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Fino al 29 marzo sono aperte le candidature per la partecipazione all’assemblea deliberativa sulle riforme e sugli investimenti prioritari del governo italiano nell’ambito del Green Deal europeo. Un’iniziativa organizzata da ASviS, con gli altri partner del progetto di ricerca Real Deal promosso dall’Unione europea, per coinvolgere le cittadine e i cittadini nei processi decisionali e sollecitare la partecipazione attiva.

Perché partecipare:
  1. Per contribuire alla formulazione delle proposte politiche che ritieni necessario siano adottate dal nostro governo, attraverso un percorso aperto di partecipazione attiva.
  2. Per confrontare le tue idee con gli altri partecipanti e contribuire alla ricerca di soluzioni comuni per il cambiamento.
  3. Per collaborare con cittadini/e delle diverse realtà regionali, partecipando in qualunque posto ti trovi, in modo da confrontare differenti prospettive e bisogni.
Il processo

ASviS intende coinvolgere 100 cittadine e cittadini provenienti dal territorio italiano interessati a condividere idee di cambiamento e proposte per il futuro delle politiche nazionali. I partecipanti saranno coinvolti in una assemblea online (sulla piattaforma Zoom) che si terrà il 18 aprile 2024, dalle 15:30 alle 18.30. Il focus del confronto è “Investimenti e riforme del Documento di economia e finanza nazionale considerando gli indirizzi e le raccomandazioni all’Italia espresse dall’Ue”.

Gli argomenti che l’assemblea dovrà trattare riguardano:

  • la produttività;
  • l’ambiente;
  • l’equità;
  • la stabilità di bilancio.

I partecipanti riceveranno preventivamente un “Kit di benvenuto” introduttivo alle attività con elementi utili a comprendere il focus della discussione e che sarà presentato in un webinar il 9 aprile.

I 100 partecipanti, dopo un primo momento in plenaria, saranno coinvolti in diversi tavoli di approfondimento connessi alle quattro tematiche. I tavoli verranno organizzati tenendo conto delle preferenze espresse da ogni partecipante tramite un questionario preliminare. I gruppi di lavoro, coordinati da esperti ASviS e facilitatori, condivideranno bisogni, idee e suggerimenti utili ad aprire discussioni e predisporranno una serie di proposte connesse alla tematica di approfondimento. In chiusura dei lavori, ogni tavolo (nominando un portavoce) potrà esporre in plenaria le proprie proposte, che verranno discusse e deliberate con voto a maggioranza.

La presentazione dei risultati

Le proposte e le raccomandazioni della cittadinanza saranno presentate alle istituzioni di governo e ai media durante il prossimo Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile (7-23 maggio 2024).  L’output farà successivamente parte del Rapporto ASviS di maggio, quale sorta di Documento di economia e finanza della società civile italiana (Def+) che sarà elaborato da ASviS; ciò avverrà in parallelo all’attività del governo nell’ambito del processo del Semestre europeo, sulla base degli indirizzi espressi dalle istituzioni dell’Ue e delle raccomandazioni specifiche per l’Italia.

Il progetto Real Deal

Il progetto Real Deal mira a sviluppare modelli di partecipazione attiva e forme di democrazia deliberativa all’interno dell’Ue. L’obiettivo finale è definire un “protocollo Real Deal” per coinvolgere in maniera strutturata la società civile e la cittadinanza nei processi decisionali delle politiche a livello dell’Ue e nei diversi Stati membri. Il progetto realizzerà una piattaforma paneuropea per la democrazia deliberativa, applicabile anche alla scala nazionale.

Per registrarsi, troverete qui sotto il link:

Real Deal: join the citizens’ assembly of ASviS, let’s design policies together!

Until the 29th of March, applications are open for participation in the deliberative assembly on the Italian government’s priority reforms and investments within the European Green Deal. An initiative organised by ASVIS, together with the other partners of the Real Deal research project promoted by the European Union, to involve citizens in decision-making processes and encourage active participation.

Why participate:
  1. To contribute to the formulation of policy proposals that you believe should be adopted by our government, through an open path of active participation.
  2. To compare your ideas with other participants and contribute to the search for common solutions for change.
  3. To collaborate with citizens from different regions, participating wherever you are, to compare different perspectives and needs.
The process

ASviS aims to involve 100 Italian citizens interested in sharing ideas for change and proposals for the future of national policies. Participants will be involved in an online assembly (on the Zoom platform) to be held on 18 April 2024, from 15:30 to 18:30. The focus of the discussion is ‘Investments and reforms in the National Economic and Financial Document considering the guidelines and recommendations to Italy expressed by the EU’.

The topics to be addressed by the assembly include:

  • productivity.
  • the environment.
  • equity.
  • budgetary stability.

Participants will receive in advance an introductory “Welcome Kit” to the activities with useful elements for understanding the focus of the discussion, which will be presented in a webinar on 9th April.

The 100 participants, after an initial plenary session, will be involved in several in-depth tables related to the four themes. The tables will be organised considering the preferences expressed by each participant through a preliminary questionnaire. The working groups, coordinated by ASviS experts and facilitators, will share needs, ideas, and suggestions useful for opening discussions and will prepare a series of proposals related to the topic of in-depth study. At the end of the work, each table (appointing a spokesperson) will be able to present its proposals in plenary, which will be discussed and decided by majority vote.

The presentation of results

Citizens’ proposals and recommendations will be presented to government institutions and the media during the next Festival of Sustainable Development (7-23 May 2024).  The output will subsequently be part of the May ASviS Report, as a sort of Economic and Financial Document of Italian Civil Society (Def+) to be drawn up by ASviS; this will be done in parallel with the government’s activities within the European Semester process, on the basis of the guidelines expressed by the EU institutions and the specific recommendations for Italy.

The Real Deal project

The Real Deal project aims to develop models of active participation and forms of deliberative democracy within the EU. The goal is to define a ‘Real Deal protocol’ to involve civil society and citizenship in a structured way in policy-making processes at the EU level and in the different member states. The project will create a pan-European platform for deliberative democracy, also applicable at the national scale.

To register, please find below the link:

The project UP2YOU aims to develop new training paths for University students focusing on SDGs and Community organizing – promoting the creation of new managerial figures who can act as agents of change.


The project UP2YOU aims to develop new training paths for University students focusing on SDGs and Community organising – promoting the creation of new managerial figures who can act as agents of change.

After an initial analysis of target groups’ needs & challenges, exchange of practices & identification of needs, OERs, LCL & CBS will be co-developed & tested in all participating countries including partners’ staff, HE students & teachers, CSOs professionals & other local stakeholders. OERs & digital tools will be used for training target groups, to establish 5 Living Communities Labs (co-developed & tested with local stakeholders and supported by a co-designed Community Balance Scorecard)


To promote quadruple helix model improvement & uptake as means to promote sustainable & inclusive development of local communities through participatory, multidisciplinary approaches

ALDA warmly welcomed the historic decision of the European Council to open accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina, which marks a further step on the road of EU integration. An encouraging move that underlines the impressive progresses implemented by the country in the last years, revitalising the prospect of a deeper and prone European enlargement process.

Following the previous conclusions taken by the EU Council in December 2023 on opening accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova and granting candidate status to Georgia, the current decision on Bosnia and Herzegovina reinforces the idea of a more democratic and inclusive European society.

The whole ALDA community, engaged to promote good governance and citizens participation, stands active in supporting the ongoing efforts of these countries to implement the essential reforms and improvements needed. Moreover, as mentioned during the international conference “A Wider European Community: The Importance of Local Governance – Roadmap for the Western Balkans, Moldova, and Ukraine on the Path to EU Accession”, we heartily emphasise the crucial role of local authorities and civil society cooperation in this European journey. 

ALDA contributes to a stronger and united society, promoting democratic values worldwide and fostering the European aspirations of the countries involved 

The outstanding progress made by the Bosnian authorities in promoting good governance, demonstrated also by the awarding of the European Label of Excellence in Governance to a number of its municipalities, inspires pride and optimism in the country’s reform and European integration path.

We are extremely glad of the positive results achieved, and we call on the European institutions and government authorities to push ahead with collaboration and local support.

ALDA contributes to a stronger and united society, promoting democratic values worldwide and fostering the European aspirations of the countries involved.

We know that the European journey is not yet over and we stand ready to foster candidate countries, local authorities and citizens in the pursuit of positive developments and initiatives for a better Europe.

On March 15, 2024, within the framework of the ALDA Governing Board which took place in Labin (Croatia), the ALDA delegation met some high-school students to discuss the importance of the upcoming European Elections 2024 and to present ALDA’s campaign “Better Europe Together: Local Ideas, European Results”.

The meeting, led by ALDA Secretary General, Antonella Valmorbida, focused on the importance of the European elections and how the European institutions affect the daily lives of every citizen.

The students, despite not yet having reached the age of majority, showed interest and participation and made it clear that they would definitely like to participate in the elections in five years’ time, so that they could shape the future of Europe by expressing their vote.

Image credits © European Union / Fred Guerdin

In the city of Mons, Belgium, from 18th to 19th March 2024, the 10th European Summit of Regions and Cities unfolded as a pivotal gathering, drawing leaders, policymakers, and stakeholders from across Europe. Organised by the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), the summit served as a platform for critical discussions on democracy, governance, and the future of Europe.

Mr. Margritris Schinas, European Commission Vice-President for Promoting our European Way of Life, in his keynote address, emphasised the need to reinforce Europe’s centrality and resilience. Ensuring the integrity of the electoral process emerged as a priority, particularly in the face of ongoing challenges and attacks against EU regions and cities. Schinas highlighted the importance of readiness for upcoming elections, noting Europe’s demonstrated capacity for progress when met with determination and willpower.

Within the program, particular attention was directed towards Ukraine, underscoring the imperative of bolstering democratic values and resilience in the midst of ongoing crises. This resonates with ALDA’s commitment to supporting local democracy in Ukraine, where it collaborates closely with partners through the Flagship Initiative in Ukraine.

ALDA’s stand, a prominent fixture throughout the summit, served as a hub for dialogue, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing

Notably, the Italian Delegation of the European Committee of the Regions visited ALDA’s stand. This institutional encounter saw the presence of key figures including Ms. Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Secretary General; Ms. Nataša Vučković, Vice-President of ALDA, and Mrs. Maddalena Alberti, President of ADL Zavidovići Association, with her delegation. This engagement underscored ALDA’s pivotal role in shaping the local context and advancing social inclusion, reaffirming the organisation’s commitment to fostering dialogue and collaboration at the heart of European governance.

Right at the end of the summit, the Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award Ceremony emerged as a poignant moment of recognition. The ADL Zavidovići Association, an ALDA member, was honoured with the esteemed award for its exceptional contributions to local and regional governance. Originating amidst the turmoil of the Bosnian War, the association’s evolution into a dynamic force exemplified the transformative power of grassroots initiatives in driving positive change.

ALDA Secretary General, Ms. Antonella Valmorbida, hailed the ADL Zavidovići Association’s achievement as a testament to its unwavering commitment to strengthening local communities. The award ceremony, scheduled on the fifth anniversary of Mayor Paweł Adamowicz’s tragic assassination, served as a solemn tribute to his enduring legacy of inclusivity, solidarity, and diversity in local governance.

As the summit concluded, the resonance of its discussions echoed beyond the confines of Mons, reverberating across Europe and beyond. ALDA, at the forefront of these deliberations, remained steadfast in its mission to promote good governance, citizen participation, and social cohesion at the local level. As Europe navigates the complexities of a rapidly changing world, ALDA stands poised to continue its vital work, fostering local democracy.

As the summit wrapped up, its discussions rippled far beyond Mons, leaving food for thought to the participants, coming from all over Europe and beyond. ALDA’s presence with the stand played a central role throughout, staying true to its core mission of promoting good governance, citizen participation, and social cohesion at the local level. As Europe confronts ongoing changes, ALDA stands ready to continue its crucial work, supporting and strengthening local democracy.

On March 19 2024, a significant step towards fostering intercultural dialogue and collaboration in North Macedonia was taken with the meeting for the creation of the Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation. Hosted by ALDA in Skopje (North Macedonia), the event brought together representatives from 13 Macedonian Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) working across various fields.

The meeting started with a presentation about the history, objectives, and activities of the Foundation. Participants were provided with insights into the diverse programs, funding opportunities, and collaborative initiatives. ALDA’s representatives also shared technical insights into the process of establishing the network and outlined a timeline for its development, paving the way for an open discussion. This collective endorsement underscores the commitment of the Macedonian civil society towards promoting cross-cultural understanding and cooperation.

Beyond the formal agenda, the meeting provided a platform for informal networking, where representatives shared insights about their ongoing work, future aims, and potential synergies

Discussions revolved around identifying common objectives and exploring possibilities for collaborative projects within the framework of the Anna Lindh Foundation network. The establishment of the network not only signifies a milestone in fostering cultural exchange and understanding but also opens the way for different collaborative initiatives that will enrich the social fabric of North Macedonia.

Moving forward, the Macedonian civil society remains determined to embrace the opportunities afforded by the Anna Lindh Foundation network, as they embark on a journey of collective action towards a more inclusive and interconnected future. The meeting for the creation of the Network of the Foundation in North Macedonia shows the power of dialogue and collaboration in advancing shared aspirations of peace, understanding, and solidarity across borders.

Established in 2004, the Anna Lindh Foundation has emerged as a platform for intercultural exchange, bringing together over 4000 civil society organisations from diverse backgrounds. With a focus on various fields including intercultural relations, human rights, education, and sustainable development, the Foundation’s impact resonates across borders.

Comincia ufficialmente il progetto “Villa Fabris Bene Comune”, con la sua presentazione durante gli Open Day(s) del 16 e 17 marzo 2024, segnando un punto di svolta significativo per la comunità locale ed il suo sviluppo. 

Presso la meravigliosa location di Villa Fabris a Thiene (Vicenza), l’apertura eccezionale del complesso comunale è stata resa possibile grazie alla collaborazione con il comune di Thiene e agli sforzi congiunti del partenariato promotore del progetto, guidato da Fondazione ENGIM (Formazione Orientamento Cooperazione Lavoro) ed implementato da Megahub – Samarcanda Cooperativa Sociale Onlus, assieme ad ALDA+ Srl.

Le due giornate hanno visto alternarsi numerosi eventi, laboratori interattivi, visite guidate, performance artistiche ed altre attività inclusive, all’insegna della cura, dell’equità, della bellezza e del fare, in quanto elementi fondamentali dell’iniziativa di riqualificazione e sviluppo della Villa. 

Un’occasione per celebrare la nuova gestione della villa e per presentare al pubblico gli ampi spazi interni disponibili, che offrono opportunità per l’organizzazione di eventi, fiere, mostre, corsi di formazione, attività di co-working, condivisione di ambienti e molto altro ancora. 

ALDA+ Srl ha contribuito attivamente alla riqualificazione della villa e, durante la due giorni di eventi, è stata protagonista attraverso laboratori animati e quiz interattivi sulla partecipazione cittadina e sulle elezioni europee che si terranno il prossimo giugno, coinvolgendo i numerosi visitatori presenti.

L’impegno e la gestione condivisa sono parte integrante della nostra comunità per rafforzare la democrazia e la partecipazione attiva dei cittadini a livello locale

In particolare, il primo laboratorio organizzato da ALDA+ ha raccolto e dato voce alle diverse esigenze locali presenti, mentre il laboratorio “Shape Your Future” dedicato alle elezioni europee, ha permesso di sensibilizzare i partecipanti sul tema e presentare il progetto TALE “Take the Lead in EU Elections” che mira a favorire la partecipazione degli elettori e il loro coinvolgimento diretto.

L’impegno e la gestione condivisa sono parte integrante della nostra comunità per rafforzare la democrazia e la partecipazione attiva dei cittadini a livello locale.

Villa Fabris rappresenta un patrimonio storico, culturale, sociale ed ambientale profondo, un luogo di incontro, inclusione, crescita e apprendimento identificativo per l’intera comunità.

Attraverso le sue iniziative e la sua vasta rete di cooperazione, ALDA continua nel suo percorso di sostegno e difesa della crescita locale e del buon governo, ponendo al centro la voce e i bisogni dei cittadini.

Inclusion and local empowerment: a new beginning for Villa Fabris!

The ‘Villa Fabris Bene Comune‘ project officially begins with its presentation during the Open Day(s) of 16 and 17 March 2024, marking a significant turning point for the local community and its development. 

At the magnificent location of Villa Fabris in Thiene (Vicenza), the extraordinary opening of the municipal complex was made possible thanks to the collaboration with the municipality of Thiene and the joint efforts of the project’s promoting partnership, led by Fondazione ENGIM (Formazione Orientamento Cooperazione Lavoro) and implemented by Megahub – Samarcanda Cooperativa Sociale Onlus, together with ALDA+ Srl.

During the two days, several events, interactive workshops, guided tours, artistic performances and other inclusive activities took place, focusing on care, fairness, beauty and doing, as fundamental elements of the Villa’s rehabilitation and development initiative. 

It was an occasion to celebrate the new management of the villa and to present to the public the wide interior spaces available, which offer opportunities for the organisation of events, fairs, exhibitions, training courses, co-working activities, sharing environments, and many more. 

ALDA+ Srl actively contributed to the regeneration of the villa and, during the two-day event, played a leading role through animated workshops and interactive quiz on citizen participation and the upcoming European elections in June, involving the multitude of visitors who attended.

Commitment and co-management are an integral part of our community to strengthen democracy and active participation of citizens at the local level

In particular, the first workshop organised by ALDA+ collected and provided a voice for the different local needs involved, while the “Shape Your Future” workshop dedicated to the European elections raised awareness and presented the TALE project “Take the Lead in EU Elections”, which aims to foster voter participation and direct engagement.

Commitment and co-management are an integral part of our community to strengthen democracy and active participation of citizens at the local level.

Villa Fabris represents a deep historical, cultural, social and environmental heritage, a place of encounter, inclusion, growth and learning that is identifiable for the entire community.

Through its initiatives and its wide network of cooperation, ALDA pursues its path of supporting and defending local growth and good governance, focusing on the voice and needs of citizens.

The ALDA Governing Board met on March 15, 2024, in Labin (Croatia) to discuss and extend a heartfelt welcome to new members, charting a course for enhanced cooperation and impactful initiatives.

The session opened with warm institutional greetings by ALDA’s President, Mr. Oriano Otočan, the Vice President of the Istria Region, Mrs. Jessica Acquavita, and the Mayor Labin, Mr. Valter Glavicic. 

The agenda then focused on discussions on advancing ALDA’s strategic framework for 2024-2028. Oriano Otočan outlined the strategic vision, emphasising the need for member engagement in shaping policy and action agendas. Notably, there were deliberations on strengthening partnerships with the Eastern and Southern European regions, with a focus on fostering socio-economic development and enhancing regional integration. The session also featured updates on ALDA’s upcoming programmes and the ALDA General Assembly agenda for 2024. Discussions centred on key milestones, including the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Committee of the Regions, highlighting ALDA’s commitment to fostering inter-institutional cooperation and advocacy.

Approval of labels for Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs) underscored ALDA’s commitment to supporting grassroots initiatives across diverse regions. Despite challenges related to funding and operational capacity, the Governing Board reaffirmed its commitment to sustaining and nurturing LDAs, recognising their vital role in promoting participatory democracy and community engagement. The Governing Board meeting was also attended online by the newly elected representative of the Local Democracy Agencies within the Board, Mr. Kerim Medjedovic, delegate of LDA Montenegro, who will have a one-year mandate. 

The spotlight then turned to the introduction of new members, each bringing unique perspectives and expertise to ALDA’s dynamic community

Through a blend of online interviews and in-person presentations, several organisations were welcomed into the fold:

  • Association of Cities of the Republic of Croatia is a national, non-partisan and impartial community of cities founded in 2002 with the aim of encouraging the cooperation of local self-government units and promoting the common interests of cities in the Republic of Croatia;

These new additions underscore ALDA’s commitment to inclusivity and collaboration, enriching the Association’s capacity to address pressing challenges and seize emerging opportunities on both local and global scales. Looking ahead, these new partnerships will bring innovative projects, amplify advocacy efforts, and focus on greater citizen engagement, ultimately driving positive change in communities across Europe and its neighbouring regions. As ALDA continues to evolve and adapt to emerging challenges, the addition of new members stands as a testament to the Association’s enduring commitment to democracy, solidarity, and collaboration.

For further updates on ALDA’s inspiring initiatives and membership opportunities, stay tuned to our platforms or contact us at

ALDA reaffirmed its dedication to decentralised cooperation and territorial approaches for local development during its participation in the second global meeting of the ‘Partnerships for Sustainable Cities’ programme held from March 12-14, 2024, in Barcelona (Spain). Building on the success of the 2023 meeting in Brussels (Belgium), this year’s event was an unique opportunity for cities to take stock and showcase the results of the partnerships, and come up with recommendations on how to foster the sustainability of decentralised cooperation processes through the efforts of the cities themselves and support from the EU. All this, within the framework of the contribution for the SDGs localisation and taking into account important news in the EU development policy such as the “geographisation” of EU aid and the launch of the Global Gateway Strategy.

The event, organised by the European Union’s Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA), provided a platform for municipalities from across Europe and partner countries to share insights, successes, and challenges in fostering sustainable urban development. Mrs. Rita Biconne, Head of ALDA’s Project Management Department, and expert on territorial development, represented the organisation alongside Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA’s Secretary General. Their presence underscored ALDA’s ongoing commitment to leveraging its experience and expertise to advance decentralised cooperation initiatives aimed at fostering democratic and sustainable territories.

The ‘Partnerships for Sustainable Cities’ programme, contributes to the achievement  of  the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 11, cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable as well as SDG 17, revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development

It seeks to promote collaboration and innovative solutions in areas such as urban planning, good governance, social inclusion and environmental sustainability, with a particular focus on resilience and fragility. Through this initiative, cities can address shared challenges and capitalise on valuable experiences through peer-to-peer activities, exchange of good practices and favouring a cross-fertilisation as a key opportunity of decentralised cooperation. By working together, local authorities from Europe and partner countries can contribute to achieving this goal and creating more liveable, sustainable, and resilient cities.

ALDA’s participation in the Barcelona meeting underscores its ongoing commitment to promoting TALD approach and a stronger collaboration between local authorities and civil society organisations for a coherent and integrated territorial development and democratic governance

For more information about the event and the ‘Partnerships for Sustainable Cities’ programme, please visit the website.

Please have a look at our website section of the thematic hub on territorial and local development.

ALDA is thrilled to announce its recent selection as one of the ten prominent European organisations by the European Commission, alongside the NHC – Netherlands Helsinki Committee, ERIM – Equal Rights and Independent Media, Kvinna till Kvinna, People in Need, Civil Rights Defenders, Prague Civil Society Center, AFEW International, Human Rights House Foundation, and the German Marshall Fund of the United States. The FPA underlines ALDA’s substantial responsibility in advancing the capacity and financial sustainability of CSOs in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) region. This marks the beginning of a new cycle of Framework Partnership Agreements, spanning from 2024 to 2028, aiming to foster inclusive, resilient, gender-equal, and democratic societies within the EaP.

Within this partnership framework, ALDA has outlined key objectives. These include enhancing the capacities of EaP CSOs and Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs), which serve as vital instruments for cooperation, community cohesion, and development. ALDA also aims to expand its network by involving new members and empowering existing ones in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. This will be accomplished by strengthening CSOs’ capacities, representativeness, and amplifying their voices at the EU level. Additionally, ALDA seeks to promote networking and cooperation between EU and EaP CSOs through joint projects and initiatives.

Given ALDA’s pivotal role in promoting citizen participation and participatory democracy throughout the EaP, particularly in strengthening good governance, we are committed to establishing stronger ties with other organisations operating in the region

Through collaborative efforts, we aspire to further empower civil society and collectively advance our shared goals. The second cycle of Framework Partnership Agreements builds upon the insights gained from the preceding four-year cycle. This approach has proven effective even in challenging contexts, such as the unprovoked aggression against Ukraine and the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. By providing flexible and timely assistance, affected communities have experienced improved resilience and livelihoods, while grassroots organisations have enhanced their advocacy capacity.

On March 15, representatives from ALDA, including Marco Boaria, Adrien Licha, and Irakli Jgharkava, joined counterparts from other partner organisations at the FPA kick-off event in Brussels (Belgium). This gathering served as a platform to discuss ongoing initiatives and challenges within the EaP region. Looking ahead, partners exchanged perspectives on the FPA and identified potential areas for collaboration, reaffirming their commitment to driving positive change in the region.

The recent E-VOICE project‘s 5th transnational event on March 14th and 15th, facilitated online by UBBSLA, marked a significant milestone in addressing the persistent challenge of youth unemployment. This event, supported by the CERV programme, is spearheaded by the Municipality of Gazzo in Italy, with a diverse consortium of partners from Province of Padua (Italy), Sibenik (Croatia), Mioveni (Romania), UBBSLA (Bulgaria), ACR+ (Belgium), ALDA (France), and FAMSI.

The event started with insightful presentations by the Municipality of Gazzo and the Province of Padova, presenting the preliminary findings from the E-VOICE survey. This survey showed the  multifaceted impacts of the pandemic on young individuals across the consortium’s diverse geographical landscape. Over the course of two engaging days, consortium partners embarked on a collaborative journey, sharing their diverse experiences and innovative approaches aimed at bolstering the integration of young people into the labour market. Central to the discussions were pragmatic solutions, ranging from targeted training initiatives to fostering professional growth opportunities. Additionally, the importance of forging robust partnerships with local employment agencies and educational institutions emerged as one of the topics. These partnerships serve as a channelling resources and support towards youth empowerment and employability enhancement.

A notable highlight of the event was Stefania Bertazzo’s, cooperative manager of the Eleison Cooperative, which supports and integrates international asylum seekers. Bertazzo shed light on the challenges encountered in bridging the gap between asylum seekers and local communities amidst the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. Her insights underscored the imperative of fostering inclusive frameworks that amplify the voices of marginalised youth cohorts, including migrants and refugees.

Moreover, ALDA, as the partner responsible for communication and dissemination, outlined the project’s strategy on how to better engage young people and citizens through social media as well as offline dissemination tools

With the help of social media platforms and deploying targeted offline dissemination tools, ALDA is able to engage young people and citizens at large in meaningful dialogues around youth empowerment.

The last part of the event witnessed an enriching dialogue featuring young individuals and students, who shared their lived experiences and navigational challenges encountered during the COVID-19 era. The exchange demonstrated that despite facing difficulties, communities can come together, confront adversities, reinvent themselves, and emerge even more resilient. It served as a crucible for forging meaningful partnerships, amplifying marginalised voices, and charting actionable pathways towards youth empowerment and inclusive economic prosperity. By prioritising the development and well-being of young people, the project endeavours to catalyse transformative change that could spread across communities, fostering a more equitable and inclusive future for all.

Are you passionate about democratic participation and eager to explore innovative methods to engage youth voices in the upcoming European Parliament (EP) elections? Would you like to discuss how to engage young people in elections and in EU and member states in the upcoming years? What tools prove most effective? What lessons have we learned about what works and what doesn’t? 

If so, mark your calendars for April 12th, 2024, 14:00-16:00, for a digital interactive seminar  on relevant methods for youth involvement in European democracy. Hosted by the Erasmus+, funded project Eye of the Voter, together with ALDA and other project partners, such as FABEL, Odpowiedzialna Polityka, and UNISER, aims to explore potential methods that can leverage work that aims to engage first and second time voters in democratic practice and to inspire action among civil society activists interested in democratic participation and the EP elections.

During the event, representatives of several projects and organisations will showcase their initiatives that successfully engage young people in democratic activism:

  • “Domestic” Election Observation: Hear firsthand experiences from two participants who observed elections in Poland in 2023. Gain valuable insights into engaging young individuals in election processes.
  • Explore the innovative use of youth-led citizen journalism with Orientuj się, a Polish new media platform. Learn how they garnered over 5 million likes on TikTok, reaching a vast audience and amplifying youth voices.
  • Discover inspiring examples of local activism linking the local and European levels, such as the TALE project, where you will be able to hear the journey of a “changemaker” spreading awareness about the EU elections.

The seminar, planned as part of the European Youth Week activities, will feature a dynamic format, including short presentations, followed by interactive discussions in breakout groups.

Join us for an enriching discussion on methods for youth involvement in European democracy. Whether you’re an experienced activist, a representative of an organisation empowering youth, a civil servant within a municipality, or new to the cause, there’s something for everyone in this seminar!


To secure your spot at this seminar, please register here

To find out more about the Eye of the voter project, check here!

Engage, inspire, and empower – let’s make a difference together in shaping the future of European democracy!

On March 12, 2024, the General Assembly of the French network of the Anna Lindh Foundation took place, marking an important moment in the ongoing commitment to fostering Euro-Mediterranean intercultural dialogue. Among the significant outcomes of this assembly was the reaffirmation of ALDA as co-head of the network, alongside Les Têtes de l’Art, a vibrant youth and cultural association based in Marseille (France).

The Anna Lindh Foundation is an organisation based in Alexandria (Egypt) created in 2004 in a follow-up initiated by the Barcelona process of 1995. At its core, the Foundation champions the noble mission of fostering Euro-Mediterranean intercultural dialogue, transcending borders and barriers to nurture understanding and cooperation across diverse communities. 

Within this expansive network, the Anna Lindh Foundation focuses on innovation and collaboration, boasting a unique co-leadership governance model shared by only a few others. ALDA, alongside Les Têtes de l’Art, has been entrusted with the responsibility of guiding and animating approximately 80 member associations spread across France

This mandate represents a call to action, and a promise to the dedication and vision of those entrusted with the task

As ALDA continues with another mandate, we will do so with a profound sense of purpose and commitment. Building upon the groundwork laid during the preceding years, ALDA is motivated to continue the work generated by past initiatives and lead the network towards new heights of collaboration and impact. 

The significance of this continued leadership role cannot be overstated. In an era marked by division and discord, the work of organisations like the Anna Lindh Foundation takes on added importance. By fostering dialogue and cooperation across cultures and communities, they serve as a base for positive change, laying the groundwork for a more inclusive and harmonious future.

As the French network of the Anna Lindh Foundation charts its course for the years ahead, it does so with a sense of optimism and determination. With ALDA and Les Têtes de l’Art at the helm, it is poised to navigate the complexities of our interconnected world by fostering inter and intra-networks synergies through the constant development of regionalised national actions of members and solidifying their main transversal work thematics: Youth and Education, Art and Culture and Environment. 

On 8 March 2024, ALDA took part in the Conference “Building Sustainable Municipalities – What Does it Take?”, organised by U-LEAD with Europe, a multi-donor action of the European Union and its member states Germany, Poland, Denmark and Slovenia to support multi-level governance which is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of the Ukrainian population.

This practical exchange aimed at stimulating forward-looking, visionary and unconventional perspectives on the recovery of Ukrainian local communities.

Hosted in the U-LEAD with Europe office in Kyiv (Ukraine), the one-day workshop was attended by international speakers, public officials, civil society and private sector actors who exchanged ideas and fruitful insights on the development and implementation of local projects for the recovery of social infrastructure and assistance to citizenship.

The Conference was a brighter occasion to emphasise the different aspects of sustainability reconstruction, decentralisation process and regional development, sharing successful strategies and positive dialogues with central authorities for an improving quality of life in local communities.

The support and commitment of ALDA to Ukrainian municipalities is growing day by day, with the official beginning of our operational programme in Kyiv and the involvement of our national representative in Ukraine, Khrystyna Kvartsiana, which amplifies our collaborative prospective.  

We will continue to assist Ukrainian municipalities and local communities in their reconstruction, supporting peace, democracy and sustainable development and cooperating all together for a prosperous future

ALDA Secretary General, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, participated in the event with an intervention within the third Panel “Preserving Cohesion at the Local level in Times of War” dedicated to the efforts and preventions on social cohesion between different stakeholders, how to assimilate citizens participation and which involvement for municipalities.  

Mrs. Valmorbida emphasised the multi-stakeholder approach implemented by the Association with local authorities and civil society and its promotion for advocacy work, action coordination, fundraising and cooperation projects. Moreover, she underscored the key role of Local Democracy Agencies as a crucial tool for peace and cohesion, focusing on the opening of new LDAs in Ukraine, as set out in our Flagship Initiative in Ukraine

ALDA is actively engaged in promoting democratic values and good governance for a more inclusive and equal society worldwide. 

We will continue to assist Ukrainian municipalities and local communities in their reconstruction, supporting peace, democracy and sustainable development and cooperating all together for a prosperous future.

ALDA+ è lieta di annunciare l’avvio del suo percorso informativo nel Comune di Dueville, in preparazione alle Elezioni Europee del 2024, programmate dal 6 al 9 giugno. Ci impegniamo con entusiasmo nell’organizzazione di un percorso di informazione e apprendimento mirato a guidare i cittadini di Dueville verso una partecipazione consapevole e informata alle prossime elezioni europee.

Questo percorso di approfondimento si concentrerà su vari ambiti decisionali del Parlamento Europeo, rappresentando una risorsa fondamentale per i cittadini desiderosi di contribuire alla definizione del futuro dell’Unione Europea.

Questo percorso approfondirà diversi settori decisionali del Parlamento Europeo, offrendo un’importante risorsa per i cittadini interessati a plasmare il futuro dell’Unione Europea

Gli incontri si terranno presso il comune di Dueville, grazie alla collaborazione con gli assessori comunali, suddivisi in 6 serate tematiche e condotti con metodi partecipativi. Esperti provenienti dagli hub tematici di ALDA saranno coinvolti nella presentazione degli incontri, che tratteranno argomenti chiave come le elezioni europee, le migrazioni, i diritti, il digitale, il verde e la partecipazione attiva.

La prima serata introduttiva si è svolta con successo mercoledì 28 febbraio, con la partecipazione generosa dei cittadini interessati a conoscere meglio l’Europa e le prossime elezioni europee del 2024. Il secondo incontro, dedicato al tema delle migrazioni in Europa, è programmato per giovedì 14 marzo. Date l’entusiasmo generato dal primo incontro e l’importanza del tema nelle comunità locali, ci aspettiamo una partecipazione ancora più ampia e coinvolgente.

ALDA+ si impegna a fornire informazioni dettagliate, stimolanti e accessibili, contribuendo così a creare una cittadinanza europea consapevole e attiva nel Comune di Dueville. Siamo convinti che la partecipazione informata dei cittadini sia fondamentale per il futuro dell’Unione Europea e auspichiamo che questo percorso di informazione possa ispirare un coinvolgimento sempre più profondo e consapevole da parte di tutti i residenti.

Per registrarsi, cliccare qui

Per il programma completo, cliccare qui

On Tuesday 5th March, ALDA had the pleasure to participate at the “National Conference on European Integration and Citizen Engagement in Local Democracy”, in Tirana, Albania. The conference was convened by the Juxtaposing Political Offers Network (POP), which served as a gathering opportunity for stakeholders in the advancement of democratic principles and European integration at the local level. The conference provided a platform for discussions and exchanging ideas to foster transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in governance.

The conference started with warm welcomes from Mrs. Mirela Arqimandriti, Executive Director of the Gender Alliance for Development Center, and distinguished guests including Mr. Arbjan Mazniku, Minister of State for Local Government, H.E. Mr. Niklas Ström, Ambassador of Sweden to Albania, and Mrs. Katherine Vorderbruggen from the National Endowment for Democracy.

Insightful sessions structured the agenda, starting with “Strengthening Local Democracy through Ensuring an Inclusive Approach to Good Governance at the Local Level“, where speakers underscored the importance of initiatives aimed at promoting good governance and citizen participation, emphasising the intersectoral strategy for decentralisation and local governance 2020-2030. The discussions also focused on enhancing transparency, citizen engagement, integrity, and European integration.

The National Conference on European Integration and Civic Engagement for Local Democracy reaffirmed the commitment to democratic principles and European integration

In the second session, “Promoting the European Integration Agenda at the Local Level – Perspectives from Albania and the Region“, the panel started with a speech by Mrs. Katica Janeva, Director of ALDA Skopje & Western Balkans Coordinator. Katica shared ALDA’s experiences and initiatives aimed at advancing public administration reform. She illustrated ALDA’s focus on local administration and integrity in the European Union, emphasising citizen engagement as essential for addressing societal complexities, highlighting the Association’s initiatives in youth empowerment, combating brain drain in Western Balkan countries, and supporting local governance reforms. Finally, representatives from Albania and the region discussed the need for specialised, non-bureaucratic, and transparent public administration to address European integration challenges effectively.

In the last session, “The Impact of Municipal Councils on Achieving the Intersectoral Strategy for Decentralization and Local Governance 2023-2030“, the discussions centred on the role of Municipal Councils in implementing strategies that reflect the needs of local communities. Speakers emphasised collaboration with central and local authorities to promote transparent and inclusive governance.

Throughout the conference, open discussions fostered meaningful exchanges, allowing participants to address challenges and opportunities related to local democracy and European integration. The event concluded with a summary, highlighting the importance of continued collaboration and efforts to drive positive change.

The National Conference on European Integration and Civic Engagement for Local Democracy reaffirmed the commitment to democratic principles and European integration.

In anticipation of the European elections scheduled from June 6th to 9th, 2024, we are excited to finally unveil ALDA’s latest initiative aimed at promoting active citizen participation and fostering democratic engagement across Europe. ALDA’s newly launched campaign, entitled “Better Europe Together: Local Ideas, European Results”, along with the accompanying webpage, serves as a vital resource hub for citizens eager to participate in shaping the future of the European Union.

🇮🇹 Guarda il video in italiano qui 🇮🇹

🇫🇷 Voir la vidéo en français ici 🇫🇷

European elections are not merely routine events but serve as crucial moments in the trajectory of European democracy. Each vote cast by citizens of the EU member states holds the power to influence the composition of the European Parliament, thereby shaping legislative agendas and policies that directly impact the lives and communities of European citizens. Against the backdrop of increasingly complex global challenges and evolving socio-political dynamics, the importance of active participation in these elections cannot be overstated.

Discover ALDA’s campaign ‘Better Europe Together’ here!

Better Europe Together: Local Ideas, European Results” is an informative campaign aimed at encouraging the engagement of European citizens and promoting democracy and civic participation in European policymaking. Additionally, it aims to raise awareness concerning the activities of ALDA members and close partners, with the goal of establishing a robust network and amplifying our voice to reach a wider audience of European citizens.

At ALDA, we firmly believe in the strength of community. Therefore, we are confident that together, we can make a significant impact and bring about real change. Through a bottom-up approach, we can collectively shape the future and work towards building a Better Europe Together.

Among the many things, with this campaign ALDA is committed to provide citizens with reliable and qualitative information necessary for making conscious and judicious decisions. This commitment to promoting access to accurate information is not only a matter of individual empowerment but also a fundamental precondition for the integrity and efficacy of democratic processes. This is why ALDA’s campaign is designed to empower citizens by providing them with essential information about candidates, electoral processes, and opportunities for involvement. By facilitating access to reliable information, ALDA aims to promote transparency, accountability, and trust in democratic institutions while ensuring that citizens’ voices are heard and respected on the European stage.

Additionally, our objective is to underscore the significance of these elections and emphasise the crucial role citizens play in shaping the future of Europe. As a European citizen, you have a unique opportunity to express your preferences for the Europe you wish to inhabit, thereby shaping your own future.

#BetterEuropeTogether serves as a platform designed to aid citizens in discovering nearby events, accessing resources to actively participate in the campaign, and accessing credible information about the European Union and its institutions. This platform is geared towards empowering citizenry to make informed decisions.

As the countdown to the European Parliament elections 2024 begins, ALDA invites citizens across Europe to join hands in shaping a Better Europe Together. Through active engagement and informed decision-making, we can collectively contribute to building a more inclusive, responsive, and resilient European Union that reflects the diverse perspectives and interests of its citizens.

Discover ALDA’s Campaign here:


A call for proposal for Organisations to develop their own projects on EU key policies at the local level. A call for ALDA members to fund local actions up to 20.000 Euro!

ALDA, in the context of the Operating Grant of the CERV programme –  will support projects and activities of EU-based ALDA Members regarding the 2024 EU elections, EU rights and values  and focus on the themes of ALDA’s thematic hubs.

The call for proposals will fund different organisations developing their own projects at the local level, widening public knowledge, awareness and interest about the EU key policies, values  and strategies.

Don’t miss this opportunity to participate – 10/11 projects will be funded!

🔸Who can be a beneficiary?

The call is open to the members of ALDA established in a Member State of the EU, that are a legal entity, private non-profit organisation (private body).

🔸What is the main objective of the call of proposal?

This call seeks to support impactful initiatives that promote a sense of belonging to the European Union in the year of the EU elections. Additionally, the aim is to cultivate a profound sense of “local ownership” and engagement within communities. In particular the thematic focus of the regranted actions should have a clear link to the 2024 EU elections and/or the ALDA’s Thematic Hubs.

Fund your local actions up to 20.000 Euro!

🔸Which is the thematic focus of the Actions?
The thematic focus of the re-granted actions should focus on the key elements listed below:

  • EU elections: the EU Elections are one of the key strands of this year. Proposals should focus on initiatives that cultivate a sense of belonging to the EU and a willingness to participate, and that build awareness and understanding for the EU’s role and impact within local communities. The actions funded should aim first to encourage people to be informed and participate in the elections and then also follow up with specific actions after the vote. 
  • Strengthening Capacity for EU Rights and Values: projects should aim to enhance the capacity of communities and citizens to know and promote EU rights and values. Values of non-discrimination and equality (including gender equality)must be mainstreamed in all funded actions, independently of their specific objective. 
  • Aligning with ALDA Thematic Hubs: projects must align their actions within the scope of the priorities set by ALDA’s thematic hubs. Proposals should specify the thematic hub(s) under which their action falls and how it contributes to the overarching goals within that theme.

🔸How much is the grant?

The contribution from the sub granting scheme will cover 100% of the total eligible costs of the total budget for the activity. The overall budget amount for this activity sums up to 153.500 Euro.

The grants awarded will be:

  • Group 1 – 10.000 – between 2 and 5 projects 
  • Group 2 – 15.000 – between 2 and 5 projects  
  • Group 3 – 20.000 –  between 2 and 5 projects  

🔸Where can the project be implemented?

Activities must take place in the EU.

🔸How to apply?

Read the full call for proposals to have all the  information about the call and how to apply! The call will be open until May 5th 2024 at 23:59 CET. Here is the link to send your application.

On March 25th at 9:30 CET ALDA will host a webinar to present the call and to answer some questions related to it. Please make sure to attend, by registering here.

The applicants will receive support by the ALDA team during the proposal writing process. Any questions can be sent to this email address:

📌 Useful material and links:

[Call published on 5th March 2024]

Find the slides of the webinar here. The recording of the webinar can be found below.