January 4, 2024National Research Council
January 4, 2024
La Fédération Générale des PEP
December 19, 2023Description The PEP (Pupilles de l’Enseignement Public) is a network of 101 local associations federated …

District 11 City to City Association
December 19, 2023Description District 11 City to City Association of Barcelona promoted the creation of the ADL …

“Apriti, Parco!” Un incontro per definire il futuro del Parco della Pace a Vicenza
December 14, 2023Il prossimo sabato 16 dicembre 2023, un evento straordinario prenderà vita a Vicenza (Italia): “Apriti, Parco!”, una giornata dedicata all’approfondimento sulla futura identità del Parco della Pace e sui possibili modelli di gestione.

December 14, 2023Description Cyclisis is an independent non-profit institution activated in the field of Education, Culture and …

Fundatia Centrul Parteneriat pentru Egalitate (CPE)
December 14, 2023Description Since 2002, the Fundatia Centrul Parteneriat pentru Egalitate (CPE) has been promoting the integration …

Les Têtes de l’Art
November 27, 2023Description Since 1996, Les Têtes de l’Art non-profit organisation has been supporting and promoting participatory …

Human Rights Cities Network
November 27, 2023Description The Human Rights Cities Network is an online platform promoting the development of human …

Association for Subsidiarity and Modernisation of Local Authorities (ASMEL)
November 27, 2023Description ASMEL è l’Associazione per la Sussidiarietà e la Modernizzazione degli Enti Locali con sede …

Call for participants – The Future We Want project’s Transnational Caravan on climate & sustainability
November 14, 2023Do you want to be part of creating a European Youth Manifesto for a sustainable future? Then come join The Future We Want project on a Transnational Caravan through Europe!
Social Cooperative Adelante ONLUS
November 14, 2023Description La Cooperativa Sociale Adelante ONLUS nasce nel 2002 a Bassano del Grappa. Essa si …

Inequalities Matter
November 14, 2023The project aims at making Environmental citizenship more inclusive by giving voice to those citizens that are often excluded from the public debate.

RIFS – Research Institute for Sustainability
October 31, 2023Description RIFS conducts research with the goal of understanding, advancing, and guiding processes of societal change …