Being a member of ALDA means sharing a mission, enjoying a wide range of benefits, being part of a global network and much, much more!
ALDA is a unique membership-based organisation at the European level. We believe that cooperation between local and regional authorities and civil society organisations is key to creating sound local democracy and promoting citizen participation at the community level.
ALDA enhances joint work and synergies between local governments and organised civil society, in order to promote and improve the exchange of best practices in the field of local governance and citizens’ active participation.
The network of ALDA grows year by year, thus reflecting the added value of the membership, as well as the fruitful cooperation and the enrichment derived from the exchange among our members coming from different contexts.
Being a member of ALDA means first of all sharing a mission: the promotion of good governance and citizens’ participation at the local level.
Not only dedicated services! Become a #ALDAmember and get connected with an international network of local stakeholders, supporting each other as a one big community.

Project development
- Priority on opportunities offered to be partner of projects, or to join consortia built to apply for tenders in various fields
- Identification of relevant international partners for specific areas
- Support to the partnership building process and dissemination of members’ calls for partners
- Identification of potential donors – Support of ALDA multilingual staff in the project proposal development phase
Funding Opportunities
ALDA has a key role in subgranting, supporting projects that foster European values and civic engagement. Our biggest subgranting programme, under the Citizens, Equality, Rights, and Values (CERV) framework, aims to empower local initiatives and strengthen civil society. This initiative aligns with ALDA’s mission to promote democracy, human rights, and active citizenship across Europe. Among the objectives:
- Promotes European values and civic engagement.
- Empowers local initiatives.
- Strengthens civil society.
- Supports democracy and human rights.

Visibility, Promotion & Dissemination
- Dedicated and customisable page on ALDA website for our members
- Promotion of members’ activities, initiatives and events through ALDA communication channels
- Participation to our Podcasts and “ALDA Talks” and get a Worldwide hype
- Be showcased in ALDA’s famous monthly Newsletter (+10.000 subscribers) – Visibility through ALDA’s outreach
Gain global relevance
- Support in the relations with the European Union, Council of Europe, United Nations
- Facilitating contacts with local, regional and national authorities
- Helping communications with EU officials, MEPs, other international authorities and institutions
- Participation in international events promoted by ALDA
- Access to EU experts, professional networks, academic organisations

Learning and Logistic support
- Free use of ALDA equipped offices and meeting rooms (Strasbourg, Tunis, Brussels, Vicenza, Skopje, Chisinau)
- Information on funding programmes and opportunities
- Free trainings for members – Access to the Info Points on the EU and active citizenship
- Partnership priority for specialised trainings (Masterclasses on EU programmes, project management)
- Priority for internships and jobshadowing

Membership Infopack
Promoting good governance and citizen participation at the local level in the enlarged Europe – since 1999.