The National ‘’Forum for sharing best practices of CSOs and LAs cooperation’’ organising within the project “LINK 4 Cooperation – Strengthening local participation and cooperation through partnership of Public Authorities and CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina” took place in Zavidovici in BiH on 17 March 17 2022.

This event was organised in hybrid format and gathered more than 50 participants including representatives of International Community in BiH, 12 Mayors/Head of Municipalities in BiH and the representatives of CSOs and Grass-root organizations. Hosted by the City of Zavidovići and the Local Democracy Agency in Zavidovici,the forum aimed at assessing the situation regarding the participation and cooperation of Public Authorities and non-governmental organizations. The pieces of information gathered, resulted in the so-called “Zero” project document that should detect the basic problems of the cooperation between Local Authorities and CSOs.

The so-called “Zero” project document should detect the basic problems of the cooperation between Local Authorities and CSOs

Besides,  the forum was followed by the launching of the ELoGE program in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition, ALDA and ALDA Skopje as partners in the consortium in project are contributing with its long-lasting experience working in field of local development in the western Balkans and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Finally, LINK 4 Cooperation action aims to strengthen the capacities of CSOs engaged in public policy processes to become skilled and reliable partners in policy-making and reform process in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project is financially supported by the European Commission.

Follow Link 4 on Facebook and Instagram

More on ELoGE in BiH on LINK4 website

After a year of consultations, the Conference on the Future of Europe is coming to its end, alongside with the Civil Society Convention for the Conference on the Future of Europe (CSOCoFoE).

Since the beginning of 2021, the latter has brought together over 82 European networks and platforms with constituencies all over Europe, connecting millions of people involved in different aspects of European life, from education to culture, social inclusion, care for the environment, governance, and transparency. 

As its closure, the Civil Society Convention for the Conference on the Future of Europe is organising a Final Event, which will take place on March 21st-22nd, 2022. The event will have a hybrid format, hosting participants both in Brussels and online. 

As leader of the European Democracy thematic cluster, Antonella Valmorbida – Secretary General of ALDA – will join the event and take the floor during the Democracy Panel on March 21st.

During this event, the recommendation papers from the five thematic clusters from the Conference on the Future of Europe – namely, Digital Transformation, Social Europe, Our European Life, Climate Change and European Democracy– will be presented. 

These recommendations have been drafted through a bottom-up approach, including crowdsourcing of national and civil society organisations.

As leader of the European Democracy thematic cluster, Antonella Valmorbida – Secretary General of ALDA – will join the event and take the floor during the Democracy Panel on March 21st, from 14:00 to 15:15.  

The event will involve MEPs, network organisations, professionals, citizens and other key stakeholders. To consult the detailed agenda of the CSOCoFoE Final Event click here.

If you are a representative of a civil society organisation and you wish to join the event, register here by March 17th, 2022. 


Useful links

Read the article on ALDA’s role in the Civil Society Convention on the CoFoE

Civil Society Convention for the Conference on the Future of Europe

Civil Society Europe

Conference on the Future of Europe

After the successful initiative promoted by the Municipality of Gdansk to join forces for Ukraine among European Mayors, on March 15th, 2022 ALDA participated to another key meeting organised by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe.

The call was attended by a wide number of mayors and local authorities’ representatives connected with the Congress, including the Association of Ukrainian Cities, around possible common actions to implement to support Ukraine during this war. In light of its wide network of local authorities, ALDA joined the meeting, on behalf of its Secretary General, Antonella Valmorbida, on its experience in the Ukrainian field and presenting the key points of its action to help and support the communities hit by the conflict.

“We are all together working with and for Ukraine, a country that exists, both geographically and politically”

Thus, Antonella Valmorbida gave an overview on the ongoing initiatives, being ALDA acting as:

  • an important platform to exchange reliable information,
  • facilitate connections among members and partners of its network
  • support the incoming flow of refugees in the Countries where ALDA is present
  • act politically to support Ukraine

During the meeting, Ms Valmorbida insisted on the importance of stating sound and clear that we are all together working with and for Ukraine, a country that exists, both geographically and politically.

ALDA – highlighted Antonella Valmorbida – assigned its label to the two Local Democracy Agencies we have in Ukraine, where we actively and constantly work with our members and with the civil society. On the other hand – continues Ms Valmorbida – we are in touch with a great number of local authorities in order to support the spread of good information in Europe, and mostly in Russia

ALDA looks forward to the follow-ups of this crucial meeting which, among others, contributed to reach a further level of coordination among the Congress’ network.

Further updates will surely result from the 42nd Congress session, planned from March 22nd to 24th, where the situation in Ukraine, fake news and threats and violence against mayors in the current crises in Europe will be addressed too.

Are you a teacher, an educator or a mentor working with young migrants in France? We are looking for you!

The project 3 STEPS – Fostering Education and Inclusion of Disadvantaged Refugee and Migrant Learners, is launching a training-course targeting teachers, trainers and educators of young migrants in France.

The 3 STEPS training will take place online and it will focus on two successful methodologies, namely Basic education” and”Tandem Now”, selected in 2017 by the European Commission as “inspiring resource” to tackle early school leaving.

Join the training and help foster education and inclusion of disadvantaged refugees and migrant learners 

The aim of the training is to increase the chances of migrants and refugees to remain within the educational and vocational system of their host country by providing them basic skills and a stable grounding for further personal and professional achievements.

3 STEPS training includes lessons on language training, mathematics and ICT, but also on social inclusion and the application of these tools.  

Through the application of participatory methods, the training will be based on experiential learning, individual reflection and exchange of practices among participants. Please note that the working language will be French. 

Discover dates, requirements and every detail on the training here and apply through the registration form by March, 25th 2022! What are you waiting for?

From 7th to 10th of March, the first artistic residence was organized by the Municipality of Lousada in Portugal as part of the Bravo Bravissimo project which aims to benefit young emerging artists and also improve local communities, with special emphasis on the active involvement of children and young people.

The public rehearsal was held at Lousada Public Library

On the 8th and 9th, the artists focused on the rehearsals, getting to know each other, while playing together for the first time. In addition, a masterclass on Composer Gioacchino Rossini, the musician inspiring the overall project,  was part of the program as well as other activities and meetings with all representatives of the partners. The residence was finalized by a Public Rehearsal held at Lousada Public Library.  

ALDA thanks the Municipality of Lousada for the great hospitality! 

The project leader is OCSM Pordenone (Italy), and the partners are Municipio de Lousada (Portugal), Cultural Center Nikola Djurkovic – Kotor (Montenegro), and  Theatre Topos Allou-Aeroplio – Athens (Greece). 

During such worrying days for the European continent and for the whole World, ALDA welcomes the initiative launched by its member, the Municipality of Gdansk.

The latter, together with European organisations of Mayors – namely ALDA, Eurocities, the Union of Baltic Cities, Metrex, Metropolis, Council of European Municipalities and Regions, Pact of Free Cities and Group Ukraine within the Committee of the Regions – is organising an extraordinary meeting on Monday, March 14th, at 1pm, addressed to all the interested European Mayors.

The call has the objective of planning a concerted action to strengthen the international pressure to end the war in Europe immediately.

Read the invitation letter by the Mayor of Gdansk, Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, and join the event by registering through this form:

A call to all European Mayors to join forces and end the war in Europe

The agenda of the call will be finalised and released on Friday, building up on the following draft agenda:

  1. Welcoming words – Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, mayor of Gdansk, presidents of European local governments’ organizations (tbc)
  2. Appeal on further immediate actions in defense of Ukraine – Daria Kaleniuk, International Centre for Ukrainian Victory
  3. Presentation of the draft joint resolution
  4. Discussion
  5. Adoption of the agreed resolutions and directions of further action

The meeting will take place on the zoom. platform (Meeting ID: 946 0462 0566 – Password: 166191)

We warmly invite all local authorities’ representatives to do their best to join the meeting and take concrete, joint, steps towards the resolution of this crisis which is involving us all.

On March 11, 2022 ALDA Secretary General, Ms. Antonella Valmorbida, joined the fourth Plenary of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

The Association has been fully engaged on this bottom-up exercise that not only has it animated its network to participate in the multilingual platform, but also it has played a proactive role within the Civil Society Convention on the Conference on the Future of Europe. 

Hence, both Ms. Valmorbida has been elected as member of the steering committee of the Civil Society Convention on the Future of Europe; and ALDA has been appointed as responsible for the “Democracy Cluster” with ECOLISE

Ms. Valmorbida shared with the other representatives in Strasbourg the importance of including Western Balkans within the CoFoE

Yet, in light of the essence of ALDA itself, which works for the spreading of a democracy in Europe and beyond, and considering its deep and long-lasting bond with communities in the Western Balkan region, the Governing Board of the Association has published a document illustrating its position on the Western Balkan (WB) and the Conference on the Future of Europe.

With the occasion of this fourth Plenary, Ms. Valmorbida shared with the other representatives in Strasbourg the importance of including Western Balkans within the CoFoE. Based on the seven recommendations listed in the document, the Association emphasis the need to, among others: ​​

  • Establish various lines of cooperation in addressing climate change and in implementing energy transition;
  • Reinforce the cooperation in different field such as health, economy and digitalization;
  • Continue support for the integration of the countries of Western Balkans to the European Union 

Once again, ALDA is very much committed to promote a Europe based on its citizens’ needs, ideas and inspirations, working for the establishment of an even stronger democratic stratum

Useful links:
Civil Society Convention

“Euroscepticism at the gates of Europe”: the international event was held on 5th of March 2022 in Trieste, organized within the “EUScepticOBS: analyzing Euroscepticism, informing citizens and encouraging debates” project. 

The first part of the event was dedicated to the experts who exposed the key issue of how migration issues are often linked to Euroscepticism; with insights from the Balkan region and the European Union; nonetheless, reflecting on the current situation of the Russian war in Ukraine. 

Among participants at the roundtable:

  • EUscepticObserve project partners;
  • Antonella Valmorbida, Secretary General of “ALDA”, France;
  • Natasa Vučković, Executive Director of “Center for Democracy Foundation”, and member of ALDA Governing Board, Serbia;
  • Emir Coric, Representative of “Municipality of Centar” and member of ALDA Governing Board, North Macedonia;
  • Zoran Jovanovic, Counselor Special Advisor to the CEI Secretary General, and
  • Roberta Altin, Professor “cultural anthropology and migration”, University of Trieste, Italy

Key issue of how migration issues are often linked to Euroscepticism

The second part centered around a workshop where participants discussed and debated finalizing with a citizen’s manifesto tackling local activism, the engagement of civil society organizations and the role of local and European authorities.

Considering the present situation in Europe, the event was a great opportunity to get informed and to create active discussions.

On 7- 8 March 2022, Plœuc-L’Hermitage (France) hosted the European Seminary of LEADER France. The latter, created in 1991, has to be understood within the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), and specifically as a support for the transformation and diversification of rural areas.

More in depth, considering both the intrinsic European aspect of the association and the role that it plays within the national scene, and the ongoing French Presidency of the Council of the European Union,  Leader France organized this European LEADER Seminar.

 Mr. Duboisset and the ALDA team had the opportunity to present the “Climate Of Change” project to Mr. Joël Giraud, French Minister for Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Government and Mr. Thibaut Guignard, President of Leader France and Mayor of Ploeuc-l’Hermitage

Having this in mind, and in light of the of the great collaboration between ALDA and Leader France, as already testified by the participation of the former at the GAL national Congress of LEADER France in Troyes, ALDA Governing Board (GB) Member Dider Duboisset, and colleagues Célia Charre and Lisy Piter attend the European Seminary at the beginning of March.

Specifically, Mr. Duboisset and the ALDA team had the opportunity to present the “Climate Of Change” project to Mr. Joël Giraud, French Minister for Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Government and Mr. Thibaut Guignard, President of Leader France and Mayor of Ploeuc-l’Hermitage.

This event marked once again the strategic and prosperous relation between the two associations, for a greener planet!

Take a look at the agenda of the event

The Hemicycle of the European Parliament in Strasbourg will host her 4th plenary of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE), from Friday 11 March until Saturday 12 March.

Starting from the European Citizens’ Panels recommendations, and after having discussed them, the Conference Plenary will put forward its proposal to the Executive Board. The latter will be in charge of drafting a report in collaboration with the Plenary itself. 

ALDA will be among the 8 representatives of the civil society at the fourth plenary of the Conference on the Future of Europe

Since its beginning ALDA has been fully engaged within the process, both by animating its network and as an active player of the Civil Society Convention on the Conference on the Future of Europe (CSCoCoFoE). 

At the plenary meeting will focus on five main topics:

  • “Stronger economy, social justice and jobs”;
  • “Digital transformation”;
  • ”Education, culture, youth, and sport”;
  • “EU in the world” and
  • “Migration”

ALDA Secretary General, Ms. Antonella Valmorbida, will be among the 8 representatives of the civil society. 


Useful links:

Read the “Position of ALDA on CoFoE and Western Balkans” 

Read the article on ALDA’s role in the Civil Society Convention on the CoFoE 

Democracy Cluster 

Which are the next steps that Europe is going to take? How can people be actively engaged in this process?

The Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE), launched last year, was meant to animate the dialogue and reduce the gap between institutions and citizens, by allowing the latter to actively share their ideas and recommendations on the multilingual platform to shape the future of the Union.

Thus, focusing on the needs coming from local realities is crucial when setting the scene for future paths and actions. In light of this, ALDA Conference on the Future of Europe and followers to actively join the platform; and it is part of the Civil Society Convention on the CoFoE.

Yet, how far have the neighboring countries, such as the Western Balkans (WB), been able to make their voices heard, and join the process?

 ALDA further stresses its position on the WB, while making itself available as a strategic player for the future of both Europe and the Western Balkans

Unfortunately, the above-mentioned area has face not few difficulties in accessing the debate on the future of Europe. Yet, ALDA has developed many activities in and with WB Countries, gaining a very much solid and well-rooted expertise in the region.

In light of this, ALDA has drafted a formal document, stating its position as far as the Western Balkan and the Conference on the Future of Europe concern. As mentioned in the documents, seven recommendations have been made, among which:

  • Support for the integration of the Western Balkan in the European Union;
  • Foster youth involvement in the Western Balkans;
  • Promote the cooperation between local authorities and civil society

Thanks to this decisions, which has been presented also during the event “Euroscepticism at the gates of Europe”,  ALDA further stresses its position on the WB, while making itself available as a strategic player for the future of both Europe and the Western Balkans.


Useful links:

Read the “Position of ALDA on CoFoE and Western Balkans” 

Read the article on ALDA’s role in the Civil Society Convention on the CoFoE 

Trieste: the headquarters of CEI – Central European Initiative – hosted, on 4 March 2022, the meeting of the international Governing Board of ALDA.

The President O. Otočan, together with the Members and A.Valmorbida, Secretary General, discussed the statement in support of Ukraine. As previously said, ALDA “call for the EU to continue having an even more engaged role to end the military invasion of Ukraine and start a peace process”. At the same time, the four ways implemented by ALDA to support colleagues, friends and people of Ukraine were further analyzed and discussed among the participants.

In addition, the board went through some technical aspects of the Association itself, from the participation and animation of ALDA Members, to the role of Local Democracy Agencies. 

 President O. Otočan, together with the Members and A.Valmorbida, Secretary General, discussed the statement in support of Ukraine

Moreover, considering the upcoming event related to Euroscepticism, with a special focus to the Balkan region. The latter is also at the centre of a specific strategy developed by the Association, based on its long experience in the area.

Last but not least, the Board discussed the role of the Conference on the Future of Europe, as an opportunity to further better the next steps of the Union itself. 

In lights of the tremendous days in which people of Ukraine are living in, ALDA is constantly in touch with friends and colleagues in Mariupol, Dnipro, Kiev, the district of Odessa, Vinnitsa and other parts of the country. Thus, ALDA Secretary General, Ms. Valmorbida and Mr. Alexandru Coica, the head of Eastern Partnership Unit had today a call with the two Local Democracy Agencies located in Ukraine.

Following the Association’s statement, released right after the Russian invasion, the commitment of ALDA’s Governing Board Members and staff is constant and concrete. Hence, the Association is in touch not only with the LDAs  in Mariupol and Dnipro, but also with the respective municipalities. The city of Mariupol is now experiencing a very hard situation and conditions, which forced people and the whole team of the LDA to move West in search of a safer place. For Mariupol, they call for a humanitarian corridor to bring food and medicines and to be protected from airstrikes. The city is badly hit, house by house in the outskirts.

ALDA is working on an emergency mode, specifically dedicated to closely follow all the aspects and updates of the war in Ukraine

Therefore, the General Management office of ALDA has decided to define and emergency unit, specifically dedicated to closely follow all the aspects and updates of the war in Ukraine. ALDA regional office in Chisinau is on the front line, providing news, help and support..


On Wednesday 23rd February 2022  ALDA was in Rome at the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies to discuss the outcome of the BRIGHT project with local and national authorities, NGOs and the civil society!

The final conference of the project was an outstanding chance to share ideas and encourage the authorities to adopt more sustainable systems of governance, while explaining the methodology used in the project to co-plan welfare public services. 

The final conference of the project was an outstanding chance to share ideas and encourage the authorities to adopt more sustainable systems of governance

Several high-level speakers took part in the BRIGHT conference, as well as the women leaders, who described their experience and they stood out the results obtained in the South of Italy.

The BRIGHT’s final conference gave the possibility to highlight the outcomes of the project, while being an opportunity to think about the next steps and what is still yet to do to tackle the challenges for women inclusion in decision making processes.

On Monday 14th March 2022, ALDA officially signed the declaration of Strasbourg for the Conference on the Future of Europe: Appel de Strasbourg.

During few months, ALDA worked alongside others local organisations on this specific declaration that aim to demonstrate the European commitment of the territory, by setting up concrete recommendations allowing to make the city of Alsace the emblematic place of the democracy and the European citizenship.

ALDA officially signed the declaration of Strasbourg for the Conference on the Future of Europe: Appel de Strasbourg

The official restitution took place in Strasbourg City Hall where the document was presented to the press and signed by the Mayor and the members involved into the writing process.

For the occasion, Guy Verhofstadt (Co-Chair of the CoFoe Executive Committee) was present, delivered an inspiring speech on Europe links with Strasbourg and how the CoFoe marks a turning point in the institutions history. Then, he received the document.

To read and sign the Appel de Strasbourg, please click here

On March 4th, the city of Trieste will host the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ALDA – the European Association of Local Democracy – and CEI – the Central European Initiative.

President of ALDA, Mr Oriano Otocan, together with Secretary General of the CEI, Mr Roberto Antonione, and Secretary General of ALDA, Ms Antonella Valmorbida will attend the ceremony. Moreover, Mr Massimiliano Fedriga, President of the “Friuli Venezia Giulia” Autonomous Region will also be among the keynote speakers at the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding.

ALDA is looking forward to this signing ceremony, testifying the fruitful collaboration with CEI

Thus, the capital city of the “Friuli Venezia Giulia” Autonomous Region will be the scenario of this institutional moment, which marks the formalization of this long-lasting collaboration between these two actors. Particularly focusing on the the work of the two organizations in the Balkans region, the Memorandum will further spur the harmony among the two organizations, as already happened within the “WELCOMING project”, aimed at discussing the issues related to migrations and to exchange the best practices and experiences in this field.

ALDA is looking forward to this signing ceremony, testifying the fruitful collaboration with CEI.

ALDA has been active in Libya since the start of the Nicosia initiative, that the Association has closely followed and in the framework of which its work is ascribed. This engagement takes place through various forms of actions, including technical assistance and research, and is now managing activities with a direct impact on the population. In particular, ALDA is engaged in two projects on women empowerment and capacity building for local authorities.

The first project, called “Dialogues et échanges autours de la place de la femme au sein de la société civile en Libye” (Dialogues and exchanges around the place of women in the Libyan civil society), is a part of the FAIR II initiative. The latter is managed by REF – Réseau Euromed France and funded by Agence Française de Développement (AFD). ALDA, in partnership with ASODH, a French NGO active in Libya, is at the lead of the project.

This project comprises two main activities: the first one consists in psycho-social coaching of 50 women and recreational needs of around 100 children (DPIs, war violence…) in Tarhouna. This activity was accomplished by the local NGO Fatima Zohra and included conferences on mental health, training sessions on crisis response for women and economic empowerment for girls, as well as recreational activities through drawings and games for children. The second activity is a webinar entitled “Être femme entre Libye et Tunisie: partageons les défis!” which was organized on 17th February. The webinar had 6 speakers from Libyan and Tunisian civil society and local authorities, sharing their journeys, obstacles, and keys to success for women’s empowerment.

In Libya, ALDA is engaged in two projects: on women empowerment and capacity building for local authorities

The second project, “REBUILD – Research and Education Building Urban Institutions for Local Development“, is funded by the European Commission (DG DEVCO). The main focus of the project is to strengthen local public services in Libya through a permanent training mechanism delivered by Libyan universities to Libyan municipalities. This project is directed by the “Provincia Autonoma di Trento” (Autonomous Province of Trento) – Italy – together with “Centro di Cooperazione Internazionale” (Centre for International Cooperation) and 10 Libyan Municipalities.

In the framework of this project, ALDA is a subcontractor and is designing and delivering a training module to 10 Libyan universities which will train 10 Libyan local authorities. ALDA’s module will be held both online and in-person in September 2022. For this project, ALDA will also contribute to build a “Community of practices” on territorial sustainable development.

What ALDA works towards, concerning the Libyan context, is part of its  Middle East & Africa and global strategy: it advocate for stable institutions, decentralisation, and capable local governments that fully involve citizens and civil society in decision-making processes, as well as women empowerment. With these projects, ALDA really hopes to give its sound contribution to these aims, and it is looking forward to further support new initiatives in the country.

Read the article on the role of CSO-LA collaboration in the framework of the decentralisation process in Libya.

The BRIGHT Project is coming to an end. After finishing the last Capacity Building workshop dedicated to Greece, on February 25th a meeting will be held to share the results achieved in Italy, and where all citizens can participate. The meeting will take place in the charming Normanno Svevo Castle, in the municipality of Mesagne (Brindisi) starting from 4pm.

During the conference, ALDA and the project partners (ActionAid & Labsus), will collaborate with the territorial institutions and ISBEM, the European Biomedical Scientific Institute, to raise awareness on the capacities of local actors and to encourage European countries to adopt governance systems that allow female citizens who migrate for work to actively participate in the decision-making processes. Eventually, they will illustrate the Collaboration Pacts, used as a meta-model in the BRIGHT project.

In particular, the aim of the meeting is to help territorial institutions adopt the participation processes designed and developed by the project to involve women workers in the agricultural sector, as well as in the care and assistance sector, to co-design innovative welfare services.

The final conference of BRIGHT will take place in Rome on the 23rd of February in the premises of the Ministry of Agriculture

In the end, there will be a debate in which participants will have the chance to share their reflections on practices and tools to increase participation and access to services for community citizens.

The conference of Mesagne will be two days after the final conference of the project, which will involve all the partners with whom ALDA has collaborated to promote the social inclusion of Romanian and Bulgarian women employed in agriculture, care, and assistance sectors in Southern Italy.

The final conference of BRIGHT will take place in Rome on the 23rd of February in the premises of the Ministry of Agriculture. Again, the event is open to anyone wishing to attend and will take place in a hybrid format, both online and in-person.

💻To take part at the final conference online: register here

📔 Read the agenda of the final conference here

Stay update on the events and news of the BRIGHT project, follow us on Facebook!