Building Bridges: Shared Horizons Project Launches Cultural Component in the Western Balkans
Febbraio 22, 2025On February 18, 2025, the Shared Horizons Project – Component 2 held a key event …

Looking for THE:PLACE to be? The programme’s beneficiaries in France and Italy share their experiences!
Novembre 19, 2024As the second round of the first edition of THE:PLACE programme is well underway, ALDA and MAD as coordinators have engaged in a series of visits of the programme beneficiaries these last weeks.

Alta Via della Grande Guerra: il progetto tra Memoria e Promozione del Territorio si avvicina alla conclusione
Ottobre 29, 2024Il progetto Alta Via della Grande Guerra (AVGG) si avvicina alla conclusione prevista per fine anno.

Tourism Perspectives in the Republic of Moldova: Analysing State Budget Allocations for Sector Development
Settembre 3, 2024As part of the “Civil Society for European Integration” project, funded by the European Union and co-financed …

The Joint Strategy on 3Ps to Support Social and Solidarity Economy: the Power of Collaboration in Central Europe’s Social Economy Transformation
Agosto 20, 2024The concepts of social economy and solidarity economy, while distinct, have closely evolved over time. …

Highlights from the 11th Danube Participation Day and 13th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
Giugno 25, 2024The ALDA Team participated in the 11th Danube Participation Day and the 13th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region.

Celebrazioni del 40° anniversario del Concorso “Diventiamo Cittadini Europei”
Giugno 20, 2024evento è avviato dalla Provincia di Verona con il Movimento Federalista Europeo. Francesco Zarzana, parte del Consiglio Direttivo di ALDA, parteciperà.

Need a place to focus with your team? Enjoy a tailor-made retreat at Villa Fabris (Thiene) Italy
Giugno 20, 2024Villa Fabris in Thiene: a truly unparalleled setting for hosting retreats on local democracy-related issues

AVGG – Monte Interrotto e Moschiach
Giugno 6, 2024AVGG – Monte Interrotto e Moschiach
Escursione guidata alla scoperta del Forte Interrotto e dei cimiteri militari di Moshiach.

Giugno 6, 2024Evento serale congiunto tra i progetti Face Up e AVGG:
Presentazione dei progetti Face Up e AVGG
Proiezione video AVGG e introduzione di buone pratiche
Presentazioni Forte Maso, Malga Davante e Azienda Agricola Bisele

AVGG – Altar Knotto e Forte Campolongo
Giugno 6, 2024Escursione guidata alla scoperta dell’Alta Via della Grande Guerra.
Escursione storica suggestiva e intrinseca. tramite una mulattiera arriveremo al Forte Campolongo, una delle fortezze della linea difensiva italiana sull’Altopiano di Asiago. Il sentiero prosegue oltrepassando la grotta Sciason, una profonda gola di origine carsica, sul fondo della quale si trova un lago che rimane ghiacciato tutto l’anno.

Apply to the CERV Call for Proposals and start navigating the Town Twinning world through ALDA+’s Comprehensive Support!
Maggio 31, 2024ALDA+ is excited to disseminate the CERV-2024-CITIZENS-TOWN-TT call for proposals, focusing on Town Twinning initiatives. This programme offers a unique opportunity for municipalities and local communities to engage in international exchanges that celebrate the rich diversity and shared heritage of the European Union.

Local Impact, European Vision: Vimercate Hosts Panel on PNRR within HEARD Project
Maggio 27, 2024On Saturday 11th May 2024 ALDA participated in the event “Vimercate in Europa, l’Europa a Vimercate: PNRR, HEARD e altri progetti da raccontare” held at the Falcone e Borsellino auditorium of the civic library of Vimercate (Italy).
The day, with a European background, focused on three panels discussing politics, PNRR and European projects, including the HEARD project, which aims to deepen the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on democratic debate, the enjoyment of fundamental rights and women’s work-life balance through the adoption of a gender perspective.

ALDA Festival and General Assembly 2024: Advancing Territorial Development and Decentralisation
Maggio 23, 2024On the afternoon of May 15, 2024, the ALDA Festival and General Assembly hosted an amazing event within its framework, focusing on advancing territorial development and decentralisation

Local Democracy and Territorial Development: A Pathway to Inclusive and Sustainable Cooperation
Maggio 22, 2024A roundtable co-organised by ALDA, DG-INTPA, the TALD Facility, and the Diputació de Barcelona was held on May 15, 2024, in Barcelona, Spain. This event took place within the framework of the ALDA Festival and General Assembly 2024, aiming to explore and contribute to the debate on current key issues.

BOOST launches to empower Civil Society in the Western Balkans
Maggio 8, 2024On 30th of April 2024 in Tirana, a significant step was taken towards strengthening the capacities of civil society in the Western Balkans with the launch of BOOST: Balkan for Optimising Opportunities, Sustainability and Transformation of Civil Society, funded by Agence Française de Développemnt (AFD).