Dicembre 1, 2022INovating CO-working Methods through Exchange

Novembre 29, 2022Working for Environmentally Educated Towns

Novembre 29, 2022Urban Re-Generation: European Network of Towns

Novembre 25, 2022Youth for Solidarity Economy and Entrepreneurship in Europe

Caravan Next
Novembre 25, 2022Feed the Future: Art Moving Cities

Novembre 24, 2022Breakdown or Breakout!

Novembre 24, 2022Creativity and Innovation in Town-twinning Initiatives in Europe and South-Eastern Europe

Capitalise on migrant capacities in Algeria
Novembre 14, 2022Maximising the development impact of migration

ARLEM annual meeting in Türkiye: cities and sustainability at the centre
Novembre 14, 2022The city of Izmir, in Türkiye, hosted the annual meeting of the Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly (ARLEM) on 7-8 November 2022. Happening at the same time as the COP27, this year’s Plenary focused on climate action in the Mediterranean area, while emphasising the role of Local Authorities as key actors involved in the process. Hence, in order to achieve the target and meet the ambitious goal, every stakeholder needs to be taken into account.

BANDIAR – switch on Europe
Novembre 7, 2022Fostering women’s participation in political life

Georgia Platform
Novembre 4, 2022Platform for the development cooperation with Georgia

Novembre 3, 2022Strengthening Twinning Agreements and Networking for Development. United in Partnership

Network for Community Development
Novembre 2, 2022Network for Community Development with Marginalised Social Groups

Civil Trust Building
Novembre 2, 2022Find your way through the Enlargement Labyrinth

Novembre 2, 2022Very Important Twinning, Volunteering In Town

The work of LDA Armenia within ALDA’s network
Ottobre 13, 2022ALDA coordinates 15 Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs) in their activities. Indeed, the Association has been funded by the Council of Europe in the 1990s, right after the Western Balkans war, as an umbrella organisation for democratic support, engaging local governments and civil society organisations from Europe and beyond.