STAR 2.0
August 14, 2024Street Art for the Future -Training course for youth workers on how to use street art as a tool for social inclusion
June 5, 2024Promoting Fundamental Rights through Charter Use in Society
Are we Europe
June 5, 2024ERICA
February 13, 2024Environmental monitoRIng through Civic engAgement
January 23, 2024Scaling up the energy poverty approach
Amsterdam Municipality
September 15, 2023SHERPA
September 15, 2023Development of EU policies in rural areas
September 15, 2023Distortion of information and false narratives
Food Wave
September 13, 2023Sustainable food production and consumption
EU24- Engage for the Planet
September 11, 2023Gender balance and participation of young citizens
Stichting EGEA Alumni
September 11, 2023MOVING On
September 11, 2023Gender equality, inclusion and participation of young people in sport