The project organises trainings addressed to local authorities’ representatives, civil society organisations of pilot communities in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts for the development of professional competencies and the implementation of short term professional development programmes for local authorities’ officials and public officers as required by law in order to facilitate the adaptation of official activities to the EU standards.

The project also foresees twelve round table meetings/discussions (6 in Donetsk oblast and 6 in Luhansk oblast) on the implementation of reforms and their influence on the sustainability of community development through getting powers to exchange best practices of local governance.


The project aims at implementing a set of activities aimed at developing human resources of representatives of local authorities, civil society organisations of pilot communities in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, as well as gaining an active competent community within its development including the right to influence on decision-making.


Italy, Spain and Greece are among the EU countries with the higher unemployment rate. The Project involves three LRAs, boosting strategic plans to tackle unemployment establishing fruitful synergies that can benefit the local communities.

There is a great need to develop innovative ideas that will provide new solutions to this long-lasting issue, especially when it comes to young people, unemployed people or vulnerable groups. The expansion of the social economy concept will ensure fairer job opportunities, good work conditions, access for people in need and social inclusion.


The General Objective of RECRUIT is to empower Local Regional Authorities (LRAs) to work in collaboration and to create a pool of experts that can enable collaboration in the field of social economy at local, regional and European level.

The in-presence and online methodologies mastered by Impact Hub, together with the potential of the ALDA’s extended network of LRAs will ensure that the impact of the present project will go further beyond the three involved public authorities.


The project action aims to create a regional civil society organization’s cooperation and learning resource for advancing active citizenship at a local level. Moreover, the idea is to set local and regional capacity building, awareness raising and networking actions with the aim to address the main challenges of the civil society in our region.

The activities will include research and comparative analysis of present state legal framework for citizens’ participation in policy and decision making on local level in Western Balkan countries. Furthermore, there will be also Regional Best Practice Fair as well as social media campaign and e- newsletter.


The project is intended to improve conducive environment for civil society development that enables them to be influential actors in society; strengthen regional thematic CSO capacities to contribute more effectively in the promotion of regional co-operation and exchange as well as regional CSO alliance for evidence-based advocacy and monitoring EU integration reform agenda at local level in WB countries.

Finally, it also aim to create regional CSOs learning & knowledge share platform promoting good governance, active citizenship and participation in policy/decision making


The SMELT project – Skilling Marginalised people to Enter Labour Market – is aiming to face the paradox of business sectors experiencing workforce shortage and the high number of vulnerable people unemployed, by supporting marginalised people in acquiring and developing key competences strategical for the labour market.

Marginalisation, is often due to a lack of adequate education and/or specific technical skills, which contribute to cut off those people from the labour market and, as a consequence, exacerbates their social isolation and marginalisation. This vicious cycle perpetuates inequality, marginalisation, poverty and isolation.


Create a tailor-made training model in order to facilitate vulnerable people’s access into the labour market and, more in general, into social tissue, providing them both with technical and specific skills, and soft and digital ones.

Specific courses will be carried out to explain how to create a CV, where to send it, how to find job offers and to reach the job center. The idea at the basis is to foster their inclusion and participation in the society.


PART-Y seeks to promote engaging, connecting and empowering young people, to supporting educators, youth workers, educational leaders and support staff, and to strengthen common values, civic engagement and participation.


The project aims to trigger the participation in civic life of young people (13-20 years) by fostering their inclusion in the policies decision-making process and promoting the concept of “generation equality” introduced by the United Nations agency UN Women for equal opportunities among the youngest.

The project intends to focus the attention of girls, boys and educators on the common spaces of the city as fundamental places of gathering and democracy, essential elements in their growth process.

The main objectives are:

  • To strengthen youth involvement in European democratic life by promoting their right to the city and to public spaces from a “generation equality” and social inclusion perspective.
  • To improve the innovation capacity in the activities proposed to young people and the internationalisation of youth organisations in the countries participating in the project.


The project “My language – Your language” deals with success factors for good citizen participation. The scientific discourse on civic participation and its methods is extensive and controversial. Both science and practice have stated that educationally and disadvantaged groups of the population are excluded and socially disadvantaged be excluded. In addition, practical experience shows that municipal calls for participation are generic and not tailored to the target groups to be reached, and that existing networking structures are also ignored.

Through the project, the partners will examine the described gap of lacking target group oriented access in accordance with the priorities “Social Inclusion” and “Common Values, Civil Society Engagement and Participation” and work on the development and enhancement of transnational partnerships.


The aim of the project is to look at good methods and practices in the context of civic participation at the international level, to receive further training and to learn skills on how target group-oriented participation can succeed on the ground.

More specifically, The project aims to share success factors of good civic participation in the international exchange of good practice and to exchange and learn from each other on a professional level.


The project will, build capacities and solve problems, by consolidating the approach of Decentralisation in the years to come. By sharing the processes of Bottom-up Decision Making with international partners.

The impact of the work will emphasise the decentralised cooperation approach as a means to promote local development on a solid and sustainable and fair basis, thanks to a multi-stakeholder approach and aiming at implementing the global Sustainable Development Goals at the local level.


  • Providing local authorities and civil society groups with Capacities to address local problems using participatory approaches and therefore identifying more sustainable, fair and inclusive solutions
  • Co-designing action plans aimed at solving local problems
  • Creating permanent and solid links between local and regional authorities and civil society in the communities/cities targeted by the project;
  • Creating long-lasting links between communities and cities in Tunisia and European partners, following the lines of decentralised cooperation


Within this project, ALDA holds the role of animation of Local and participative Democracy pole. The pole will opt internally for a structured participatory approach which delegates the power of reflection and proposal to specialised committees:

  • Advocacy
  • Communication
  • Capitalisation and evaluation
  • Research and action

The coordination of the local and participatory democracy pole will consist of a solid and rich program in terms of capacity building, intersection, exchange of practice and learning for the member associations of the pole.


  • Contribute to the construction of an effective local democracy in Tunisia, which considers the needs of all citizens, including the most vulnerable groups
  • Contribute to the decentralisation process in Tunisia


The project’s roots come from reviving the legacy of Rossini’s opera by conjugating it with modern forms of arts, such as theatre, music, design, cooking.
Co-designing and co-development processes between young artists coming from different European countries will cooperate for the co-creation of an opera theatre piece based on Rossini’s opera, and with the active involvement of citizens. Indeed, audience engagement workshops and activities will be organised in 4 European countries (Italy, North Macedonia, Greece and Portugal) to inspire people with different forms of art.


Bravo Bravissimo aims at promoting social inclusion and the wellbeing of society through the promotion of culture and through the valorisation of young emerging artists.

In addition, the project aims at raising awareness on common history and values, reinforcing the sense of belonging to a common European space. The project takes into account the dual nature of culture, recognising, on the one hand, its intrinsic and artistic value, and, on the other hand, its economic value, including its important contribution to social inclusion.

Within this framework, the project focuses its attention on important aspects to strengthen the promotion of culture:

  • Encouraging people to explore Europe’s rich heritage and the world of opera;
  • Encouraging young artists to improve and exchange their skills
  • Making citizens reflect on the impact that culture can have in all our lives.


The project aims to strengthen the integration of students with migrant background in schools, prevent early school leaving and improve their success in education by providing training, coaching and guidance to teachers. Through the project, school leaders and educators will be equipped with the necessary skills and innovative tools to support secondary students in the process, strengthening collaboration between schools, families, and other external stakeholders. To this end, an open online course (OOC) for middle and secondary school teachers will be developed throughout the project, as well as a teacher community (OEC) in order to share good practices.


  • Develop the professional competencies of teachers in dealing with migrant and refugee learners and diversity in classrooms
  • Support schools to facilitate inclusion and success of newly arrived migrant and refugee students, thus contributing to the tackling of early school leaving (ESL)
  • Support and enhance the performance of newly-arrived migrant and refugee students in secondary schools
  • Strengthen collaboration among all members of the school community (school leaders, teachers and non-teaching staff, learners, parents/families)


EGAL 2 (Egalité de Genre dans l’Action Locale / Gender Equality in Local Action) builds up on the results of the EGAL project, carried out in 2019-2020 with the support of Fons Mallorqui.

Capitalising on the experience of the 5 targeted rural municipalities, EGAL 2 will pursue the path towards a greater inclusion of the gender dimension in local policies, empowering local elected women in leadership skills and gender-sensitive budgeting. In the framework of the project, a national seminar on good practices of inclusion of the gender dimension at the local level in Morocco is also foreseen.


EGAL 2 general objective is to enhance the living conditions of women in the Tétouan province in Morocco. More specifically, the project seeks to empower 5 rural municipalities in terms of the inclusion of the gender dimension in local policies, in particular for what concerns gender-sensitive budgeting.


RADEX seeks to make an impact on countering, preventing and diverting violent radicalisation, as it will equip young people, youth workers, social workers, youth organisations with the tools needed to identify patterns, methods, and different processes of youth radicalisation and a digital tool to prevent and/or divert it, when it happens.


RADEX aims to prevent and divert young people’s radicalisation by providing them with an online platform that will include modules on violent youth radicalisation, a simulation video to showcase how, when and where different types of radicalisation processes may take place, and to whom they are addressed to.

In the framework of the AUTREMENT project, the consortium is launching a Call for contributions for the Inter-regional Forum on Active Mobilities that will take place in Mahdia (Tunisia) on 24th-25th May 2023. Are you an expert of active mobilities in the Tunisian or Mediterranean context and you would like to participate? Have a read to the call and apply to contribute!

[The call is only available in French🇫🇷]

Dans le cadre du projet AUTREMENT, le consortium du projet a lancé un Appel à contributions pour le Forum inter-régional sur la mobilité active qui aura lieu à Mahdia (Tunisie) les 24-25 mai 2023. Si vous êtes vous un.e expert.e de mobilité active dans le contexte tunisien ou méditerranéen et vous souhaitez participez, lisez l’appel et envoyez votre proposition de contribution!

Les propositions de contribution doit être envoyée en remplissant le formulaire dans l’appel avant le 28 février 2023.

Lisez l’appel ici.

The second in-person Transnational Meeting of the ReCAP project represented a key moment to explore the work undertaken so far by the partners and to define together the next steps of the project.

The very first phase of the meeting was devoted to the presentation of the report “Local context and needs analysis” by Solidaridad Sin Fronteras, developed within the framework of the first Project Result. It was an essential moment to collect feedback and suggestions from the project partners for its validation.

The above-mentioned report will be the starting point to develop tools and methods to train youth workers and involve youngsters with fewer opportunities.

Afterwards, La Piccionaia and CESIE introduced the next key activities related to the second and the third project results, giving the chance to the participants to discuss together the upcoming tasks and share relevant inputs.

Using art methods and creative tools, the youth workers will stimulate participation and civic engagement of young people in vulnerable situations

The ReCAP project is specifically addressed to young people in vulnerable situations, such as NEETs, people with a migrant background, minorities, youths from the LGBTIAQ+ community, with a particular attention to girls. Through the use of art methods and creative tools, the youth workers in the different partner countries will stimulate participation and civic engagement of young people who are more affected by the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The second Transnational Project Meeting in Madrid was an intense and fruitful opportunity that underlined the power of a great collaboration with the aim of supporting vulnerable young people through art and creativity.


The Civil Society Exchange Partnership Program seeks to strengthen the links and collaboration between Turkish and European civil society organisation. ALDA and MEDAR’s sub-granted project “TEAM4TEAM” focuses on active citizenship and digital literacy, and will involve through an open call for proposals many Turkish and European organisation working on these topics in order to create further partnerships.

The project is funded by Mercator Stiftung and operated by MitOst e Istanbul Bilgi University.


TEAM4TEAM’s objective is to engage participants in an intense international collaboration process. ALDA and MEDAR have developed a common model of exchange linked to media literacy and participation, including these three phases:

  • an online school open to EU and Turkish NGO representatives
  • a job-shadowing exchange for pairs of EU-Turking NGOs
  • a final summer school
    Our mobility program aims to provide a space for CSOs in Turkey and the EU to complement their expertise and join their efforts in promoting active citizenship, media literacy and participatory journalism.

In March 2022, ALDA organised an international event in Trieste, as part of the project EUScepticOBSERVE: analysing Euroscepticism, informing citizens and encouraging debates. Trieste was chosen as the location as it is particularly representative of the theme being analysed. Hence, the event itself was called “Euroscepticism at the gates of Europe”. This was an excellent opportunity to reflect on issues such as migration, migration flows and European laws. Moreover, all the thoughts and suggestions shared throughout the event and workshops have been re-elaborated into the EUScepticOBS Manifesto, as well as the ALDA’s one

The Manifesto has been created starting from some important questions that participants have been asked to answer individually and reflecting on their life experiences and knowledge. 

  • What can I do as a citizen to improve these issues?
  • What should we ask local and European authorities?
  • What can I do as part of a civil society organisation (NGO, university, association etc.)?

Read the EUScepticOBS Manifesto on the perception of migration and its policies

What emerges from the participants’ answers is that the level of migrants’ inclusion influences the country’s perception and European policies. Citizens are scared to lose their culture or national identity thus, they reject complete integration. Usually, they do have biassed thoughts concerning the migrant population. To move forward from these prejudices and negative approaches, citizens, civil society organisations and European authorities should respect different cultures and be aware of the sensitive and complex subject. 

Overall, the Manifesto defined several proposals, among them: 

  • The EU needs to increase knowledge and education, about itself, its achievements and its role in our lives; 
  • Increase decisively its budget to make the Erasmus program accessible and expand it to high school citizens; 
  • Establish a common EU passport and ID card to enhance the ownership feeling of European belonging.


DESIRE project will use a peer to peer approach to involve citizens in illustrating and sharing with other youths what the Schuman Declaration is and what has been its role in the constitution of the European Community. Through the co-creation of artistic tools, as videos, theatre, games, audio narratives, partners will accompany groups of youth citizens in re-discovering history and in debating on EU values as intercultural dialogue, peace and solidarity.

At the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Declaration, partners are invited to reflect on the importance of “Solidarity” to which Schumann referred as the first result for the creation of the EU.


The project aims to raise people and especially youth’s awareness on the historical importance and the meaning of the Declaration of Schumann for the EU. The objective is to actively involve citizens in approaching history in a proactive way.

The innovative and participative methodology employed aims to stimulate youngsters’ critical thinking and to put together the basis for a stronger and more conscious EU, in such a crucial historical moment plenty of divisions, scepticism and in the middle of Brexit consequences.

Are you interested in topics like sustainability, climate change and diversity? Would you like to study in a unique and multilingual environment?

Apply to the new Erasmus Mundus joint Master course in Climate Change and Diversity: Sustainable Territorial Development (CCD – SteDe)!

Starting from the academic year 2023/2024 until 2026/2027, the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master CCD -SteDe will support 80 talented students with study scholarships. Two of those are directed towards people from Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo* and Montenegro.

The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master CCD -SteDe is a world leading programme in the field of sustainable territorial Development targeting climate justice

CCD-STeDe is organised in 4 academic paths, which combine different languages and teaching methods, in presence, blended and online:

  1. Climate change, Sustainability and Development at Università degli Studi di Padova and Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar – Ecuador
  2. Regional and Local Studies at University of Padova and Universidade da Madeira
  3. Territorial management at University of Padova and Université Joseph Ki Zerbo
  4. Environmental management at University of Padova and University of Johannesburg

Promoted and co-funded by the European Union, the 2-year Master course has been recently complimented for its successful implementation and for the innovative approaches, flexibility and adaptability shown during the COVID-19 pandemic, which underlines the strong commitment of the consortium, which ALDA has been part of since 2014, towards the students.

Do not miss this unique opportunity, apply to the first call for applications. This is the only call with the possibility of being selected for a scholarship!

Deadline: March 10, 2023.

Read more about the programme and apply here.