30 Years Local Democracy Agencies in the Balkans Event: learning from the past to face the challenges of the future
Giugno 14, 2023This year ALDA celebrates the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the first Local Democracy Agency in the Balkans, LDA Subotica. This special occasion has been at the core of ALDA Festival and General Assembly 2023, within which the event “30 Years Local Democracy Agencies in the Balkans” took place on 9 June, 2023.
Dubravka Šuica at the General Assembly opening ceremony: “There is nothing better than Democracy”
Giugno 9, 2023This is how Dubravka Šuica, Vice President of the European Commission, addressed members and partners of ALDA, during the opening ceremony of the Association’s General Assembly, on Thursday June 8th, 2023.
ALDA in Riga to discuss Good Democratic Governance: ELoGE Roundtable & International Conference
Giugno 3, 2023On May 25, 2023, the Council of Europe Centre of Expertise in cooperation with the Latvian think-tank organisation Providus held a Roundtable discussion on national European Label of Governance Excellence (ELoGE) practices in Riga (Latvia).
Commissioner Dubravka Šuica at the opening ceremony of the ALDA General Assembly
Giugno 1, 2023This year, ALDA will have the honour of hosting a very special guest: Ms. Dubravka Šuica, Vice-President of the European Commission, who will open the ALDA General Assembly on 8 June 2023 at the Municipal Hall in Etterbeek (Belgium).
Another important step for Media Dialogue: official grant agreements for media actors as drivers of democracy
Maggio 30, 2023The Kyrgyzstan-based Media Dialogue project is relentlessly proceeding with its implementation; July 3rd 2020 marked another crucial step towards the project goals.
ALDA in Belgrade to advance Civil Society Organisations governance in the EU, Western Balkans and Türkiye!
Maggio 24, 2023ALDA took part in the two-day Civil Society Organisation Governance Community of practice regional meeting, organised by EU TACSO 3 in Belgrade (Serbia) on 11 and 12 May 2023.
Strengthening collaborations in the Western Balkans: next steps and challenges
Maggio 16, 2023On 15 May 2023, ALDA and the Central European Initiative (CEI) met in Trieste (🇮🇹) to identify further possibilities for cooperation on the basis of the MoU – Memorandum of Understanding.
Local Democracy Agencies in Ukraine as instruments to promote peace and democracy: next step, Rivne!
Maggio 16, 2023The presence of ALDA in Ukraine dates back to 2012 and counts two Local Democracy Agencies in the country: LDA Dnipro established in 2015, followed two years later by the opening of LDA Mariupol.
ALDA’s journey to Georgia amid cultural traditions and new opportunities for cooperation
Maggio 11, 2023From 1 to 4 May 2023, ALDA Governing Board member and representative of Società Cooperativa Sociale Studio Progetto, Mr. Andrea Rilievo, together with the Head of the Development Department of ALDA, Mr. Marco Boaria, flew to Georgia for a trip aimed at strengthening their partnership ties in the country, while getting a taste of the nation’s beautiful culture.
A commitment involving the whole Association: ALDA Governing Board member, Mr. Emir Coric, in Ukraine
Maggio 10, 2023A team from ALDA decided to leave for Ukraine for a 5-day mission, which took place at the beginning of May, with the aim of increasing this ongoing commitment to the nation, strengthening the links already established and creating new ones.
Welcome to all new Members: A special ALDA Governing Board session
Maggio 10, 2023ALDA Governing Board met last 28 April for a special online session that marked some great improvements on the process to become an ALDA Member.
Memorandum of Understanding: ALDA and CEI strengthening their partnership
Maggio 9, 2023On March 4th, the city of Trieste will host the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ALDA – the European Association of Local Democracy – and CEI – the Central European Initiative.
Together to protect democracy: Joint Civil Society and Democracy Organisations’ Priorities for the Defence of Democracy Package
Aprile 17, 2023The Defence of Democracy Package initiative was welcomed by 47 organisations, among which ALDA, based in Europe and active in the fields of democracy, human rights and rule of law, which decided to gather contributions and recommendations on how to defend their political systems and contribute to strengthening democracy worldwide.
Local Democracy will Save Democracy – ALDA Festival and General Assembly 2023
Aprile 4, 2023Representing one of the most important events of the whole year, next June 2023 the ALDA General Assembly will take place in Etterbeek, Brussels (BE).
ALDA Italia APS becomes reality: ALDA announces its launch during the press conference
Marzo 30, 2023On March 21, 2023, ALDA announced the launch of ALDA Italia APS, locally registered branch of ALDA.
Exchanges with partners for the opening of new LDAs in Ukraine
Marzo 22, 2023Recent meetings with international and national stakeholders took place to concretise the opening of 6 Agencies in Vinnytsa, Odesa, Kharkiv, Bucha, Mykolaiv and Rivne.