May 19, 2022Re-Plan-Years

May 19, 2022Resources Anti-Crisis : Town twinning, Innovation, Openness and Networking

May 19, 2022Civic Observers for Health and Environment: Initiative for Responsibility and Sustainability

May 18, 2022Local Environments: Active development of environmentally responsible societies

May 18, 2022Work on Social Cooperation

May 17, 2022Developing and improving intercultural competences through the model elaborated by Milton J. Bennett

May 17, 2022Creativity and Healthy style: Advancing the Role of Music

May 17, 2022DEmocratic Compact: Improving Democracy in Europe

May 16, 2022“Passion, Love, Active Participation, Employability” Partnership Building Seminar

May 16, 2022Preventing early school leaving during the Middle to High School transition

May 13, 2022Energies for Local Administration to Renovate Governance in Europe

May 13, 2022Gender Equality Training to overcome Unfair discrimination Practices in education and labour market

Signing ceremony of the cooperation convention between Hermanville-sur-Mer (FR) and Vevcani (MK)
January 24, 2011Mr. Jacques Lelandais, Mayor of Hermanville-sur-Mer and Mr. Pero Ilievski, Mayor of Vevcani, signed a Convention for cooperation between the two cities on 17th January 2011. The Convention is expected to have positive impact on youth exchange, ICT, multimedia libraries and schools, tourism and cultural heritage, etc.

ALDA is searching for 2 volunteers (French or residents in France)
January 21, 2011ALDA is preparing a proposal for the “Youth in Action. Action 2 – European Voluntary Service” whose deadline is the 1st of February. The proposal consists of group exchanges of volunteers between several European Structures and South Eastern Europe organisations.

Creativity and innovation to give new life to town twinning
January 14, 2011On 13th January, CITIES project final conference took place in Dordrecht (NL). Workshops and exchange of experiences at the International Conference on Town-twinning Initiatives.

On 13th January in Dordrecht, the Netherlands, “CITIES” final conference
January 10, 2011ALDA, together with the Municipality of Dordrecht, the Netherlands, and its partner BMC has organised the CITIES final conference that will take place in the City Hall of Dordrecht on Thursday 13th January 2011.