More participation of citizens, more countries involved, more debate on the issues and European values.
This is the idea of the European Commission for the reform of twinning in the next program, 2014-2020, confirming the budget of 30 million a year to fund the twinning projects with the intention of making more effective their performance.
It’s what said Anna Cozzoli, Department of Citizenship EACEA, the Executive Agency Education, Audiovisual and Culture of the European Commission, in liaison from Brussels, to the participants at the international conference organised by ALDA in Venice, within the project INTACT.
The central theme of the conference was just the future of twinning in view of their protagonists, municipalities, nonprofit associations, economic groups and companies that, even in the Veneto region, is taking a greater interest in public-private partnership programs, a new variation of twinning, which puts more emphasis on activities that can generate local economic development and prosperity for the population.
In Venice, representatives of these groups from seven countries (France, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Malta, Albania) as well as a large Italian representatives have discussed these issues.
“The Euro Info Veneto collects more and more requests for participation of companies in the European Partnership programs and projects, new opportunities for relationships and potential development tools,” said Gian Angelo Bellati, director of Unioncamere Veneto and Euro Info.
The future of twinning is therefore positive, as indicated in the idea of reform, summed up in less dinners and football games, more partners and more countries involved from any single project, more companies, more meetings where people talk of European issues and ideas of sustainable development, so that the exchange of good ideas and good practices may arise concrete growth opportunities for the territory and for Europe as a whole.
“For the harmonious development of the European territory as a whole and the strengthening of economic, social and territorial cohesion – stressed Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Director – is therefore necessary to strengthen the transnational territorial cooperation”.
During the two days of the conference the best practices and experiences gained by the partners of the projects were presented and shared during workshops on city diplomacy, technical assistance to the twin cities, private sector involvement.
“The work has revealed the need and the will to the relaunch of twinning – said Massimo Ciullo, lead partner of the ADL Albania – although certainly with new perspectives and content, because every relationship, especially internationally, is also useful to economic development at this particular moment of crisis”.
The meeting in Venice was promoted in cooperation with the Council of Europe and the main economic actors of the Veneto Region, Eurosportello Unioncamere, CIA, Italian Farmers Confederation, represented by the Regional President Daniele Toniolo, CAN, National Confederation of craft, Lega of Cooperative.
The INTACT project, lasting two years, has seen the organisation of numerous events and activities in many European countries, as international workshops, local activities, a Summer School on the themes of active citizenship, local economic initiatives and international relations between local authorities.
These activities have strengthened the link between the twenty partners of the project (NGOs and local authorities) from seven countries, particularly involved in the theme of citizen participation, promotion of European values and integration process.

Yerevan hosted a conference entitled “Eastern Partnership: National & European Dynamics” that has been organised by the International Center for Human Development (Armenia) in cooperation with the EU delegation to Armenia. This is the 7th annual conference on European integration aimed at enhancing the role of civil society and NGOs in policy- and decision-making. Among the participants were delegates from Armenia, Czech Republic, Turkey European and international agencies.
Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Director, attended the Conference, also as Co-Chair of Civil Society Forum of EaP, and intervened with a speech on “The Role of Civil Society in European Integration: What are the formats and mechanisms enhancing its Input?”.
Speaking at the conference Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan said that the European direction has always been regarded as one of the imperatives of Armenian foreign policy. He recalled the words of the president that although Armenia does not set the task of joining the EU, it accepts European standards and the European rules of the game.
In general, it was at the conference that Europe will continue to support reforms in Armenia. Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia, Ambassador Raul de Lutzenberger noted positive developments in the country.
“In the near future Armenia has an opportunity to distinguish itself in electoral processes during the elections of the parliament and the president. They will become a good indicator to identify progress in Armenia,” said the ambassador. At the same time, he stressed the importance of not so much EU economic as political assistance to Armenia.
Minister Nalbandyan stressed that as part of the Eastern Partnership program European structures provide technical and financial assistance to reforms in Armenia. He welcomed the principle put forward by Europe, which is “more support in exchange of more reforms”.
Nalbandyan pointed out that the text of the EU-Armenia Association Agreement is now being developed and a free trade agreement will become an important part of it. The issue of simplifying the visa regime is also under discussion.
In this regard, German Ambassador to Armenia Hans-Jochen Schmidt emphasised the importance of opening the Armenian-Turkish border as a stimulus for trade development in the context of free trade. He said that economic integration will lead to new developments that should not be shunned.
Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida stressed that the role of NGOs in EaP, is an important tool for EU rapprochement policies in the region and for the national policies in terms of democratisation and development. “ We have to work – she said – on composition and strength of civil society in EaP Countries, format and means of cooperation (networks, geographic and thematic approach) and room and methods from the European Union side”.

Reacting to the economic and governance crisis that is sweeping Europe with negative effects, due to the narrowing of public spending, directly for the citizens, who are losing the necessary social services that local and regional authorities are struggling to provide.
It’s a task that hosts, everywhere in Europe and in the neighbourhood, civil society and local authorities, such as companies and business associations.
On these issues, the project INTACT, “International Network of Towns – Active citizenship and Town Twinning”, promoted by ALDA and funded by the European Commission, has organised his final policy making meeting, that will take place in Venice (16 and 17 November, Russot Hotel, San Giuliano) bringing together international experts, local officials and civil society associations from seven countries.

Download the conference agenda here
The problem is global and the solutions must be found from the territory, gradually involving the local, national and finally the European institutions.
The harmonious development of the Community as a whole and the strengthening of economic, social and territorial cohesion imply, therefore, the strengthening of transnational territorial cooperation.
The exchange of experiences and good practices and the raising awareness of all stakeholders are targets of several EC programs, primarily the “Europe for Citizens”.
As a part of this programme, the INTACT project, lasting two years, has seen the organisation of numerous events and activities in many European countries, as international workshops, local activities, a Summer School on the themes of active citizenship, local economic initiatives and international relations between local authorities.
These activities have strengthened the link between the twenty partners of the project (NGOs and local authorities) from seven countries, particularly involved in the theme of citizen participation, promotion of European values and integration process.
The Venice event is organised in collaboration with the Council of Europe and the main economic actors of the Veneto Region, Eurosportello Unioncamere, CIA, the Italian Confederation of Farmers, CAN, National Confederation of Crafts, Legacoop, the Association of Cooperatives.
During the meeting, the traditional concept of town twinning will be analysed and compared with the new concept of City Diplomacy and the practices of private sector involvement in international relations between local authorities. Workshops will explore these issues, giving to the participants the opportunity to join the discussion.
Representatives of the Education Agency of European Commission, Local Authorities engaged on citizens’ diplomacy and Working Group on Twinning of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions will attend the meeting in Venice, as well as representatives of Italian Regions, Provinces and Municipalities.
The conference will be opened by Andrea Ferrazzi, Municipality of Venice, Department of Education Councillor, Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA, and Anna Cozzoli EACEA (European Commission).
ALDA is a European network that gathers local authorities and civil society organisations engaged in the development of local democracy and citizen participation.

ALDA has organised as partner leader of the project STAND.UP, an International Conference on “Mobility and volunteering in town twinning – Exchange of methodologies between Local Authorities and Civil Society” which will take place in Venice on 15 and 16 November (Russott Hotel – Via Orlanda 4 – San Giuliano).
The event aims to promote the concept of mobility and volunteering, strengthening the involvement of civil society organisations, within the framework of European twinning, in order to create a greater cooperation between Local Authorities and Civil Society Organizations.
For more information, download the program.

The conference is part of the activities of the project “STAND.UP: Strengthening Twinning and Networking for Development Agreements. United in Partnership” funded by the European Programme “Europe for Citizens”, implemented by ALDA in partnership with 17 international partners.
STAND.UP aims to promote citizen participation and interaction with local and European institutions, through debates on important issues in the field of town twinning.
During the conference in Venice, after the intervention of senior officials of local and European authorities, will be shared examples of good practices on mobility and volunteering by representatives of European and international associations. Participants will be divided into three working groups to discuss these issues.
The Conference will take place November 15 from 9:30 to 18:00 and 16 from 9:30 to 12:30 at the Hotel Russott.
Participation is free of charge, and It is planned for both days, the opportunity to take part in the lunch served, with a contribution of 15 euros for lunch.

To register please complete the form in all its parts and send it to Cinzia Spinazzè:, by 11 November.
For more information contact via email: or, or call +39 0444 540146.

An international workshop will conclude the project GOAL, Granting Opportunities for Active Learning, implemented by ALDA, as lead partner. The event will take place on 12 and 13 November (see the Agenda) in Bucharest (Hotel Herastrau).
The EU’s population, due to decreased fertility rates and longer life expectancy, is ageing, leading to a likely fall in the working population in the 25 states from 303 million to 297 million by 2020. A smaller labour force means less economic growth: economic migration is therefore necessary for sustained the European economic growth.
But migration flows, affecting all Europe, often disregard the need for labour, and arise from the needs of the populations of third world countries to escape poverty and seek welfare and freedom.
What is the situation that migrants find in the European Countries, and how is possible to improve it?
The debate in Europe on the need for a European policy on migration management is open for years and still has not found a solution shared by all member states.
So each state has to deal daily with the problems that this phenomenon leads to social stability, often being connected to the illegality, now aggravated by the severe economic crisis.
To give answer to these questions, ALDA, the Association of Local Democracy Agencies, has managed the European project, GOAL, that aims at improving the situation of migrants in Europe by giving them the occasion to discuss their own situation and suggesting ways to get better their life.
With this international workshop in Bucharest ALDA will try to conclude the project with a recommendation to European Institutions and policy makers.
During the project, groups of citizens in six EU Member States and accession countries (France, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Italy and Greece) have met and debated about the situation of migrants in their country and how to improve it.
The members of these citizens’ panels were themselves migrants. Drawing on the panels’ discussions, the partners have drafted recommendations to European policy makers on how to improve the situation of migrants in Europe.
The final workshop of GOAL will be the occasion to present the panels’ recommendations to the participants – professionals in migration matters and concerned citizens – and policy makers.
All participants will be encouraged to debate about the recommendations in particular and migration matters in general in three workshops on the topics of intercultural dialogue, political participation and access to services and the labour market.
The workshop is entitled “Improving the situation of immigrants – Citizens and experts debate”.

Local Democracy Agency Sisak is celebrating 15 years of its successful work on promoting human rights, development of local democracy and human rights.
For the occasion, was published a brochure in which it’s possible to find accomplishments over these years but plans for the future as well.
Foreword is written by President of Congress of local and regional authorities of Council of Europe, Mr. Keith Whitmore. Words about the LDA are written by Councillor in Italian Veneto Region, Mr. Diego Bottacin, our old associate and friend; Mayor of Municipality of Sisak, Mr. Dinko Pintarić and Director of Association of Local Democracy Agencies, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida.
The Congress financed publishing of the publication.

Download the brochure

The City of Sisak was awarded with the “12 star label” for its efforts in ELDW, the European local democracy week, by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe.
Mrs. Barbara Toce, member of the Congress and Vice Mayor of Pedaso (I), and Maria Baroni, ELDW Projet Manager, handed to the mayor of Sisak, Dinko Pintaric, the ELDW shirt to symbolise the award of the prize.
The delivery took place in the framework of the ceremony for the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the LDA Sisak, held on November 4 in the Croatian city.
“I am proud of this recognition that, despite being a small step for European democracy, is a great step for our beautiful city”. Stated Dinko Pintaric, Mayor of Sisak.
In the picture (from the left) Mrs. Kristina Ferenac, LDA Sisak, Mrs. Barbara Toce, Congress, Mr. Dinko Pintaric, Mayor of Sisak, Mrs. Maria Baroni, ELDW Manager, Mrs. Paula Rauzan , President LDA Sisak.

“The reforms that the Croatian government will finalise in the next twenty months to prepare the country to the European appointment in July 2013 should be shared with civil society, and European institutions will continue to monitor the situation, which is essential for the completion of the process act”.
The warning came without metaphor from Ambassador Paul Vandoren, Head of EU Delegation in Zagreb, during the ceremony organised to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of the establishment, in Sisak, of the Local Democracy Agency.
Ambassador Vandoren has praised the work done by the ADL during these difficult years and noted the level of cooperation with the municipal administration, which has led to significant results, including the award of “12 star label” given by Congress of Local and regional Authorities of the Council of Europe to the city of Sisak for his commitment to the growth of local democracy.
“But the dialogue that exists today, especially at local level – stressed the Head of EU delegation in Croatia – should evolve in a partnership, a prerequisite for social cohesion and sharing of responsibility. We know that the Croatian government adopted new laws and amended its constitution to not miss the opportunity of entry into the European Community, but often the civil society is not consulted, and the Croatian the governors must remedy in the coming months”.
It is not entirely a surprise, this position. It is known that for its entry in 2013, Zagreb will be subject to close supervision because he has to finish the reforms demanded by Europe.
There is no doubt that the future accession of Croatia opens a new chapter for the countries of Western Balkans with a European vocation, and that despite some “Euro skepticism” or “Euro realism” as some call it, there is a high expectation in the completion of this process, especially among the population.
The progress made by Croatia is evident. Sisak, the tenth city in Croatia with more than 55 000 inhabitants, capital of the Sisak Moslavina County, which borders with Bosnia and Herzegovina, is an example of the progress reached in recent years and its image is very different from the one of fifteen years ago when it was established the ADL.
The ruin of the conflict, particularly intense towards the borders with Slavonia, where the Serbian troops created the Republic of Krajina, and Bosnia, are a distant memory and the process of pacification and democratisation has reached optimum levels.
“I am proud of the success of this ADL – stressed during the ceremony the Mayor of Sisak Dinko Pintaric – and recognition of the 12 stars label to our city, despite being a small step for European democracy, is a great step for our beautiful Sisak”.
At the official ceremony held on November 4, organised by the ADL, in cooperation with ALDA, the Association of Local Democracy Agencies, the Congress and the City, also attended Barbara Toce, member of the Congress and Deputy Mayor of Pedaso (I), the Ambassador of Belgium to Croatia, Nancy Adeline Marie Rossignol, the Ambassador of Norway to Croatia, Henrik Ofstad, Per Vinther, President of ALDA and Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA, as well as Diego Bottacin, Councilor of the Veneto Region, for many years Mayor of Mogliano Veneto, at the time city lead partners of the LDA.
“During these fifteen years the LDA of Sisak has developed more than one hundred projects, promoting values of tolerance, human rights, multiculturalism, cooperation, active citizenship and combating discrimination, involving directly more than fifteen thousand people and establishing itself as one of the key actors of the civil society in the democratic development of the city and the Sisak Moslavina County” said Paula Rauzan President of the LDA.
The conference was also an occasion for thinking about the future of the three LDA now active in Croatia (apart from Sisak, Osijek and Verteneglio-Brtonigla).
“With the accession of Croatia to Europe in 2013 – said Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA – the LDA of this country will no longer exist as they are now structured, and will assume a new role. The experience will certainly be available for further growth of local democracy and European values. “
The reflection on their future has been launched and there is time to define together with all their partners form and content of the activity that they will develop once materialised the entry into the EU.
In addition to the international conference, Sisak was selected by ALDA to host the Annual LDAs Delegates meeting and the Annual Meeting of the Lead Partners Representatives of the LDAs (3 – 5 November).

Mrs. Barbara Toce speech

The celebration for the 15th anniversary of the LDA of Sisak (HR) coincides, for a not accidental case, with the eve of Croatian access in the big European family, and the awarding of the “12 stars label” to the Municipality for its efforts in ELDW, the European local democracy week, by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe.
The official celebration will take place the 4th of November, with an international conference on “The Road of Croatia towards the EU: the role of Croatian Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs)”, organised in the framework of the ELDW, ) by the LDA of Sisak, in cooperation with ALDA, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the CoE and the the Municipality of Sisak (9.00-13.30 City Hall Sisak).
The Conference will be attended by many national and international experts and representatives of European and national institutions as well. Among them Ms Barbara Toce, Member of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities and Vice Mayor of Pedaso (Italy), Ambassador Henrik Ofstad, Royal Norwegian Embassy in Zagreb, Ambassador Paul Vandoren, Head of the EU Delegation to Croatia, Mr. Dinko Pintarić, Mayor of Sisak, Mr Per Vinther, President of ALDA.
In these 15 years, starting from the ruins of the conflict, the LDA has been a promoter of many initiatives whose aim was primarily to promote the participation of citizens and their associations and to strengthen the democratic debate with local authorities.
These are the values which Croatia has signed up to get access to the European community and some credit goes also to the work done by the ADL of Sisak.
During last 15 years LDA Sisak has implemented more than 100 projects that have directly involved over 15.000 people. Established in 1996 as a pilot project of Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Council of Europe and since 2006 working as a domestic organisation, Local Democracy Agency Sisak enforced itself as one of the key actors in civil society development in Sisak and Sisačko-Moslavačka County. From its very beginnings LDA Sisak is implementing projects aiming to protect human rights and democratic society development, promotes values of tolerance and non-discrimination, multiculturalism, cooperation, partnership and active citizenship.
In addition to the international conference, Sisak was selected by ALDA to host the Annual LDAs Delegates meeting and the Annual Meeting of the Lead Partners Representatives of the LDAs (3 – 5 November).
The Association of LDAs is confident that the regular meetings and discussions among the Delegates and the Lead Partners of the LDAs could contribute to the development of all the network of the Agencies, in particular with regards the concept of partnership in the framework of the multilateral decentralised cooperation and the area of intervention and interest of each LDA.

The visit in Ijevan (Armenia) of two executives of the Municipality of Thiene (Italy) launched yesterday (27th of October) a twinning project between the two cities, in cooperation with ALDA.
Sara Bertoldo and Marta Tognon was received by the Mayor of Ijevan, Varoujan Nersisyan (in the picture) and meet the executives and others officials of the Armenian municipality.
The meeting focused mainly on the experiences and practices of the two local authorities on local taxes, urban development , education and waste management.
The analysis of these issues was deep and raised a great success. The management of a city, in fact, in different contexts, shows the same problems at all latitudes. Often there are different responses that people receive.
The importance of this project is in its opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences to improve services to citizens and make them active in decision making
The project is co-financed by the Veneto Region under the “Direct Initiative 2011 – Decentralised cooperation for development” for the promotion of human rights, culture of peace, development cooperation and solidarity.
The project will develop over a year and includes study visits and training courses in the two cities.
The last action of the project will be a study visit in Thiene of a delegation of representatives of the Armenian community (next March), during which will be illustrated the practical activities and initiatives of the Italian town, such as the Urban Center, a reality that could also be replicated in the Armenian city. The visit aims to create a network between authorities and civil society organisations, which will be the basis for a durable cooperation.

The new Local Democracy Agency Armenia was opened on 28th of October in Gyumri. It is the second LDA in the South Caucasus area and the thirteenth LDA opened by the Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA) with the support of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe.
With the signature of the memorandum of understanding by the partners of the LDA, officially is started the work of this important tool for the local democracy and citizen participation.
The Armenian local authorities and the civil society have very high expectations on the contribution of the ADL to the growth of local democracy in Armenia.
It has been demonstrated by the participation at the opening ceremony of a large number of citizens but also of representatives of the Armenian Government and local authorities.
The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, represented by Vice-President Fabio Pellegrini, strongly believes in the possibility to further the process of democratisation in this country that is part of the Council.
Attended to the opening ceremony, with the Mayor of Gyumri, Mr. Vardan Ghukasyan, the, First deputy minister of the RA ministry of Territorial Administration, Mr. Vache Terteryan, the President of the Union of Communities of Armenia, Mr. Emin Yeritsyan, the Vice-President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, Mr. Fabio Pellegrini.
Mr. Per Vinther, President of ALDA, AND Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA, attended too to the ceremony.
Mrs. Véronique Moreira, Vice-president of Region Rhone-Alpes responsible for development cooperation stressed the full involvement of the France Region, that will be partner leader of the LDA, by a video contribution.
After the opening ceremony took place a conference on Cooperation between local authorities and civil society and European cooperation in Armenia, with the participation of Mrs. Armine Tukhikyan, Urban Foundation For Sustainable development (Armenia), Mrs. Raffaella Viviani, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Italy, Mr. Levon Barseghyan, President of the Journalists’ Club Asparez, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA and Mr. Ioseb Khakhaleishvili, Delegate and Executive Director LDA Georgia.
Partners of LDA Armenia are the Rhône-Alpes Region (France), the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (Italy), the International Committee For The Development of Peoples CISP (Italy), the Union of Communities of Armenia, the Urban Foundation for Sustainable Development (Armenia), the Journalists’ Club Asparez (Armenia), and the Armenian Municipalities of Gyumri, the host city, and Ijevan.
The Councillor for International Relations of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Elio De Anna, stressed in a message that “The accession of the FVG Region in the LDA Armenia is in line with the strategic choices of international policy set by President Renzo Tondo, that see in the Caucasian territory an area of economic and social interest for the region. The action of the FVG, as a partner of the LDA Armenian, shall be aimed at achieving the objectives of respect for democratic values in line with what is established by the European Community. “

Mr. Fabio Pellegrini speech on the new ADL Armenia
Mr. Fabio pellegrini speech on the South Caucasus

“The new LDA Armenia, like the others established in the past years, will be a bridge builder! It will build bridges between the various stakeholders of the community, as local authorities, civil society, and the local business and educational sectors, in order to promote democracy and respect for human and minority right”.
Mr Per Vinther, ALDA President, in his speech on occasion of the opening of the new LDA Armenia, stressed that the objectives of this process are manifold.
“First and foremost – he said – is the aim to build a better and fairer community for all through dialogue between local authorities and civil society. A community where local government functions in a transparent and accountable way, where citizens enjoy the possibility of having their say not only on election day, in other words truly participatory democracy, where business and educational institutions contribute constructively towards an environment of peace, prosperity and dignity for all citizens”.
A second objective in the opinion of ALDA President, Per Vinther, is to contribute to the preparation of the host country for rapprochement to the European Union.
“With the opening of LDA Armenia one can begin to see the outline of an LDA network for South Caucasus. LDA Georgia has been the stepping stone, and based also on ALDA involvement in the EUs Eastern Partnership our intention is to establish in the foreseeable future an LDA Azerbaijan as well” stressed Mr. Vinther.
Being the 13th,this Agency will be able to draw on 18 years of experience of other agencies, established in the Western Balkans, and 5 years of experience of LDA Georgia, located in Kutaisi.
In conclusion of his speech,Alda President thanked all those who have contributed positively to making the opening of LDA Armenia possible: “From Rhône-Alpes Region who has accepted to be lead partner for the agency as well as all the other international and national partners who have joined in, over the Union of Communities of Armenia to the town of Gyumri which has agreed to host the Agency, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe and – not least – the ALDA staff members who have worked tirelessly to keep all the balls in the air until this moment. I encourage them to continue to provide support for the new LDA Delegate who is facing a steep learning curve”

The Association of Local Democracy Agencies participated in the European Congress of Rural Municipalities, which took place in Warsaw on 19-20 October 2011. The congress was organised by the Committee of the Regions (CoR) and the Union of Rural Communes of the Republic of Poland within the framework of the Polish Council presidency. Under the patronage of Polish President Bronisław Komorowski, the event brought together Polish Deputy Prime Minister Waldemar Pawlak, Adam Struzik, Marshal of the Mazovia Region, Mariusz Poznański, President of the Polish Union of Rural Communes, CoR members and over 1.000 representatives of rural municipalities.
In presentations and discussions, speakers stressed the fact that despite their diversity, Europe’s rural areas face many common challenges such as high unemployment, lack of basic infrastructure or depopulation. A common strategy for rural development, uniting all EU funds, was an idea put forward by many participants, often stressing the tight links between urban and rural areas and their importance for future development.
To highlight the role of rural regions in EU policymaking, congress participants adopted the ‘Warsaw declaration’. The declaration insists on the importance of taking the needs of rural areas into account and to strike the right balance between rural and urban policies, and calls for stronger links between the rural and urban areas to develop a more integrated territorial approach.

Find the Warsaw Declaration here
Learn more about the Congress on its website.

On the 23rd of October it was officially launched in Budapest, Hungary, the Grundtvig project “Network for Community Development with Marginalised Social Groups” in which ALDA is partner. Lead by the Hungarian Association of Community Development, the project will aim at facilitating the mutual learning of innovative tools of community development that tackle the problems of marginalised social groups in different regions of Europe.

ALDA will be responsible for the organisation of a Study visit in Strasbourg in March 2003 with the aim of sharing with the other partners of the project its own experience in community development and its networking methodologies implying the promotion of social and economic local development all over Europe. Moreover, ALDA will send 12 participants in 3 study visits in Spain, Scotland and Hungary in order to exchange best practices with the other partners of the programme

On 11 October 2011, as part of the activities in its committee «Wider Europe», AFCCRE took the initiative to organise a meeting between the French and the Croatian representatives of local authorities in both countries. The meeting was held in Zagreb in partnership with the Association of Croatian counties, the Union of Croatian towns and municipalities and CIDEM, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the Embassy of France in Croatia.
This initiative was a follow-up of the Conference that AFCCRE organised in the French Senate last February on the contribution of local authorities to the European future of the Western Balkans.
In addition, this meeting in the Croatian capital had symbolic meaning, following the European Council decision on 30 June, to close the accession negotiations of Croatia and is expected to join the European family on 1st July 2013.
In this context, the conference was an excellent opportunity to exchange experiences on Europe territories and Europe for citizens, particularly the impact on local Croatian forthcoming accession to the European Union and the prospects for trade and cooperation between the two countries.
ALDA’s projects and work of the LDA’s in the field of local democracy was presented by Ms. Ivana Dimitrovska, Head of office in Skopje. Ms. Dimitrovska also presented the methodology of work in the Project for decentralised cooperation between the Region Lower Normandy and Republic of Macedonia.
Following the examples presented, it is clear that the Croatian-French cooperation strengthens from year to year. In view of the forthcoming accession of Croatia to the European Union, their field of work is expanding, which will give a wider access to local Croatian actors in the European programs.

Mr Dragan Marinkovic, associate of LDA Niš and Head of Environmental Protection Department of the City of Kragujevac, will take part in the international conference on climate change, “Green capital” in Tbilisi, Georgia, on 20th of October. As a good practice example he will present joint project of LDA Niš and City of Kragujevac, “Waste management: Raise Awareness On Waste Management Through Education And Implementation Of Selective Compilation Of Cardboard And Pet Waste“.
The audience of this conference will be representatives from educational sector: teachers, school authorities, schoolchildren. Also, policy makers from Georgia president office, Parliament, Government and Tbilisi City Mayor office will be present.
Conference is being organised by Lithuanian Youth Centre and supported by Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Supporting participatory urban development and start a solid relationship of decentralised cooperation with an Armenian town.
These are the main aims of the project launched by the City of Thiene with the City of Ijevan, Armenia, in cooperation with ALDA, the Association of Local Democracy Agencies.
The project is co-financed by the Veneto Region under the “Direct Initiative 2011 – Decentralised cooperation for development” for the promotion of human rights, culture of peace, development cooperation and solidarity.

Ijevan is a city of about twenty thousand inhabitants, the capital of Tavush region in the north-east of Armenia, near the border with Azerbaijan.
The project will develop over a year and includes study visits and training courses in the two cities.
“Citizen’s participation in local government is one of the pillars of democracy and good governance-says Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA – and if in Europe this is a consolidated phenomenon, the situation is very different in many of the Eastern countries, which are still facing the transition from post-Soviet European to democracy. If we want democracy found fertile ground there, too, we must work hard with citizens to encourage them to participate. To reach this goal, ALDA promote this twinning project and will open in a few days, October 28, in Armenia his thirteenth Local Democracy Agency, with the support of the Council of Europe, in addition to the one opened five years ago in Georgia and the other eleven active in the Balkans. “
The project will establish an exchange of good practices, to develop, in the near future, citizens’ participation and democracy. Environmental sustainability and sustainable development are other issues at the heart of future cooperation, which could spread to the management of waste and the public awareness on environmental issues.
The project is divided into three activities aimed at increasing the participation of the citizens of Ijevan and the instruments used to facilitate the dialogue between local authorities and civil society.
The first activity will be a training session in Ijevan, starting on the 26th of October, managed by expert of Thiene Municipality and ALDA.
The second action will involve an expert of ALDA in a lab with about thirty representatives of local authorities and civil society organisations of Ijevan on issues of active citizenship and cooperation between local authorities and civil society in urban development.
The last action will be a study visit in Thiene of a delegation of representatives of the Armenian community (next March), during which will be illustrated the practical activities and initiatives of the Italian town, such as the Urban Center, a reality that could also be replicated in the Armenian city. The visit aims to create a network between authorities and civil society organisations, which will be the basis for a durable cooperation.

Respect of freedom of expression and assembly, and immediate release of political prisoners, in Azerbaijan. Is what asks the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum to the Government of Azerbaijan, to the Heads of all EU institutions, to the Governments of the EU member States and to the Council of Europe.
In a statement of the Steering Committee the Co-Chairs of the Forum, Mrs Antonella Valmorbida, (ALDA), and Ulad Vialichka (International Consortium EUROBELARUS) claim that the work of civil society – including those formally recognised within the framework of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum – continues to be obstructed by government authorities in Azerbaijan.
“Democracy campaigners received jail sentences in Baku- is written in the statement-. Since their detention for participation in peaceful demonstrations on 2 April 2011, 14 civil society activists and opposition leaders have been sentenced to jail for periods of up to six years in politically motivated trials based on falsified evidence. On 2 April 2011, peaceful protesters were beaten and arrested in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, and others were arrested in pre-emptive police action before the 2 April public gatherings calling for democratic reforms in Azerbaijan. These actions were condemned by the Civil Society Forum in its statement of 5 April 2011.
The fourteen individuals sentenced include a well-known human rights defender, the deputy head of the opposition Musavat Party, and the chairman of the National Statehood Party. The convictions were based on charges ranging from kidnapping and hooliganism to disobeying police orders and forcing a citizen to vote against his will or preventing him from voting. The results of the monitoring of the investigation process and court hearings by Azerbaijani Human Rights Defend Organizations shows that the right to a fair trial was violated both during the investigation and court hearings, and that the accusations against the defendants were of a political character and based on ungrounded and suspicious conclusions”.
The Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum calls upon the government of Azerbaijan to immediately release the political prisoners, and to respect freedom of expression and assembly.
The Steering Committee of the Civil Society Forum considers the court decisions unfair and politically motivated, and calls upon governments of the member-states of the European Union, the Council of Europe, the European Parliament, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and the European Commissioner for Enlargement and the European Neighbourhood Policy, to communicate to the Azerbaijan authorities their unambiguous disapproval of these sentences, and to call upon the government of Azerbaijan to release the prisoners immediately.
The Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum strongly condemns these politically motivated convictions, which are clear violations of the obligations of Azerbaijan as a member of the Council of Europe and a party to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and urges the European Commission, the EU Council, and EU member-states to consult extensively with representatives of civil society, and to ensure that they meet directly with them on every official visit to Azerbaijan to hear first-hand about the observance of human rights and democratic freedoms in Azerbaijan.