Based Solutions.

Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) are interventions inspired and supported by Nature that guarantee environmental, social and economic benefits, contributing to improving climate change adaptation in urban areas and increasing territorial resilience. These are hence cost-effective solutions that contribute to biodiversity defense, species conservation, sustainable energy production, waste management and social cohesion, among others. The main types of NBS that are applicable to the urban context concern are water management, green on built environment and ground green spaces.

Within the Metro Adapt project, co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union, a catalogue of 20 NBS has been produced to illustrate the solutions that can be implemented in urban and peri-urban areas, specifying their scale of application, describing their environmental and socio-economic benefits, the advantages and disadvantages and providing examples of good practices.

Furthermore, the LIFE Metro Adapt project developed some guidelines directed to public administrations in order to provide them with useful knowledge for NBS implementation, to foster a better management of water resources and the mitigation of the heat island effect. The guidelines identify four different types of tools that can be used by local entities:

  • strategies and plans;
  • cognitive tools;
  • regulations and technical guidelines;
  • public-private agreements.

The full document is available HERE.

Life Metro Adapt – enhancing climate change adaptation strategies and measures in the metropolitan City of Milan is an EU project funded by the Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) that involves six partners and aims at fostering the creation of a common well-structured governance related to climate change adaptation among the local authorities of the Metropolitan Area of Milan; and to produce tools that allow local authorities to implement cost-effective climate change adaptation strategies and policies adapted to the local context.

One of the main strategies that a metropolitan area can implement to improve the effectiveness of climate change adaptation measures is the design and development of the so-called Nature-Based Solutions.

Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) are interventions inspired and supported by Nature that guarantee environmental, social and economic benefits, contributing to improving climate change adaptation in urban areas and increasing territorial resilience. These are hence cost-effective solutions that contribute to biodiversity defense, species conservation, sustainable energy production, waste management and social cohesion, among others. The main types of NBS that are applicable to the urban context concern are water management, green on built environment and ground green spaces.

Within the Metro Adapt project, co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union, a catalogue of 20 NBS has been produced to illustrate the solutions that can be implemented in urban and peri-urban areas, specifying their scale of application, describing their environmental and socio-economic benefits, the advantages and disadvantages and providing examples of good practices.

Furthermore, the LIFE Metro Adapt project developed some guidelines directed to public administrations in order to provide them with useful knowledge for NBS implementation, to foster a better management of water resources and the mitigation of the heat island effect. The guidelines identify four different types of tools that can be used by local entities:

  • strategies and plans;
  • cognitive tools;
  • regulations and technical guidelines;
  • public-private agreements.

The full document is available HERE.

Life Metro Adapt – enhancing climate change adaptation strategies and measures in the metropolitan City of Milan is an EU project funded by the Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) that involves six partners and aims at fostering the creation of a common well-structured governance related to climate change adaptation among the local authorities of the Metropolitan Area of Milan; and to produce tools that allow local authorities to implement cost-effective climate change adaptation strategies and policies adapted to the local context.

Following its most recent online get-together at the end of March, the ALDA Governing Board virtually met again on May 27th, 2020.

Together with our President Oriano Otočan and our Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida, the Governing Board members tackled a dense agenda in relation to the continued Covid-19 emergency and to the ongoing, though adapted, implementation of ALDA’s projects for the rest of 2020.

The session included the approval of 2019 accounts for ALDA and ALDA+ as well as an update for 2020; the approval of ALDA’s programme and budget for the current year; a discussion on the strategic views for the 2020-2024 time period; and a general update of the situation for both ALDA and the Local Democracy Agencies.

In consideration of the latest global developments, in addition, the Governing Board was provided with an update on the management of the Covid-19 crisis and of the related ALDA risk assessment analysis.

The meeting then concluded with a debate on the upcoming General Assembly, and the participants had the opportunity to review together the ALDA calendar and the latest news with regards to ALDA members.

It was undoubtedly a very rich meeting – complete with the hope that the next one may perhaps happen in person again!

Following its most recent online get-together at the end of March, the ALDA Governing Board virtually met again on May 27th, 2020.

Together with our President Oriano Otočan and our Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida, the Governing Board members tackled a dense agenda in relation to the continued Covid-19 emergency and to the ongoing, though adapted, implementation of ALDA’s projects for the rest of 2020.

The session included the approval of 2019 accounts for ALDA and ALDA+ as well as an update for 2020; the approval of ALDA’s programme and budget for the current year; a discussion on the strategic views for the 2020-2024 time period; and a general update of the situation for both ALDA and the Local Democracy Agencies.

In consideration of the latest global developments, in addition, the Governing Board was provided with an update on the management of the Covid-19 crisis and of the related ALDA risk assessment analysis.

The meeting then concluded with a debate on the upcoming General Assembly, and the participants had the opportunity to review together the ALDA calendar and the latest news with regards to ALDA members.

It was undoubtedly a very rich meeting – complete with the hope that the next one may perhaps happen in person again!

Regenerating heritage: new life for abandoned industrial, religious, military or public buildings” is the topic of the Final International Conference within the project “Cultural heritage linking diversities in Europe – CLINK”, organized by Local Democracy Agency Mostar, which will take place on May 28th, 2020 starting at 12pm.

For around 2 hours, cultural heritage experts will present and share inspiring stories about new life for historic buildings. Around 100 participants with different backgrounds are expected to join the online international conference, where questions about new life for old buildings, architecture transformation, restoration and renovation of heritage sites will be discussed.

Click HERE to register and join! The event is free and open with everybody. If you wish to know more about the panelists, you are invited to follow the Facebook page of the project.

This event is the final activity of the CLINK project, aiming to raise awareness on connections of the collective cultural heritage in the tapestry of Europe’s rich and diverse culture. The project has been implemented by 10 partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Greece, Serbia, Montenegro and Albania, and supported through the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union.

Regenerating heritage: new life for abandoned industrial, religious, military or public buildings” is the topic of the Final International Conference within the project “Cultural heritage linking diversities in Europe – CLINK”, organized by Local Democracy Agency Mostar, which will take place on May 28th, 2020 starting at 12pm.

For around 2 hours, cultural heritage experts will present and share inspiring stories about new life for historic buildings. Around 100 participants with different backgrounds are expected to join the online international conference, where questions about new life for old buildings, architecture transformation, restoration and renovation of heritage sites will be discussed.

Click HERE to register and join! The event is free and open with everybody. If you wish to know more about the panelists, you are invited to follow the Facebook page of the project.

This event is the final activity of the CLINK project, aiming to raise awareness on connections of the collective cultural heritage in the tapestry of Europe’s rich and diverse culture. The project has been implemented by 10 partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Greece, Serbia, Montenegro and Albania, and supported through the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union.

On May 12th at 11am CEST ALDA hosted the 6th episode of the ALDA Talks series: we discussed best practices in participatory processes, with the examples of four current projects the Association is working on together with members and partners.

Starting from the most local experience, we went on to highlight interregional projects and concluded with a project characterised by a European partnership.

The webinar unfolded with the following speakers and contents:

  • ALDA staff Sofia Corsi represented the Scintilla Project, a participatory process aimed at developing new tools for the revaluation of the Viale Milano neighbourhood in Vicenza, Italy.
  • Gloria Marini from La Piccionaia represented the SMART project, which promotes the culture of accessibility among tourism and cultural operators and the active participation of citizens in the appreciation of the natural and cultural heritage as a common good.
  • ALDA staff Ivana Velkova then spoke about Monumental 9, a project which aims at creating tourism development to increase youth employment and income generating activities by engaging micro-localities, youth greeters and vloggers.
  • Alessandra Dal Pozzolo from Cooperativa StudioProgetto completed the outline with instances from the FromMetoEU project, which aims to provide opportunities for European citizens and migrant communities to work together, in order to promote a new idea of a multicultural Europe.
  • ALDA staff Anna Ditta concluded with an overview of the funding programmes that are available in this sector.

The ALDA Talk was well attended, with 52 participants, and it can now be accessed on the ALDA YouTube channel where questions are welcome to be asked in the comments.

The 7th episode will now take place on June 23rd at 4pm CEST on the topic of the new multi-annual financial framework 2021-2027. The webinar will be held by Marco Boaria, Director of the Programs and Development Department at ALDA as well as CEO of ALDA+.

As usual, it is open to all via link registration, will be held in English and will last for about an hour and a half, including an allotted time for open debate. Register now HERE to join the discussion!

The topics of our following ALDA talks will be out soon, too!

For further information and to suggest specific topics and/or your participation, do not hesitate to contact Eva Trentin, Membership Office at

ALDA is delighted to see that its Local Democracy Agencies are undertaking interactive activities to the attention of local populations in this time of global health crisis, albeit painful, nonetheless inspiring enough for some to take such innovative initiatives.

It is in this context that our local agency in Tunisia, LDA Tunisia has maintained its program of Ramadan nights, broadcast this year, in its second edition, on the web via videoconference.

Two University Professors were invited to take part in a symposium focused on the questions of Tunisian citizenship and the country’s external relations, from a historical didactic approach perspective. Several guests amongst youths, students and academics attended the e-conference. The presentations were followed by a constructive debate between participants and presenters, and several issues were addressed such as those of the uniqueness of the Tunisian identity in relation to its environment; or the questions of coexistence and social inclusion within residents of the Medina.

The participants were interactive and expressed their satisfaction regarding of the content and the smooth running of the conference, also congratulating the storytelling skills of the two guests. They were asked to share their ideas as well, and wishes for the conferences to come, in the hope of making this meeting a tradition.

  • LDA Tunisia was created in April 2017, and was the first Local Democracy Agency to open in the Mediterranean region. The Agency is based in the city of Kairouan, a historic and symbolic city, and constitutes a platform for joint discussion between citizens, local associations and authorities to best meet the needs of local communities; it is headed by LDA delegate Afaf Zaddem.
  • ALDA encourages and supports the efforts of all local agencies to undertake such educational activities which can benefit local populations and future generations, and is keen to see more and more projects come to fruition in the southern side of the Mediterranean!

Since its kick-off meeting in Strasbourg on May 9-10th, 2019, the FACE project made great progress!

In particular, on November 27-28th, 2019, the FACE Consortium met for its Second Transnational Project Meeting in Melenovice, Czech Republic; where, in the same period, it also organized a six-day-training  for 18 recruited youth workers, with the aim to help them familiarize with FACE’s innovative methodology and teach them how to implement it with teens, during the workshops that will be carried out in schools in this year 2020. The training was a success, and the youth workers were really satisfied.

Moreover, in the past few months the FACE Consortium has produced three e-handbooks that can be consulted on the FACE website in all partner languages: the Art Strategies Handbook (aimed at Youth Workers), Guidelines for Parents, and Recommendations for Local Authorities and other Stakeholders. Last but not least, activities with pupils have already started in two schools in France and Italy.

FACE warmly supported the 17th edition of the Safer Internet Day #SID2020 as well, both on the FACE Facebook page and on partner social media accounts. Celebrated by the European Commission on February 11th, the #SID2020 aimed at encouraging all international stakeholders to deeply engage to make the internet a safer and better place for all. Cyberbullying is a real challenge and we must act together!

Due to the outbreak of Covid-19 in Europe and the consequent closure of schools and restrictions of mobility, the local workshops are currently at stake. Yet, the Consortium is not halting its work! On the contrary, all partners are mobilizing to find possible alternatives to continue their activities with teens in the near future; and, in the meantime, you can subscribe to the FACE newsletter to receive all project updates!

Funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ ProgramFACE – Fighting against Cyberbullying & Exclusion aims to raise awareness amongst students, parents, local authorities and other stakeholders concerning cyberbullying and to provide them with substantive knowledge and supportive tools on how to handle it. To this end, the FACE project has developed guidelines, materials, networks and innovative methodologies featuring multidisciplinary artistic approaches, such as drama strategies, filmmaking and visual as well as street arts writing. This is a 2-year project which started in March 2019.


Faisons FACE à l’urgence: maintenons le combat contre le harcèlement en ligne 

Depuis sa conférence de lancement à Strasbourg les 9 et 10 mai 2019, le projet FACE a fait d’importants progrès!

Les 27 et 29 novembre 2019, notamment, le Consortium FACE s’est retrouvé pour sa deuxième rencontre de projet transnationale à Melenovice en République tchèque où était organisée au même moment une formation de six jours pour 18 animateurs de jeunesse qui ont été recrutés, ayant pour objectif de les aider à se familiariser avec la méthodologie innovante de FACE et leur apprendre comment la mettre en place avec les adolescents pendant les ateliers qui seront menés dans les écoles durant l’année 2020.La formation a été une réussite et les animateurs de jeunesse étaient véritablement satisfaits.

En outre, dans les derniers mois le Consortium FACE a produit trois manuels numériques qui peuvent être consultés sur le site de FACE dans toutes les langues des partenaires: le manuel des stratégies par l’Art (à destination des animateurs de jeunesse), les orientations pour les parents et les recommandations pour les collectivités locales et autres partenaires. Le dernier et non des moindres, les activités pour les élèves ont d’ores et déjà débutées dans deux écoles en France et en Italie.

FACE soutient également chaleureusement la 17ème édition du Jour de l’internet sans crainte #SID2020, aussi bien sur la page facebook de FACE que sur les comptes des réseaux sociaux des partenaires. Célébré par la Commission européenne le 11 février, le #SID2020 visait à encourager les parties prenantes internationales à s’investir fortement afin de faire d’internet un endroit meilleur et plus sûr pour tous. Le harcèlement en ligne est un véritable défi et nous devons agir ensemble!

Du fait de l’épidémie de COVID-19 en Europe et des fermetures d’écoles et des retrictions sur la mobilité qui en ont suivis, les ateliers locaux sont actuellement menacés. Cependant, le Consortium n’interrompt pas son travail! Au contraire, les partenaires sont mobilisés pour trouver des éventuelles alternatives pour poursuivre leurs activités avec les adolescents dans un avenir proche. Dans le même temps vous pouvez vous inscrire à la newsletter de FACE pour recevoir toutes les actualités des projets!

Financé par le programme Erasmus+ de la Commission européenne, FACE – Fighting Against Cyberbullying & Exclusion (Lutter contre le harcèlement en ligne et l’exclusion) a pour objectif de sensibiliser les élèves, les parents, les collectivités locales et les autres parties prenantes à propos du harcèlement en ligne et de leur fournir des connaissances techniques et des outils de soutien sur la façon de répondre à ce problème. A cette fin, le projet FACE a développé des recommandations, des outils, des réseaux et des méthodologies innovantes proposant des approches artistiques multidisciplinaires, telles que des programmes théâtraaux, de la réalisation de films et des visuels, de même que de l’écriture de street art. Il s’agit d’un projet de 2 ans qui a débuté en mars 2019.


Affrontiamo l’emergenza con FACE: mantenere viva la lotta al cyberbullismo

Dall’evento di presentazione a Strasburgo del 9-10 maggio 2019, il progetto FACE ha fatto grandi progressi!

In particolare, il 27 e 28 novembre 2019 il consorzio FACE si è riunito per il suo secondo meeting transnazionale di progetto a Melenovice, in Repubblica Ceca; dove, nello stesso periodo, ha anche organizzato una formazione di sei giorni per 18 operatori giovanili, con l’obiettivo di aiutarli a familiarizzare con la metodologia innovativa di FACE e insegnare loro come implementarla con gli adolescenti, durante i seminari tematici che verranno svolti nelle scuole quest’anno. La formazione è stata un successo e gli operatori giovanili ne sono rimasti molto soddisfatti.

Inoltre, negli ultimi mesi il consorzio FACE ha prodotto tre manuali online che possono essere consultati sul relativo sito web in tutte le lingue dei partner: il manuale sulle strategie artistiche (rivolto ai giovani lavoratori), le linee guida per i genitori e le raccomandazioni per le autorità locali e altri stakeholder. Infine, le attività con gli alunni sono già iniziate in due scuole in Francia e in Italia.

FACE ha supportato calorosamente anche la 17esima edizione del Safer Internet Day #SID2020, sia sulla pagina Facebook di FACE che sugli account dei social media dei partner. Celebrato dalla Commissione Europea l’11 febbraio, il #SID2020 mirava a incoraggiare tutti gli stakeholders internazionali a impegnarsi profondamente per rendere internet un posto più sicuro e migliore per tutti. Il cyberbullismo è una vera sfida che richiede una reazione comune!

A causa dell’epidemia del Covid-19 in Europa e della conseguente chiusura delle scuole e delle restrizioni alla mobilità, i laboratori locali sono attualmente sospesi. Tuttavia, il consorzio non ha fermato il suo lavoro! Al contrario, tutti i partner si stanno mobilitando per trovare possibili alternative per continuare le loro attività con gli adolescenti nel prossimo futuro; e, nel frattempo, è possibile iscriversi alla newsletter di FACE per ricevere tutti gli aggiornamenti sul progetto!

Finanziato dal programma Erasmus+ della Commissione Europea, FACE – Lotta contro il cyberbullismo e l’esclusione mira a sensibilizzare gli studenti, i genitori, le autorità locali e tutte le altre parti interessate in merito al cyberbullismo e a fornire loro conoscenze sostanziali e strumenti di supporto su come gestirlo. A tal fine, il progetto FACE ha sviluppato linee guida, materiali, reti e metodologie innovative caratterizzate da approcci artistici multidisciplinari, come strategie drammatiche, produzione cinematografica e scrittura creativa e di arte di strada. Il progetto ha durata di due anni ed è iniziato nel marzo 2019.


FACE во время чрезвычайной ситуации: поддерживая борьбу с киберзапугиваниям

Со времени своего стартового заседания в Страсбурге 9-10 мая 2019 года проект FACE достиг больших успехов!

В частности, 27-28 ноября 2019 года Консорциум FACE провел свое Второе Заседание по Транснациональным Проектам в Меленовицах, Чешская Республика; где в тот же период он также организовал шестидневный тренинг для 18 набранных молодежных работников с целью помочь им ознакомиться с инновационной методологией FACE и научить их, как внедрять ее с подростками во время семинаров, которые будут проводиться в школах в 2020 году. Обучение прошло успешно, и молодежные работники были действительно довольны.

Кроме того, за последние несколько месяцев Консорциум FACE выпустил три электронных справочника, с которыми можно ознакомиться на веб-сайте FACE на всех языках партнеров: Справочник по художественным стратегиям (для молодежи), Руководства для родителей и Рекомендации для местных органов власти и других заинтересованных сторон. Наконец, что не менее важно, занятия с учениками уже начались в двух школах во Франции и Италии.

FACE также горячо поддержал 17-е издание Дня безопасного Интернета # SID2020, как на странице FACE в Facebook, так и в социальных сетях партнеров. Празднование Европейской комиссией 11 февраля #SID2020 было направлено на то, чтобы побудить все заинтересованные стороны из разных стран к активному участию, чтобы сделать Интернет более безопасным и лучшим местом для всех. Киберзапугивание – это настоящий вызов, и мы должны действовать вместе!

В связи со вспышкой Covid-19 в Европе и последующим закрытием школ и ограничением мобильности, местные семинары в настоящее время под угрозой. Тем не менее, Консорциум не останавливает свою работу! Напротив, все партнеры мобилизуются, чтобы найти возможные альтернативы для продолжения своей деятельности с подростками в ближайшем будущем; и, в то же время, вы можете подписаться на рассылку FACE, чтобы получать все обновления проекта!

Финансируемая программой Erasmus+ Европейской Комиссии программа FACE – Борьба с киберзапугиванием и изоляцией направлена на повышение осведомленности среди учащихся, родителей, местных властей и других заинтересованных сторон о киберзапугивании и предоставление им основных знаний и вспомогательных инструментов о том, как с этим бороться. С этой целью в рамках проекта FACE были разработаны руководящие принципы, материалы, сети и инновационные методологии, включающие междисциплинарные художественные подходы, такие как драматические стратегии, кинопроизводство и визуальное, а также уличное искусство. Это двухлетний проект, начатый в марте 2019 года.


Suočimo se sa vanrednim situacijama: nastavak borbe protiv sajber nasilja

Još od sastanka u Strazburu, 9. i 10. maja 2019. godine, projekat “FACE” ostvario je veliki napredak!

Konkretno, 27. i 28. novembra 2019. godine, konzorcijum projekta “FACE” sastao se povodom svog drugog transnacionalnog projektnog sastanka u Melenovicama, u Češkoj, gde je u istom periodu organizovana i šestodnevna obuka za 18 angažovanih omladinskih radnika, sa cilјem da se upoznaju sa FACE-ovom inovativnom metodologijom i da nauče kako da je primenjuju sa tinejdžerima, tokom radionica koje će se sprovoditi u školama tokom 2020. godine. Obuka je bila uspešna i omladinski radnici su bili zaista zadovolјni.

Štaviše, u proteklih nekoliko meseci “FACE” Konzorcijum je proizveo tri e-priručnika sa koji se mogu pronaći na vebsajtu “FACE” projekta na svim jezicima partnera: Priručnik o umetničkim strategijama (namenjen omladinskim radnicima), smernice za roditelje i Preporuke za lokalne vlasti i ostale zainteresovane strane. I poslednje, ali ne najmanje bitno, aktivnosti sa učenicima već su započete u dve škole u Francuskoj i Italiji.

“FACE” je toplo podržao i 17. Izdanje obeležavanja Dana sigurnijeg interneta (Safer Internet Day) #SID2020, kako na Facebook stranici projekta “FACE”, tako i na partnerskim nalozima na društvenim mrežama. Evropska komisija ga je proslavila 11, februara, a # SID2020 je imao za cilј da podstakne sve međunarodne stejkholdere da se uklјuče kako bi internet učinili sigurnijim i bolјim mestom za sve. Sajber nasilje je pravi izazov i moramo delovati zajedno!

Zbog izbijanja epidemije virusa Covid-19 u Evropi i zatvaranja škola i ograničenja mobilnosti, trenutno su u aktuelne lokalne radionice. Ipak, konzorcijum ne obustavlјa svoj rad! Naprotiv, svi se partneri mobilišu da pronađu moguće alternative za nastavak aktivnosti sa tinejdžerima u bliskoj budućnosti; a u međuvremenu se možete prijaviti na FACE newsletter kako biste dobili sve novosti o projektu!

Finansiran od strane Evropske komisije u okviru Programa Erasmus+, Projekat “FACE” – Fighting against Cyberbullying & Exclusion ima za cilј da podigne svest učenika, roditelјa, lokalnih vlasti i drugih zainteresovanih strana u vezi sajber zlostavljanja i da im pruži suštinsko znanje i podršku o tome kako da se nose sa ovim aktuelnim problemom. U vezi s tim, projekat “FACE” je razvio smernice, materijale, mreže i inovativne metodologije koje sadrže multidisciplinarne umetničke pristupe, poput dramskih strategija, filmskog i vizuelnog stvaralaštva kao i pisanja. Ovo je dvogodišnji projekat koji je započeo u martu 2019. godine.


  لنواجه حالة الطوارئ بواسطة مشروع فاي: الحرب بلا هوادة ضد التنمر السيبراني

!منذ تنظيم أول لقاء له بمدينة ستراسبورغ, خلال الفترة 9-10 مايو (آيار) 2019, سجل مشروع فايس نجاحا كبيرا

تمثل هذا النجاح, خصوصا, في اللقاء الذي عقده مشروع مجمع فايس, خلال الفترة 27-28 نوفمبر, 2019, بمناسبة اللقاء الثاني للمشروع عبر الوطني بمدينة كالينوفيتش, بجمهورية التشيك, وحيث شهدت نفس الفترة كذلك تنظيم دورة تدريبية تواصلت على مدى 6 أيام لفائدة 18 عامل شاب. الغاية من هذه الدورة هي اطلاع المتدربين عن منهجية فايس المجددة عن كثب وتمكينهم من تنفيذ هذه المنهجية من الأطفال المراهقين. يأمل الساهرون على هذه الدورة في تنظيم ورش عمل في المدارس لفائدة المتدربين خلال سنة 2020. لاقت الدورة نجاحا كبيرا ونالت رضا العمال من الشباب.

بالإضافة إلى هذا, توصل مجمع فايس, خلال الأشهر القليلة الماضية, إلى انتاج ثلاثة كتيبات ألكترونية يمكن استشارتها بالرجوع إلى موقع الواب الخاص بمشروع فايس حيث تتوفر هذه الكتيبات بكافة اللغات المعتمدة من قبل الشركاء في المشروع: دليل الاستراتيجيات الفنية (موجه إلى العمال من الشباب), توجيهات خاصة بالأولياء إضافة إلى توصيات لفائدة السلطات المحلية وأصحاب مصلحة آخرين. أخيرا, وليس آخرا, هناك جملة من الأنشطة التي انطلقت في مدرستين لفائدة التلاميذ في كل من فرنسا وإيطاليا.

دعم مشروع فايس بكل قوة الدورة السابعة عشر من يوم آمن على الإنترنات #سيد2020 . تم هذا الدعم على صفحات الفيسبوك لموقع مشروع فايس وكذلك على حسابات الشبكات الاجتماعية التي يديرها الشركاء. تهدف تظاهرة #سيد2020, التي تميزت باحتفال خصصته لها المفوضية الأوروبية يوم 11 فبراير (شباط), إلى تشجيع كافة أصحاب المصلحة, على المستوى الدولي, إلى تقديم المساهمة الفاعلة والقوية حتى يتم استغلال شبكة الانترنات بصفة آمنة وأفضل من قبل الجميع. التنمر السيبراني يمثل خطرا حقيقيا يتهددنا كلنا, والتالي يتعين علينا الحذر والعمل بشكل مشترك!

بسبب تفشي جائحة كوفيد-19 في أوروبا وقرار غلق المدارس وفرض الحجر الصحي الذي تبعه, تتعرض ورش العمل, المدارة على المستوى المحلي, نفسها الآن أمام العديد من التحديات. لكن, وبالرغم من كل هذا, لم يقرر مجمع فايس تعليق أنشطته! بل بالعكس, كل الشركاء قرروا التحرك بهدف إيجاد خيارات بديلة ومواصلة البرامج القائمة مع المراهقين في القريب العاجل. في الأثناء, يمكنكم الاشتراك في نشرية فايس للحصول على كافة المعلومات المحينة حول مشروع فايس

يحظى مشروع فايس, الذي يهدف إلى محاربة التنمر السيبراني والإقصاء والذي يحظى بدعم مالي من قبل برنامج إيرسمس+ للمفوضية الأوروبية, إلى تعزيز الوعي لدى الطلبة والأولياء والسلطات المحلية وأصحاب المصلحة الآخرين حول التنمر السيبراني, وإلى مدهم بالمعرفة الكاملة وتوفير أدوات الدعم لهم حول طريقة التعامل مع هذا التنمر. لبلوغ هذه الغاية, تولى القائمون على مشروع فايس صياغة جملة من التوجيهات وإعداد المادة وتخصيص الشبكات والمنهجيات المجددة التي تعكس مقاربات فنية متعددة الاختصاصات, على غرار استراتيجيات الدراما وصناعة السينما والوسائل المرئية, إضافة إلى كتابات فن الشارع. هذا المشروع, الذي انطلق خلال شهر مارس (آذار) 2019, سيتواصل على مدى سنتين.