Everyone all over Europe and beyond is committed to help refugees from Ukraine. This is the case of the “Union of Rural Communes of the Republic of Poland” as well. Thus, the two countries share a border of more than 500 km, and in these days exactly this border has become a destination of many. Among them: the municipalities located in the Bieszczady and Lesko poviats [counties].

Yet, the towns and cities bordering directly with Ukraine are now struggling to provide care to people escaping the war.  At the same time, these spots are the first places where refugees arrive, right after crossing the border, and this is where they expect to receive help.

“Union of Rural Communes of the Republic of Poland” has launched an initiative in order to provide help to the town and cities located especially on the border

Therefore, on behalf of these municipalities, the Union of Rural Communes of the Republic of Poland” has launched an initiative in order to provide help, especially in terms of:

  • food products (especially those with an extended shelf life); 
  • bottled water, drinks and fruit juices; 
  • sleeping bags, duvets, blankets, mats, pillows etc.; 
  • personal hygiene products; dressings; 
  • drugs and medicinal products (especially painkillers, protective ointments, disinfectants, anti-inflammatory and anti-emetic agents, etc.)

To enable the proper selection of aid and its transport, the Union provides the following address details of municipalities in need of support:                         

  • Municipalities in Bieszczady poviat [county]: 
    • Czarna Municipality, Mayor – Bogusław Kochanowicz e-mail: uwad@czarna.pl, phone:  (+48)13 461 90 09; 
    • Lutowiska Municipality, Head of the Municipality – Krzysztof Mróz e-mail: gmina@lutowiska.pl, phone: county  (+48)13 461 00 13; 
    • Ustrzyki Dolne Municipality, Mayor – Bartosz Romowicz e-mail: um@ustrzyki-dolne.pl, phone: (+48)13 460 80 00;
  • Municipalities in Lesko poviat [county]:  
    • Lesko Municipality, Mayor – Adam Snarski e-mail: gmina@lesko.pl, phone: (+48)13 469 66 15; 
    • Baligród Municipality, Mayor of the Municipality – Robert Stępień e-mail: gmina@baligrod.pl, phone: (+48)13 468 40 64; 
    • Cisna Municipality, Mayor of the Municipality – Renata Szczepańska e-mail: sekretariat@gminacisna.pl, phone: (+48)13 468 63 38;
    • Olszanica Municipality, Mayor of the Municipality – Krzysztof Zapała e-mail: gmina@olszanica.pl, phone: (+48)13 461 70 45; 
    • Municipality of Solina, Mayor – Adam Piątkowski e-mail: uwad@solina.pl, phone: (+48)13 469 21 18.

 ALDA supports the spread of its Members’ actions, such as “Union of Rural Communes of the Republic of Poland”,  and initiatives to alleviate human suffering, in these terrible times of war.

After more than one year, the deadly and tremendous Russian attack, perpetrated against Ukraine, continues to this date. For all this time, the Ukrainian population has never stopped defending their country and rebuilding what was unfortunately destroyed. 

ALDA, hand in hand with the Local Democracy Agencies in Ukraine, continues to support the country and its people. 

In this regard, on April 2, 2023, Ms. Tetiana Lomakina, Delegate of the Local Democracy Agency Mariupol, met in Kyiv (Ukraine) with Mr. Thibaut Guignard, Mayor of Plœuc-l’Hermitage Municipality (France) and President of Leader France, both members of ALDA, with the aim of building strong partnerships between Ukrainian and French cities.

The main topic of conversation of the meeting was the issue of barrier-free and inclusion during the reconstruction of Mariupol and other towns and villages in Ukraine. 

Indeed, since the beginning of the Russian invasion of the city, Mariupol has been in a disastrous humanitarian state. The residents of Mariupol, who were able to leave the city, have the hope to return and rebuild it. Thus, it is extremely important that, in the post war period, there will be spaces where every person will have equal opportunities for success and development.

The meeting aimed at building strong partnerships between Ukrainian and French cities

The discussion continued covering not only the challenges that Ukraine will face in the course of the reconstruction, but also the possibilities of development and support that external actors could give to the country, underlining how inclusive development should be an ongoing process, not just a one-time initiative.

The meeting with Mr. Thibaut Guignard represented a great opportunity to enhance an already strong and long-lasting cooperation between French and Ukrainian cities as well as to raise awareness on the situation of Ukraine. 

The LDA Mariupol, temporarily located in Kyiv, works unceasingly on the reconstruction of Ukraine, despite the hazardous conditions of the country. ALDA will continue supporting the Local Democracy Agency and the Ukrainian population, with the hope that peace will return and remain. 

The Association’s commitment to Ukraine is supported and enhanced by its members and carried forward by ALDA and its network as a whole. 

If you are interested in topics like sustainability, climate change, territorial development and environment, apply to the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master on Climate Change and Diversity: Sustainable Territorial Development (CCD-STeDe)!

The two-years long Master, aims at preparing experts in the area of sustainable territorial development in the context of global climate and environmental emergencies. It represents a unique opportunity to enhance the competencies and career opportunities of young people, in Europe and beyond, that aim to work in the field of sustainable development and climate change.

Apply to the 2nd call of the Erasmus Joint Master CCD-STeDe by April 21, 2023!

The CCD-STeDe Joint Master is organised in 4 different academic paths, which combine different languages and types of teaching;

  1. Climate change, sustainability, development (University of Padova and Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar; teaching languages: English and Spanish)
  2. Regional and local studies (University of Padova and Universidade da Madeira; teaching languages: English and Portuguese)
  3. Territorial management(University of Padova and Université Joseph Ki Zerbo; teaching languages: English and French)
  4. Environmental Management(University of Padova and University of Johannesburg; teaching languages: English and French)

This is the last call open to worldwide candidates, and it will be open until 21 April 2023.

This call does not offer the possibility to award the Erasmus Mundus scholarship.

Click here to apply!

Civil society plays a key role in Moldova’s European integration process. The more Moldovan civil society is present and vocal at the European level, the better the EU institutions can support the country.

In this context, ALDA took the opportunity to represent the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum in the 11th meeting of the EU-Moldova Civil Society Platform, which took place on 30 March 2023, in Brussels (Belgium). During the meeting it was presented the perspective of the civil society of the EU and the Eastern Partnership countries on the process of accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union.

During the event, issues related to the assessment of Moldova’s progress in implementing the European Commission’s recommendations on EU accession as well as the state of implementation of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement were discussed.

Civil Society plays a key role in Moldova’s accession to the EU and in the country’s European integration

The event represented a good opportunity to underline the importance of 6 strategic directions:

  • Public Administration: encourage development partners to provide all necessary support for the successful implementation of public administration reform and call for closer cooperation with civil society at the national and European level, ensuring that the welfare of citizens is at the heart of reform;
  • Economy: private sector support programmes to facilitate the implementation of EU standards at enterprise level and to encourage market diversification and investment in higher value-added products;
  • Energy: supporting Moldova to urgently establish a programme to finance energy efficiency investments in the residential and private sector;
  • Social: Support Moldova in promoting reforms in the labour sector and social assistance system and in advancing the consumer protection agenda;
  • Good governance: with a focus on advancing the reform of state-owned enterprises by strengthening governance and transparency in this sector, including through the digitisation of public property information;
  • Civil society: more active involvement of civil society in the process of consultation, monitoring and provision of technical assistance to advance reforms towards harmonisation with EU standards.

The developments and impact of regional and global crises on the socio-economic situation in Moldova in the context of the EU integration process were also discussed.

The meeting represented a great opportunity to underline the importance of civil society in the European integration of the Republic of Moldova and in the accession process of the country to the European Union.

Photos: source EESC

Representing one of the most important events of the whole year, next June 2023 the ALDA General Assembly will take place in Etterbeek, Brussels (BE).

More than a General Assembly, the 3-day event will be a real Festival, where colleagues, members and partners of ALDA will come together for fruitful exchanges on key EU priorities, sharing knowledge and best practices on themes such as migration, inclusion, gender equality, environmental protection, sustainable development and human rights – just to name a few – and get to know each other, thus strengthening the belonging to the network and take a more active role in the Association.

The event will include participants from the EU countries but also from the Balkans, Eastern Europe and Ukraine and from the Maghreb and other African countries. The General Assembly is expected to be open by the Commissioner, Vice President of the Commission, Mrs. Dubravka Šuica, while also the President of the Congress, Mr. Leen Verbeek is invited (tbc). Other key participants from the European Commission and the European Parliament will be present as well.

The ALDA Festival will occur on June 7-8-9, 2023 at the premises of Etterbeek City Hall (member of ALDA), in Brussels and will see more than ever the members at the core.

Around the message that “Local Democracy will save Democracy”, the whole event will be intended to address issues of general and global interest, but which have a strong impact in our daily lives and on a local level. All Festival’s events will be focusing on the role of local democracy, participatory mechanisms and citizens engagement in making communities more resilient and stronger to overcome multiple crises.

Register Now and Join the Festival!

Indeed, conferences, round tables and workshops will be organized with the participation of high-level panelists, in order to stimulate discussion and establish a concrete and constructive dialogue with the Institutions. Among them, representatives of the European Commission and the Council of Europe will be present during the General Assembly of ALDA. Gilles Pelayo, Head of Unit, European Commission, CERV Programme, will be with us and our members for a round-table on youth empowerment and education and Chiara Adamo, DG Intpa – Gender, human rights and democratic governance, Deputy Director, will take part and provide key highlights in the discussion on Local Democracy in the Middle East and Africa region.

As proof that local democracy will save democracy, 2023 marks an important milestone for ALDA and the LDAs network, being the 30th anniversary since the creation of the first LDA in the Western Balkans. Thus, year after year the LDAs have worked to reconstruct a more inclusive and cohesive society, in the aftermath of the conflict in the former Yugoslavia. Today, 30 years later, LDAs proved to be effective tools to promote citizens engagement and decentralised cooperation at the local level, to the point that the network itself has expanded from a couple of Agencies in the early 1990s to 16 today. The ALDA Festival will thus see a dedicated moment to celebrate this important milestone and to open the discussion to future further development of the Network, analysis challenges and opportunities.

Another important session will focus on the situation of the Local Democracy Agencies in Ukraine, as a further occasion to remember that ALDA’s engagement to support Ukrainian civil society goes on and takes ever greater dimensions, with new LDAs to be opened soon in the country. A relevant delegation is expected from Ukraine but also from partners’ cities.

All ALDA members, partners and interested stakeholders are warmly invited to participate and contribute to the Festival.
For further information, please contact us at: alda@alda-europe.eu

Are you a Civil Society Organisation working for and with youth? Are you interested in youth civic engagement and participation?  We are looking for you! Participate in our call for proposals with your project idea!

What is the main objective of the call of proposal?

The WYDE project foresees the implementation of 5 different projects called “Clusters”. Through the re-granting scheme, the cluster number 1 named “Generate Democracy: involving youth CSOs in democracy support” is dedicated to providing youth CSOs with the chance to put into practice the lessons learnt in the other clusters and undertake responsibilities over concrete actions promoting civic engagement and democracy.

The overall objective of the WYDE project is to fund and implement national and transnational projects in support of youth civic engagement and participation in the decision-making processes across the Sub-Saharan Countries.

What are the specific objectives of the call?

  • Empower organisations working in the field of youth to play a relevant role in supporting the democratic participation of youth;
  • Support peer to peer learning among youth organisations;
  • Reinforce an international network of youth organisations and youth leaders;
  • Improve the cooperation between the youth civil society and public policy makers, at local, national, and international level;
  • Advocate for the establishment or improvement of representative youth structures (such as youth councils or youth parliaments).

The first phase of the WYDE call for proposals will remain open until 15 August 2023

What actions can be implemented?

This call for proposals will finance actions that respect the five working principles of the Human Rights Based Approach methodology:

  1. Applying all human rights for all
  2. Meaningful and inclusive participation and access to decision-making
  3. Non-discrimination and equality; accountability and rule of law for all
  4. Transparency
  5. Access to information supported by disaggregated data.

Where can the project be implemented?

Selected entities should be implementing National/ transnational projects in support of youth civic engagement and participation in the decision-making processes across the Global South countries with a special focus on Sub-Saharan African Countries.

How to apply?

Read the full call for proposals of Women and Youth in Democracy initiativE (WYDE) to have more information about the call and how to apply! The call has been launched on April 3, 2023, and the fist phase of the call will remain open until August 15, 2023.

Infos: The application, attached to this call for application, must be sent exclusively by e-mail to wydeafrica@alda-europe.eu

WYDE is funded by the European Union.

Any questions? 

Join the online Info Session (in English 🇬🇧) on the WYDE call for proposals on April 27, 2023 at 11:00 (CEST). Click here. 👈

Participez à la session d’information en ligne (en français 🇫🇷) sur l’appel à propositions de WYDE le 27 avril 2023 à 14:00 (CEST). Cliquez ici . 👈

It is with deep sorrow and profound sadness that we learnt of the passing of Mario De Donatis, yesterday April 2nd, 2023.

Mario was President of IPRES, our member, former member of the ALDA Governing Board representing the region Puglia (Italy), but above all he was a real friend and a great supporter of ALDA and our mission.

We will always remember him, and be grateful, for his commitment to the cause of local democracy. Indeed, long-lasting partner in many activities of ALDA, he was among the initiators of the Local Democracy Agency Mostar and the Local Democracy Agency Albania, providing precious support for the launch and development of the two Agencies.

Our deepest sympathies to his family, colleagues, friends and to all who knew and appreciated him.

With the advent of spring, ALDA launched ALDA Italia APS – Association of Social Promotion, locally registered branch of ALDA, during the Press Conference held on March 21, 2023, at ALDA’s office in Vicenza (Italy). 

The Press Conference, which saw the participation of several regionally active journalists, was opened by Ms. Antonella Valmorbida, Secretary General of ALDA and President of ALDA Italia, who highlighted the strict link between ALDA and ALDA Italia APS “Since 1999, ALDA has grown a lot, not only at the level of implemented activities and established partnerships, but also from a structural point of view, without ever failing in its mission, values and objectives: to support municipalities and citizens in their initiatives aimed at improving the local environment”  – stated Ms. Valmorbida.

After having grown from 2 to 6 offices in Europe and its neighbourhood, having built a solid network of more than 300 members and having developed and implemented more than 500 projects, we realised that the time had come to strengthen our roots and connections at local level, in the countries where ALDA has its offices. It is from the will to become actors of local change at 360 degrees that ALDA Italia was born, to be even closer to our territory and its community.” – continued Ms. Valmorbida.

ALDA Italia APS represents an additional tool to expand ALDA’s reach and undertake more targeted and coherent activities, becoming real actors of local change

The speech of ALDA Secretary General was followed by the words of Mr. Marco Boaria, Director of ALDA Italia APS, who explained to the journalists the structure and aim of the latter: “ALDA Italia APS represents an additional tool to expand ALDA’s reach and undertake more targeted and coherent activities, becoming real actors of local change” – said Mr. Boaria. “The Italian Association, is already active with a project on territorial regeneration, and many more activities are yet to come” – concluded. 

The Press Conference ended with a presentation of the H.I.L.L. project – Habitat in Living Landscape, of which ALDA Italia is a partner, by Ms. Luisa Dal Prà, Project Manager at ALDA Italia APS.

The opening of ALDA Italia APS  is only the beginning of a process that will see the launch of local branches in all the countries where ALDA is based, in order to strengthen its presence at local level and create a solid basis to stimulate the participatory process of citizens, from the roots of civil society.

Summit for Democracy 2023 and Youth Democracy Cohort 

“The broad engagement and participation of young people at all levels of policymaking is the engine that drives strong and stable democracies forward. I am proud that we are joined by so many partners in launching together the Youth Participation Cohort” – stated Jutta Urpilainen, Commissioner for International Partnerships at the 2022 International Day of Democracy.

Possibly described as a multi-stakeholder platform, the Youth Democracy Cohort was launched on the occasion of the Year of Action of the Summit for Democracy. After more than a year, what is the state-of-the-art of this initiative? Definitely a milestone in the implementation of the actions within the Cohort, the Menu of Possible Commitments was presented in February 2023, collecting the 33 recommendations on how to foster youth engagement. As also reported in the document, “50% of the world’s population is under the age of 30”; however, political institutions and decision-making bodies lack their presence.

 50% of the world’s population is under the age of 30. However, political institutions and decision-making bodies lack youth presence. Youth Democracy Cohort addresses this issue

ALDA is a key stakeholder and contributes to enhancing youth participation and democracy on a worldwide scale. When it comes to the promotion of Human Rights amongst youth, the Cohort advocates for “ensuring gender equality in youth political participation especially putting in place mechanisms that encourage and facilitate young women’s participation”. With this in mind, the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) developed the Women and Youth in Democracy Initiative” (WYDE) programme, in line with the mission of the Youth Democracy Cohort, and aiming to foster inclusion of youth in all levels of democratic participation – be it nationally, regionally and globally.

In order to respond to this urgent issue, several NGOs identified five main areas, within which an increase of youth participation may be essential: from enhancing youth voice in governance and government, to supporting youth freedom of expression. The latter aspect also includes the promotion of “youth access to voting by facilitating access to citizen ID and the inclusive registration of voters via digitized civil and voter registries, and systematizing the link between the two registries”, as recommended by the Menu.

Overall, as stated by Antonella Valmorbida – ALDA Secretary General and EPD President – on the occasion of the Global Democracy Coalition Forum: “youth are essential for ensuring respect for human rights and democracy in the future. We need to give the floor to young people in the defense of democracy and democratic values”.


Useful resources:

[In 🇬🇧]

Are you a young person (between 15 and 35 years old) who has migrated or returned, is unemployed, belongs to ethnic minorities/faces social, cultural and/or financial barriers? 

Join the H.E.Y! Project’s initiative “H.E.Y. Tell me your story!”, a narrative and storytelling workshop aimed at creating a collaborative documentary to collectivise common problems, desires and journeys. The workshops will focus on the following themes: education, employment, living conditions, physical and mental well-being, rights and political and social activism. 

The activity’s goal consist in empowering young people with fewer opportunities especially Returnees and NEETs, and improving the existing local youth work practices of youth leaders and operators at local level. 

The aim is to highlight the key attitudes, beliefs, values, vulnerabilities and approaches expressed by young people participating with regards to employment, education, mental well-being,rights and social activism.

Youngsters will be the voice of their own concerns and encourage them to inspire and engage other young people to take action in conducting the changes that they want to fight for.

📍Where? Strasbourg (France)

🗓️When? On 19&20 April 2023

Discover more and register here (form in FR) by 17 April 2023.

The workshop is addressed to French speakers only.

[In 🇫🇷]

Êtes-vous un jeune (entre 15 et 35 ans) qui a émigré ou qui est revenu au pays, qui est au chômage, qui appartient à une minorité ethnique ou qui est confronté à des obstacles sociaux, culturels et/ou financiers ?

Participez à la création du court-métrage documentaire “H.E.Y. Racontez-moi votre histoire!” 

“H.E.Y. Racontez-moi votre histoire!” est une initiative du projet H.E.Y.! Il s’agit d’un atelier de narration visant à créer un documentaire collaboratif afin de rassembler des problèmes, des désirs et des parcours communs. Les ateliers se concentreront sur les thèmes suivants : l’éducation, l’emploi, les conditions de vie, le bien-être physique et mental, les droits et l’activisme politique et social. Le projet se concentre sur l’autonomisation des jeunes ayant moins d’opportunités, en particulier les rapatriés et les NEET, et sur l’amélioration des pratiques de travail des animateurs et des opérateurs de jeunesse au niveau local.

L’objectif est de mettre en évidence les principales attitudes, croyances, valeurs, vulnérabilités et approches exprimées par les jeunes participants en ce qui concerne l’emploi, l’éducation, le bien-être mental, les droits et l’activisme social. 

Les jeunes seront la voix de leurs propres préoccupations et seront encouragés à inspirer et à inciter d’autres jeunes à prendre des mesures pour mener à bien les changements pour lesquels ils veulent se battre.

📍Où? Strasbourg (France)

🗓️ Quand? 19 et 20 Avril 2023

Si vous êtes intéressé(e) 👉 remplir le formulaire au plus tard le 17 avril 2023

L’atelier s’adresse uniquement aux francophones.

Are you a Belgian or a Franch youth association or a small Civil Society Organisation who is sensitive to raising awareness on the effects of climate change and understanding the links with migration? We are looking for you! Lead the change and participate in our calls for proposals (one for Belgium and one for France) with your project idea!

What is the main objective of the call of proposal?

The project will support actions developed by youth organisations in Belgium or in France committed in the field of environmental awareness raising, especially climate change induced migration, and targeting young people (16-35 years old).

What is the main objective of each call of proposal?

Any submitted proposal must be of max 5.000 EUR. Each applicant will benefit from a financing of 70% of the total of the action up to a maximum of 3.500 Eur. The remaining 30% of the action (a minimum of 1.500 Eur) will be provided by each applicant as co-funding. The financing and co-financing % always remain the same even if the overall cost of the proposed action is lower than 5.000 EUR. The general action carried out by the Applicant can be higher than 5.000 EUR, but in this case the remaining budget of the overall costs of the proposal will be covered with the Applicant’s own financial resources.

Climate of Change: sub-granting calls (one for Belgium and one for France) will be open until 10 April 2023

Which is the thematic focus?

Each proposed action needs to address the nexus between climate change and induced migration! Different types of activities can be eligible for the sub grant: communication activities, promotion and dissemination activities, awareness raising activities, training and learning-by-doing activities, art projects and initiatives, etc.

Where can the project be implemented?

Activities must take place in Belgium/France.

How to apply?

Read the full call for proposals of Climate of Change to have more information about the call and how to apply! The call will be open until 10 April 2023.

Infos: All the questions related to the present call for proposals and the participation modalities must be addressed to the project managers Carine Akpoto or Nadia Di Iulio.


On March 29, 2023, the kick-off conference of the Media4EU project took place in Skopje, North Macedonia. The conference, which saw the participation of 30 representatives of international bodies, national and local media and Civil Society Organisations, formally marks the beginning of the project and its activities.

“Media4EU – Civil Society Program for the participation of media in North Macedonia’s EU membership negotiation” is a 3-year long project dedicated to improving the standards of journalism and the media sphere of North Macedonia. The one-day conference began with a presentation of the project and its executives by Mr. Dimitar Nikolovski, Executive director of EUROTHINK – Center for European Strategies, leader of the project. It was followed by presentations on the importance of media and CSOs in the EU negotiation process of North Macedonia, featuring Mr. David Geer, the Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of North Macedonia, and Mr. Bojan Marchic, Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs, who highlighted the support that the government offered to the project and the importance of this type of projects in the battle against misinformation.

The conference continued with a presentation of the project activities and the grant scheme by the project consortium, composed by EUROTHINK, ALDA and BIRC – Balkan Institute for Regional Cooperation and it concluded with a Q&A session, where the participants had the opportunity to engage in constructive discussions.

Mr. Marco Boaria, Head of the Development Department of ALDA, briefly introduced the commitment of the Organisation towards the media topic, underlining the importance of the freedom of speech: “ALDA has consistently advocated for years for engagement in media and freedom of speech. A principle followed is that a plurality of voices and more opportunities for dialogue leads to better local governance and more opportunities for the grievances of citizens to be aired out.” – said Mr. Boaria.

The Media4EU project aims at improving media and journalism standards of North Macedonia

The aim of the Media4EU project is to bring the journalism and media spheres of North Macedonia up to European standards, featuring trainings, workshops, and exchanges with European journalists to strengthen the capacities of journalism in North Macedonia and contribute to raising the attractiveness of the profession for the youth. The project recognises that stronger standards for media are necessary for the country’s EU accession process and aims to be a good source of information for journalists and constituents alike, as well as allow for opportunities for cooperation among media, civil society, and state institutions. Overall, this conference promoted the project and its activities and provided an excellent opportunity for exchanges and networking in the media sector of North Macedonia.

On March 20, 2023, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published the Synthesis Report of its Sixth Global Assessment. The IPCC is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change. Its objective is to provide political leaders with periodic scientific assessments on climate issues. Thousands of experts around the world contribute as authors and review editors.

The aforementioned Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) is the final instalment of a cycle lasting 6-8 years and it summarises the results of the three working group reports about climate change published in 2021 and 2022. Additionally, it includes some remarks on the three special reports published since the last assessment. This document contains a complete reviewof the scientific global knowledge of the climate to date. 

The report shows how despite the efforts of countries to reduce global warming, it is likely that warming will exceed 1.5°C during this century. The AR6 states that limiting warming to well below 2°C by 2030 will be complicated to achieve in 7 years, yet achieving 1.5°C is still possible if we take action now considering that the current status is around 1.1°C of warming.

Human-caused climate change is already causing climate extremes across the world, intensifying environmental losses and damages that are affecting the most vulnerable populations by exacerbating poverty and increasing inequality. The current warming is already affecting almost half of the population who live in the danger zone of the climate impacts with extreme weather events such as flooding, drought, and destruction of the natural ecosystems. Experts warn that increasing to 1.5 °C warming will provoke high risks and irreversible losses. 

The IPCC suggests reducing emissions by at least 43% until 2030. To do so, the IPCC highlights the technologies already developed as opportunities to adapt and mitigate climate change focused on the areas of energy supply, adequate management of land, water and foods, settlements and infrastructure, health, society, livelihood, and economy. 

This final report is a call for governments, businesses, civil society, and individuals to act consciously about the present and future generations. This collaborative work involves mitigating the climate change impacts by aiming at climate neutrality. 

Due to climate change and its consequences, ALDA’s strategic plan (2020-2024) has prioritised environmental and sustainability projects

In line with these premises, ALDA’s strategic plan (2020-2024) has prioritised environmental and sustainability projects. In line with the European Green Deal, ALDA collaborates with key local, metropolitan, regional, and international stakeholders focusing on five main thematic areas: climate change adaptation and mitigation in urban and rural areas, flood risk mitigation and soil conservation, information and environmental governance, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable agri-food systems. 

Specifically, ALDA contributes to climate change mitigation through various projects, in line with the research process of the IPCC reports. In particular:

NEVERMORE (New Enabling Visions and tools for End-users and stakeholders thanks to a common Modeling approach towards a climate-neutral and resilient society) project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme, aims to develop integrated models and tools for simulating and assessing the impacts and risks of climate change. The project was launched following the publication of the IPCC report ‘A code red for humanity’. Since then, the project has based its activities and policy scenario formulation on the intergovernmental body’s findings. In addition, it is expected that some of the project’s research will contribute to the Seventh Assessment Report.

The latest IPCC Assessment Report is a warning that solutions must be applied in real life to prevent worse impacts, and ALDA will continue to work at the forefront of good governance and participatory processes to promote decentralised cooperation in the common endeavor to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Do not miss two active calls for proposals carried out by ALDA that can help to put in practice the solutions in line with the IPCC report:

Climate of Change calls for proposals for Youth Associations based in Belgium and France – funding for the implementation of action on the nexus between climate change and migration. Call Deadline : April 10th

Respond Locally to Global Issues – Call for proposal for local actions on Sustainability – funding for EU based ALDA members implementing activities to promote sustainability and equality. Call Deadline : April 17th

From 15 to 17 March 2023, the Transnational practical workshop “Training of Trainers” of the Sports4All project, took place in Volos, Greece. The event, hosted by the Center of Education and Innovation, consisted in developing new and more inclusive methodologies to counter Educational Poverty starting from the mapping of existing ones. 

During the 3-days long event, the project’s leader Cooperativa Sociale Kirikù together with the partners: InnovEDTPV Volley Novo MestoALDA, and  Asociación Mar Violeta discussed the monitoring questionnaires results developed over the previous months, and together with the trainers, exchanged opinions and practices about:

  • the concept of educational poverty;
  • tools to better dialogue with families;
  • activities to better stimulate cooperation and relationship with peers;
  • tools to better dialogue and exchange opinions with colleagues;
  • activities to commonly define the respect of rules;
  • providing common tools for training and suggestions. 

The participants also focused on training sessions adopted according to children’s needs, and on cooperative games that help them to play together and stay focused. 

The workshop focused on developing new and more inclusive methodologies to counter Educational Poverty

According to the definition provided by Save the Children Organisation, Educational Poverty is “The impossibility for children and teenagers to learn, experiment, develop and freely foster their capacities, talents and aspirations.” 

The Sports4All project’s main goal is to foster the competencies of trainers and coaches to work with children and young people who lack opportunities in different fields, including the right to play and participate in sports activities. 

During the event, the project’s partners, coaches, professional pedagogists and educators specialised in sport and in working with youth, identified the existing inclusion methodologies and developed new ones. The results from this meeting will be gathered together and they will form the Sports4all method, which will be tested in each partners’ country.   

The next step will consist in disseminating the Sports4All method in sport clubs, and the final result will contribute to identify a common guideline to pave the way for disadvantaged youth’s inclusion in sport, at policy, relational and educational level. 

In 2023, democracy in the European Union and globally is once again facing various challenges. Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine made the defence of democracy in Europe a top geopolitical, security and normative priority, and the still lingering economic consequences of the COVID-19 crisis and war-related economic uncertainties continue to test democracy on the socio-economic and political fronts. Recent attacks on the foundations of democracy, such as the corruption scandal in the European Parliament, clearly demonstrate the need for more transparency at the EU level. In light of these developments, as well as in view of the upcoming elections to the European Parliament in 2024 and beyond, the EU’s commitment to defending democracy is more important than ever.

ALDA and its network want to contribute in shaping the priority for the defence of Democracy by providing inputs based on its experience and its members’ best practices and opinions. We are therefore responding to the Call for interest launched by the European Commission and we want to include a broader point of view, thanks to our members’ contribution.

Thus, all ALDA members are invited to join the ALDA Talk and contribute to “Joint Priorities for the Defence of Democracy Packageon Wednesday, 5 April 2023, from 2:00 PM (CEST).

The debate will be introduced by Mr. Toma Sutic, Member of the Cabinet of the Vice President for Democracy and Demography, Commissioner Dubravka Šuica and Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Secretary General. They will shed light on the ongoing efforts of the European Commission to defend European Democracy, explain what is at stake and what “protecting democracy” means.

Join the ALDA Talk and contribute to “Joint Priorities for the Defence of Democracy Package”

Then, all members online will be invited to share their view and their thoughts on the topic, especially answering to the following questions:

  • Foreign interference: how to protect democracy without prejudice to civic space?
  • How to strengthen citizens’ participation, notably at local level?
  • Civic and democratic space: how do we propose recommendations?

To join the ALDA Talk, Register HERE.

Please note that the webinar will be in English on Zoom platform. However, we will consider possible interpretations if requests are coming by the 30th of March. Moreover, the recording of the event will be later published on ALDA YouTube channel.


Useful Resources:

Since 2015, with the opening of the first Local Democracy Agency (LDA) in Dnipro; followed two years later by the one in Mariupol, ALDA has become a constant presence and strategic partner in Ukraine. Recognised by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe as an instrument for promoting city diplomacy, LDAs testify the positive results of investing in decentralised cooperation and empowerment of local realities. 

Therefore, especially now under war conditions, where civilians are living, ALDA is committed to local government and civil society organisations’ support, to make them more resilient and to ensure services to people. Since the outburst of the war, the Association has worked with international and national stakeholders in order to build a fruitful network, aimed at collaborating with Ukrainian cities and  municipalities.

Recent meetings with international and national stakeholders took place to concretise the opening of 6 Agencies in Vinnytsa, Odesa, Kharkiv, Bucha, Mykolaiv and Rivne

Precisely, ALDA has been involved in “the Alliance for the Reconstruction of Ukraine of the Committee of the Regions”, in the “Ukraine/Europe Working Group of the Committee of the Regions”, while also visiting Bucha Municipality, and exchanging with Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council, just to mention a few.

Hence, benefitting from European and extra European exchange, ALDA has been able to successfully liaise with potential partners at international level, with which to start a strong and fruitful collaboration for the opening of 6 new Agencies in Vinnytsa, Odesa, Kharkiv, Bucha, Mykolaiv and Rivne.

From a general perspective, the effort of the Association is testified by its “Flagship initiative of ALDA in Ukraine”, which also included the launch of the Open Call for LDAs in Ukraine. The latter set the tone for the future openings, and recent exchanges with partners, such as the one with Odesa, or the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with  the Ukrainian Association of District and Regional Councils.

Overall, ALDA believes that common action, and bottom-up approach will lead to the reconstruction of Ukraine, and more resilient societies.


ALDA works to encourage civic and democratic participation in liaison with gender equality and equity thanks to the creation of the Gender, Inclusion and Human Rights Hub (G,I & HR Hub). The latter develops projects devoted to the social inclusion of the most vulnerable categories, while leading the drafting of the internal policy on Gender and Anti-Discrimination. During the last few years, several projects have been developed to foster gender equality and women empowerment, such as GET UP and WEMIN

For this reason, ALDA is now closely following the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) decision to establish itself as the EU knowledge center for gender equality. Also stakeholders recognised this position thanks to the EIGE gender-sensitive policies, case studies, evaluation toolkits and the Gender Equality Index. 

From a general perspective, the EIGE Gender Equality Index is published every year and reports in percentage the gender segregation in Europe, taking into account important fields such as work, money, knowledge, time, power and health. The European overall score for 2022 was 68.8 out of 100; however, some countries performed better than others. Considering the importance of EIGE data and their relevance, ALDA continues to develop projects aimed at gender inclusion with an intersectional approach, taking into account the different social identities of the individual. 

Gender Equality is one of ALDA’s priorities, and through the new Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination Policy, ALDA aims to eliminate bias creating a positive workplace

Besides, if one is willing to further dig into this topic, Spain represents a positive example within the European context. Hence, it had an outstanding performance, achieving almost 92 per cent in the health sphere. Surely Spanish score for 2023 will be even higher thanks to the comprehensive law enacted last February. It has been positively welcomed by UN experts thanks to its favorable insights: 

  • It allows anyone over 16 years old to change their legally registered gender
  • Ease abortion limits for those aged 16 and 17
  • Introduce paid menstrual leave. 

As already mentioned, Gender Equality is one of ALDA’s priorities, and through the new Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination Policy, ALDA aims to eliminate bias creating a positive workplace. The Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination Committee, in synergy with the G, I & HR Hub, drafted this new policy willing to shape the actions of all individuals directly dealing with ALDA, starting from the Governing Board to the project partners and visitors. It is meant to promote equal participation through programs and initiatives that reduce gender inequality, disseminating those objectives in ALDA’s public sphere. 

Overall, the latest initiative against stereotypes is the MOVING-ON project that aims to improve the participation of kids from the Roma Sinti and Travellers community and travelers in the world of sports by going to understand what are the biggest physical or social barriers they face every day.

In 2015, the World Countries committed to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 6 entitled “Clean Water and Sanitation”, as part of the 2030 Agenda. Since 1993, the aim of World Water Day (22 March) is to raise awareness and inspire action to tackle the hydro challenges; hence, this year it aims at accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis.

Within this realm, and in order to localise the above-mentioned SDG, ALDA has a strong commitment towards the environment, with a focus on climate change adaptation and sustainability. Moreover, a specific thematic hub has been designed to address the “Green” challenges; thus gathering all the expertise in order to maximise the efforts and the impact of the several projects on this topic.

Specifically, ALDA works in this field mainly through two EU-funded projects.

The Life Beware (Better Water-management for Advancing Resilient-communities in Europe) project, funded by the LIFE programme, is an EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action.

ALDA commits to the preservation of the environment, and its water assets, by advocating for a more sustainable and conscious use of natural resources

It focuses on the achievement of a global strategy for climate adaptation to flooding risk, increasing water infiltration and storage in urban and rural areas, by actively involving local communities. The project aims to increase knowledge, benefit, and real implementation of NWRM (Natural Water Retention Measures) both in the territory of Comune di Santorso and Comune di Marano Vicentino (Vicenza, IT) and other EU municipalities.

The second project, called Water’s Experts, is funded by the Erasmus+ programme and it addresses students attending the last year of vocational schools, aiming at raising awareness on the protection of hydro resources among young people. Climate change has a huge impact on blue resources (droughts, floods and rivers’ transformation), so it is necessary to create suitable methods to monitor the main issues of rivers, especially in hydro-rich areas where agriculture and nature-based tourism are highly dependent on climate. Through a specific training course, students from 4 European countries acquire knowledge and skills in water resources management and climate change adaptation.

Overall, ALDA will further commit to the preservation of the environment, and its water assets, by advocating for a more sustainable and conscious use of natural resources.