Bolyarovo: International forum for social sustainability and cultural heritage of the European rural areas
Settembre 12, 2022From the 30th of August until the 3rd of September ALDA attended the 7th and final international event of the #EUSave project – EU Citizens’ Action for Smart Historic Villages. The host of the event was the Bulgarian partner of the #EuSAVE project, the municipality of Bolyarovo, a small town in the South of Bulgaria. Delegations from Croatia, Italy, Latvia, North Macedonia, Portugal and Spain, representing 40 small rural municipalities with less than 10.000 inhabitants, participated in the event.

ALDA at the launch event of the Istanbul Vision 2050 Plan: responding to the challenges of globalisation with concrete policies
Luglio 18, 2022This month, ALDA was invited by Istanbul Metropolis and the Istanbul Planning Agency to the Launch event of the Istanbul Vision 2050 Plan release and opening of the IPA Campus.

#EuSAVE: 6th International event in Concello de Vimianzo, Spain
Luglio 8, 2022From the 28th of June until the 1st of July 2022 the partners of the #EuSAVE project held the 6th international event in Concello de Vimianzo, Spain. The meeting was organised by the latter who is also the leader of the project. The title of the meeting was “Designing new and innovative joint development strategies for EU smart and sustainable historic villages”.

“European Platform of Integrating Cities” (EPIC) call for Proposal – Pilot projects
The EPIC project – European Platform of Integrating Cities is a three-year project funded European Union – AMIF programme – that aims to improve the integration of migrants at the local level by creating a European network of local authorities and civil society organisations.

APProach project: a legacy of knowledge, experience and factual improvements in support to EU Mobile Citizens in European communities
Giugno 14, 2022How far are communities able to support EU Mobile Citizens (EUMCs), and how do the latter experience the move from a Member State to another, especially in terms of accessibility of services in the digital era?
APProach project has successfully responded to these challenges.

Integrated Territorial Investments in metropolitan areas at the core of CAMELOT event in Oporto
Giugno 10, 2022On 7-8 of June, ALDA took part in the CAMELOT project event hosted by Porto Metropolitan Area, Portugal (AMP). During two-days meeting, partners shared experiences regarding the management of Integrated Territorial Investments (ITI)

Maggio 20, 2022Water: Element Linking Cities, Opportunity for Merging Europe

Maggio 20, 2022Through Information and Knowledge towards EU

Maggio 19, 2022Resources Anti-Crisis : Town twinning, Innovation, Openness and Networking

Maggio 17, 2022Developing and improving intercultural competences through the model elaborated by Milton J. Bennett

Maggio 10, 2022Urban Territorial Planning for Reinventing Mobility and Empowering Tunisians

EU Cohesion Policy at the heart of citizens participation within the municipal and metropolitan areas: the CAMELOT Project
Aprile 4, 2022A cloudy day did not stop partners of the “CAMELOT Project” to reach the headquarters of the “Metropolitan Area of Barcelona” (AMB), to join the second international meeting on 28 March 2022.

Project AVATAR: updates on the digital transition in the Alto Vicentino territory
Gennaio 21, 2022The AVATAR project – Alto Vicentino Territorial Alliance for Networked Actions, which aims to spread digital literacy in a territory involving some 155,000 inhabitants, has concluded its third semester. During these months, the focus of activities has been on digital literacy to promote the use of public services such as SPID and PA portals, but also to show useful tools in everyday life.

“Post-catastrophic cities in a comparative perspective”: interpretation in Europe and abroad
Dicembre 17, 2021The event “Post-catastrophic cities in a comparative perspective” supported by the program Normandy for peace, was held on a hybrid format the 13th of December 2021 in Skopje, North Macedonia.

Thematic surveys to raise the voice of Civil Society Organisations on the Future of Europe
Ottobre 19, 2021While the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) is at its peak, the Civil Society Convention on the Future of Europe is working unceasingly to back the CoFoE to ensure a total and wide inclusion of civil society organisations in such a unique and crucial process.

Culture twinning: a strong network of towns to promote cultural tourism
Ottobre 19, 2021The project Culture Twinning: Twinning Tourism Promoting Cultural Heritage, which started in 2018, is coming to an end with an upcoming last meeting online to close the project and sum up the results.