The European Label of Governance Excellence (ELoGE) was introduced in Kosovo during the kick-off event organized on the 6th of April 2022 in Pristina. From a general perspective, this event has to be understood within a broader context, in which ALDA is operating. Thus, the Association has been awarded accreditation to implement ELoGE not only in Kosovo*, but also in Bosnia Herzegovina and North Macedonia.

Focusing on the launching event in Pristina, the Minister of Local Government Administration of Kosovo, Mr. Elbert Krasniqi opened the ceremony highlighting the importance of democratic principles in the process of local development, emphasizing that “Human rights, democracy and the rule of law are three basic pillars through which we aim to help municipalities in democratic governance. Through this program, municipalities will be assisted in improving their performance in providing high quality services within an improved system of local self-government”.

 “We aim to help municipalities in democratic governance” Minister Mr. Krasniqi

During the opening remarks, ALDA’s Secretary General, Ms. Antonella Valmorbida presented the experience of the Association implementing ELoGE in different countries and contexts. The Head of office of Council of Europe office in Pristina, Mr. Frank Power put forward the work of the Council of Europe in the country and the advanced environment when it comes to good governance in the past years. Mr. Niall Sheerin from the Centre of Expertise for Good governance concluded that the ELoGE label is awarded to municipalities which have achieved a high level of good governance measured against a Council of Europe benchmark.

More that 20 representatives from municipalities followed the presentation of the phases of ELoGE implementation and expressed their interest in engaging in the self-assessment process.

The implementation of ELoGE in Kosovo relies on a partnership between the Council of Europe, the Ministry of Local Government Administration and ALDA as organisation with substantive know-how, expertise or experience in the field of good governance, especially at the local level.

More on the commitment of ALDA on  ELoGE:

New accreditation for ALDA bringing the ELoGE to Kosovo
Updates on the “ELoGE” initiative for Croatia and North Macedonia
Launching of ELoGE in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Are we experiencing a turbulent moment of democracy? Is the latter hanging in balance? 

The recent crises, both in terms of health and war, are thus challenging the democratic stability in the global scenario. Complex issues required effective actions. 

Thus, there is a need for coherent and effective responses from governments and institutions, when it comes to the rise of authoritarianism, tragically illustrated by the war in Ukraine, or pandemics such as COVID. These responses will also influence the degree of citizens’ trust towards democracy. 

In light of this, Club de Madrid, European Partnership for Democracy and International IDEA organise the session “Democracy at a tipping point?”.  This event will focus on identifying mechanisms to improve democracy’s ability to address crises, by exploring three basic pillars of action: responsible leadership, resilient institutions and digital democracy. The occasion will also serve as a moment for panelist to address and discuss the recommendations of Club de Madrid’s Annual Policy Dialogue 2021 “Rethinking Democracy” as well as its “GlobalCommission on Democracy and Emergencies”.

Register to the “Democracy at a tipping point” session

María Elena Agüero, Secretary General, Club de Madrid; Sam van der Staak, Head of International IDEA’s Europe Programme,, will open the session, which will have among its keynote speakers:

  • Danilo Türk, President of Slovenia (2007-2012) and President of Club de Madrid; 
  • Yves Leterme, Prime Minister of Belgium 2008,2009-2011) and Member of Club de Madrid;
  • Antonella Valmorbida, President of European Partnership for Democracy and Secretary General of ALDA.

Facilitator: Marilyn Neven, Programme Manager, International IDEA.

Join the event:
April 7 from 09:00 – 10:30 p.m. (CET)
Press Club, Rue Froissart 95, 1000 Brussels
Register here:

A cloudy day did not stop partners of the “CAMELOT Project” to reach the headquarters of the “Metropolitan Area of Barcelona” (AMB), to join the second international meeting on 28 March 2022

Structured as two-days event, the meeting started with a presentation, by the Deputy Head of the Unit of Communication, DG Regio – European Commission, Mr. Diego Villalba, presenting data from Eurobarometer. Specifically, based on a survey investigating the awareness of people on EU co-funded projects, in terms of cohesion funds, in their own areas/neighborhood/cities, Mr. Villalba showed the positive impact that these funds have on those polled. 

This first presentation opened the floor to further discussion, digging deeper into the core of the project itself: creation and improvement of instruments to increase citizens’ participation in public decisions, also in relation to the European Funds and energy transition. Starting from the “Model Region Green Hydrogen” in the Stuttgart Region (Baden-Württemberg), targeting the usage of hydrogen to connect different sectors, be they industry and mobility; to the action plan on energy sustainability (SECAP) developed by the city of Zagreb; “POCITYF” project presented by the Metropolitan City of Bari; aimed at better manage energy consumption, also when it comes to the impact of cities a global scale.

Cohesion Policy and European Funds: the virtuous examples of the metropolitan cities

The meeting then continued with the second roundtable, highlighting, this time, the digital aspects and initiatives in urban areas. As for the first occasion, partners shared initiatives implemented in their own realities. “ESMARTCITY” initiative, targeting the reduction of energy consumption while exchanging best practices with other cities, by Metropolitan City of Milan; or the project implemented by the Municipality of Craiova on means of transportation, also in terms of mobility for highschool students, and pupils. Similarly, “SWITCH TO INNOVATION” project, is meant to digital innovation and accessibility to technology in the city of Valongo. Last but not least, the city of Gavà presented “GAVIUS” boosting the use of artificial intelligence to engage citizens with the services provided by public administrations for example.

In addition, the afternoon was dedicated to an interactive workshop during which participants share, by using colored papers, their opinion and ideas on different topics, such as digital, social, and green

Finally, considering the current situation in Ukraine; the presence of representatives of Gdansk Metropolitan Area, and the commitment of this city in reuniting more than 200 mayor all around Europe to join forces earlier in March, Mr. Michal Glaser presented the joint statement in support of Ukrainian people.

With great engagement from all participants, the meeting ended with the steering committee of the CAMELOT Project.

Confirm your participation: register to the ALDA General Assembly 2022

We are glad to announce that the Ordinary Annual General Assembly of ALDA will take place on May 6th, 2022, in Strasbourg, within the framework of the Strasbourg Summit.  The event will gather ALDA colleagues, its Governing Board, members and friends, to share the results and achievements of the Association while discussing future steps and strategies.

Considering the recents events, such as the ongoing war in Ukraine, it comes with itself that the commitment of ALDA in supporting the culture of dialogue, empowerment of local communities and fostering of good governance does play an important role in promoting peace and democracy.

The latter, not only is the guiding light of the Association, but is also one of the ten key topics at the centre of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) in which ALDA has been deeply involved, through multiple projects, but also as coordinator of the Democracy cluster of the “Civil Society Convention on the Conference on the Future of Europe”. 

Confirm your participation: register to the ALDA General Assembly 2022

Specifically, coming towards the end of the CoFoE, Civil Society Organisations will gather together at the Strasbourg Summit, willing to raise attention to people’s needs, hopes and expectations. The idea behind the summit is, thus, to make citizens’ voice heard, while empowering them.

ALDA General Assembly 2022 will envisage several side events on the topic of awareness raising on democratic governance. More in depth, it will be based on three main pillars: migration, climate and education which will be tackled within the projects EPIC, Climate of Change and GEM-IN respectively. 

Overall, by this annual meeting, ALDA will further develop its actions, stressing its dedication to build a more peaceful and resilient environment, by building bridges and partnerships with other stakeholders and realities.

🔏 Register to the General Assembly

📄 Take a look at the Agenda


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🇺🇦 Read the news in Ukrainian


On Wednesday the 30th ALDA France participated to “Le débat Présidentielle 2022: un quinquennat pour quelle Europe?” (2022 Presidential: a five-year period for which Europe).

This debate was organized by the Mouvement Européen-France and 11 others French association (including ALDA) engage in European context. The aim was to put Europe at the heart of a debate between the “Europe” representatives of the presidential candidates.

Europe at the heart of the débat

One speaker for each political party represented in a group in the European Parliament was invited. Among them:

  • Leïla CHAIBI, MEP and member of La France Insoumise,
  • Sylvie GUILLAUME, MEP of the Socialist Party,
  • Mélanie VOGEL, Senator for the French abroad, and Spokesperson for Yannick Jadot of the Europe Écologie les Verts party
  • Valérie HAYER, MEP and member of La République en Marche, spokesperson for the presidential majority.
  • Constance LE GRIP, MP for Hauts-de-Seine and member of the Les Républicains

Véronique Auger, journalist, moderated the discussion and Mr Derdevet, President of the Maison de l’Europe de Paris, introduced the debate.

The participants had the opportunity to express their vision of Europe on 3 main topics the implication of the war in Ukraine for Europe (strategy to stop the war, integration of Ukraine in the EU and European defense), migration and asylum (Dublin Pact, creation of a Commissioner for Asylum and Migration, Poland and Hungary and the Ukrainian refugees) and climate change (Green Pact, social economy).

You can access the “Le débat Présidentielle 2022″ at the following link

ALDA would like to thank all the participants and organizers for this event and to put Europe at the heart of a debate.

One month since the war started and more than 4 million Ukrainian people have fled their home country, reaching the neighbouring states. Of them, more than 2.3 million have found a safe place in Poland, the same country that not long ago had to cope with the arrival of thousands of people from Afghanistan, resulting in a real mass invasion.

Poland’s first response to the calamity was heart-warming, but the country was not prepared to welcome this high number of refugees, and it started to struggle to help. Queues for registration get longer and longer, and polish people start to wonder how the already overloaded social and health care system can manage to assist millions more people or how their children’s education will be affected by overcrowded school classes. The major problem is that EU countries lack a strategy to ensure receptions of refugees, which remains limited to emergency situations.

Join the webinar on the narrative of a human-based system to welcome refugees from Ukraine on 13 April 2022 at 6PM

In this context, ALDA, leader of the EPIC project, and its partners have organised a webinar called “From emergency situation to an inclusive and sustainable response: the narrative of a human-based system to welcome refugees from Ukraine”. In the webinar it will be discussed the human based system, where refugees are recognised as key actors in their own development, rather than passive recipients of help and services, and the importance of language and narratives to foster the design of sound policies. During the webinar, the municipality of Gdansk, partner of the project, will play a key role due to its proximity and frontline commitment.

After the panel presentation, Q&A with the audience and debate, the local authorities and NGOs members of the EPIC project and invited stakeholders will share their experiences on how they are living the current humanitarian crisis and what past lessons learned can be replicated.

Among keynote speakers:

  • Yulia Krivich, Ukrainian female artist and photographer. In her artistic practice, she addresses the issues of identity, Ukrainian artists representation in Polish art scene and employs the elements of activism combined with a personal story. Concerned with the impact of harmful narratives in the Polish-Ukrainian context.
  • Hania Hakiel. Hania is an expert on trauma and safe spaces, from verbal to physical dimensions. She has worked as a therapist with refugee communities for several years after 2015focusing on how to engage with refugees in a healthy and meaningful way.


  • Dolinda Cavallo, ALDA Project coordinator;
  • Marta Siciarek, Coordinator of the regional migration policy, Metropolitan Area of Gdansk
  • Patricia Martinez, Project Manager, AEIDL

For more info about the webinar: EPIC website
To register for the webinar: Zoom registration
Check the agenda

Are you a Local Authority who is sensitive to sustainable production and consumption patterns to combat climate change? 

We are looking for you! Lead the change and participate in our call for proposals with your project  idea!

The Food Wave Project – co-funded by the EU under the Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme (DEAR) and promoted by the Municipality of Milan together with ActionAid Italia, ACRA, Mani Tese and 25 project partners in 16 countries, including ALDA – will support grass-root initiatives in the field of climate-friendly food consumption behaviors and involve smaller youth organizations interested in joining the action but lacking the necessary means to do so.

The first call for proposals of the Food Wave Project was launched and directed to youth-led small Civil Society Organizations promoting sustainable production and consumption patterns to fight climate change. Now it is time for the second call addressed to Cities and Municipalities  to support grass-root initiatives in the field of climate-friendly food consumption behaviors!

What is the main objective of the call of proposal?

The project will support actions developed by Cities and Municipalities committed in the field of climate-friendly food consumption behaviors and targeting young people (15-35 years old).

The Food Wave Project  will support grass-root initiatives in the field of climate-friendly food consumption behaviors and involve smaller youth organizations interested in joining the action but lacking the necessary means to do so

What is the main objective of the call of proposal?

Any submitted proposal must be of max 5.000 EUR. Each applicant will benefit from a financing of 75% of the total of the action up to a maximum of 3.750 Eur. The remaining 25% of the action (a minimum of 1.250 Eur) will be provided by each applicant as co-funding. The financing and co-financing % always remain the same even if the overall cost of the proposed action is lower than 5.000 EUR. The general action carried out by the Applicant can be higher than 5.000 EUR, but in this case the remaining budget of the overall costs of the proposal will be covered with The Applicant’s own financial resources. 

Which is the thematic focus?

Each proposed action needs to address the nexus between food and climate change! Different types of activities can be eligible for the sub grant: communication activities, promotion and dissemination activities, awareness raising activities, training and learning-by-doing activities, art projects and initiatives, initiatives against food waste etc. 

Where can the project be implemented?

Activities must take place in one of the following EU Member States: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK.

How to apply?

Read the full call for proposals to have more information about the call and how to apply! The call will be open from February 24th,2022 to March 24th,2022.

Past events & infos

Public presentation of this call: 4th of March at 12:00 CET – answers provided to all your questions!

A first set of questions by the applicants has been received by email by the 3rd of March and the answers have been published on the website.

A second set of questions by the applicants has been received by email by the 18th of March and the answers have been published on the website.

All the questions related to the present call for proposals and the participation modalities have to be addressed to the following email address (mail Food Wave Here!)

Follow Food Wave Facebook and Instagram pages to stay updated!

#CatchTheWave and Lead the Change!


Call for proposals – UPDATED

Annex I – budget 

Annex II – Declaration of honour

Annex III – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)           

Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24th 2022, the refugees fleeing Ukraine have reached the number of 3 million (UNHCR). According to the UNHCR, as the situation continues to unfold, many others are expected to be leaving the country soon. As their homes and civil infrastructure objects (including 400 schools) are being destroyed, the population is moving to the West Ukrainian cities and to neighbouring countries, looking for protection, support and a safer place to stay. It represents the fastest-growing humanitarian crisis in Europe since World War II.

In Ukraine, the situation is increasingly dire and humanitarian needs across the country are multiplying by the hour. UNICEF reports that hundreds of thousands of people are without safe drinking water and many have been cut off from access to other essential services like healthcare and medical supplies. 

Since the beginning of the war, East Europe Foundation (EEF), ALDA’s trustworthy partner in Ukraine, actively supports Ukranians who have been internally displaced, suffering from blockade or military attacks. To help address this humanitarian crisis, EEF launched the Shelter Project. A project whose aim is to build community relief and resilience, while providing emergency support to those who most need it. 

ALDA calls its members and partners to support the Shelter project and help the millions of people in need. 

Working through its network of over 500 local partner NGOs, the Shelter Project focuses on four key components:

  1. Support and supervision to a network of refugees of Internally Displaced People (IDPs) by creating and sustaining new services, and providing necessary resources.
  2. Setup, support and supervise emergency day-care centres for displaced persons’ kids. 
  3. Coordinate assistance to local organisations and volunteer groups, providing emergency support and humanitarian aid to those in need. 
  4. Collect and disseminate information about the needs of displaced people, with the aim of satisfying these needs and enabling a comprehensive response to them.  

To support the Shelter project and in order to facilitate the fundraising for our partners in Europe, ALDA created a specially dedicated bank account exclusively for this purpose. ALDA calls its members and partners to support the Shelter project and help the millions of people in need. 

Click here for all the details.

Palermo hosts the signing ceremony of the “Convention of Rights on the Mediterranean Sea” on Saturday 19 March 2022. Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Secretary General, will be among the keynote guests at the event.

Based on the engagement of Italian NGOs and local authorities, guided by the Municipality of Palermo, the Convention gathers together a great number of stakeholders. More specifically, it advocates for a shared Mediterranean space, resulting from the commitment of 5 different temathic groups focusing on: pace; health; knowledge and education; economy, resources and work; food and water.

Joining the signing ceremony is a further confirmation of the strategic and proactive role of the Association in the region

In light of this, ALDA contributed to share its expertise, especially as far as the initiatives done by the “Middle East and Africa” Department concern. Thus, the Association is deeply involved in the Mediterranean area, through the creation and implementation of a series of projects, targeting women empowerment, soft mobility, citizens’ participation.

Finally, ALDA is actively involved in several networks working in the mediterranean area, and for the prosperity of it. Therefore, joining such a ceremony is a further confirmation of the strategic and proactive role of the Association in the region.

Useful information:

Projects in the Mediterranean area: Autrement, Municivile – Municivil

Following the success of the first edition, we are back with the ALDA’s Call for project Ideas – dedicated to our members only.

Concept and objective stay the same: create synergy with our members, develop new projects together for the good of local communities in Europe, and beyond.

In order to participate, you just need to share with us your project idea: the 3 best proposals will win a technical support in the development of a project!

The technical assistance includes:

  • identifying together the best funding opportunity matching the member’s idea;
  • supporting/providing the search for partners;
  • coaching on the project development, e.g. responding to member’s doubts or questions on issues related to questions of the application form, to budget issues, to portal – related issues;
  • reading and revising the project developed by the member


Download the application form HERE, fill-in all the fields with the description of your project proposal and send it back to by June 15th, 2022.

Please, specify the person we will have to be in contact with, in case of selection.

Fill-in the Application form HERE & win a technical assistance!

The proposals must comply with specific requirements:

  • The proposals can be related to different topics (sustainability, inclusion, youth etc.) but they need to be linked in general terms to local governance.
  • They must have a transnational approach.
  • The proposal must be written in English. Proposals that are missing one or more sections will not be taken into consideration.

After the deadline, ALDA will select the 3 best ideas and, upon verification of feasibility, will offer to the member-applicants a free technical assistance (as specified above), upon agreement that ALDA will be included in the consortium of partners.

Please be aware that by participating in this call, you authorize ALDA to modify, transform, rework, and adapt the drafts and to use your output for the fulfilment of its institutional commitments following communication with the concerned author.

If you need more detail or information, please write to

We hope to receive plenty of ideas and start joining forces soon!


Useful information:

N.B.: If you wish to apply to this call you must be an ALDA member, if you are not yet a member, you might consider this possibility.

Click HERE to learn about the benefits of being an #ALDAmember and start the application process! Get in touch with us for further details!

Click here and see the winning project proposals of the first edition

Members who have won the technical assistance in the last round, are not entitled to participate to the present round.

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, ALDA has been in touch with its colleagues and friends in the Country, especially with the Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs) in Dnipro e Mariupol.

Thus, the Association has mobilized its resources, and its network to define ways to support Ukrainian people: from finding reliable accounts for donation, to setting up an internal emergency unit. Despite being in touch through these terrible days, 21 March, marked the first occasion for delegates from Dnipro and Mariupol in Ukraine, and those of Moldova, Georgia and Armenia to have a meeting all together and see each other.

 LDAs  expressed their solidarity and will to get closer to their Ukrainian colleagues

It goes without saying that all the LDAs expressed, without hesitation, their solidarity and will to get closer to their Ukrainian colleagues. 

In moments like this, spreading valuable information of what is currently happening in the Country is among the first steps to do in order to make everyone aware of the reality. Ukrainian people are now experiencing. This is why ALDA has always been in touch with colleagues from Dnipo and Mariupol: to provide help, and to share their stories.  

ALDA and the LDAs further stress the importance of working together for democracy, for people’s rights and freedoms. Peace should be never taken for granted.

From the 2nd to the 4th of March ALDA hosted the launch event of the project SHAPE – SHaring Actions for Participation and Empowerment of migrant communities and LAs. The meeting was organised by ALDA, as project coordinator, with the support of We World, co-leader.

The aim of the meeting was to set up the chrono-programme of the project, defining the steps in the short and medium term and the role and responsibilities of each partner.

The first day focused on the presentation of the consortium, and of the project partners, who shared the mission of their organisations, the project activities in which they are involved and the experiences that will contribute to bring added value to SHAPE.

The second day started with a financial session dedicated to the setting up of reporting rules, procedures and deadlines and presentation of the necessary forms, by ALDA. Afterwards, a round table took place where all the different tasks were presented in terms of: actions, deadlines, expected results and partners involved.

The aim of the meeting was to set up the chrono-programme of the SHAPE project

In the afternoon it was dedicated to work in groups, through working tables proportioned to the number of tasks.  There were 2 rounds of one hour each and then a moment of sharing what emerged in each group. Each group discussed the task and related activities, establishing roles and responsibilities of each partner; identifying possible critical issues and solutions; implementation strategies; next steps.

This exercise allowed to clarify the project actions, deadlines and expected results. But, above all, it was possible to create synergies between the partners and team spirit, strengthening their involvement.

Finally, on the last day WeWorld presented the communication activities of the project and a possible communication and dissemination strategy.

The partners are already discussing the visual identity of the project, claim and logo. In the coming months the website will be published.

The meeting took place in hybrid form Artemissizio (HU) and the Italian partners such as CONNGI and WEWorld participated in presence. The rest participated online due to covid and Ukraine situation.

The 42nd Session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe will take place from March 22nd to 24th, 2022, at the Palais de l’Europe, in Strasbourg (France).

Being ALDA an emanation of the Congress and a very close partner of the Congress and the Council of Europe as a whole, the Association will be present during the 3 day-event and will take actions at different levels.

Indeed, while ALDA will have a stand at the Council of Europe’s premises showcasing its activities, with a particular focus on two projects, namely Climate of Change and Gem in.

The former has the objective to raise awareness about climate change and climate-induces migration among young generations, while the latter – Gem in – wants to support intercultural education at school and in non-formal youth environments as a vehicle to foster social inclusion, cross-cultural dialogue, and active citizenship.

The 42ns Congress’ Session will also represent the occasion to celebrate ALDA’s 20 years of activities, at the very same place of its creation in 1999

On the other hand, the whole event will be attended in person by ALDA Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida, participating to the dense agenda.

On the afternoon of March 22nd, a session on the situation in Ukraine is planned, during which the Ukrainian President, Mr Zelenski has been invited to take the floor by video conference.

Other key moments on the agenda will be the reports on the application of the European Charter of Local Self-Government in Germany, Luxembourg, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

The 42ns Congress’ Session will also represent the occasion to celebrate ALDA’s 20 years of activities, at the very same place of its creation in 1999, the Council of Europe, after the pandemic imposed to celebrate online in 2020.

The celebration will then culminate in a lunch meeting at the Residence of the Italian Ambassador to the Council of Europe during the Italian Presidency.

During this dark hour for Europe, we can share some positive news – the mayor of Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov, has been freed yesterday from captivity. ALDA celebrates this news together with Melitopol and all of Ukraine.

The abduction of Ivan Fedorov, however, is not the first case of attacks at the democratically elected representatives of Ukrainian local governments.

On March 11, the Russian army abducted Vasyl Mytko (the head of Nikolske); on March 13, the head of Dniprorudne Yevhen Matvyeyev and the head of the Melitopol rayon council Serhiy Pryima had been kidnapped. Yesterday, the mayor of the Velykoburlutska community, Viktor Tereschenko, has been abducted, and unfortunately, the kidnappings continue.

Many mayors, heads of municipalities, and regions all over Ukraine are threatened for fulfilling their democratically assigned duties, and courageously serving their country under the hardest possible conditions. As a European Association for Local Democracy, we strongly condemn Russian attacks on the local governments of Ukraine and call for European local government leaders to publicly support their Ukrainian counterparts.

We recognise the LEADING ROLE PLAYED BY MAYORS AND Local GOVERNMENTS IN in the  WAR IN UKRAINE. They are at the front and do not give up. Local government and local governance with civil society show the importance of local democracy as a back bone of the resilience of democracy in Ukraine and in other crisis.

#ALDAforUkraine #WeStandWithUkraine #StandWithUkraine

Organised by the European Economic and Social Committee, the Transatlantic Relations Follow-up Committee took place on March 16th, 2022, in hybrid format.

After a discussion on the “state of play and perspectives of transatlantic trade policy”, the meeting focused on the Year of Action – the initiative called by the US President, Mr. Biden in December 2021 during the first of two Summit for Democracy.

As described by official sources, “Throughout the Year of Action, the U.S. Government will therefore encourage structured dialogue and action among governments and other stakeholders to advance commitments and initiatives announced by world leaders, and to report back on their progress at the second Summit”.(

Thus, the panel dedicated to the mentioned Year of Action, saw the contribution of several key stakeholder, including:

  • Katalin CSEH, Member of the European Parliament
  • Annika SILVA-LEANDER, Head of North America Outreach and Analysis at International IDEA
  • Jacob KURTZER, Director and Senior Fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies
  • Representative from the State Department and
  • Antonella Valmorbida, representing both the European Partnership for Democracy as President and ALDA as Secretary General

EPD and ALDA are proud of having contributed to the Transatlantic Relations Follow-up Committee, and more specifically to the Year of Actions, recognising it as a crucial process able to bring to the establishment of a strong international democratic alliance, in a time in which the raise of autocracies is particularly worrying the whole World.

The call organised by the Municipality of Gdansk, with the support of European organisations of mayors, including ALDA, last Monday, March 14th, 2022, got a great success in terms of participation, with 200 mayors from the whole continent connected together to support Ukraine and ask for immediate ceasefire.

As a result of this coordinated operation, a Joint Call was issued addressed to “European governments and the European Commission on raising efforts to end the war in Europe”.

Let’s sign the Joint Call by Friday, March 18th and strongly ask for ceasefire and peace

With the above-mentioned Declaration, the Mayors unitedly “condemn Russia’s war acts and armed aggression against Ukraine. Nothing can justify Russia’s illegal use of force”, and raise 3 points to the attention of the Union and European governments, calling to:

  1. Force the Russian government to open humanitarian corridors
  2. European solidarity to work out and swiftly adopt decisions concerning the refugees’ capable reception and relocation in Europe
  3. Stop all trade relations with Russia and Belarus until the Russian army withdraws from Ukraine

What is important at this stage is to be united: for this reason, ALDA, the Municipality of Gdansk together with European Associations of Mayors, and the hundreds of Mayors who already signed, call all Local government to Join the Call and Sign the Petition to end the war in Ukraine.

Sign the petition:

Let’s try to reach 1000 signatures by Friday, March 18th!!


Useful Resources:

Read the Joint Declaration in EnglishFrenchItalian

On 15 March 2022 ALDA colleagues Katica Janeva – Skopje Office Coordinator – and Ivana Velkova – Project Manager – had a meeting with the Mayor of City of Bihac (BiH) Mr. Šuhret Fazlic and representatives from the Municipality.

ALDA has been engaged in the region since many years, and therefore it has great interest in further collaborate with local municipality, communities and citizens. Hence, this mission has to be understood within a broader context: the commitment of the Association in the Western Balkan.

Specifically, 15 March represented the first study visit and a possibility to personally meet the Mayor and its staff after previous exchanges and online meetings. More in depth, the objective of the visit was to assess and to see possible future cooperation especially in the field of migrants and local development.

Representatives from Bihac expressed their interested and openness for further development of our collaboration

Exchange on different topics and on the international cooperation developed by the Municipality have been among the key aspects fruitfully discussed during the meeting. Thus, representatives from Bihac expressed their interested and openness for further development of our collaboration.

Finally, in the framework of ALDA’s strategic plan for 2021-2024 and of the European Support for Local Democracy, ALDA’s Western Balkans Department seeks to consolidate its support to civil society in Bosnia and Herzegovina also by potentially developing a cooperation with the City of Bihać.

The European Label for Governance Excellence in Bosnia and Herzegovina was officially launched on 17 March 2022 within the National ‘’Forum for sharing best practices of CSOs and LAs cooperation’’ organising within the project “LINK 4 Cooperation – Strengthening local participation and cooperation through partnership of Public Authorities and CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina” that took place in Zavidovici.

The project LINK4Cooperation was established in cooperation with the Center for Expertise for Good Governance of the Council of Europe in order to implement the ELoGE Methodology for the first time in Bosnia and Herzegovina that will serve as a base for the capacity building of Local Authorities, provide cooperation with Grass-root CSOs and establish good relations within local communities of BiH.

Implement the ELoGE methodology for the first time in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Identified as ideal and reliable partner by the Council of Europe, the Association received the official accreditation to implement the ELoGE methodology in Croatia, North Macedonia and Kosovo*, while supporting this initiative regarding the promotion of good governance and cooperation between local authorities and citizens.

Specifically, regarding the meeting organised in Zavidovici, Ms. Antonella Valmorbida – ALDA Secretary General – shared the Association’s current experience in implementing the above-mentioned methodology in these three countries, and acting as implementation partner in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This was a possibility to highlight the importance of assessment of local processes and public services in order to improve the development of the communities.

Finally, 12 Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina are taking part in the self-assessment process.

The implementation of the project is done by the accredited platform composed of LDA Mostar, LDA Zavidovici, LDA Prijedor and Centar for Development of Herzegovina, and supported by ALDA as partner. The project is financially supported by the EU and the CoE.