Building Moldovan LAs and CSOs’ capacities with AGREED
Agosto 13, 2020In cooperation with local partners in Moldova, starting in mid-July 2020 ALDA has organized more than 15 trainings in the context of the AGREED project’s capacity-building programme for Local Authorities (LAs) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs).

Malta’s fight against Coronavirus: good practices by ALDA member, the Local Council Association
Agosto 11, 2020ALDA member the Local Council Association (LCA) has been doing just that in its home country of Malta, and ALDA is proud to share such contribution as one of the good practices to counter the crisis that we are studying through our ad hoc questionnaire.

A new ALDA ambassador for Belgian municipalities and CSOs: welcome, Pascal Goergen!
Agosto 10, 2020We are happy to announce a recent addition among the ranks of our ALDA ambassadors!

New grants call in view of the parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan
Agosto 5, 2020The Media Dialogue project, implemented with the financial support of the European Union, is launching its third call for proposal, this time in light of the upcoming parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan, on October 4th, 2020.

Congratulations, Student Talent Bank! A certified “Bonne Pratique” by Erasmus+ France
Luglio 17, 202015th, 2020 marked a moment of special pride as ALDA received an unexpected letter by the Erasmus+ Agency in France; one which officially gave the project the label of “Bonne Pratique”, good practice!

Un processo partecipativo per i Consigli di Quartiere di Schio!
Luglio 13, 2020Lunedì 20 luglio 2020, dalle ore 20, presso il Faber Box del Comune di Schio si terrà un incontro pubblico per dare nuova vita ai Consigli di Quartiere del Comune vicentino di circa 40.000 abitanti.

ALDA and LDA Activity Reports 2019, towards ALDA 2020!
Luglio 9, 2020The European Association for Local Democracy is approaching its 20th anniversary, and we couldn’t be more excited for this upcoming milestone which further consolidates the Association’s relevance and influence in the enlarged Europe.

An EPIC Steering Committee meeting: analysis and future plans
Luglio 8, 2020On July 6th-7th, 2020, the EPIC project convened its second Steering Committee meeting, led by EPIC project coordinator Dolinda Cavallo with the participation of representatives from the whole consortium.

Another important step for Media Dialogue: official grant agreements for media actors as drivers of democracy
Luglio 6, 2020The Kyrgyzstan-based Media Dialogue project is relentlessly proceeding with its implementation; July 3rd 2020 marked another crucial step towards the project goals.

ALDA in Europe: 20 years of local democracy. Let’s discuss them on July 9th!
Luglio 1, 2020In the framework of our ALDA 20th anniversary webinar series on the 4 main geographic areas of ALDA operation, on Thursday, July 9th at 2 pm CEST we will convene online with a focus on the European context.

Join us on July 8th: the future of the Eastern Partnership beyond 2020
Giugno 30, 2020As part of ALDA’s 20th anniversary webinar series, on Wednesday July 8th, 2020 at 10:30 am CEST we will be focusing on the Eastern Partnership as one of the four main areas of ALDA activity.

Let’s celebrate! Join us in four open webinars for ALDA’s 20th anniversary
Giugno 29, 2020ALDA is turning 20!

A new profile video for the Balkan Network for Local Democracy
Giugno 18, 2020The Balkan Network for Local Democracy is proud to present its new profile video animation!

A grant by the Western Balkans Fund for the BNLD CulTours project!
Giugno 17, 2020In May 2020, the Balkan Network for Local Democracy (BNLD) was proudly awarded a grant by the prestigious Western Balkan Fund (WBF) for the implementation of the CulTours: Western Balkan Cultural Tours project, starting from the month of June.

Grants and sub-grants awarded in Moldova and Kyrgyzstan to strengthen local communities
Giugno 16, 2020Big news from the Eastern Partnership area, as both the AGREED and Media Dialogue projects are deep in the works with very exciting initiatives!

A new strategic e-meeting for the ALDA Governing Board
Maggio 27, 2020One of the main strategies that a metropolitan area can implement to improve the effectiveness of climate change adaptation measures is the design and development of the so-called Nature-Based Solutions.