JOURNEY aims at achieving one of the main benchmarks of the renewed European Neighborhood Policy and the European Neighborhood Instrument laid out in the policy’s Eastern Strategy paper. Since 2008, the joint EU/UNDP Project “Community Based Approach to Local Development” (CBA) has been implemented for Ukraine and one of its tasks is to promote the development of small farms and non-farm businesses in rural areas.
The synergy of this project aims at increasing the productivity and activation of rural youth through new teaching methods. The project further aims at raising the level of awareness of the youth and increasing their entrepreneurship competencies. In this context, using a combination of innovative educational methods for working with rural youth will provide maximum results and will increase the position of the youth in society, their awareness of and interest in personal entrepreneurial development, as well as the economic development of their region and country as a whole.

- Allowing youth workers from Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Georgia to acquire mentorship skills as well as knowledge, methods and tools to support rural youth and young entrepreneurs
- Promoting entrepreneurship education and equipping mentors and young people with the necessary tools to develop entrepreneurship skills through online training
- Raising awareness about entrepreneurship education and establishing networks of young people/young entrepreneurs from rural areas to exchange knowledge and good practices
- Learning from the EU experience and launching a dialogue between rural youth from the EU and EaP countries for sharing experience and communication